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best regimen for healing the brain after multi-substance abuse/mdma

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#61 medievil

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 07:34 PM

Local illigalities shouldnt influence discussions here.

#62 Thorsten3

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 07:42 PM

Little research to find out that it is oxidative damage from MDMA that causes the damage would quickly prompt you to use materials and posts here and elsewhere to find nootropics that have antioxidant properties. I am seeing an increased trend in the discussions of illegal drug use on the imminst boards, and it is disconcerting to say the least.

Prescription drugs are 'illegal drugs' to possess without a prescription, and yet there are (and always have been) many threads on these forums dedicated to discussing the best suppliers.

Where do you live? Drugs in my possesion without a prescription are not illegal unless they are controlled substances. I'm not going to go to jail for possessing an anti-depressant I've bought off the internet. Or were you referring to the 'controlled' prescription drugs? The chemicals I have had imported into the UK for my own personal use have on occasions been stopped by customs - but then released and sent on their way to my lovely doorstep!

america doesnt allow any prescription drugs

Haha that is kind of weird. The irony of the biggest pharm guzzling nation on the planet having such strict measures. I think your country is wonderful in some ways and quite rather strange in others. Here as long as you are importing for individual use and/or research they just let it through. Anything in larger quantities is problematic though.

#63 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 07:59 PM

Some misinformation here, we are able to import up to a 90 day supply of any uncontrolled prescription drug here in the U.S. I have enough imported medication in my possession to open a small pharmacy.

Edited by FunkOdyssey, 14 April 2010 - 08:00 PM.

#64 polybi

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:18 PM

Some misinformation here, we are able to import up to a 90 day supply of any uncontrolled prescription drug here in the U.S. I have enough imported medication in my possession to open a small pharmacy.

nope your not, you were but you havnt been allowed for a while now. youv just not been caught but i dont think they care that much

Edited by polybi, 14 April 2010 - 08:19 PM.

#65 LabRat84

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:31 PM

Little research to find out that it is oxidative damage from MDMA that causes the damage would quickly prompt you to use materials and posts here and elsewhere to find nootropics that have antioxidant properties. I am seeing an increased trend in the discussions of illegal drug use on the imminst boards, and it is disconcerting to say the least.

Prescription drugs are 'illegal drugs' to possess without a prescription, and yet there are (and always have been) many threads on these forums dedicated to discussing the best suppliers.

Where do you live? Drugs in my possesion without a prescription are not illegal unless they are controlled substances. I'm not going to go to jail for possessing an anti-depressant I've bought off the internet. Or were you referring to the 'controlled' prescription drugs? The chemicals I have had imported into the UK for my own personal use have on occasions been stopped by customs - but then released and sent on their way to my lovely doorstep!

america doesnt allow any prescription drugs

Haha that is kind of weird. The irony of the biggest pharm guzzling nation on the planet having such strict measures. I think your country is wonderful in some ways and quite rather strange in others. Here as long as you are importing for individual use and/or research they just let it through. Anything in larger quantities is problematic though.

We're also the biggest pharm-innovating nation on the planet, and these laws exist to protect the profits of the pharma companies that actually invent the drugs.
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#66 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:41 PM

Some misinformation here, we are able to import up to a 90 day supply of any uncontrolled prescription drug here in the U.S. I have enough imported medication in my possession to open a small pharmacy.

nope your not, you were but you havnt been allowed for a while now. youv just not been caught but i dont think they care that much

Customs has opened some of these packages, and recently too. They look at the drugs, tape the boxes back up, and send them along. I don't know what is technically supposed to be happening but this is the reality.

Edited by FunkOdyssey, 14 April 2010 - 08:42 PM.

#67 Lallante

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 08:45 PM

Some misinformation here, we are able to import up to a 90 day supply of any uncontrolled prescription drug here in the U.S. I have enough imported medication in my possession to open a small pharmacy.

nope your not, you were but you havnt been allowed for a while now. youv just not been caught but i dont think they care that much

Customs has opened some of these packages, and recently too. They look at the drugs, tape the boxes back up, and send them along. I don't know what is technically supposed to be happening but this is the reality.

No doubt, but that happens with lots of out-and-out illegal stuff too (someone I know had to pay duty on a package of magic mushrooms!). I just dont think customs care unless its a large quantity or its on their 'list'

#68 chrono

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Posted 15 April 2010 - 12:08 AM

Importing a 3 month supply of unapproved medication is still allowed. Technically it can be considered illegal, but the FDA openly allows it for a couple of reasons. See their explanation, and the relevant section of the regulatory procedures manual.

How much this applies in theory and practice to non-controlled substances which are approved in this country, I'm not so clear on.

#69 Shulginstestsubject

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Posted 13 May 2010 - 03:17 AM

I am experiencing the same type of difficulty. I used to abuse drugs such as oxycontin, adderall, xanax, MDMA, cocaine, etc.. I checked into rehab about 5 1/2 months ago. I have been completely clean ever since. I do have a supplement regimen that really works for me. Everyone is different, but maybe it'll work for others as well.

Morning: 750 mg d,l phenylalanine for general physical pain from opiate withdrawals (post acute now, obviously, but still present), as an antidepressent/anxiolytic, and as a dopamine precursor
500 mg of phosphatidylserine for memory issues, this one really helps me out, i think it's supposed to be like "potent brain food" in a way, and I think it also stimulates NGF. Its supposed to help overall brain signalling, especially through dopaminergic and cholinergic pathways. I also enjoy the vivid dreams.

Midday/whenever: ginseng, ginko, and/or rhodiola. These are just adaptogens that are supposed to reduce stress levels and improve cognition/short term memory

Night: 100 mg 5 HTP for depression, irritability, sleeplessness. It is a direct serotonin precursor. Probably helps with a MDMA hangover/withdrawal.
600 mg of liquid ionic magnesium for anxiety, heart issues, feeling "hypertensive"-ish, and helping me sleep

all of that along with caffeine pills.

I've been contemplating trying aniracetam. But I don't want to buy it, and then find out that I'm a "non-responder". I'd like some feedback on this regimen, and I'd like to know if anyone thinks that aniracetam would be worth a try for me.

#70 bacopa

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Posted 13 May 2010 - 03:50 AM

Dear friend,

it is unfortunate that some of our fellow posters have been a bit nasty... Your situation is more common than you think.... No medication that you get from a doctor is going to restore the damage done immediately.. Remember, ecstasy does not damage your ability to reason nor does it hinder your ability to perform complex tasks. The fear of MDMA abuse is mainly damage to memory consolidation and short term memory. I assume you probably know of the imaging studies and memory task studies done on previous abusers of MDMA, and unfortunately, unlike cannabis, the results are conclusive.. the good news is, the damage is minimal, and only affects certain areas. There is a study (I think) showing that short term recall is compromised 6 months or a year after follow up post-mdma use..

First of all, you can do the tried and tested, and proven to work methods, of learning new tasks, taking up reading, learning new topics... Become a voracious reader and learner. set aside time, everyday to read and contemplate. Read about complex issues, and be flexible. A good place to start is a book which will confuse you at times, but is excellent, is the elegant universe, by brian greene. Do you play an instrument, or do you know any foreign languages??? If yes, than improve on it, learn new things associated with your instrument, new tunes on the piano, etc. if not, take up a foreign language, or an instrument...

have you tried the dual-nback??? although anecdotal, there is some evidence that it might improve working memory, which is probably the most important aspect of your cognition.... search brain workshop in google...

exercise.... 20 minutes of mild-moderate aerobic exercise has been the ONLY PROOF of in-vivo neurogenesis, and has been found to be as effective, if not, more than anti-depressants for mood problems.... I cannot emphasize how important this step is....

avoid alcohol if it is a problem, if not, have ONLY ONE UNIT a day.... consumption of one unit a day of alcohol has its benefits, being anti-oxidative, and the fact that occasional light drinkers are less likely to suffer cognitive problems than complete abstainers or heavy drinkers.... avoid amphetaminergic drugs LIKE THE PLAGUE...... avoid benzos and any sedative drugs....

try basic supplements,,, DHA, omega 3, multivit/min, you cant go wrong with these.....

The part that you probably wanted all along... This forum is full of concoctions of drugs and nootropics, and many of the members here are well versed (many, not all, you will know from the post, im sure).... start light, acetylcarnitine and piracetam maybe.... Avoid cholinergics for now, they are like an increase in memory, on lease.

do you have an addiction problem??? address that. there is non-medical help available in many places.... maybe NA or a local addiction clinic... if you do have mood problems that are problematic, i would try the exercise routine, and if ineffective, than medical help may do it (although anti-depressants have been shown to exhibit minimal benefit over placebo, sometimes none, while aerobic exercise has been shown to exhibit clinically significant benefit over placebo)\

and no, drugs dont stay in your system for decades... the longest i know of is marijuana, which may linger for 4-6 weeks maximum....... if that was the case, than 50% of healthcare workers would get fired tomorrow following routine drug tests......

I will agree with the last poster regarding LSD. Even in medical school, we are taught that LSD has no known long term effects, nor dependence, nor any issues.. and in medical school, if any doctors are here will know, EVERYTHING not licensed by some big shot company, IS EVIL. And regarding the mercury, I wouldnt go that direction yet.....

I would recommend, and this is from top docs in my circumstances, rigorous exercise, and possibly lithium for regrowing grey matter and neuroprotection. I have a horrible memory but I also take ALCAR, ALA, lions main life extensions Cognitex, MCT oil, Ubiquinol, creatine, (recent studies show they work synergistically," and even consider inositol, or a choline source, DMAE, Phoshphtyl serine, all supposed good for staving off long term brain damage, and neuronal deficinicies including brain atrophy, synaptic pruning, and dementias. Also anticholinesterase inhibitors like Deprenyl and Galantamine have shown neuro-protective effects including helping with memory and other executive functions.

#71 rebinator

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Posted 14 October 2010 - 04:22 AM

forgive my presumption, but at least one of you sounds like an American, what with the concern about 'legality' of drugs, and the fear of the 'dead end job'. LOL. Onethinks one should be more terrified about loss of imagination...

mdma, being a phenethylamine (as opposed to a raw hydrocarbon like ethanol) is far more forgiving on the brain than what most people expose themselves to on a daily basis.

As far as permanent damage, even the 'irreversible' changes wrought by, say, MAOI's, can be recovered from by simple reg-term omega-3 metabolisation, and abstinence from other heavy oxidants (like booze, opioids, junk food, etc.

Short term memory loss can be from as seemingly benign circumstances such as aborted sleep cycle, or excess caffeine consumption. With powerdosage of antioxidants like EFA's, 5-htp, ascorbic and R-lipoic-acids, any of the hazards inherent in mdma consumption can be blocked effectively, if not completely. For those who adhere to the regimen, yet wish to experience daily mdma bliss, the rate-limiter is strictly amount of quality REM sleep.

Anxiety is the most potent neurotoxin of all, bottom line. I remember after a particularly intense period of abuse, I could actually feel the change, subtle as it was. I was terrified of never being the 'same' again. However, that particular 'same' included a lot of baggage, which could only be dealt with effectively by a psychedelic entheogen with cholinergic properties (like mdma), in addition to some quality company and music. The only thing required on my part was discipline, faith, and a solid education on just what made my brain tick. After that, I found that what I did while on something was far more important than merely what that 'something' was.

The important thing is in knowing that your brain is 'fine' and sticking to that kind of indicator. Are there not enough lawyers out there already?
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