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semen retention as a nootropic

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#1 owls

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 05:47 AM

have any males here practiced restraint from too frequent of ejaculation for enhanced motivation, vitality, concentration, energy, etc?

i have been and it works quite well.. btw i'm completely serious if anyone thinks this is a joke :unsure:
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#2 FadingGlow

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 06:37 AM

It does have that effect up to an extent. However, when many people try to do this, they end up having wet dreams after 4-5 days. However, maybe, stopping fully might have negative effects as well? I'm not sure. Keeping a good balance is probably a good idea. I do it about twice a week.

#3 owls

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 07:09 AM

i think it has to do with desire. i went 7 days easily awhile back, and then made the conscious choice to ejaculate one day.

infact the other night i had a rather sexual dream without ejaculating.. i think if ones will is to not ejaculate than the sexual energy or life force can easily be preserved

Edited by owls, 04 March 2011 - 07:09 AM.

#4 Healthy Tony

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 07:59 AM

Sometimes I will ejaculate every day, other times I will go a week or two without, and I have not noticed a correlation between this and my motivation, but I may be a little abnormal.

#5 TophetLOL

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 08:35 AM

Kant had much to say on this topic...http://wesenzinna.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/harpersmagazine-2010-09-00830913.pdf

#6 aLurker

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 11:51 AM

Kant had much to say on this topic...http://wesenzinna.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/harpersmagazine-2010-09-00830913.pdf

That URL doesn't work for me. Kant's arguments are mostly based upon a very subjective and culturally imposed sense of morality though which makes his opinion more the result of prevailing bias rather than reason. Are there any more objective arguments for why this would be good in any way? Except for that Seinfeld episode where George becomes a genius of course, hard to argue with such compelling proof.

#7 oblomov

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 05:00 PM

Edmond de Goncourt said, "One tames a people as one tames lions, by masturbation."

Seriously, following the male orgasm, the pituitary releases prolactin and oxytocin. Oxytocin changes how one perceives sensory stimuli. Increased levels of oxytocin make the skin more sensitive, and it produces greater feeling of empathy.

Prolactin and dopamine are antagonists of one another. In fact, dopamine was first known as Prolactin Inhibiting Factor. Prolactin suppresses testosterone production, and produces the refractory period that most men experience after orgasm. This is why dopaminergic drugs shorten or eliminate the refractory period.

Insofar as many people regard dopaminergic drugs as nootropics (e.g. amphetamines, caffiene, etc), keeping prolactin levels low by not having an orgasm could have a nootropic effect.
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#8 ultranaut

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Posted 04 March 2011 - 07:03 PM


I think there may be some short-term benefits, but within days I have more trouble sleeping and become prone towards anger and sadness. It also becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate. I don't think prolactin is a factor in any of this, I've experienced situations many times where various drugs sufficiently suppress prolactin to a level eliminating the refractory period entirely. I've never noticed any changes that can't be attributed to having lots of awesome sex.

#9 csoki

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 08:03 AM

I got my first wet dream after not ejaculating for 2 weeks. After that wet dreams became a weekly thing. I do think not masturbating has great nootropic effect because it's a kind of self-discipline, you will have better concentration since you are not disturbed by the thought of "I can pleasure myself anytime anywhere, so why not do it now?".
You will simply have clearer thoughts. And the body cleans itself if it's needed to.

#10 caruga

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 03:49 PM

I think there's a great psychological component to this. I used to impulsively masturbate whenever I was remotely aroused. Now, I can be highly aroused, have an erection, and have absolutely no desire to masturbate. It's not that I have to school my own will or try not to do it, I simply don't feel any impulse to touch myself or bring on an orgasm. I can't explain why this is the case but it seems to have occured when I no longer feel I have anything to prove as a man, am comfortable in my own skin and feel sexually potent. I jerk off now because I choose to, I don't regard it as one of my demons or something that consumes too much time. I think whether it's masturbation or anything else (procrastinating, addictions, indulgences, distractions), discipline can require masses of willpower or come naturally with no effort, just by virtue of how your mind is operating. But I can't say more than that, yet.

#11 shp5

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Posted 05 March 2011 - 04:39 PM

I would (and did) reduce masturbation to 1-2 a week. Sex as wanted, it tends to regulate itself far more effectively, so that you won't overdo it.

I did experiment with the usual daoist/tantric semen retention techniques, but I think they're not without dangers (anorgasmia, kundalini syndrome) and that not everyone can achieve the full benefits. I think if you achieve a good level of qigong or yoga training, and open your energy pathways (for a lack of better word), you'll have awful lots of fun, too.

#12 owls

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 01:38 AM

Edmond de Goncourt said, "One tames a people as one tames lions, by masturbation."

Seriously, following the male orgasm, the pituitary releases prolactin and oxytocin. Oxytocin changes how one perceives sensory stimuli. Increased levels of oxytocin make the skin more sensitive, and it produces greater feeling of empathy.

Prolactin and dopamine are antagonists of one another. In fact, dopamine was first known as Prolactin Inhibiting Factor. Prolactin suppresses testosterone production, and produces the refractory period that most men experience after orgasm. This is why dopaminergic drugs shorten or eliminate the refractory period.

Insofar as many people regard dopaminergic drugs as nootropics (e.g. amphetamines, caffiene, etc), keeping prolactin levels low by not having an orgasm could have a nootropic effect.

good info, thanks

#13 J. Galt

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Posted 06 March 2011 - 03:22 AM

A great book that addreses this topic is Mamtak Chi's "The Mult-Orgasmic Man."

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the benefits of abstaining from ejaculation are ascribed to the retention of jing energy (vital essence, used for procreation and rejuvenation). I've found this philosophy fascinating and would suggest researching it for men interested in the subject.

You can supplement jing energy through tonifiers like Schizandra, Deer Antler Velevet, Jioagulan, Rhememana, Cordyceps, Ginseng, and others, but it's important to use full pectrum herbs rather than extracts to obtain the desired energetic effects. This is especially beneficial to stimulant uses (anything from Adderalk to coffee), as stimulants accelerate the depletion of jing.

I personally have noticed dramatic improvements in energy levels and all around vitality since limiting myself to weekly ejaculation and incorporating a regimen of jing tonics. And by practicing the techniques for non-ejaculatory orgasms outlined in Chi's aforementioned book, I not only do not miss ejaculation, but actually have a more active and satisfying sex life.

#14 outsider

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 05:31 AM

A great book that addreses this topic is Mamtak Chi's "The Mult-Orgasmic Man."

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the benefits of abstaining from ejaculation are ascribed to the retention of jing energy (vital essence, used for procreation and rejuvenation). I've found this philosophy fascinating and would suggest researching it for men interested in the subject.

You can supplement jing energy through tonifiers like Schizandra, Deer Antler Velevet, Jioagulan, Rhememana, Cordyceps, Ginseng, and others, but it's important to use full pectrum herbs rather than extracts to obtain the desired energetic effects. This is especially beneficial to stimulant uses (anything from Adderalk to coffee), as stimulants accelerate the depletion of jing.

I personally have noticed dramatic improvements in energy levels and all around vitality since limiting myself to weekly ejaculation and incorporating a regimen of jing tonics. And by practicing the techniques for non-ejaculatory orgasms outlined in Chi's aforementioned book, I not only do not miss ejaculation, but actually have a more active and satisfying sex life.

I would (and did) reduce masturbation to 1-2 a week. Sex as wanted, it tends to regulate itself far more effectively, so that you won't overdo it.

I did experiment with the usual daoist/tantric semen retention techniques, but I think they're not without dangers (anorgasmia, kundalini syndrome) and that not everyone can achieve the full benefits. I think if you achieve a good level of qigong or yoga training, and open your energy pathways (for a lack of better word), you'll have awful lots of fun, too.


#15 caruga

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 12:32 PM

Not came for 4 days now, which is the longest I've gone without in _years_. And the greatest thing about it is that I've not exerted myself one tiny little bit; I've even explicitly gave myself permission to masturbate whenever I feel like. And it's not that I have no libido; I've had a few fantasies that gave me a fishing rod, but I've just prefered not to follow through. I only wish I'd came to this a lot sooner, as my 3x or more a day ejaculation every day for years can't have done my chronic fatigue any good and I struggled like hell to cut it down.

#16 Mr Serendipity

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Posted 12 March 2011 - 03:33 PM

I rarely ejaculate anymore because I'm trying to recover from ejaclatory anhedonia (no orgasm when ejaculating), there's a topic I made here about it. So I do go for long periods of semen retention.

The effects have been very subtle if anything. I remember when I use to ejaculate regularly I would have a lack of motivation for the rest of the day (if done in the morning), or a lack of motivation the next day after I awoke (if done the night before). I feel more mentally stable as I don't get depressed all the time like when I was younger, and I'm sure I have less problems with IBS symptoms/toilet trouble. I also believe my thinking is much more foggy after ejaculation.

However semen retention I believe, has lowered my libido when done for long periods of time, almost as if the dopamine in my brain has downregulated, as I don't feel horny like I use to. At first when you practice semen retention you'll probably feel more horny, but over a long period of time practicing it, you libido will start to wane.

#17 kikai93

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Posted 13 March 2011 - 04:02 AM

I rarely ejaculate anymore because I'm trying to recover from ejaclatory anhedonia (no orgasm when ejaculating), there's a topic I made here about it. So I do go for long periods of semen retention.

The effects have been very subtle if anything. I remember when I use to ejaculate regularly I would have a lack of motivation for the rest of the day (if done in the morning), or a lack of motivation the next day after I awoke (if done the night before). I feel more mentally stable as I don't get depressed all the time like when I was younger, and I'm sure I have less problems with IBS symptoms/toilet trouble. I also believe my thinking is much more foggy after ejaculation.

However semen retention I believe, has lowered my libido when done for long periods of time, almost as if the dopamine in my brain has downregulated, as I don't feel horny like I use to. At first when you practice semen retention you'll probably feel more horny, but over a long period of time practicing it, you libido will start to wane.

I did experiment with the usual daoist/tantric semen retention techniques, but I think they're not without dangers (anorgasmia, kundalini syndrome) and that not everyone can achieve the full benefits. I think if you achieve a good level of qigong or yoga training, and open your energy pathways (for a lack of better word), you'll have awful lots of fun, too.

I've dedicated my life to ecstasy. So, that said, I've gone a bit beyond the usual techniques. I can only say that I do think anyone with discipline can achieve the full benefits (in contradiction of quote #2, as discipline is a learned behavior), and that the effects of abstaining from orgasm and ejaculation (both is better than either in isolation) are cumulative. Abstain for a month and use a slow building fire sort of activity, and after a few hours, your mind literally explodes with ecstasy and bliss. The resultant undoing of self is an amazing experience and properly integrated can be a watershed experience.

#18 shp5

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Posted 13 March 2011 - 10:07 AM

I can only say that I do think anyone with discipline can achieve the full benefits (in contradiction of quote #2, as discipline is a learned behavior), and that the effects of abstaining from orgasm and ejaculation (both is better than either in isolation) are cumulative. Abstain for a month and use a slow building fire sort of activity, and after a few hours, your mind literally explodes with ecstasy and bliss. The resultant undoing of self is an amazing experience and properly integrated can be a watershed experience.[/size][/color]

One is messing with powerful physiological, emotional and "energetic" forces in oneself when withholding ejaculation. There can (and probably will) be positive effects, there can be negative effects. I also abstained from ejaculation for 5 weeks (mostly without dry masturbation) and my libido went completely away. You do not know for certain how such an intrusive technique as semen retention will affect a person. Caution is advised, if something comes up one should stop all of this and let his system resettle.

That being said I am glad for you. Did you have a teacher?

Edited by shp5, 13 March 2011 - 10:10 AM.

#19 kismet

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Posted 13 March 2011 - 11:38 AM

Seriously? [Citations needed]

#20 shp5

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Posted 13 March 2011 - 01:19 PM

Seriously? [Citations needed]

what parts of this thread do you mean, exactly :-D

#21 J. Galt

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 11:08 PM

I can only say that I do think anyone with discipline can achieve the full benefits (in contradiction of quote #2, as discipline is a learned behavior), and that the effects of abstaining from orgasm and ejaculation (both is better than either in isolation) are cumulative. Abstain for a month and use a slow building fire sort of activity, and after a few hours, your mind literally explodes with ecstasy and bliss. The resultant undoing of self is an amazing experience and properly integrated can be a watershed experience.[/size][/color]

One is messing with powerful physiological, emotional and "energetic" forces in oneself when withholding ejaculation. There can (and probably will) be positive effects, there can be negative effects. I also abstained from ejaculation for 5 weeks (mostly without dry masturbation) and my libido went completely away. You do not know for certain how such an intrusive technique as semen retention will affect a person. Caution is advised, if something comes up one should stop all of this and let his system resettle.

That being said I am glad for you. Did you have a teacher?

Completely areed.

The "edging" technique following long periods of abstinence described by kikai93 can seriously stress and potentially even damaging effects on the CNS if sexual energy is not properly circulated. From experience, the side effects can be worse than any stimulant (and I've been on Adderall for four years) and can do serious harm. While l the technique described can be immensely pleasurable and incredibly beneficial for energy levels, depression, and overall health, I would advise any novice against practicing it without first reading some Daoist or tantric literature to learn proper breathing, energy circulation, and energy ventilation techniques.

I realize that this discussion has ventured into decidedly unscientific territory, but the benefits and potential consequences of semen retention and extended orgasm are very real, so I wanted to share a word of warning.

#22 J. Galt

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 11:17 PM

From Timothy Ferris' The 4-Hour Body:


See, Dr. Wayne Van Voorhies of the University of Arizona had allowed nematodes, also called “roundworms,” to kill themselves by copulating. In his research, nematodes prevented from mating lived an average of 11.1 days. Nematodes allowed to drop their drawers lived a scant 8.1 days. Never got to see the grandkids grow up, never got to play golf at St. Andrews.

It’s a sad tale of weary scrotums (or whatever worms have as scrotums).

“The genes and biochemical processes nematodes use are the same as those that humans and other mammals use,” elaborated Dr. Philip Anderson of the University of Wisconsin.

The Times connected the logical dots in their conclusion: “Ceaseless sperm production takes its toll on a male, perhaps requiring the use of complex enzymes or biochemical processes that have harmful metabolic effects … the difference in lifespan between men and women [women live an average of 6 years longer] just may be linked to sperm production.”

Finally, no more ejaculating! It’s like finding out that flossing is bad for you. No more tiring sex or aching wrists. Hassle removed. And you might live 37% longer!
In the quest for longer life, it pays dividends to err on the side of caution, to avoid any unnecessary risks or unknowns. To live, after all, you don’t need much. Air, water, gruel with some protein, and shelter will cover all the bases. One could therefore suggest no venturing outside the home, no driving or traveling, and certainly no exposure to other humans, who could be sick with cat flu or diaper rash.

Naturally, this level of risk-avoidance leads to what we all want: a long-ass shitty life.

Edited by J. Galt, 15 March 2011 - 11:19 PM.

#23 outsider

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 04:52 AM

I can only say that I do think anyone with discipline can achieve the full benefits (in contradiction of quote #2, as discipline is a learned behavior), and that the effects of abstaining from orgasm and ejaculation (both is better than either in isolation) are cumulative. Abstain for a month and use a slow building fire sort of activity, and after a few hours, your mind literally explodes with ecstasy and bliss. The resultant undoing of self is an amazing experience and properly integrated can be a watershed experience.[/size][/color]

One is messing with powerful physiological, emotional and "energetic" forces in oneself when withholding ejaculation. There can (and probably will) be positive effects, there can be negative effects. I also abstained from ejaculation for 5 weeks (mostly without dry masturbation) and my libido went completely away. You do not know for certain how such an intrusive technique as semen retention will affect a person. Caution is advised, if something comes up one should stop all of this and let his system resettle.

That being said I am glad for you. Did you have a teacher?

Completely areed.

The "edging" technique following long periods of abstinence described by kikai93 can seriously stress and potentially even damaging effects on the CNS if sexual energy is not properly circulated. From experience, the side effects can be worse than any stimulant (and I've been on Adderall for four years) and can do serious harm. While l the technique described can be immensely pleasurable and incredibly beneficial for energy levels, depression, and overall health, I would advise any novice against practicing it without first reading some Daoist or tantric literature to learn proper breathing, energy circulation, and energy ventilation techniques.

I realize that this discussion has ventured into decidedly unscientific territory, but the benefits and potential consequences of semen retention and extended orgasm are very real, so I wanted to share a word of warning.

Yes again.

It can make you deal with your worst emotion or give you the best time of your life. It should be practiced within a spiritual context.

#24 chris76

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 02:45 PM

Any difference between ejaculating alone while masturbating and ejac. with a partner. Oxytocin is supposed to be released when being touched by someone else. Dont know if touching yourself has the same effect.
Maybe that causes post-ejaculation depression for some. You get the calming effects of prolactin but no oxytocin release?

Edited by chris76, 18 March 2011 - 02:46 PM.

#25 medievil

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 03:12 PM

have any males here practiced restraint from too frequent of ejaculation for enhanced motivation, vitality, concentration, energy, etc?

i have been and it works quite well.. btw i'm completely serious if anyone thinks this is a joke :unsure:

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#26 Zaul

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Posted 18 March 2011 - 03:39 PM


#27 Destiny's Equation

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 05:47 AM

While we're on the subject...

Can semen ingestion be considered a nootropic? :P

#28 tornpie

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 07:55 AM

While we're on the subject...

Can semen ingestion be considered a nootropic? :P

How do we design a randomized controlled trial to find out?

There is the pre-eclampsia prevention possibility, so the immunomodulating effect could theoretically be of some nootropic benefit. However this seems doubtful due to the apparent lack of prostitutes with baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate educations according to a recent NIH study.

"We were shocked that we didn't have any study responders simultaneously reporting themselves as crack-whores and solid state physicists," remarked Dr. Eugene Carson who coauthored the NIH study. However, an adult film star was preparing a dissertation defense in algebraic geometry.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

#29 maxwatt

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 02:34 PM

While we're on the subject...

Can semen ingestion be considered a nootropic? :P

How do we design a randomized controlled trial to find out?

There is the pre-eclampsia prevention possibility, so the immunomodulating effect could theoretically be of some nootropic benefit. However this seems doubtful due to the apparent lack of prostitutes with baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate educations according to a recent NIH study.

"We were shocked that we didn't have any study responders simultaneously reporting themselves as crack-whores and solid state physicists," remarked Dr. Eugene Carson who coauthored the NIH study. However, an adult film star was preparing a dissertation defense in algebraic geometry.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

do you have the pubmed id for the paper? ;)

#30 maxwatt

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 02:40 PM

While we're on the subject...

Can semen ingestion be considered a nootropic? :P

Maye not a nootropic, but.... It seems to be best absorbed via the mucosa. There was a study showing that it acts as an antidepressant when absorbed vaginally. Oral administration might not be as effective.

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