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Cordyceps-Anyone taking this?

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#61 incognitivito

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 05:31 AM


#62 spermidine

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 02:20 AM

dr's best & jarrow always have good quality products, plus good reviews on iherb... i just bought the dr best from iherb. the fact that mushroom science only has 4 employees doesnt bother me at all... they sell wood grown, hot water extracted mushrooms standardized to very specific scientifically defined amounts of the actives. their reishi is very potent, so potent (sedative) that i cant even take it during the day.

im going for exactly the effects steve listed Posted Image

Sigh. They say no good deed goes unpunished.

How do you know Dr's Best has good quality products? Consumer Labs caught them out at least once. Jarrow? I've gotten bottles with broken capsules, partly filled capsules, and what looked like floor sweepings in the capsules. True, anyone can have a bad batch in a largish operation but reputations can be overblown and out of date. Both companies do skip-lot testing, as the FDA allows. It's like people who are famous for being famous. They're good because everybody says they're good. Even so, I'd take them over most others in the business; but for mushroom products I'd go to the source, or as close as possible.

My point on Mushroom Science is that they are too small to produce themselves. They probably are conscientious and use high quality sources, but they are not primary producers. They contract out manufacture to a GMC facility, which may source the material for them. It can and probably still is of good quality.

Among professional mycologists (and I know several personally) Stamets' reputation stands out. I think most if not all producers in this country get their cultures from him.

"ow do you know Dr's Best has good quality products? Consumer Labs caught them out at least once. Jarrow? I've gotten bottles with broken capsules, partly filled capsules, and what looked like floor sweepings in the capsules. True, anyone can have a bad batch in a largish operation but reputations can be overblown and out of date. Both companies do skip-lot testing, as the FDA allows. It's like people who are famous for being famous."

lol i absolutely agree 100%. i caught Jarrow with so much crap, its unbelievable. most of their supps seem to be filler.
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#63 ajnast4r

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 04:44 AM

lol i absolutely agree 100%. i caught Jarrow with so much crap, its unbelievable. most of their supps seem to be filler.

I'm sorry I just dont believe this and what does 'seem to be' even mean? Jarrow's quality control is among the best in the world & their manufacturing facility is state of the art. If you have any problems or doubt I would suggest you contact the company before smearing them.



Edited by ajnast4r, 14 March 2013 - 04:56 AM.

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#64 spermidine

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 05:13 AM

oh yeh ? by "seem to be" i meant, not definate for 100% fact because im not rich to be able to afford proper lab test on it but its based on other brands comparison, and jarrow's is not as potent. which has led me to assumption its "probably" fillers in most of the capsule size. of course, i will give benefit of doubt not ALL of their supplements have those issues, but once i came accross few (luckily having another brand to compare to) they failed.

anyway, you seem so supportive of them, maybe working or marketing for them, rather not argue. people will in time start having their own opinions on it.

Edited by spermidine, 14 March 2013 - 05:16 AM.

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#65 ajnast4r

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 06:25 PM

oh yeh ? by "seem to be" i meant, not definate for 100% fact because im not rich to be able to afford proper lab test on it but its based on other brands comparison, and jarrow's is not as potent. which has led me to assumption its "probably" fillers in most of the capsule size. of course, i will give benefit of doubt not ALL of their supplements have those issues, but once i came accross few (luckily having another brand to compare to) they failed.

anyway, you seem so supportive of them, maybe working or marketing for them, rather not argue. people will in time start having their own opinions on it.

so by seem to be, you mean you made it up based on your subjective experience rather than any sort of actual facts? just because you had a better subjective response to another brand doesnt mean that Jarrow is 'filler'. Perhaps it would be better to say something a long the lines of a specific product not working well for you and not smear the entire company with potentially damaging, completely made up claims.

peoples opinions on a brands quality control based simply on the effects a supplement has on them is literally worthless. what matters is the company actually doing the high level of quality control to assure consistantly reliable quality products, which Jarrow is... this is not debatable and not subject to personal opinion or experience.
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#66 spermidine

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Posted 15 March 2013 - 01:48 AM

ok buddy. so basically i get more than one supplements from Jarrow compared to another company (i wont advertise it to show im not marketing) and it fails in many accounts. Jarrow had 2-3 supplements having half filled capsules several cases in each bottle. it had bad quality (more than recomended dose i usually need was required for same result), and the filler problems i figure when i dilude them in water, i can see the fillers settling around the bottle of water compared to the other brand.
yes, its subjective. i tested it myself. i have reported this now. take care !

Edited by spermidine, 15 March 2013 - 01:50 AM.

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#67 normalizing

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Posted 13 July 2017 - 03:22 AM

cordyceps,  anyone still taking it??

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