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My experience with Phenibut

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#1 bestbefore

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 05:04 PM

I have been trying Phenibut for 3-4 months now and I'm pretty happy with the effects. I don't know exactly how much I take everytime at the moment, but it's a big teaspoon. I started out with a small teaspoon a couple of times a week, but I noticed how quickly tolerance builds. So I had to increase the dose a little and I now get exactly the same effects every time when using this once a week. No tolerance increase for me anymore.

The effect that Phenibut has on me can be described as being drunk, but still in control of my movement and thoughts. The effects usually begin to appear an hour after ingesting and this initial effect is an increase in clarity due to an increase in energy. It's not a jittery increase in energy like caffeine does, but just a nice pick me up if I'm feeling tired. After about 2-3 hours the main effects are feelable. An increase in mood, more talkative, increase in motivation, increase in affection towards people (the same affection increase XTC gives, but less) and just feeling very good. I used it yesterday again and I began feeling it at 8pm and the effects where still fully there at 6 in the night. I was pretty tired then, but that's only normal ;o). My vision also becomes a bit blurry, just like with alcohol, but it's not negative at all.

The only negative things about Phenibut for me is that I can only use it once a week, because of the rapid tolerance and when I go to bed, I sleep a lot and I can still feel the main effects the next day, but that goes away after a couple of hours, some fatty food and some good coffee. So it's important not to have to wake up early the next day, because that will be pretty difficult.

#2 winston

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 06:55 PM

I liked it till it suddenly stopped working. I don't mean tolerance, I only used it about once a week and now it permanently has no effect other than the annoying next day hangover.

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#3 csrpj

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 07:21 PM

yeah tolerance is a bitch. i only used it for anxiety emergencies (though i should probably get benzos or use other stuff for that) and special occasions like combining it with psychedelics.

#4 Stan100

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 08:15 PM

I always hear awful things about Phenibut. Would love to hear some more from anyone with input.

#5 DairyProducts

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Posted 02 May 2010 - 09:53 PM

Sometimes I would take it if I was having trouble sleeping. It would work, but this would usually cause me to be really groggy when I woke up the next day.
Sometimes if I was really stressed out, I would take one, but I don't think it's as effective as a single alcoholic drink. I will not be buying anymore.

#6 Guacamolium

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 10:54 AM

Phenibut only works with sleep continuity for me. Sleep onset on phenibut was non-existent. I'm starting to understand that sleep onset primarily has to do with the tryptaminergic system starting with healthy serotonin levels, rather than a blunt knock-out with gabaergics like phenibut.

To reference what's stated above, for my two jobs last year I had trouble getting to sleep, so although I tried phenibut to initiate sleep onset - it didn't work. So what I did was drank a few beers and added about 2-3 grams phenibut and I had a great nights sleep. I noticed that if I resorted to alcohol only, about 4-5 hours later I'd awake from the classic "rubber band" glutamatergic rebound. Phenibut's half-life apparently prevented that from occurring, and addition of B complex (B-5 particularly) kept REM mode intact in spite of the chemicals, leaving the sleep stages somewhat undisturbed.

Just some info from personal experience of my decade or more of insomnia.

PS - phenibut for me is a terrible anxiolytic - more anxiogenic than anything during waking hours, for me, at least.

#7 winston

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 04:28 PM

Would a B complex likely do the same for THC before bed? I've heard marijuana disrupts REM.

#8 Guacamolium

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 08:34 PM

Would a B complex likely do the same for THC before bed? I've heard marijuana disrupts REM.

A starter B complex is cheap, and it's always worth a try. I bet the B-5 would override the THC. If not, just take your B complex and buy a bottle of straight B-5 and take it too. I used to take grams of B-5. (crazily realistic and detailed dreams)

#9 LordTeriaki

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Posted 20 May 2010 - 04:44 AM

I always hear awful things about Phenibut. Would love to hear some more from anyone with input.

I've been taking phenibut for about 4 weeks. Almost incidentally, really, which makes me feel all the more stupid. I buy various herbs online (kava, etc.) and a store sent me a small 3g sample of phenibut. It lasted me 4-5 days. I didn't read the warnings. Or if I did they didn't register. I started taking very small amounts, less than .25 a gram, maybe 2-3 times a day, so less than 1g a day. I found the results to be very subtle, but quite nice. I felt open, more able-n-ready to approach women and in general I felt very good. I was glad to talk to almost anyone. I'm not especially shy normally, but I'm not overly gregarious either. This aspect was the real seduction point for me. I bought 10g more.

This positive effect lasted nicely for the first 2 weeks. It wasn't until the end of week 3 that things got odd. I wasn't getting the pleasant effects from the small dosage, but didn't want to increase it. I felt off and uninspired (I keep very busy with a lot of hobbies). I woke up the following Monday morning with the worst panic attack I've ever had. And nausea. This is, I now understand, what people call the phenibut hangover. I was in a state of fear for most of the day. The initial morning response has gotten a little better as the week has progressed, but I've also upped my dosage to over 1g a day (I realize this is small in comparison to others, but the amount is irrelevant, it's the continuous use that gets you). I do find myself getting panic attacks throughout the day, which you must understand is entirely new. The only other times I've had panic attacks is when I'm really hungover from drinking. And that's one of a few reasons I never drink and haven't for years.

At larger doses (.60g) I find I get some of the positive results as when I started, but it's largely just a source of fear and required maintenance. I feel sleepy and weird and out of it. I use my brain a lot for my job and I've noticed some drastic changes during the hangover morning period. By around 2 or 3 I'm at normal, but I never know how long that will last. It's a roller-coaster and I've read it just keeps getting worse to the point of not being able to sleep while still ingesting it. I've basically stopped drinking coffee, my great love in life. Honestly, if I could continue to get good results, I may not be so ready to get rid of the garbage. But I just don't know where it's going, and I don't know what kind of damage it will do to my brain. And all that I gained in perceived confidence and easy feelings has largely reversed! Right now, after a .33g 1.5 hour ago, I feel like I'm nodding off. Not what I need, but obviously better than panic. Throughout the day, I feel like I'm either panicked and crazy or falling asleep at the wheel. I get small periods of calm happiness. And evenings seem to be largely pleasant and nice. I'm sure if I dumped a gram in my gullet I may feel really good, but I don't want to go there.

At this point, I'm planning to take all of my vacation time to get off of this train. Considering how hard I've worked this last year, it's a grave disappointment and certainly the product of stupidity. I think my subconscious mind probably did some math when I first found the stuff: It's so cheap, it's such a subtle, nice feeling... how bad could it be?? The answer to that is: Very, very bad. Do you see, I haven't even quit or tapered and my brain is already going haywire. In a matter of hours I could be overcome by a vicious panic attack. It's the not knowing that gets to you. We know the tolerance builds fast, but that really translates to 'it will do the opposite of what you want it to'. That means panic attacks WHILE on it. We take these things so that we can control our mind and our well-being. This product ultimately does the exact opposite. You feel out of control and it freaks you out. And there's the reports that it will permanently effect your ability to feel calm and relaxed. I am skeptical on that count, but it's terrifying nonetheless and surely not worth it.

If you're 100% certain that you have the will to limit yourself with this stuff it MAY be worth experimenting. No more than 1-2 days at a time, followed by a long break. I'm on it right now and I feel fine. But that is temporary. And I feel overly-sleepy and out of it. I like mental acuity - this is no good. Messing with your state of mind and nervous system is really pretty crazy in the first place.

I don't cherish the 6-8 days of utter hell I have coming up, but I absolutely must get past this. The bottom line is that it ultimately gives you no value at all. You just gradually turn into a zombie. My work is suffering, while I'm on the biggest project/deadline of my career. I just can't believe I walked into this situation. And for what?? Some mild feelings of well-being? Don't be like me. Avoid it and if you must try it, then seriously limit your intake. All the labels and warnings are correct, so pay attention to them.

Edited by LordTeriaki, 20 May 2010 - 04:50 AM.

#10 bestbefore

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Posted 20 May 2010 - 08:02 AM

I always hear awful things about Phenibut. Would love to hear some more from anyone with input.

I've been taking phenibut for about 4 weeks. Almost incidentally, really, which makes me feel all the more stupid. I buy various herbs online (kava, etc.) and a store sent me a small 3g sample of phenibut. It lasted me 4-5 days. I didn't read the warnings. Or if I did they didn't register. I started taking very small amounts, less than .25 a gram, maybe 2-3 times a day, so less than 1g a day. I found the results to be very subtle, but quite nice. I felt open, more able-n-ready to approach women and in general I felt very good. I was glad to talk to almost anyone. I'm not especially shy normally, but I'm not overly gregarious either. This aspect was the real seduction point for me. I bought 10g more.

This positive effect lasted nicely for the first 2 weeks. It wasn't until the end of week 3 that things got odd. I wasn't getting the pleasant effects from the small dosage, but didn't want to increase it. I felt off and uninspired (I keep very busy with a lot of hobbies). I woke up the following Monday morning with the worst panic attack I've ever had. And nausea. This is, I now understand, what people call the phenibut hangover. I was in a state of fear for most of the day. The initial morning response has gotten a little better as the week has progressed, but I've also upped my dosage to over 1g a day (I realize this is small in comparison to others, but the amount is irrelevant, it's the continuous use that gets you). I do find myself getting panic attacks throughout the day, which you must understand is entirely new. The only other times I've had panic attacks is when I'm really hungover from drinking. And that's one of a few reasons I never drink and haven't for years.

At larger doses (.60g) I find I get some of the positive results as when I started, but it's largely just a source of fear and required maintenance. I feel sleepy and weird and out of it. I use my brain a lot for my job and I've noticed some drastic changes during the hangover morning period. By around 2 or 3 I'm at normal, but I never know how long that will last. It's a roller-coaster and I've read it just keeps getting worse to the point of not being able to sleep while still ingesting it. I've basically stopped drinking coffee, my great love in life. Honestly, if I could continue to get good results, I may not be so ready to get rid of the garbage. But I just don't know where it's going, and I don't know what kind of damage it will do to my brain. And all that I gained in perceived confidence and easy feelings has largely reversed! Right now, after a .33g 1.5 hour ago, I feel like I'm nodding off. Not what I need, but obviously better than panic. Throughout the day, I feel like I'm either panicked and crazy or falling asleep at the wheel. I get small periods of calm happiness. And evenings seem to be largely pleasant and nice. I'm sure if I dumped a gram in my gullet I may feel really good, but I don't want to go there.

At this point, I'm planning to take all of my vacation time to get off of this train. Considering how hard I've worked this last year, it's a grave disappointment and certainly the product of stupidity. I think my subconscious mind probably did some math when I first found the stuff: It's so cheap, it's such a subtle, nice feeling... how bad could it be?? The answer to that is: Very, very bad. Do you see, I haven't even quit or tapered and my brain is already going haywire. In a matter of hours I could be overcome by a vicious panic attack. It's the not knowing that gets to you. We know the tolerance builds fast, but that really translates to 'it will do the opposite of what you want it to'. That means panic attacks WHILE on it. We take these things so that we can control our mind and our well-being. This product ultimately does the exact opposite. You feel out of control and it freaks you out. And there's the reports that it will permanently effect your ability to feel calm and relaxed. I am skeptical on that count, but it's terrifying nonetheless and surely not worth it.

If you're 100% certain that you have the will to limit yourself with this stuff it MAY be worth experimenting. No more than 1-2 days at a time, followed by a long break. I'm on it right now and I feel fine. But that is temporary. And I feel overly-sleepy and out of it. I like mental acuity - this is no good. Messing with your state of mind and nervous system is really pretty crazy in the first place.

I don't cherish the 6-8 days of utter hell I have coming up, but I absolutely must get past this. The bottom line is that it ultimately gives you no value at all. You just gradually turn into a zombie. My work is suffering, while I'm on the biggest project/deadline of my career. I just can't believe I walked into this situation. And for what?? Some mild feelings of well-being? Don't be like me. Avoid it and if you must try it, then seriously limit your intake. All the labels and warnings are correct, so pay attention to them.

But you can't take it every day, I wouldn't even try to.

#11 Ben

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 05:00 AM

The effect that Phenibut has on me can be described as being drunk, but still in control of my movement and thoughts. The effects usually begin to appear an hour after ingesting and this initial effect is an increase in clarity due to an increase in energy. It's not a jittery increase in energy like caffeine does, but just a nice pick me up if I'm feeling tired. After about 2-3 hours the main effects are feelable. An increase in mood, more talkative, increase in motivation, increase in affection towards people (the same affection increase XTC gives, but less) and just feeling very good. I used it yesterday again and I began feeling it at 8pm and the effects where still fully there at 6 in the night. I was pretty tired then, but that's only normal ;) . My vision also becomes a bit blurry, just like with alcohol, but it's not negative at all.

Exactly how I would describe the effects. It's an excellent alcohol replacement for me. I'm more confident but with less bodily effects and no stupor.

I also agree that unless you have the will power to limit yourself to once a week (right now I take it once a month max), avoid it at all costs....

I woke up the following Monday morning with the worst panic attack I've ever had. And nausea. This is, I now understand, what people call the phenibut hangover. I was in a state of fear for most of the day.

...otherwise this will happen!

#12 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 10:14 PM

I always hear awful things about Phenibut. Would love to hear some more from anyone with input.

I've been taking phenibut for about 4 weeks. Almost incidentally, really, which makes me feel all the more stupid. I buy various herbs online (kava, etc.) and a store sent me a small 3g sample of phenibut. It lasted me 4-5 days. I didn't read the warnings. Or if I did they didn't register. I started taking very small amounts, less than .25 a gram, maybe 2-3 times a day, so less than 1g a day. I found the results to be very subtle, but quite nice. I felt open, more able-n-ready to approach women and in general I felt very good. I was glad to talk to almost anyone. I'm not especially shy normally, but I'm not overly gregarious either. This aspect was the real seduction point for me. I bought 10g more.

This positive effect lasted nicely for the first 2 weeks. It wasn't until the end of week 3 that things got odd. I wasn't getting the pleasant effects from the small dosage, but didn't want to increase it. I felt off and uninspired (I keep very busy with a lot of hobbies). I woke up the following Monday morning with the worst panic attack I've ever had. And nausea. This is, I now understand, what people call the phenibut hangover. I was in a state of fear for most of the day. The initial morning response has gotten a little better as the week has progressed, but I've also upped my dosage to over 1g a day (I realize this is small in comparison to others, but the amount is irrelevant, it's the continuous use that gets you). I do find myself getting panic attacks throughout the day, which you must understand is entirely new. The only other times I've had panic attacks is when I'm really hungover from drinking. And that's one of a few reasons I never drink and haven't for years.

At larger doses (.60g) I find I get some of the positive results as when I started, but it's largely just a source of fear and required maintenance. I feel sleepy and weird and out of it. I use my brain a lot for my job and I've noticed some drastic changes during the hangover morning period. By around 2 or 3 I'm at normal, but I never know how long that will last. It's a roller-coaster and I've read it just keeps getting worse to the point of not being able to sleep while still ingesting it. I've basically stopped drinking coffee, my great love in life. Honestly, if I could continue to get good results, I may not be so ready to get rid of the garbage. But I just don't know where it's going, and I don't know what kind of damage it will do to my brain. And all that I gained in perceived confidence and easy feelings has largely reversed! Right now, after a .33g 1.5 hour ago, I feel like I'm nodding off. Not what I need, but obviously better than panic. Throughout the day, I feel like I'm either panicked and crazy or falling asleep at the wheel. I get small periods of calm happiness. And evenings seem to be largely pleasant and nice. I'm sure if I dumped a gram in my gullet I may feel really good, but I don't want to go there.

At this point, I'm planning to take all of my vacation time to get off of this train. Considering how hard I've worked this last year, it's a grave disappointment and certainly the product of stupidity. I think my subconscious mind probably did some math when I first found the stuff: It's so cheap, it's such a subtle, nice feeling... how bad could it be?? The answer to that is: Very, very bad. Do you see, I haven't even quit or tapered and my brain is already going haywire. In a matter of hours I could be overcome by a vicious panic attack. It's the not knowing that gets to you. We know the tolerance builds fast, but that really translates to 'it will do the opposite of what you want it to'. That means panic attacks WHILE on it. We take these things so that we can control our mind and our well-being. This product ultimately does the exact opposite. You feel out of control and it freaks you out. And there's the reports that it will permanently effect your ability to feel calm and relaxed. I am skeptical on that count, but it's terrifying nonetheless and surely not worth it.

If you're 100% certain that you have the will to limit yourself with this stuff it MAY be worth experimenting. No more than 1-2 days at a time, followed by a long break. I'm on it right now and I feel fine. But that is temporary. And I feel overly-sleepy and out of it. I like mental acuity - this is no good. Messing with your state of mind and nervous system is really pretty crazy in the first place.

I don't cherish the 6-8 days of utter hell I have coming up, but I absolutely must get past this. The bottom line is that it ultimately gives you no value at all. You just gradually turn into a zombie. My work is suffering, while I'm on the biggest project/deadline of my career. I just can't believe I walked into this situation. And for what?? Some mild feelings of well-being? Don't be like me. Avoid it and if you must try it, then seriously limit your intake. All the labels and warnings are correct, so pay attention to them.

I would suggest maybe trying to get some sort of benzo (ativan, valium), to replace the phenibut, and eventually ween off. You might end up addicted to the benzo instead, but at least you won't be having panic attacks. This would require more research and caution, but it may be worth looking into.

#13 Guacamolium

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 03:42 AM

Phenibut is so fucking weird. In me dosing during the day leads to certain anxiogenic episodes, almost panic attacks, yet for sleep continuity, it was heaven.

Haven't taken it since - I actually thought of a GABA-derivative that wasn't being made and synthesized it myself. Works well, but it's addictive, and motor skills are completely fucked on it, so, I'll use up the last I have, and that's the end of that science project..

#14 Brehus

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 07:26 AM

I know for a fact that if you have been on Phenibut for a while it has an annoying readjustment period if you try to get off of it. The readjustment period starts kicking at around 36 hours after last dose and lasts close to 7 days. Days 3 to 4 seem to be the worse. During this time you will have a real hard time sleeping may develop clammy hands and occasional shakes.
I currently take Phenibut at night before going to sleep and in the morning I take Rhodiola Rosea.
This combo works well for me.
I cycle off of Phenibut every weekend to keep from having to deal with the readjustment period if I decide to get off of it
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#15 Guacamolium

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 03:50 PM

Yeah when I was trying out phenibut, basically 5 days out of the week Sunday through Thursday, I would take it, and the other two days I didn't bother with it. Never noticed any (benzo-like) side effects from withdrawal... Sorry to hear that some had that happen, I know gabaeric withdrawal and it sucks.

#16 LordTeriaki

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 07:17 PM

To follow up on this, Kava Extract from HerbPharm seems to substantially help the cyclical panic attacks while taking it. Two days ago I peaked at around 4g simply trying to combat the anxiety. Cut down to .66 yesterday. It's been 22 hours since then. I feel poor, but livable. Cleaning house to keep busy. And I know this is an absolute cakewalk compared to what's coming. I think I could handle tapering down using the Kava extract, but I'd rather just get rid of the thing entirely. I've stocked up on a bunch of herbal extracts like Serenity (passion flower, kava, skullcap, and a ton of other calming agents) from HerbPharm, lots of Valerian root extract, SJW, Rhodiola, and l-Theanine. I think the key for these items is buying tested extracts. Night and day difference between the days with them and not - after moving down to .66, I didn't get the odd side-effects like nodding off on my feet and the kava extract and passion flower kept the weirdness at bay. I hold no delusions that these will solve my problems (may have no effect in the throws of it all), but I think they will help and that mental angle is important. Likewise, I'm telling myself the worst will be over in 4 days. It's mildly comforting knowing there's an end in site. Sort of.

Thanks for the comments.

Edited by LordTeriaki, 23 May 2010 - 07:30 PM.

#17 bestbefore

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 02:28 PM

Just to give an update. I'm still using Phenibut, but only once a week or once every 2 weeks. I've also lowered the dose a bit, because the sedation became to much. The anti-anxiety effects are very much still there, but the increase in motivation/empathy is less than before. I've also noticed that it still works very good as an pick me up, even with a low dose of 2 grams. Last week I was feeling really shitty and I don't normally grab a supplement to get rid of this, but I try to make it better by eating good and exercising. Or by just working out why I'm feeling shitty. But it was on a Saturday and I didn't want to spend my day in a shitty mood. So I tried just 2 grams of it and in about an hour I felt calm, collected and very good. It was a really big difference for me.

So at least for me, I will always feel Phenibut when I only use it once every week or 2 weeks. Even with a low dose. So what I'm trying to say is that the effects of Phenibut a far more easily felt when you're feeling like shit, than if you're already feeling good. In my long term experience anyway. :)

By the way, I recently failed my exam (I played a financial adviser and 2 customers wanted to buy a house), because of Phenibut! They told me at the end of the exam that I was too relaxed and had a smile on my face the whole time. It wasn't really professional. :-D

#18 Psychonaut

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 12:15 AM

2 grams is a low dose? Maybe it is ok once every two weeks but people should not be under the impression it is a low dose, if that was more regular tolerance and withdrawal would quickly become an issue.

Phenibut has always worked well for me, typically 400-500mg every second day for a couple of weeks then cycled off for a week or so I found worked well and avoided tolerance. Much better than any benzo for anxiety for me, taken a few hours before bed I will sleep like a baby and the effects with run well into the afternoon the next day.

#19 Sartac

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 03:44 AM

By the way, I recently failed my exam (I played a financial adviser and 2 customers wanted to buy a house), because of Phenibut! They told me at the end of the exam that I was too relaxed and had a smile on my face the whole time. It wasn't really professional. :-D

Maybe they were jealous, in all seriousness, if things were all straight otherwise. Sometimes I think instructors can take it personally when students "ace" their tests, unless you give them some other ego boost or make them feel superior. Just IME, and in isolated cases..

I've definitely utilized phenibut for interviews and other nervous occasions. The difference in SA is like night and day, but I'm still unsure of any permanent solution.

#20 bestbefore

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 12:12 PM

2 grams is a low dose? Maybe it is ok once every two weeks but people should not be under the impression it is a low dose, if that was more regular tolerance and withdrawal would quickly become an issue.

Phenibut has always worked well for me, typically 400-500mg every second day for a couple of weeks then cycled off for a week or so I found worked well and avoided tolerance. Much better than any benzo for anxiety for me, taken a few hours before bed I will sleep like a baby and the effects with run well into the afternoon the next day.

Well, for me it's a low dose, because mostly I took something like 4-5 grams. I don't get any withdrawal symptoms with 2 grams. 4 grams just increases anxiety a bit on the second day after and makes it a little bit harder to fall asleep. I also have taken 7 grams, but don't ever take that much Phenibut. You'll see very weird pictures and all kind of forgotten memories from your past when you close your eyes.

By the way, I recently failed my exam (I played a financial adviser and 2 customers wanted to buy a house), because of Phenibut! They told me at the end of the exam that I was too relaxed and had a smile on my face the whole time. It wasn't really professional. :-D

Maybe they were jealous, in all seriousness, if things were all straight otherwise. Sometimes I think instructors can take it personally when students "ace" their tests, unless you give them some other ego boost or make them feel superior. Just IME, and in isolated cases..

I've definitely utilized phenibut for interviews and other nervous occasions. The difference in SA is like night and day, but I'm still unsure of any permanent solution.

They recorded everything and I was waaaay to relaxed to be honest. You know when people get mad over small things? I couldn't care less, nothing mattered. I should have takes less that day. But it definitely helps indeed on some occasions.

#21 nupi

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 06:47 PM

A legal GABAergic hallucinogen (the only other legal hallucinogen that springs to mind is DXM and that stuff is NASTY)? *Now* I am intrigued...

#22 Guesser

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 08:41 PM

I've been using Phenibut for about 2 years now to help with insomnia. I was already using benadryl and melatonin and sometimes ambien, but I was always waking up around 3 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I've had insomnia issues most of my life and also had allergy issues and benadryl at night has been a daily thing for about 20 years. The melatonin and sometimes ambien were more recent, like about 5 years ago. But I still kept waking up at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep. I was always having trouble concentrating in the afternoon and my work was suffering. I started experimenting with Phenibut by taking gram doses on the weekends and it had too many side effects the next day. I kept experimenting different ways and what I ended up doing was just to take small doses (300mg to 600mg) mixed with theanine (200mg) and lemon balm tincture. I take this about 6:30. I don't really feel anything at this dose. About 9 at night I take my benadryl and melatonin (1.5mg, timed release) and I usually fall asleep by 11. I sleep all through the night now and am fine the next day and I am good even in the afternoons. I do this sunday through thursday. On the weekends I don't take the phenibut. For a while my insomnia on the weekends returned even worse than before the phenibut and I was useless all weekend but then I got some gabapentin. I take the gabapentin mixed with ambien (along with my benadryl and melatonin) on the weekends and I sleep great, but feel sort of inebriated all weekend. I can't do this during the week or I'd be inebriated at work, but It really doesn't seem to have any negative impact on my life on the weekends. It is a subtle inebriation. But anyways, this has been working consistently for a couple of years. Much better than before. It might all fall apart someday, but I hope not.

#23 Psychonaut

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 12:31 AM

Well, for me it's a low dose, because mostly I took something like 4-5 grams. I don't get any withdrawal symptoms with 2 grams. 4 grams just increases anxiety a bit on the second day after and makes it a little bit harder to fall asleep. I also have taken 7 grams, but don't ever take that much Phenibut. You'll see very weird pictures and all kind of forgotten memories from your past when you close your eyes.

Yeah doing a little more reading I see some do not find it works at all at lower doses and use more moderate ones without too much problem, at least if they avoid a 1-2g dose too regularly. There is a bit of a surreal personal account on drugs-forum.com of someone using 5-20g a day, not needing sleep for days, an interesting read and warning to anyone who thinks they can use it recreationally.

#24 bestbefore

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Posted 24 December 2011 - 01:13 PM

Well, for me it's a low dose, because mostly I took something like 4-5 grams. I don't get any withdrawal symptoms with 2 grams. 4 grams just increases anxiety a bit on the second day after and makes it a little bit harder to fall asleep. I also have taken 7 grams, but don't ever take that much Phenibut. You'll see very weird pictures and all kind of forgotten memories from your past when you close your eyes.

Yeah doing a little more reading I see some do not find it works at all at lower doses and use more moderate ones without too much problem, at least if they avoid a 1-2g dose too regularly. There is a bit of a surreal personal account on drugs-forum.com of someone using 5-20g a day, not needing sleep for days, an interesting read and warning to anyone who thinks they can use it recreationally.

20 grams. Holy shit that's stupid. :blink:

#25 hypnotik

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Posted 25 December 2011 - 12:46 AM

I've been taking Phenibut every Friday morning for the past 5 years without fail. Takes about an hour to kick in, and I really feel it about 3 hours later. It's a great way to end the work week. Makes me happy along with a warm, fuzzy, tingling feeling inside. It also makes me a chatterbox, so just make sure you keep yourself in check so you don't say anything stupid! But it does reduce inhibitions in some way, especially with the ladies. One thing I noticed is that I tend to stare and daydream on occasion if I'm sitting at my desk for a while. Otherwise, I can still jump right into a task without issue.

My dosage has never changed; a 1/4 teaspoon (about 640 mg) mixed with Crystal Light in water. Always taken with Piracetam. To this day I have never built up a tolerance, although I did take it again on a Monday one time and it didn't feel as strong as on Friday.

As far as side effects go, I've never had any negative issues that the above posters have experienced. By the time 10pm comes around, I'm ready to slip under the covers and dream away. Dreams are vivid, although not as vivid as when I take ZMA or Melatonin, but still detailed enough. I don't have a hangover feeling, but I do feel refreshed. I've taken it concurrently with Deprenyl, but my brain was too buzzed and I didn't like the result, so I will keep those separate. There are times when I get so damned horny that my nuts ache, but I really don't know if that's because of the Phenibut. Maybe it's the Deprenyl?

Another thing I notice is that if I fast the next morning after taking Phenibut, I get a nice wired buzz after coffee and Piracetam. Nothing jittery, just a nice, warm buzz. It's almost 5pm here and my brain feels great. I'm thinking about having a beer in a little while, but not really sure.

Sorry for the ramble

#26 Thorsten3

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Posted 25 December 2011 - 03:06 AM

How many phenibut threads have there been???

Yes it's a GABA_B agonist..... Yes its efficaciousy is horrendous.. Yes its tolerance develops extremely quickly (hence potential insomina).. Yes it's a waste of time taking it everyday (hence people use it extremely sparingly)..

If you take it everyday and become tolerant to it watch out for the seriously disabling rebound insomnia and severe sleep issues.

What else is there to say about this substance???? I would use it on emergencies that's it.

#27 Highlander

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 10:22 AM

In Russia it is considered having nootropic and antioxidant (!) properties. It has extensive track records for use in practical medicine here, however I assume that phenibut still lacks scientific studies worldwide..Its said that it is not recommended to exceed 750 mg (3 tablets) at once.
For me (2 month use; 0,75-1g/day): It is extremely good replacement for alcohol and it helped to quit it completely easy.
The night sleep is improved, anxiety is removed, morning mood is fine..
Internet rumours spread some info on addiction/withdrawal symptoms which is not officially confirmed anywhere, though I'm going to replace it with kava soon to be on safe side...
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#28 Highlander

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Posted 10 September 2012 - 11:14 AM


#29 protoject

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Posted 05 February 2013 - 08:09 PM


I couldn't find any studies on phenibut's relation to slow wave sleep [SWS] , Rapid eye movement [REM] or any other study involving sleep, Closest thing I can find is studies on Baclofen and GHB, since they have a similar [or same?] mechanism of action. If any russian can translate some articles for us, if there are any, that'd be great.

I kind of think phenibut is a horrible drug because it's practically a kind of benzo and produces really horrible withdrawals, but was considering that it might be good for sleep at a specific dose, without too much problem, considering that GHB/ BACLOFEN may improve certain sleep parameters. I am really not going to be guinepigging myself on this one though, without reason. Like if I could improve my sleep at night with phenibut and then be normal otherwise then Id do it but i doubt it's the case.

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#30 machete234

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 02:34 PM

In Russia it is considered having nootropic and antioxidant (!) properties. It has extensive track records for use in practical medicine here, however I assume that phenibut still lacks scientific studies worldwide..Its said that it is not recommended to exceed 750 mg (3 tablets) at once.

Interesting, I was thinking about micro dosing phenibut and see if that makes me feel less hung over.
250mg for one dose might be a good idea to start.

I have done over 2g before and I was still ok but it was intoxicating, and the hang over was pretty much like alcohol the next day.
Also 500mg is clearly noticable for me before anybody writes anything, I weight 75kg, have little body fat and I usually dont drink alcohol so maybe its supposed to be like that.

Edited by machete234, 20 May 2013 - 02:38 PM.

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