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Conference poster editing

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#31 brokenportal

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Posted 09 September 2010 - 06:08 PM

But what the trifold is for? Will you hand it - to whom?

Use your imagination.

1. Are there color laser printers available... in places when you simply walk in, pay and print copies?
This is what I would do.

Of course, and if somebody can add that blue background to this then please do.

2. Please someone (a mod) kindly remove from the forum the file you used for the trifold - there is "Umlimited" instead of "Unlimited". I understand that the original poster cannot edit their own post (which in itself is hopeless) but let someone do it. The "Umlimited" picture file is somewhere in the Art forum, used many times. The file is posted corrected on a later date, so when deleting you have to be careful to not to remove the correct one.

It would have been helpful to get a heads up to this. We dont read every post, not to mention I dont see it pointed out in this topic, so a pm in a case like this is usually due.

...so probably after a year it will be removed, after being erroneously used by some other people to make their projects and then being corrected by others; wasting much precious time which could be spent on something really productive. Add to it: the time to make a to-do list including removing the files, and reporting having it partially done, being pointed to one or two more uses of this file, planning removing it again, doing it, reporting... ah and winning a prize. And then having problems receiving the code for Amazon - I never got it.

I double checked and it was sent out.

Can you see how much time is wasted?

If you had this time back, how would you use it?

My point is: allow users edit their posts - every time.

I would remove it, but I am not a mod any longer, because I don't want to read trolls' posts, and have my name posted on the website. A mod is just a cleaner; why mods are considered key people for the organization? Directors, advisors, perhaps team leaders - but forum mods?

OK, OK, the Constitution says so.

(I would also clean this topic and put the poster in the first post, to have the correct updated version ready to download without having to read all the topic.)

Your not exactly a people person are you? You had mod powers but got rid of them? Then the person you are writing this to is yourself, your the person that spotted it and had the power. Time is not wasted when we have 11 people doing the job of 500 people and they miss or mess up on 10% of things. Time is wasted when the other 489 dont do anything, or can do something but would rather be finicky and have others do it. Youve got good ideas but please, a little more respect.

#32 Agent

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Posted 09 September 2010 - 08:12 PM

Just to clarify, I fired myself in May:

I spotted the error in August and then the new version has been posted:

So, I was not a moderator at the time of changing the logo version and couldn't remove the wrong files myself.

I agree that a PM could have helped.

Thanks for having edited the first post and reposting the .pdf poster!

#33 AgeVivo

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Posted 11 September 2010 - 09:54 AM

. AgeVivo - it is not too late; so who to put in the BIG FONT and who small font? Remove Danila with his famous family name or who? There is de Grey, Medvedev, Gavrilov and Rose. The rest - small font.

i checked perception with a scientist. order by decreasing seriousness perception (for some scientists):
- stephen spindler (most serious perception), bart braeckman, michael rose
- then stephen coles, paul macglothin, gavrilovs; then others.
Currently the perception of the poster is more like the name "immortality institute": putting aubrey and kriorus first for a longevity science conference is like putting a senator and kasparov first for a finance conference (image not from me).

To have a balance, and for the event to look more serious and the cause to look more realistic I'd propose in BIG:
Dr Stephen Spindler - Winner of the Methuselah Mouse Prize - Lifespan extending compounds in mice
Dr Michael Rose - Author of "The Long Tomorrow" - From evolutionarily long lived flies to humans
Dr Stephen Coles - Gerontology Research Group - TTR amyloidosis in supercentenarians
Dr Aubrey de Grey - Strategies of Engineered Negligeable Senescence (SENS) - Progress
And in small, all other speakers, by alphabetical order.

Do you think this is ok?
(I see that bp has posted an official poster http://www.imminst.o...945#entry428945, it would also have to changed there; Thank you)

Edited by AgeVivo, 12 September 2010 - 09:33 AM.

#34 AgeVivo

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 08:47 AM

Dr Stephen Spindler - Winner of the Methuselah Mouse Prize - Lifespan extending compounds in mice
Dr Michael Rose - Author of "The Long Tomorrow" - From evolutionarily long lived flies to humans
Dr Stephen Coles - Gerontology Research Group - TTR amyloidosis in supercentenarians
Dr Aubrey de Grey - Strategies of Engineered Negligeable Senescence (SENS)
And in small, all other speakers, by alphabetical order.

Could someone make that poster and post it here?
I don't have the pdf features installed on my computer. Thank you!

#35 Agent

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 08:51 AM

Dr Stephen Spindler - Winner of the Methuselah Mouse Prize - Lifespan extending compounds in mice
Dr Michael Rose - Author of "The Long Tomorrow" - From evolutionarily long lived flies to humans
Dr Stephen Coles - Gerontology Research Group - TTR amyloidosis in supercentenarians
Dr Aubrey de Grey - Strategies of Engineered Negligeable Senescence (SENS)
And in small, all other speakers, by alphabetical order.

Could someone make that poster and post it here?
I don't have the pdf features installed on my computer. Thank you!

w8, I've just got up and am reading this... 15 minutes please ;)
And thanks for the suggestions :)

file deleted - see below:

If there is anything else that needs to be changed, please let me know!

BP, please change the first post in this topic again - adding this Poster_blue5.pdf instead of the previous one. Thanks!

edit2 (a very minor change, but still):
Attached File  Poster_blue5.pdf   505.37KB   29 downloads

Edited by Agent, 12 September 2010 - 11:11 AM.

#36 AgeVivo

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 09:50 AM

Looks great!

#37 Agent

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 09:56 AM

Thanks, and of course since you also are able to modify the first post, so please do! :)

#38 AgeVivo

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Posted 12 September 2010 - 10:20 AM


#39 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 15 September 2010 - 08:40 AM

nice, very nice :cool:

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