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Want to begin CR. I'm looking for a few answers.

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#1 Jacob

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Posted 21 March 2010 - 09:25 PM

Hello everyone here at imminst.org. I have recently come across the concept of CRON and I am very interested in moving towards a CR diet.
I have done a lot of research on the internet pertaining to CR and I need some advice on how to best implement it into my lifestyle. I am 17 years old and weigh a mere 130 pounds. I am interested in the benefits of CR but I'm worried about how it will affect my health as I am underweight currently. I have read that the best time to start CR is after the body stops growing, somewhere between 18-24(?). I am worried that I will not be able to maintain my weight if I reduce the calories that I intake now. Should I wait until my metabolism slows and my body is full grown? Or should I begin slowly reducing and just monitor my weight, stopping if it falls too low.

#2 Michael

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 11:56 AM

Hi Jacob,

I appreciate both your drive to start CR ASAP (I often kick myself for having put it off for so long) and your reseervations about doing so (I started off skinny). However, you have heard correctly: in your case it really is to soon to start. Aside from what might be going on in your long bones or internal organs, your brain hasn't even finished myelinating yet, which is why so many of your peers are making stupid, impulsive decisions ;) . Wait 'till you're at least 21, and 24 is probably a better bet.

Meanwhile, you can make the ultimate transition easier by moving into an extremely healthy, CR-like diet:more high-nutrient, low-Calorie foods (vegetables, fruits, lean protein (turkey, chicken breast, Quorn, most fish, low-fat soy, eggwhites, fillet mignon, low-fat dairy, etc), and good fats (avocadoes, nuts, olive oil, flax oil, etc)) and fewer and fewer lower-nutrient, high-Calorie foods (sugar, margarine, and lard, obviously, but also full-fat dairy and meat, refined flour, regular potatoes and to some extent even whole grains and starchy root vegetables).

No, there is no way to avoid losing weight on CR. If you don't lose weight, you're not in negative energy balance, which is a sure sign your Calories haven't actuallly been restricted. Sorry!

#3 Jacob

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 04:29 PM

Okay, I'm all set to not CR for the next few years. However I am very interested in the affects of CR other than reduced aging. Is there a way I can get the benefits of more energy, clearer mind, improved eyesight and so on, without reducing my calories to a level too low for someone my age. I haven't managed my diet very much in the past and if I begin eating a planned, optimal nutrient, diet will I see some of those benefits?

On another note, should I begin trying to add to my weight, so that when I am able to begin CR I can safely lose a few pounds and still stay in the range of other CRON members my size? I was considering changing my diet to not only provide optimal nutrition but also create a calorie surplus, in order to reach a safe weight of about 150 pds.

#4 Forever21

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 08:40 PM

too early man. wait till you're 27.
in 10 years.

its best to spend those 10 years in what's called "deliberate practice" for 10,000hrs. growing your myelin. your life would have more meaning, greater joy and abundance.

second, develop a deep personal relationship with friends you can call family for life.

third, and an adequate diet (optional)

Edited by Forever21, 22 March 2010 - 08:52 PM.

#5 Jacob

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 10:45 PM

Okay I've heard this myelin thing twice now, can you explain what that is? What can I do to help that process

#6 Forever21

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Posted 22 March 2010 - 11:00 PM

Okay I've heard this myelin thing twice now, can you explain what that is? What can I do to help that process

In this order, read the following books

The Talent Code
Talent is Overrated
The Genius in All of Us

Hurry young man. Your clock is ticking. :)

I would give everything I have, do everything I can to be 17 again.

#7 David Styles

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 12:19 AM

I would give everything I have, do everything I can to be 17 again.

Would, or will?

That is what we're working towards, functionally :)

#8 Forever21

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 12:33 AM

I would give everything I have, do everything I can to be 17 again.

Would, or will?

That is what we're working towards, functionally :)

In the context of this thread "would".

#9 Jacob

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 01:55 AM

Thanks for the leads. I still need to get the 120 year diet but I will put priority on those 4 since its more relevant. I wish my public library was better stocked so I didn't have to pay for them.

#10 Marios Kyriazis

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 08:12 PM

Thanks for the leads. I still need to get the 120 year diet but I will put priority on those 4 since its more relevant. I wish my public library was better stocked so I didn't have to pay for them.

I agree that it is too early for CR now. If you have time, also look into Calorie Restriction Mimetics. Not suitable for people as young as you, but after a few years you could start taking some resveratrol etc.

#11 Matt

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Posted 23 March 2010 - 09:20 PM

Jacob, I've been on CR from a young age you can msg me anytime you want on my facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=635673153 if you wish!

I started to eat healthy when I was 18, and that (without intentional CR) made me lose weight... and from an already lowish weight, then when I was 20 I restricted even further. Maybe I could have grew a bit taller, but not I'll never know :D I'd say wait until your 20, and no need to start as late as 27. The earlier the better. The brain also don't finish developing until around 25, but we don't know if CR would have any negative affects on this.

The main drawback of serious CR is the negative comments because of how skinny you can end up. Typically if you get down to low BMI they think you're ill. So be prepared for that, this is especially true for young people who start CR. Try explaining to your family why you're like a stick man lol

Edited by Matt, 23 March 2010 - 09:23 PM.

#12 Skötkonung

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Posted 24 March 2010 - 05:53 PM

I would hold off on CR until at least 23/24 if you want to maximize your height potential. Although, if you are already underweight from bad dietary habits (insufficient protein or calories), you could have already stunted it?

Since you have some time before starting CR, I would practice the ON part of CRON. Get really good at preparing highly nutritious meals, familiarize yourself with CRON-o-meter.

#13 sthira

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 04:23 PM

Great advice here. I'll add to stay away from obvious things known to cause you harm: smoking, binge drinking, not wearing your seatbelt, inactivity, lack of peace and quiet, separation from nature. Be careful in your car! Don't buy a motorcycle! Find a career you can be passionate about -- pursue something you love that's marketable -- find a trade, a skill -- anything! -- to support your own, independent healthy choices so you're not dependent on others if others disagree with your CR practice.

One thing: try to stop caring what others may or may not think about you -- you're underweight, you're overweight, you're not smart enough, you're too smart, you're homely, you're handsome, you're too loud, you're too shy... There's always something. If you're naturally thin, use it to your advantage, don't try to "create a calorie surplus" in order to acheive some ideal weight. The ideal weight will never arrive: work on clear thinking instead, and this will last a lifetime. Read Plato -- God, I wish I'd read Socrates' ranting when I was 17...

#14 Jacob

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:10 PM

Wow. Thanks everyone for all the responses. I appreciate all the different thoughts cause it makes finding a best path easier. It seems I should definitely start eating more nutritious, pretty unanimous from everyone. I'm am not concerned with my height, I am 6' even and I am totally comfortable with this height. I am more concerned about the chance of damage to my brain growth. I am planning a 4 year degree in a complicated subject (Computer programming and engineering) shortly and will need all the brain growth I can have to get the best possible training in my field. Thanks Matt for offer, it would be nice to talk to someone who had a similar experience as I probably will. I'll keep watching this thread if anyone feels they have anything to add.

#15 Matt

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Posted 26 March 2010 - 04:29 AM

if it helps, i failed badly in school, i started CR and this was during college, and all my grades in college were A's or equiv ... i got smarter, I think :S

my memory improved so much!!! My concentration improved and confidence improved. I felt more 'alive' and curious. It's difficult to explain. It's like a fog lifted that you never knew you had. So say I started CR when I was 18 (im now 25), I don't feel like i'm mentally retarted or anything :-) jaja. I'm much more sensitive since CR, more kind, patient, and all around better person. All good! My brain is good! But still... age 20 is fine I think, and some people here started at 18 years of age by the way! I hope they reply to the thread. And well... I still look like I could be in high school :-)

Edited by Matt, 26 March 2010 - 04:34 AM.

#16 Jacob

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Posted 26 March 2010 - 12:35 PM

All those lifestyle improvements are what makes CR so tempting for me in the first place. I have no fear that science will not be able to invent immortality in my lifetime. I will probably start reducing calories around age 20 and slowly work down to a good level over the next 5 years or so after that. This seems to be fairly safe and should get me the benefits I want fairly early. I wish there was more definitive answers from experiments to know for sure if I should.

#17 full_circle

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Posted 26 March 2010 - 01:10 PM

sorry for being negative but giving up all that corporeal glory of 20s...

#18 openeyes

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 11:24 PM

Thanks for the leads. I still need to get the 120 year diet but I will put priority on those 4 since its more relevant. I wish my public library was better stocked so I didn't have to pay for them.

Ask your library about getting items via interlibrary loan. If you live in the United States you should be able to get books from most any other library in the US, either free or for a nominal price, it just might take a little while for it to arrive.

#19 Esoparagon

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 11:49 AM

too early man. wait till you're 27.
in 10 years.

its best to spend those 10 years in what's called "deliberate practice" for 10,000hrs. growing your myelin. your life would have more meaning, greater joy and abundance.

second, develop a deep personal relationship with friends you can call family for life.

third, and an adequate diet (optional)

Deliberate practice doing what?

#20 Immiye

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 03:04 AM

Great advice here. I'll add to stay away from obvious things known to cause you harm [...]

One thing: try to stop caring what others may or may not think about you [...] work on clear thinking instead, and this will last a lifetime. Read Plato -- God, I wish I'd read Socrates' ranting when I was 17...

Where would be a good place to find Plato or Socrates' rantings?

Edited by Michael, 12 November 2010 - 09:43 PM.
Trim quotes

#21 stevenreno

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Posted 03 November 2010 - 06:56 PM

Hello everyone here at imminst.org. I have recently come across the concept of CRON and I am very interested in moving towards a CR diet.
I have done a lot of research on the internet pertaining to CR and I need some advice on how to best implement it into my lifestyle. I am 17 years old and weigh a mere 130 pounds. I am interested in the benefits of CR but I'm worried about how it will affect my health as I am underweight currently. I have read that the best time to start CR is after the body stops growing, somewhere between 18-24(?). I am worried that I will not be able to maintain my weight if I reduce the calories that I intake now. Should I wait until my metabolism slows and my body is full grown? Or should I begin slowly reducing and just monitor my weight, stopping if it falls too low.

Hello, (good subject) I started CR when I was 19, I am now 56, I went down to 130 pounds I am 6 foot 1/inch I looked unhealthy but never aged. I started CR again at the age of 53 and now look 30ish again! (see profile)

#22 JohnD60

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 08:15 PM

30ish? No. Based solely upon your profile pic (the one on the left) and the itty bitty facebook pic I would have guessed 48. But the pics are too small to see any facial wrinkles, a larger face pic might increased my estimate of your age. And I didn't see any links to your rejuvenation plan as referenced in another post.

#23 openeyes

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 07:49 AM

Hello, (good subject) I started CR when I was 19, I am now 56, I went down to 130 pounds I am 6 foot 1/inch I looked unhealthy but never aged. I started CR again at the age of 53 and now look 30ish again! (see profile)

What was your original weight before starting at 19 when it went down to 130? How long were you on CR the first time? How did things change when you went off CR?

What was your weight before going back on CR at 53? What is it now?

Have you done any blood work to chart any of the changes?



#24 stevenreno

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Posted 17 December 2010 - 02:26 AM

30ish? No. Based solely upon your profile pic (the one on the left) and the itty bitty facebook pic I would have guessed 48. But the pics are too small to see any facial wrinkles, a larger face pic might increased my estimate of your age. And I didn't see any links to your rejuvenation plan as referenced in another post.

Rejuvenation PLAN? Its simple, exercise every day, eat right with plenty of anti-oxidants, take plenty vitamins and minerals, 3 days a week HGH and hormone secretagogues, and make sure you are in a state of NAD+ synthesis!
Nicotinamide Riboside Kinase, tryptophan, and Niacinamide are the key for activating Human Sirt-2, Sirt4, Sirt5, Sirt6, and Sirt7 genes
FIRST.-- DO YOUR RESEARCH experiment on yourself, and you see the difference.
People dont want to have to change their lifestyle, they just want a dam pill

#25 clairvoyant

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Posted 30 January 2012 - 12:07 AM

Question about CR. What kind of CR should I do?

Assume that I have the perfect body mass index suitable for life extension.
Assume that I have enough money to support myself without having to work.
Assume that I am in perfect health for 44-year-old male but with some nascent signs of aging: a few white hairs on my beard and without multiple erections such as they were when I was between 16 and 30. Possibly lessen aerobic endurance also.

What kind of CR should I do?
I can do it with or without physical activity. Please note that resting I will be able to reduce the calories much more.

Option 1:
Lying on the bed all day long in a normally heated apartment, close to refrigerator and the toilet. Ingesting little food to maintain my perfect weight. In this case, I will survive on FEWEST calories.

Option 2:
Normal life with some fitness but without extensive aerobic exercises. Possibly without work and stress. Much calories will be needed here.

Option 3:
You offer the degree of the physical activity and the way of life so that the greatest life span can be achieved.

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