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Lets change the name of the Immortality Institute!

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#1 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 06:58 AM

I think the name of the Immortality Institute should be changed because the word Immortality makes people think we are a group of cultists or Science fiction nerds or something

I think the Name MILE (the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension) would be a better name. It's catch phrase could be "The Mile Institute, advocacy and research to give you those extra miles in life".
The word MILE would be better than Immortality because MILE is a more neutral word without religious/controversial/Science Fiction connotations. It also more accurately describes what Imminst is about and what we support, "Life extension"

I'll make a support list of who is in favour of this name change.

If you don't support the name MILE but you still support that Imminst should change it's name, state it in your post and think of a name you would like better.

Edited by The Indefinite Lifespaner, 25 March 2010 - 07:47 AM.

#2 Mind

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 07:07 AM

That is a nice name. The problem we usually run in to when a new name is suggested (every year, sometimes twice a year), is that all the top level domains are taken (mile.com, mile.net, mile.org) and/or there is already a group that uses the acronym.

We have also thought about a DBA name but just haven't got around to using it. MILE could be a candidate.

#3 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 07:22 AM

That is a nice name. The problem we usually run in to when a new name is suggested (every year, sometimes twice a year), is that all the top level domains are taken (mile.com, mile.net, mile.org) and/or there is already a group that uses the acronym.

We have also thought about a DBA name but just haven't got around to using it. MILE could be a candidate.

How about www.MILE Institute.org ? Is that taken?

Whats a DBA name?

Is there any candidates you know of that other people have suggested?

#4 Forever21

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 07:24 AM

Indeed. This movement will not be taken seriously even by aliens. There is no such thing as Immortality and that's undesirable to begin with.

Life Extension
Indefinite Lifespan

#5 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 07:41 AM

and/or there is already a group that uses the acronym.

We have also thought about a DBA name but just haven't got around to using it. MILE could be a candidate.

Oh is that a problem if one project is using MILE as an anacronym?

How about STRIFE (Searching for The Real Indefinite-lifespan For Everyone)? It would be a good name. This cause is about the Strife we face from death after all.

Or how about The Life Institute? Because that's what this movement is about- Life

#6 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:32 AM

Everyyear newcomers ask to get rid of the word immortality to be seen as 'normal' and better spread the word, and every everyyear some nerds keep saying that only 'immortality' is worth and invoking strange reasons such as complex status changes. Last year there was a beginning of move...


I want this cause to progress as fast as possible and if that means to change it's name so it is more accepted in the average humans mind then so be it. Personally I like the name Immortality institute better, and I wish there was no such concept as "normal" but we've gotta do what's best.

#7 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:33 AM

and every every year some nerds keep saying that only 'immortality' is worth and invoking strange reasons such as complex status changes. Last year there was a beginning of move...

Complex status changes? WTF?

#8 GiovanniR

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:50 AM

Personally, as I have stated elsewhere the idea of Immortality is the most appealing one.
Though, I remember a few years ago the Cryonics Institute Magazine had to change its name from The Immortalist to a less "threathening" (?) Long Life, because some of the members complained about this reference to Immortality. So probably a name change to something that could be more "acceptable" to everyone could be useful to attract more people.
I would rather see a meaningful word (or words) like Indefinite Life Extension, Ultimate Life Extension etc. than an acronym; I think it would give a better visibility.

#9 JLL

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:57 AM

and/or there is already a group that uses the acronym.

We have also thought about a DBA name but just haven't got around to using it. MILE could be a candidate.

Oh is that a problem if one project is using MILE as an anacronym?

I don't think it's a problem. There are many acronyms that are used by different organisations, people, etc. MILE is good.

#10 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:58 AM

I found a whole subforum dedicated to past discussions on changing Imminst's name. The newest topic is this one http://www.imminst.o...ing-t23011.html

What happened there?

#11 caston

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 10:23 AM

Completely against changing the name... you can also form or join a group with a more down to earth name.. a good examples is the healthy life extension group heales. http://heales.org/english/

#12 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 10:31 AM

Completely against changing the name... you can also form or join a group with a more down to earth name.. a good examples is the healthy life extension group heales. http://heales.org/english/

I don't think I'm going to leave imminst anytime soon even if it doesn't change it's name :)

#13 s123

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 10:38 AM

How about STRIFE (Searching for The Real Indefinite-lifespan For Everyone)? It would be a good name. This cause is about the Strife we face from death after all.

"Searching for The Real Indefinite-lifespan For Everyone" is too long.

Or how about The Life Institute? Because that's what this movement is about- Life

The Life Institute already seems to exist.

#14 The Immortalist

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 11:11 AM

How about STRIFE (Searching for The Real Indefinite-lifespan For Everyone)? It would be a good name. This cause is about the Strife we face from death after all.


Or how about The Life Institute? Because that's what this movement is about- Life

The Life Institute already seems to exist.

lol toronto my home city.

#15 Traclo

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 02:12 PM

I've only payed attention to a couple of the name change attempts in the past, but it seemed to me that a name change couldn't possibly happen if a vote were how it was decided upon.

As I see it there are only two possible ways that the vote could happen:

1. ImmInst against multiple other names. The problem with this is that everyone who votes is used to ImmInst, so it will inevitably win out. The division in opposition is fatal.
2. They tried to solve this problem by picking the most popular of the name changes and putting it head to head with ImmInst. The problem I see with that is that most people had suggested a pet name that they wanted to see, so when the majority of these names were dropped from the vote, they simply switched back to ImmInst, because it was comfortable and, well, if their suggested name wasn't going to win then who cares right?

So I'm not really sure that a name change could pass by vote at all. I think that a more interesting route would be to conduct an anonymous poll (off-site, so that it's actually the general public that votes?) and have the Director (or someone, we have a board here right?) simply change it.
Alas I don't see that happening either.

#16 s123

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 02:40 PM

So I'm not really sure that a name change could pass by vote at all. I think that a more interesting route would be to conduct an anonymous poll (off-site, so that it's actually the general public that votes?) and have the Director (or someone, we have a board here right?) simply change it.
Alas I don't see that happening either.

You have to change the constitution to change the name. Article I, section 1 clearly states "The name of this nonprofit organization shall be “The Immortality Institute” or “Immortality Institute”, abbreviated to “ImmInst” and heretofore referred to as such by this constituting instrument"

Article V, section 8 states "This Constitution may only be amended by a referendum and an additional authoritative directorial majority".

So, to change the name you need a referendum and a authoritative directorial vote and not just an anonymous poll.

#17 Traclo

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 03:08 PM

You have to change the constitution to change the name. Article I, section 1 clearly states "The name of this nonprofit organization shall be “The Immortality Institute” or “Immortality Institute”, abbreviated to “ImmInst” and heretofore referred to as such by this constituting instrument"

Article V, section 8 states "This Constitution may only be amended by a referendum and an additional authoritative directorial majority".

So, to change the name you need a referendum and a authoritative directorial vote and not just an anonymous poll.

Yes that's why my point was that I didn't see the name changing any time soon, if ever. As to it having to be a referendum, I suppose if it's in the constitution there's not much that can be done... but I'm still free to wish it were otherwise! :)

#18 AgeVivo

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 05:05 PM

Last year things moved and it's actualy partly my fault if things didn't move enough:

- We started Lifespan Society, a sort of mirror site of imminst except that words like "immortality" are replaced by words like "lifespan":
Nice, isn't it?
A few months ago imminst directors asked if I could finish it (logging in and some links do not work currently) but I haven't found the time. If anybody wants to take some time one it, feel free to PM me, I'll give you a special access so that you can try to modify it

- With jdkasinsky, brokenportal and others we started LongeCity (C, not V) that would be a mainstream window of online longevity communities: http://www.longecity.com/
Nice, isn't it?
I think it is a better solution than Lifespan Society (that's why I've put some time on this rather than on Lifespan Society), but when we launched it we realized that it's not finalized enough to be widespread. Indeed not many people use it. Now that there is a new SENS forum I need to add it to the activetopic section (the most important one I think http://www.longecity...etopics-old.php), but still I'm wondering if LongeCity requires to be able to post from there before it really starts to be used.

Let me know what you think, and if you feel you can help, please let me know. Thanks!

Edited by AgeVivo, 25 March 2010 - 05:09 PM.

#19 Marios Kyriazis

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 06:39 PM

The Immortality Institute will propably never change its name, although The Indefinite Lifespan Movement/Forum/Institute is a more accurate name.

#20 Mind

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 06:58 PM

If there was no Immortality Institute, someone else would create some group with Immortality in the name. We would end up with some boring vanilla name that sounds like hundreds of other life extension, lifespan, health, or anti-aging organizations or websites.

Remember that one amazing thing Imminst has done is claim the Immortality memespace. We have wrestled the word Immortality away from the mystics and snake oil salesmen. Do a search for Immortality on the web and what do you find - Imminst. This is a good thing. I would hate to give away the high ground - for what - a boring name.

I also reject that the term Immortality is useless or there is no such thing as "immortality". There is no such thing as immortality just as there is no such thing as infinity. You can count numbers your whole life and you will never reach infinity just as you can live a really long time and never reach immortality. Does this mean the terms are useless? No. Just like how the concept of infinity is extremely useful in mathematics, the term immortality is useful in life extension. It defines a boundary or limit. It is useful.

MILE is a nice sounding name. No one is stopping anyone from starting a new group. The fact is, you are here because of the name. Everyone that participates here has some affection for the name. Imminst has been around 8 years and is now growing faster than ever before. Not sure why we would want to turn around now. What makes an organization, any organization, work is the zeal and effectiveness of its members, not the name.

#21 s123

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 08:02 PM

No one is stopping anyone from starting a new group.

True, I think that we could use more LE groups that focus on a smaller subpopulation (like local groups). However, it's important that all these groups work together and that's not the case at this moment.

The fact is, you are here because of the name. Everyone that participates here has some affection for the name.

True, I always feel a bit sad when people suggest to change the name even though I have no real good explanation why I'm attached to the current name. I must have an unconscious emotional link with Imminst.

#22 AgeVivo

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Posted 25 March 2010 - 09:08 PM

If there was no Immortality Institute, someone else would create some group with Immortality in the name. We would end up with some boring vanilla name that sounds like hundreds of other life extension, lifespan, health, or anti-aging organizations or websites.

Some people created The Fuck Death Foundation: http://www.fuckdeath.org/ ... very similar to imminst. Good for a gang of online teenage bikers, not to convey the cause in large

Do a search for Immortality on the web and what do you find - Imminst

Do a search for words in political discussions and what don't you find - Immortality. Immortality is good for a gang of online teenage bikers, not to convey the cause in large. Take any mainstream name, you'll find it on the web very soon and it'll appear more greatly in the media

There is no such thing as immortality just as there is no such thing as infinity. (...) It defines a boundary or limit. It is useful.

It defines utopia and indicates lack of realism: it is counterproductive to convey the cause to serious decisions

The fact is, you are here because of the name.

Wrong! Not me, and not other people with whom I have discussed about it. I am here because I am interested in life extension, because I think it is realistic to think that we can influence how long we and our children will live. Such a name is clearly incoherent with this point of view and a barrier to convey the message in large.
I am here because that's currently probably the best place online to discuss about life extension. The internet grows as an attachment process: high traffic forums tend to become even bigger and to 'eat' small forums. Because of this, but also due to the absolutely great activity of people here, this forum has grown.

Everyone that participates here has some affection for the name

mixed with a high repulsion due to the barrier it is to convey the cause in large

Imminst has been around 8 years and is now growing faster than ever before

because internet is an attachment process, and because the community here is greatly active

Not sure why we would want to turn around now.

we don't want to turn around, we want to go further. To convey imminst's mission in large. To indicate that it's not only a gang of online teenage bikers

What makes an organization, any organization, work is the zeal and effectiveness of its members, not the name.

Quite true. And a name change won't kill the organization. The two domain names can be maintained, the new name should allow to spread the world more in large.

Edited by AgeVivo, 25 March 2010 - 09:13 PM.

#23 The Immortalist

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Posted 26 March 2010 - 03:19 AM

If there was no Immortality Institute, someone else would create some group with Immortality in the name. We would end up with some boring vanilla name that sounds like hundreds of other life extension, lifespan, health, or anti-aging organizations or websites.

Remember that one amazing thing Imminst has done is claim the Immortality memespace. We have wrestled the word Immortality away from the mystics and snake oil salesmen. Do a search for Immortality on the web and what do you find - Imminst. This is a good thing. I would hate to give away the high ground - for what - a boring name.

I also reject that the term Immortality is useless or there is no such thing as "immortality". There is no such thing as immortality just as there is no such thing as infinity. You can count numbers your whole life and you will never reach infinity just as you can live a really long time and never reach immortality. Does this mean the terms are useless? No. Just like how the concept of infinity is extremely useful in mathematics, the term immortality is useful in life extension. It defines a boundary or limit. It is useful.

MILE is a nice sounding name. No one is stopping anyone from starting a new group. The fact is, you are here because of the name. Everyone that participates here has some affection for the name. Imminst has been around 8 years and is now growing faster than ever before. Not sure why we would want to turn around now. What makes an organization, any organization, work is the zeal and effectiveness of its members, not the name.

You know what Mind your right. Imminst stands for what we all want-Immortality. I came here because I searched on the internet using the word "Immortality" and Imminst popped up on the first result. I might not have found this place if it wasn't called the Immortality Institute (well actually I would have but...).

Maybe Imminst could operate under two names?

#24 David Styles

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 01:53 AM

The word MILE would be better than Immortality because MILE is a more neutral word without religious/controversial/Science Fiction connotations. It also more accurately describes what Imminst is about and what we support, "Life extension"

The Institute's mission is "to conquer the blight of involuntary death".

For this reason, "The Immortality Institute" is a perfectly accurate name.

I'll make a support list of who is in favour of this name change.

All so recently, you arrived here with the name "The Immortalist", saying in your introduction:

I'm not just an immortalist just merely hoping Immortality is achievable, I am THE Immortalist! I am the personification of all of the effort being done to bring physical immortality or at least having an indefinite lifespan in to reality! I am THE Immortalist, my life is bound to one purpose, just as Issac Newton was obsessed with finding the laws of gravity

Now, just two months later, you are trying to petition the Immortality Institute to shy away from the concept of immortality.

What gives?

Edited by David Styles, 28 March 2010 - 01:54 AM.

#25 David Styles

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 01:56 AM

Indeed. This movement will not be taken seriously even by aliens. There is no such thing as Immortality and that's undesirable to begin with.

And yet you became a member of the Immortality Institute?

#26 David Styles

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 02:01 AM

Personally, as I have stated elsewhere the idea of Immortality is the most appealing one.
Though, I remember a few years ago the Cryonics Institute Magazine had to change its name from The Immortalist to a less "threathening" (?) Long Life, because some of the members complained about this reference to Immortality.

Personally, I was opposed to this change at the time, and was sad to see it implemented.

So probably a name change to something that could be more "acceptable" to everyone could be useful to attract more people.

If the name were "The Pizza-Lovers Institute", we'd attract lots and lots of people, but very many of them would not be the kind of people that we wanted.

The Institute's mission is "to conquer the blight of involuntary death". Personally, I don't mind discouraging people who think that immortality is a bad thing.

I would rather see a meaningful word (or words) like Indefinite Life Extension, Ultimate Life Extension etc. than an acronym; I think it would give a better visibility.

That would be settling, but yes, better than a neutral acronym.

Of course, the point is moot, since as Sven mentioned the name cannot Constitutionally be changed in such a fashion anyway.

#27 David Styles

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 02:02 AM

Completely against changing the name... you can also form or join a group with a more down to earth name.. a good examples is the healthy life extension group heales. http://heales.org/english/

Agreed. Well said.

#28 David Styles

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 02:04 AM

You have to change the constitution to change the name. Article I, section 1 clearly states "The name of this nonprofit organization shall be “The Immortality Institute” or “Immortality Institute”, abbreviated to “ImmInst” and heretofore referred to as such by this constituting instrument"

Article V, section 8 states "This Constitution may only be amended by a referendum and an additional authoritative directorial majority".

So, to change the name you need a referendum and a authoritative directorial vote and not just an anonymous poll.

While I'm usually vehemently opposed to bureaucracy, it has its moments, and in this instance I'm very thankful for it!

#29 The Immortalist

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 05:10 AM

The word MILE would be better than Immortality because MILE is a more neutral word without religious/controversial/Science Fiction connotations. It also more accurately describes what Imminst is about and what we support, "Life extension"

The Institute's mission is "to conquer the blight of involuntary death".

For this reason, "The Immortality Institute" is a perfectly accurate name.

I'll make a support list of who is in favour of this name change.

All so recently, you arrived here with the name "The Immortalist", saying in your introduction:

I'm not just an immortalist just merely hoping Immortality is achievable, I am THE Immortalist! I am the personification of all of the effort being done to bring physical immortality or at least having an indefinite lifespan in to reality! I am THE Immortalist, my life is bound to one purpose, just as Issac Newton was obsessed with finding the laws of gravity

Now, just two months later, you are trying to petition the Immortality Institute to shy away from the concept of immortality.

What gives?

What gives is that I care for the concept of Immortality so much that I am willing to sacrifice me and the Institutes own vanity by giving the concept of Immortality a more "sugar coated" name. In fact I'm very frusterated that most people without our particular mind set don't see the concept of Immortality as a positive thing the way we do. If it was called the anti-death institute wouldn't it be the same as saying Immortality Institute? What I would like is for Imminst to have two names maybe:
2. something like "MILE Institute" or "Anti Death Institute" "Longevity Institute" "Lifespans Unlimited" Something that means Immortality but isn't the word Immortal (which alot of people have illogical prejudices against it.

I don't know guy's but I think we have two things happening here
1. To keep the main name of Immortality is destructive for the Cause, when we could have a sugar coated name that means the same thing.
2. Vanity is an issue here with the dabate for a name change.

We don't have to ditch the word Immortality remember.

#30 The Immortalist

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Posted 28 March 2010 - 05:19 AM

What we could do is just switch the name of the Institute for a little while, get a lot of people in while we still call it the Immortality Institute amongst the hard core crowed of Imminsters (which includes me as well), then when we get thousands/millions of members we hold a referendum to see if we can change it back to the Immortality Institute. When the vote is positive then we will know the word Immortality is accepted by the majority of the public.

(Is there a way Imminst could still hold the word Immortality if it changed it's name as a charade so another organisation couldn't pick it up?)

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