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Aniracetam side effects

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#1 triffidfood

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 04:32 PM

Does anyone have any experience of Aniracetam causing anxiety issues?

I've been taking this for 6 days now at a very cautious dose (50mg daily initially, now 100mg in two divided doses) but it's making me feel totally weird: as in what feel like sub-panic attack symptoms.. feeling wired, edgy when I'm out, etc. Taking the recommended dose (which I was doing for about 3 days, six weeks or so ago) had very similar effects, except much more so, which is why I discontinued and took a break.

Since Aniracetam is widely touted as being anxiolytic (anti anxiety), and since one of the main reasons I'm taking it is for precisely that reason, this is kinda annoying.

I guess it could be some initial settling in period side effect, but to be honest feels too consistent to really be that.

Anyone else experienced anything similar, or have any theories about this? It does occur to me that, since panic attacks are conceivably caused by a mis-firing or overactive parasympathetic nervous system, and since A-cetam stimulates parasympathetic activity, maybe there's some connection there?

Incidentally the only other supps or substances I'm taking, of any sort, are Lecithin granules (as a choline source w/the Aniracetam) and a multi vitamin.
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#2 Introspecta

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 06:37 PM

I don't take aniracetam for this reason. I also seemed to give me anxiety and make social situations feeel uncomfortable. I was a little angry myself because i heard of the supposed anti anxiety effects it was suppose to have. I guess we all respond in different ways to these substances.

#3 triffidfood

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 06:45 PM

I don't take aniracetam for this reason. I also seemed to give me anxiety and make social situations feeel uncomfortable. I was a little angry myself because i heard of the supposed anti anxiety effects it was suppose to have. I guess we all respond in different ways to these substances.

Glad it's not only me then. Sometimes I think I must just have this totally weird neurochemistry, since nothing I take ever seems to do what it's supposed to, no matter how much research I do or how careful I am. :|?

Like you say, we all respond differently to these things I suppose.

Edited by triffidfood, 30 March 2011 - 06:47 PM.

#4 Ichoose2live

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 06:54 PM

Are you taking alcohol or other medications with it? Are you taking it on a full-stomach? This stuff is a miracle for me and some people but a nightmare for others... http://www.longecity...ithout-results/

Edited by Ichoose2live, 30 March 2011 - 07:03 PM.

#5 triffidfood

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 07:10 PM

Are you taking alcohol or other medications with it? Are you taking it on a full-stomach? This stuff is a miracle for me and others but a nightmare for others... http://www.longecity...ithout-results/

No I'm not drinking alcohol at all at the moment, or taking any meds or anything else; just Lecithin granules and a multi-vit.

I don't take the Aniracetam with a meal as such, just with a small amount of olive oil (i.e. pop the capsule and then wash it down with the oil, which luckily I like the taste of anyway...)

I had thought maybe the capsules had gone bad, since the seal was broken, but I think that was because part of the seal had attached itself to the lid so probably broke when I opened the bottle (they're CTD labs capsules btw.)

#6 Gecko

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 07:44 PM

Does anyone have any experience of Aniracetam causing anxiety issues?

Anyone else experienced anything similar, or have any theories about this? It does occur to me that, since panic attacks are conceivably caused by a mis-firing or overactive parasympathetic nervous system, and since A-cetam stimulates parasympathetic activity, maybe there's some connection there?

I can't comment on the anxiety as it's not something I've found with aniracetam, but I'm guessing you meant sympathetic nervous system activity above. I haven't read anything about aniracetam's effects on nervous system activity, but over-active parasympathetic seems unlikely to cause anxiety, excess sympathetic activity more so through adrenalin stimulation and such I would imagine.

#7 triffidfood

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 10:44 PM

I can't comment on the anxiety as it's not something I've found with aniracetam, but I'm guessing you meant sympathetic nervous system activity above. I haven't read anything about aniracetam's effects on nervous system activity, but over-active parasympathetic seems unlikely to cause anxiety, excess sympathetic activity more so through adrenalin stimulation and such I would imagine.

Yes you're absolutely right, I was muddling up the Sympathetic & Parasympathetic nervous systems. Like you say, the Sympathetic NS is the one responsible for 'fight or flight' responses & that kind of thing, not the parasympathetic one, so so much for my theory... :wacko:

#8 triffidfood

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 11:26 PM

I suppose it is conceivable the anxiety/edginess could be related to not enough Choline, since there's apparently a connection between insuffient Choline & anxiety symptoms. Might try upping the amount of Lecithin since I've only been taking a relatively small amount - approx 1 teaspoon - of that, and didn't actually take any at all today (too much Choline gives me brain fog... :dry:)

Edited by triffidfood, 30 March 2011 - 11:29 PM.

#9 Imagination

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Posted 31 March 2011 - 06:48 AM

Are you sure its not the lechitin that is causing it?

#10 golden1

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Posted 01 April 2011 - 10:53 PM

ok here is how aniracetam works for me. The first 1-4 hours depending on dose is a noticeable meditative like mindset with deeper thinking, music appreciation, etc. Then the next phase I no longer feel it nearly as strong yet colors/sound are still enhanced(just not as much) and at THAT point forward is when it lowers anxiety. Pretty sure it's due to the metabolites.

#11 caruga

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Posted 02 April 2011 - 09:17 AM

Here's a tip: leaving out the dose you take something at is almost as bad as leaving out the name of the substance.

#12 golden1

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Posted 03 April 2011 - 05:53 AM

what I'm saying is that it has a 2 stage effect for me where the second half is the anxiety reducing one. really my point has been made regardless of including dosage.

however I can see how my dosages might be helpful(you could have just asked :P):
this occurs at any dose above 100mg for me(obv. stronger effects the higher the dose... 5000mg is like a whole different mind state for me.. 1000mg is my average).

#13 triffidfood

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 05:20 PM

Sorry to bump my own topic, but...

Could someone please confirm what CTD Labs A-cetam capsules are actually supposed to look like?

I'm feeling slightly paranoid because the seal on the tabs I bought was broken, so now I'm beginning to wonder if they even are Aniracetam. :|?

Anyway mine are blue and white (one half blue, one half white) and weigh approx 580mg... slightly curiously, given that these are supposed to be 750mg capsules.

Does that sound right or am I actually conceivably taking ... something else?

Edited by triffidfood, 21 April 2011 - 05:33 PM.

#14 Ichoose2live

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 05:57 PM

Sorry to bump my own topic, but...

Could someone please confirm what CTD Labs A-cetam capsules are actually supposed to look like?

I'm feeling slightly paranoid because the seal on the tabs I bought was broken, so now I'm beginning to wonder if they even are Aniracetam. :|?

Anyway mine are blue and white (one half blue, one half white) and weigh approx 580mg... slightly curiously, given that these are supposed to be 750mg capsules.

Does that sound right or am I actually conceivably taking ... something else?

Blue?? Huh, it's definitely not a Nootropic. Sounds scary.

#15 fql

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 08:00 PM

Sorry to bump my own topic, but...

Could someone please confirm what CTD Labs A-cetam capsules are actually supposed to look like?

I'm feeling slightly paranoid because the seal on the tabs I bought was broken, so now I'm beginning to wonder if they even are Aniracetam. :|?

Anyway mine are blue and white (one half blue, one half white) and weigh approx 580mg... slightly curiously, given that these are supposed to be 750mg capsules.

Does that sound right or am I actually conceivably taking ... something else?

I have the same brand. They are half blue and white.

#16 triffidfood

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 08:11 PM

Blue?? Huh, it's definitely not a Nootropic. Sounds scary.

Sorry, I mean the capsules themselves are blue/white, not the powder... :cool:

#17 triffidfood

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 08:14 PM

I have the same brand. They are half blue and white.

Okay thanks, and without any writing/marks at all on them (the capsules)?

#18 Audiomajik

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 02:05 AM

Mine are blue and white as well. Just to confirm.

#19 Koopa

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Posted 22 April 2011 - 02:40 AM

Sorry to bump my own topic, but...

Could someone please confirm what CTD Labs A-cetam capsules are actually supposed to look like?

I'm feeling slightly paranoid because the seal on the tabs I bought was broken, so now I'm beginning to wonder if they even are Aniracetam. :|?

Anyway mine are blue and white (one half blue, one half white) and weigh approx 580mg... slightly curiously, given that these are supposed to be 750mg capsules.

Does that sound right or am I actually conceivably taking ... something else?

I would advise not take medication from a bottle with a broken seal especially if it's bought online. A lot of the websites that sell nootropics are shady, imo. I don't really trust companies based in countries besides the US.
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#20 requiredinformation

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 05:49 AM

Aniracetam causes mild stress in social situations my thoughts are racing and mild paranoia kicks in. That never happens to me usually. I've dried all dosages from 750mg to 5 grams.

Makes me speak faster than I can think. Like a fire hose spewing water from a crack in the piping.

Edited by requiredinformation, 07 December 2012 - 05:51 AM.

#21 Darkat

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 11:55 AM

I have been using aniracetam for around 8 weeks and have only found it to have a calming and anti-anxiety effect - taking 1200mg per day, split 700/500 morning/evening.

Have you considered trying some from a different source?

#22 lifebuddy

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 04:36 AM

I get intense anti-anxiety effects. It is a highly effective anti-anxiety medication for me.

#23 golden1

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 04:53 AM

It depends on something. It used to make me anxious sometimes(overthinking things and such), now even during benzo w/d it makes me calm... infact if I dose about 5 grams 2-3 times when I'm lowering my benzo dose I barely get any withdrawal effects(I'm tapering off of benzos). To me this was a pretty amazing discovery, just randomly decided to try mega dosing it when lowering my benzo dose... Also makes me feel like I smoked a bit of weed...

I don't normally get depressed at all, but when tapering off benzos I used to be flooded with negative feelings and thoughts/memories and my head would spiral around overthinking them all making me even more stressed, but I noticed that for me this DISAPPEARS when I take aniracetam. The difference is night and day. It literally stops all of the forced negativity, and yet still allows me to have happy productive thoughts.. not numbing like I hear many anti-depressants are. (also this is a rather instant effect, once I feel the aniracetam my mood has changed dramatically.. so like 15-30min onset lasting at least 4 hours probably more on average)

I've been called a shill for aniracetam when I used to post about it years ago(before I was stuck on benzos, I would take around 1.5 grams btw) and how good it effected me, so I'm going to say in this post: these effects are obviously my own experience and don't reflect the majority of people's responses to it.

Edited by golden1, 10 December 2012 - 04:55 AM.

#24 Marcus Breunig

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 07:46 PM

Alright, EVERYTHING Out the window. Remember what Aniracetam is meant to do. Enhancing cognitive functioning.. a stronger connection between both hemispheres in ways. Remember that, in no way are you perfect.. your thoughts are strenthening in ways. You are by the milisecond recollecting more information and it is a bit overwhelming for your mind to comprehend. This is not bad though... this is good. This is in no means a side effect this is a benefit.. you are learning.. slowly gaining wisdom you may not have had prior to taking. Anxiety is created because you are not use to the over thought. This is okay though. It takes time to get use to a quicker brain. What did you think would happen? In all reality.. you should not have had the slightest clue what would take place after taking it because you are unaware of the boosts this amazing combination of supplements would have on your brain.

Be brave, this anxiety is your brain enduring new found understandings. This is what happens with a genius he/she just knows how to cope with the blitz of information they are constantly hit with. You are okay brotha man. Be a champ, tank it out and show this world your potential to increase the mind and what it is capable of doing. Love every moment and do not give up because of a little anxiety. Many have it but do not realize they are just better at enduring, this concept is okay though we all learn in different manners. Do not take this anxiety to heart though, the more you endure anxiety and tell yourself everything is always okay, you will be okay. My mind is like a super computer at this point and every second is like a Universe of information flowing, filtering brings anxiety because it is hard to comprehend to mass connection of everything here on this Earth but that is why we are here. To learn and progress together. You got this! Don't Give UP!!! :D
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#25 lifebuddy

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 07:56 PM

Marcus. That was a superb first post - - thank-you so much for the contribution! :)

#26 stablemind

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 11:18 PM

Marcus. That was a superb first post - - thank-you so much for the contribution! :)

Sounds like hypomania-mania to me.

On a side note, I took 1/2 of a 750 mg pill and I noticed better verbal fluency within 10 minutes. I was also a bit more creative with my problem solving skills. I noticed a mild increase in sociability at first but it kind of tapered off. I took this with some fish oil because it's fat soluble. I'll update this thread after I've trialed this substance for a few more days.

Edited by stablemind, 11 December 2012 - 11:40 PM.

#27 Dissolvedissolve

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 11:39 PM

Marcus. That was a superb first post - - thank-you so much for the contribution! :)

Sounds like hypomania-mania to me.

Agreed. I don't know why you would encourage that type of posting. Whenever someone has a hypomanic episode - and it seems to be remarkably common on this forum because of the various supplements people are trying - it's important to warn that person that he/she is likely hypomanic.
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Posted 12 December 2012 - 04:19 PM

Marcus. That was a superb first post - - thank-you so much for the contribution! :)

Sounds like hypomania-mania to me.

Agreed. I don't know why you would encourage that type of posting. Whenever someone has a hypomanic episode - and it seems to be remarkably common on this forum because of the various supplements people are trying - it's important to warn that person that he/she is likely hypomanic.

Also, I don't recall reading anywhere that aniracetam increases communication across the corpus callosum.

#29 golden1

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:01 PM

Marcus. That was a superb first post - - thank-you so much for the contribution! :)

Sounds like hypomania-mania to me.

Agreed. I don't know why you would encourage that type of posting. Whenever someone has a hypomanic episode - and it seems to be remarkably common on this forum because of the various supplements people are trying - it's important to warn that person that he/she is likely hypomanic.

Also, I don't recall reading anywhere that aniracetam increases communication across the corpus callosum.

has less data than piracetam and I'm not sure how it differs, but:


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Posted 12 December 2012 - 06:37 PM

Interesting. Incidentally, the abstract of the first study contained an incorrect spelling of the word 'aging'. But then, it was performed by a Japanese team (non-native English speakers, presumably).

Edited by LBGSHI, 12 December 2012 - 06:37 PM.

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