Can you be even more specific? Absolute numbers as far as diet, training weights/sets/reps/etc.
Shame on me, I have not counted daily caloric intake (and protein,fat,carbs) in a while, so I cant give you that info (use to use fitday).
Training: For example in the outline I posted above, Day 1 looked like this this .(just started this program, the 6 weeks prior I was doing 3 x week full body) ......
Elip warm up 5 minutes
Armcircles and pushups for warm up
DB Bench 40 x 20
60 x 15
60 x 15
60 x 12
60 x 10
80 x 4 then immediately 40 x 10
1-1.5 min rests between sets (I work up to 100's for multiple sets of 5-6 reps and I dont drop the weights)
Free motion cable flys 40 x 10 4 sets
4 sets of push ups ~12-15 reps on small medicine ball (1 hand on ball 1 hand on floor then switching each rep)
4 sets of light (no rest from side to side) DB rows 40lbs x 12 (heavier back day later in week)
3-4 sets of Db Lateral/front raises
Just finally rehabed a nagging Rotator cuff impingement from practicing MMA.
For reference: my PR in Deadlift on the 5th set of working up to it was 405 at 163 lbs--no straps
Favorite lifts are Squats, deads, pull-ups (strict-sometimes weighted-not crossfit style)