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Schizophrenia Related Cognitive Decline Help

bacopa's Photo bacopa 11 Dec 2011

I rememeber pretty strong increase in working, short term, evne long term memroy, with Galantamine, to answer your question, but that was about 2 years ago, and I'm much worse off now for unrelated reasons. I honestly think this nootropic addiction, which I am part of, is dangerous for people with healthy brains, if they over do it and take crazy dangerous amphetamine like enhancers, at best, it is just a waste of money, more a fun hobby with the wishful thinking that we are helping build "a better brain." That may be in the past as more people are looking for long term compounds that are not a quick one time burst of sorts.

Many posters, do things intelligently here, but anytime LDOPA and PEA are brought into the convo, a red flag goes off in me. maybe for ADD type of problems they help some, otherwise it's just a drug, imo, a potentially damging class of drugs as many have warned over the years. Seglegine, made me restless, and even more crazed, manic...of course I'm also in a hugely different cognitive category than most, and low dose may be beneficial ...but there is so much we don't know about long term use of noots. For instance some complain of brain fog on 5 mg of lithium orotate, while others can tolerate unbelievable doses. It's playing a bit of Russian Roulette with our neurochemistries, I think.

I have read so much about lithiium's neurprotective and NGF potential, even the study that showed a whopping 15% increase in some long term users gray matter, at therapeutic or high doses. but just rambling I know people on high doses of lithium, and they are hardly good with cognition, in fact often just duller, than when I see them off of Lithium...so one of my former doctors at Mcleans suggested it may not increase neurgenesis in the hippocampal regions or thinking parts of the brain at all, when I vagely remember hippocampul neurgenesis is one of the brain regions some studies show lithium helps with, wouldnt' that be great...but wrapping my mind around the claims and what is actually true, is mind numbing in itself. I've been with imminst since it started, in 02, and most intelligent posters realized over time that the time honored noots don't do anything spectacular, at least not in the long run, or that is the "basic gut feeling," me and many others have learned along the way. Of course some may argue with this point.

I'm not sure...the nootropic polls showed nicotine to be the most favorible noot in an older poll here; what does that say about the current state of nootropics? Also seems like Piracetam, Choline sources, are still the most favored..in terms of increased verbal fluency and overall intelligence boosting effects. Some even think they are geniuses on some of the Racitems...but in general I.hear mostly this noot has a subtle calming effect, or it increases attention, but rarely anything more. Of course if you have better attention, and drive and mood enhancement one can problem solve much better, and that may be the way many of these noots really work, at least the older time honered ones.

In one thread everyone got excited by this guy who claimed he had mastered the perfect nootropic stack and was doing so well, everyone started, thinking GOD maybe I gotta get more nootropics! 3 weeks later or so, the OP was like, I'm better off without them, and I swear most members were like maybe it's not helpng....placebo is always a factor as has been routinely discussed I am aware on these forums..

Then there are the studies, some read like nootropics are amazing, the favorable ones, quoted on life extension orgs, or supplement companies making these seem like elixirs, while studies done from mainstream research hospitals usually say they do absolutely nothing, or no evidence of it's alleged claimes. It's like the left wing vs. the right wing arguments in mainstream politics, but we are talking the "stone age" of cognitive enhancement.

Many people here ARE good judges of how something is affecting them, I can just tell, I used to be acutely good at noticing affects of a noot I was taking, while others say, "I think it is working," or say it is, and then say I'm not sure, or the effects stopped after a short window of time, and adverse reactions reported.......and then they give up on noots. Don't get me wrong, the brain although incredibly complex, is not so complex imo, that we won't have amazing cogntiive drugs, supplements, in the future, or even near future...it's just frustrating to read articles like "The Valley of Death, why promsing cures don't see the light of day." Google Sharon Begley Valley of death...society has been wasting money on everything but the brain...we could have been so far ahead by now, in treating or curing so many brain diseases. The point of her article is how the FDA, funding for clinical trials, upstart biotechs with often the best intentions never get the funding needed for the vital clinical trials. Many diseases have claimed to be potentially curable, and people have tried so hard to get patents, and failed doing even that... so most give up. The claims, "they are hiding the cure for cancer," are not totally in conspiracy realms...Francis Crick co discoverer of the human Genome, has claimed many times most cancers could be cured in a decade or less, had all this political nonsense not gone on...of course I may dispute that claim myself.

Most go to the noot section these days, due to an imbalance or disorder, or loss in IQ, hoping to find a stack, this is so unfair that we are left to experiment on ourselves, for those desperate for help, we WILL be able to fix the most damaged brains...but as someone despeartely waiting for these breakthroughs, it makes us people in my category so angry and distrustful because the medical industry is so afraid to take chances with new drugs, but the approved treatments for brain illnesses in the past included lobotomy, ECT, psyche drugs, all horrible ot the brain...makes us very weary to believe anything docs and researchers say these days...

it's knowing who to trust, most cognitive science is still in the stone age of thinking, while some are more on the right track...stem cells, anti aging etc. We are just seeing in the last decade a widening gap between biotechs that are truly vested in cures, and mainstream status quo, profiting off of patients illnesses, as in cancer, and most every chronic and serious illness. Which brings this post full circle as to why I got interested in life extension in the first place, because medicine presently is bad news still. Imminst started for two big reasons. One the idea of beating aging, beating diseases, started to seem possible in just the past decade, and two, the philosophy of transhumansim, is inherantly alluring, it combines sci fi, with reality, and the amazing things scientists learn about longevity every day now.

It's amazing how imminst people were so in the dark, in the beginning, including me, when it came to our innovative, even sometimes brilliant discussions, and ideas, inspired by Kurzweil, and others, juxtiposed with the stark sad reality of how medicine is practiced in the best hospitals in the world....posters through the years have continually expressed how backward even basic nutritional guidelines have been, and of course now the latest realization is we have been destroying our minds and bodies with toxins in our processed foods, water, and now especially the heavy metal worries, like amalgam flilling poisonings, and even vaccinations, all of which I have come to believe myself.

Anyway, back to nootropics. we should do another poll, and try to pm all imminst members to see the latest thinking on what nootropics are helping the most, (the poll that I saw sucked, very few responders, and it was non inclusive of so many newer noots.) I greatly appreciate Chronos intro thread to all nootropics, and links, it give a good overview of so many, with skeptical links...but follow up polls are needed imo.

I personally think the best results for noots are ones that protect the brain from "life damage," including environmental insults, including toxins, head injury, depression, psychosis, trauma, but also ones that make people "feel good," so some of our best writers were alcoholics, smoked cigarettes, which helped them to feel inspired and engaged to write often brilliantly, but of course did dreadful damage to their brain and phsyical health in the long run.

..I'm alway amazed at people like Christopher HItchens who was able to write brilliantly, and speak flawlessly up until his still dying days from all the smoking and drinking, even after chemo he is far smarter than me, and many in the world...goes to show how brains differ in IQ, and what one brain is able to handle vs. another. Hitchens brain should be put in a reserach lab, when he does succumb ot his cancer, to see in the future how he was able to handle so much toxic abuse, and still be so smart, and quick. My father was in the genius category, worked for NASA, and still does amazing work involving high end algebra, calculus, and a plethora of skills that most could not master like he has, unfortuntatlely bad lifestyle habits like drinking, poor diet, and lack of exercise has made him much slower to learn new concepts, but hes' still sharp with what he does know.

Then we have athletes who have great brain health, don't drug smoke, who sound like retards...sorry for that word...obviously IQ plays a huge role, and not using your brain plays the other role.

So the problems for the future of noots, that I see are 1) we need to emphasize neuroprotection and neruogenesis, these two related things are just being focused on just recently, as in the past 5 or so years to my knowledge. 2) we need to find noots that make us feel good, anti depressants or adaptogens, to help with damage from sleep and stress, (like L Tryptophan, Maca,) and precursors to neurotransmitters, that allow for favorable mind states. But from researching noots for a while now, I have yet to find any that dramatically increase IQ, except for short bursts, anecdotally it seems...so the future of noots, and pharma drugs are ones that repair damage, in brain problems, and increase intelligence directly in healthy people...I don't see much of either yet.

We went through a small time frame where people swore psychadelics were the way to "expand the mind," this turned out to be, eh, not a great way of going about it.

Then the herbalists make wild claims too; again, some may have merit....It's upsetting ,that there have not been longitudinal huge studies, non biased, independant researchers on medicinal herbs, mushrooms, roots, compounds, even Cannabis there are such contradictory studies. From my limited experience it seems many promising compounds have been dumped, and who knows why? while others just failed miserably.

Brain foods however are talked about all over the net...of course this is tremendously helpful for people who dont' want to take chances on risky supplements, and go with diets that could protect them before they get screwed over like we are seeing with so many young people and old today.

To bring things back to this thread on schizophrenia, I have done clinical research studies for upping cognition in schizophrenia, when it was "assumed I had this dx," the studies were folic acid, ancient antibiotics, and other boring supplements...it's too easy to just study what is already there, instead of taking risks for creating novel and expensive compounds, like is happening finally with Alzheimers, and other neruological illness, yes stem cells, organ regeneration, all the stuff imminst advocates for, and tries to fund in it's small way, is what we still lack in even the best research hospitals, or too little and too late for so many..

Then my understanding of how dangerous brain medicine has been since the dawn of drugs for brain illnesses, makes it hard for many of us to trust that "good medicine" will be funded, or is even being done right....hence Methuselah Foundation, SENS, other life extension companies, biotechs, all hoping to actually achieve what mainstream medicine has failed miserbly at for too long.

cogntiitve enhancers are addicting by nature, the idea of bettering our intelligence, or our deficits, but human beings are incredibly swayed to believe anything that sounds intelligent, well thought out, and written well by "experts," is "worth a shot." In the end it's marketing, the pharmas have mastered this, now the supplement industry is luring more people into buying less dangerous remedies, that usually is just wasting money for most. The the lack of regulation makes scam supplement companies come out of the wood work, worse now than ever now. If only profit was not such a human motive...it's disgusting what kinds of people end up becoming doctors these days. Doctors are lawyers and salesmen first some have argued, and doctors second...most doctors don't know what the hell they are doing, old info from med school, now most being challenged.
Edited by dfowler, 11 December 2011 - 08:48 AM.

Propoxy's Photo Propoxy 11 Dec 2011

I also have memory problems from Bipolar depression. I'm really sensitive to cognitive enhancer so I've had to go to the route of eating healthy, working out, going milk and gluten free.

What I've done is started eating 4-5 eggs a day, (however the high protein may not be best for someone with schizophrenia) high does omega 3, green tea and blueberry or acai berry juice with 30 a min work out in the morning has helped me. It takes a long time to show results is the only downside.

Something I just started acupuncture which I'm told would help my depression also help me cognitively I will let you know if it helps

Edited by Propoxy, 11 December 2011 - 07:57 AM.

bacopa's Photo bacopa 11 Dec 2011

this is my preferred route, and I easily could have achieve it has shit not ruined my brain...inotherwords in 2004 I was much better off, if I knew then what i knew now, I would have stopped drinking like a college kid, quit smoking even casually, I was exercising, but focusing on my anxieties, worries, and paranoia, with good organic foods, and not trying to lead the life of a 20 something idiot, I probably would have avoided so much damage.

If I had worn my night guard I wouldnt' have had mercury fillings put in....unfortunately, I'm 35, they didn't teach this way of thinking in my generation, and most still are subjected to the aburd quackery and dangers of the psyche industry, and modern medicine...psyche industry being far more dangerous, and brutal for so many.

If only I was born 15 years later, and had known I had a brain injury at birth, and if I had understood what that meant, I would have realized I have to go slow, take care of my brain, avoid stress, avoid temptations to get drunk like I used to with my buddies, like I do now, everything could have been different.

It's also the stupid, wasteful, American lifestyle that has crushed so many. We are taught to work are asses off, with high stress for people with fragile neurochemistries, or one's that don't it's still unbelievably stressful world more than ever. Skill sets demanded at well paying jobs, require an unbelievable amount of energy, intelligence, willpower, that I have non of now, nor really ever did perhaps.

...in hindsight if I had left college, and worked on a farm, or some kind of community where people were aware of what stress, toxins, all the "hippie bullshit" most of us thought was bullshis, is now kind of being realized by so many as basically true...Some of the extremes of the "health nutty" community are dangerous, but far less than the typical American lifestyle of going out to bars in one's 20's, smoking, doing drugs, and trying to live the "American dream," eating Mcdonalds, pizza. It didn't help that Hollywood glamorized this for the X generation, MTV, before that did the same...in short 35 years old is still pretty young, even in human years...it's pathetic how we as a 1st world country has dealt with a now realized health epidemic.

There is also little room for those who have mental "illness" in this country...this is my experience with just one of many injustices in the U.S. these days. I have a Facebook page against present day psychiatry, I studied, and worked in bullshit advocacy grous like NAMI, and saw so many people abused, destroyed by meds, chronically sick and brain damaged, that I started to focus all of my energy on getting well, and exposing the psyche industry for the f' ckers they really are.
Edited by dfowler, 11 December 2011 - 09:05 AM.

bacopa's Photo bacopa 11 Dec 2011

hey propoxy, acupuncture, meditation are amazing if your not at my point. Basically when your brain is so damaged you can't even enjoy meditation, (I don't think period when I am not writing, so a blankness of mind due to ECT, and psychotic break, psychce drugs, makes it painful to meditate.)

I used to have actual THOUGHTS too many in my head, so when I meditated back before all this stuff, I could picture things in my brain, and think of pleasant thoughts, or even practice memory techniques which were quite effective while meditating, at especially training your memory. Now it's just I"m sitting there breathing, and it sucks. Massages and acupressure/puncture feel good, but that does not last.

My hope is if I get better enough than doing this will have some benefit, to reduce chronic stress, and prevent further deterioration due to obsessive worry, PTSD etc.

Let's put it this way, when I eat organic whole foods I notice huge increases in mood, but again, for me it doesn't last due to my current state.

in my opinion you are on the right track...don't get too caught up in cognitive enhancers...it may be more a hobby but if I were to put my money in stuff that may help my brain I would go more natural, mushrooms, herbs, why? Because there is a cool culture behind holistic approaches. The culture of popping noots from sketchy sources, is not my cup of tea anymore...contaminents is a huge concern, but for me, Im not giving up on noots, I just want one that shows great promise, not the same random effects in different people from nothing, to a little boost, to as you say actually making things worse.

Like when i take aniracetam I feel like death, even piracetem is more of a head numbing feeling...I get more pleasure and focus from nicotine, something I am desperately trying to quit.

At this point, I live a life of trying to be healthy, but being in so much pain I end up taking an occasional vicodin, or stuff I KNOW is dangerous...I know too many survivors of mental health who are addcited to drugs, alcohol, basiclaly numbing the pain away...yes the diseases easily can lead to that, and frequently do, but if you can stop bad habits early on, I'm sure you'll be a lot better off.

I've said it a few times before, heh, imminst used to be about healthy people beating aging, and staying healthy, it's devolved into vast majority of people with brain problems, (I don't necessarily buy into traditional labels bipolar, schziophrenia, etc.) because so many things cause these classic symptoms therefore they are most likely not one disease, but things triggering symptoms. IN more and more, every day it seems there are articles showing how there is a wide spectrum even in just bi polar labeled people. Some do not deteriorate, some are CEO's, some do terribly, so pathologizing symptoms of mania, depression, is dangerous, as many different factors cause these symptoms, with many different outcomes.

Genetic testing for bi polar I'm sure when perfected better will show that there is no one specific pathology, mania itself can be seen in non mentally ill labeled people, like my friend who is a doctor...if he went to your average shrink they would instantly label him bipolar, but because he is so high functioning, he never had a need to.
Edited by dfowler, 11 December 2011 - 09:26 AM.

Connor MacLeod's Photo Connor MacLeod 11 Dec 2011

http://www.iherb.com...ules/38360?at=0 this is the best deplin generic, all other stuff is way underdosed.

Have you ever tried MethylCobalamin? Heard it's pretty nice, too.

Example: http://www.amazon.co.../dp/B001F0R7VE/

Sublingual is the best I guess.

Yes its good stuff, and apperantly synergizes nicely with l methylfolate.

I went to 30mg L methylfolate today after receiving the high dosed generic.

How much MTHF can you take before it causes B12 deficiency?

I don't believe 5-MTHF can cause B-12 deficiency, but it can mask the symptoms of B-12 deficiency (while the neurological damage is still taking place.) I do recall reading a while back that high doses of folate can potentially interfere with some antiepileptic medications.

thedevinroy's Photo thedevinroy 12 Dec 2011

How much MTHF can you take before it causes B12 deficiency?

I don't believe 5-MTHF can cause B-12 deficiency, but it can mask the symptoms of B-12 deficiency (while the neurological damage is still taking place.) I do recall reading a while back that high doses of folate can potentially interfere with some antiepileptic medications.

Ahh... it was a trick question. That is correct. It does not cause B12 deficiency, but it does mask it. Thus, it would make sense to take Methyl-B12 with Methyl-Folate.

Yeah... overmethylation can cause a lot of things... everything from hyperactivity to fatigue. It's a huge cycle of things that links the immune system with the nervous system. If you do OD on methyl donors, you can take the generic forms of B9 and B12.

medievil's Photo medievil 12 Dec 2011

devinthayer: If you can explain your friends symptons, i could provide you with a customised regime. Id gladly help others out too.


Vivid imagination overcame reality... paranoia involved in each one. People disliked either became "not the real" person if they were a loved one or child molesters if they were disliked. There were weapons of mass destruction underneath the house. The government was sending electricity through the body during sleep. There was a ghost in the couch. Alternate realities with the same people became common stories.

Walking the halls at night, very suspicious of everyone.

Overactive mind.

Tried supplements, but not very well. Bought things like ginkgo, garlic, vitamin B12, etc. nothing strong enough for brain health. Was not trying to self-medicate, but like the idea of living longer.

Bad spending habits. Bought large amounts of fast food.

Very overweight.

High motivation to do everything. Some great ideas mixed in with the crazy stuff... However, had somewhat bad follow through. (sort of an ADHD symptom) Sometimes started projects and never completed.

Bursts of anger and frustration when ideas were threatened or freedom was revoked. Went off the pills years ago, threw the last bottle in the doctor's face and told her off. 3 years ago, pushed my grandmother over (who was 92 at the time) and now is being forced medication.

Lost weight. Lack of energy. Very low responsiveness to life. Lonely but afraid to get back in touch... does not feel welcome any longer. A sort of misery that sort of breaks your heart. Surely, part of the problem is my family's support in the matter. I've been meaning to visit, but forever forget when I'm strolling through the town.

Risperdal supressed anger issues and stuff for me, at the cost of killing my emotions tough, paranoia seems to be a huge problem and lack of energy too, what about lmethylfolate, zyprexa and a low dose of ritalin er for the lack of energy, zyprexa dose needs to be adjucted to block enough D2 so ritalin isnt pro psychotic, D2 is the psychosis inducing dopamine receptor. L methylfolate works for paranoia, perhaps add a ssri like lexapro too with mirtazepine.

Connor MacLeod's Photo Connor MacLeod 12 Dec 2011

How much MTHF can you take before it causes B12 deficiency?

I don't believe 5-MTHF can cause B-12 deficiency, but it can mask the symptoms of B-12 deficiency (while the neurological damage is still taking place.) I do recall reading a while back that high doses of folate can potentially interfere with some antiepileptic medications.

Ahh... it was a trick question. That is correct. It does not cause B12 deficiency, but it does mask it. Thus, it would make sense to take Methyl-B12 with Methyl-Folate.

Methyl B-12 is also one of the co-factors in methionine synthase, one of the pathways for processing homocysteine. Elevated levels of homocysteine have been implicated in a number of neurological disorders, e.g. autism, schizophrenia, major depression, etc. So this is another reason why one might want to take Methyl B-12 in conjunction with folate.

medievil's Photo medievil 13 Dec 2011

If anyone wants help shizo wise, pm your msn adress, i can provide help best trough MSN.

max_cognition's Photo max_cognition 13 Dec 2011

Hi again, I'm the OP of this thread. I'm glad to see how much this thread has blossomed. Some of you know way more about my illness than I do. Very impressive! Thank you all so much for all the info. I'll read it as soon as I get some sleep first.

By the way, I received my order of the nootropics. I experimented with Piracetam and Oxiracetam for only three days because I was actually getting high on the stuff. I took too much because 1) I didn't have a scale and 2) because I wanted to immediately notice the full effects. I know these substances are pretty safe so I gave it a go. It was a blast. Quite powerful. I probably could have killed myself by taking higher and higher dosages. Anyway, I stopped for now, but I plan to continue in the New Year while I'm studying and also once I get some Choline Bitartrate (I've already ordered it from CH). I'll definitely take lower dosages this time!

One last thing, schizophrenia really is horrible and many people who don't personally have experience with it can't possibly understand the psychological pain the afflicted individual goes through on a daily basis. Even on meds it can be horrible and sometimes, in some cases, meds can make it worse! I'd do anything not to have schizophrenia or to cure myself of it.

Thanks again!
Edited by max_cognition, 13 December 2011 - 03:32 PM.

medievil's Photo medievil 13 Dec 2011

I consider minocycline, l methylfolate and pregnenolone the most effective things for shizophrenia, consider adding those to your antipsychotic. They all work for positives too.

The Immortalist's Photo The Immortalist 13 Dec 2011


I have schizophrenia and over the years my cognition has been declining. I don't know if it's because of the medications or the illness. For all I know it could be a mixture of both. I have memory problems (both short term and long term), problems concentrating, low attention span, trouble speaking and putting my thoughts into words, etc. The list goes on. Nevertheless, I'd like to correct my cognitive problems through the use of substances like nootropics and other smart drugs. I've talked to my psychiatrist about this and he doesn't seem to have a clue. "Just take your meds," he says!

What's it like having schizophrenia? Do you see illusions and other things that are not real? Do you hold beliefs that are contrary to reality? It doesn't really make sense to me how a person could be like that.

Any schizophrenics here want to answer my question? I'm guessing if you do in fact have schizophrenia and you're able to type lucidly you have a milder form of the disorder? How are you not schizophrenic if you don't see illusions or here voices and the like?

medievil's Photo medievil 13 Dec 2011

Psychosis only comes at ocasion, i had a weeklong psychosis once wich was horrible, i heared my girlfriend having sex next to me, and saying the most awefull things to me, i also tought she was setting me up for lifelong londen jail and tought that one of her friends was gonna have sex with me to fuck me over and rape me.

max_cognition's Photo max_cognition 14 Dec 2011

Any schizophrenics here want to answer my question? I'm guessing if you do in fact have schizophrenia and you're able to type lucidly you have a milder form of the disorder? How are you not schizophrenic if you don't see illusions or here voices and the like?

I went for two mental evaluations and tried acting as normally as possible and they still labeled me with schizophrenia both times. I honestly don't know why. Personally, I think I have psychological problems as a result of multiple head injuries and bad trips during drug use. My psychiatrist told my mom "your son is very sick" and he said this when I thought I was doing well. So I'm pretty clueless when it comes to my illness/disorder/etc and I feel like I experience the world like everyone else. I really don't understand my own illness very well even though I have read a book or two on the subject. It's an everyday experience and I've gotten used to it for the most part.

I don't know if I answered your question, The Immortalist. It's a hard question to answer. In a nutshell, schizophrenia is probably a cluster of many different disorders in different regions of the brain. It can be a different experience for different people and there are many forms of sz. Nobody fully understands this illness. In addition, sz can be like a drug trip without having taken any drugs.
Edited by max_cognition, 14 December 2011 - 06:55 AM.

Adan's Photo Adan 17 Dec 2011

I consider minocycline, l methylfolate and pregnenolone the most effective things for shizophrenia, consider adding those to your antipsychotic. They all work for positives too.

I found an abstract on minocycline regarding schizophrenia and I noticed that the study was specific to early-phase or prodome schizophrenia. I started showing sza symptoms about a year and a half ago, do you think the use of minocycline would still benefit me? I think it might still work, if only to prevent further deterioration by its neuroprotective effects

l methyfolate seems interesting as well. It doesn't seem like it has as much scientific support as minocycline though.

For pregnenolone insomnia might be experienced - which might hold me back from using pregnenolone since I already have trouble sleeping sometimes. Maybe using a low dose would prevent that. I also don't want acne but the low dose would apply there as well. Plus I could just use benzoyl peroxide more often.

I'll definitely try minocycline since it seems pretty safe.

Ark's Photo Ark 17 Dec 2011

J Psychopharmacol. 2003 Dec;17(4):439-45.
Chronic cannabis abuse raises nerve growth factor serum concentrations in drug-naive schizophrenic patients.

Jockers-Scherübl MC, Matthies U, Danker-Hopfe H, Lang UE, Mahlberg R, Hellweg R.


Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charite-University Medicine Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany. maria.jockers@medizin.fu-berlin.de


Long-term cannabis abuse may increase the risk of schizophrenia. Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a pleiotropic neurotrophic protein that is implicated in development, protection and regeneration of NFG-sensitive neurones. We tested the hypothesis that damage to neuronal cells in schizophrenia is precipitated by the consumption of cannabis and other neurotoxic substances, resulting in raised NGF serum concentrations and a younger age for disease onset. The NGF serum levels of 109 consecutive drug-naive schizophrenic patients were measured and compared with those of healthy controls. The results were correlated with the long-term intake of cannabis and other illegal drugs. Mean (+/- SD) NGF serum levels of 61 control persons (33.1 +/- 31.0 pg/ml) and 76 schizophrenics who did not consume illegal drugs (26.3 +/- 19.5 pg/ml) did not differ significantly. Schizophrenic patients with regular cannabis intake (> 0.5 g on average per day for at least 2 years) had significantly raised NGF serum levels of 412.9 +/- 288.4 pg/ml (n = 21) compared to controls and schizophrenic patients not consuming cannabis (p < 0.001). In schizophrenic patients who abused not only cannabis, but also additional substances, NGF concentrations were as high as 2336.2 +/- 1711.4 pg/ml (n = 12). On average, heavy cannabis consumers suffered their first episode of schizophrenia 3.5 years (n = 21) earlier than schizophrenic patients who abstained from cannabis. These results indicate that cannabis is a possible risk factor for the development of schizophrenia. This might be reflected in the raised NGF-serum concentrations when both schizophrenia and long-term cannabis abuse prevail.


My thoughts would be that raising NGF-serum could be useful to treat your schizophrenia since you already have schizophrenia you may find sucess using heavy for a while and then stopping all together. Perhaps it could reset your system and reverse your cognitive decline.
Edited by Ark, 17 December 2011 - 09:46 PM.

medievil's Photo medievil 17 Dec 2011

I consider minocycline, l methylfolate and pregnenolone the most effective things for shizophrenia, consider adding those to your antipsychotic. They all work for positives too.

I found an abstract on minocycline regarding schizophrenia and I noticed that the study was specific to early-phase or prodome schizophrenia. I started showing sza symptoms about a year and a half ago, do you think the use of minocycline would still benefit me? I think it might still work, if only to prevent further deterioration by its neuroprotective effects

l methyfolate seems interesting as well. It doesn't seem like it has as much scientific support as minocycline though.

For pregnenolone insomnia might be experienced - which might hold me back from using pregnenolone since I already have trouble sleeping sometimes. Maybe using a low dose would prevent that. I also don't want acne but the low dose would apply there as well. Plus I could just use benzoyl peroxide more often.

I'll definitely try minocycline since it seems pretty safe.

Minocycline will certainly still be of benefit, combine it with l methylfolate and pregnenolone,for further improvement in negatives add in mirtazepine.

Adan's Photo Adan 18 Dec 2011

I consider minocycline, l methylfolate and pregnenolone the most effective things for shizophrenia, consider adding those to your antipsychotic. They all work for positives too.

I found an abstract on minocycline regarding schizophrenia and I noticed that the study was specific to early-phase or prodome schizophrenia. I started showing sza symptoms about a year and a half ago, do you think the use of minocycline would still benefit me? I think it might still work, if only to prevent further deterioration by its neuroprotective effects

l methyfolate seems interesting as well. It doesn't seem like it has as much scientific support as minocycline though.

For pregnenolone insomnia might be experienced - which might hold me back from using pregnenolone since I already have trouble sleeping sometimes. Maybe using a low dose would prevent that. I also don't want acne but the low dose would apply there as well. Plus I could just use benzoyl peroxide more often.

I'll definitely try minocycline since it seems pretty safe.

Minocycline will certainly still be of benefit, combine it with l methylfolate and pregnenolone,for further improvement in negatives add in mirtazepine.


I think I will try only pregnenolone for now, I am afraid of using minocycline due to its possible side effects in the long term.

I mostly need help with cognition. Are you trying sarcosine? If so, where are you getting it from? I tried a body building supplement called Test Force 2 that contained sarcosine and d-aspartic acid but I stopped using it. I didn't experience any improvements and I was concerned about NMDA hyperactivity leading to excitotoxicity and concerned about typical steroid side effects. I think it may be better to try sarcosine in its pure form.

edit: Thanks to user Ark, who posted in another another threat a source for sarcosine: cerebralhealth dot com
Edited by Antonio, 18 December 2011 - 01:32 AM.

Ark's Photo Ark 18 Dec 2011

Also theres promising research coming out on L-theanine. http://www.stanleyre...ail.aspx?id=252 Results Sixty (60) patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomized to L-theanine 400 mg/day for 8 weeks as an adjunct medication. Those on L-theanine had a significant improvement in anxiety, PANSS-positive, and general psychopathology symptoms

Lufega's Photo Lufega 18 Dec 2011

If anyone with schizo could get tested for toxoplasma gondii antibodies. That can lend support to a discussion going on in this thread:


Lufega's Photo Lufega 18 Dec 2011

I came across this article today:


A substance named L-Lysine may help alleviate schizophrenia symptoms - specifically cognitive deficits. I may try it.

I assumed for a second that Schizophrenia was caused by Toxoplasma Gondii. How would Lysine improve cognitive function in this setting ?

We know from studies with Herpes, that a high concentration of lysine inhibits viral replication and impairs Arginine-reuptake by the kidneys. T. Gondii cannot produce arginine so it needs this from the host. Arginine seems to be important for the survival and replication of t. Gondii as well. When there isn't enough, it converts from the active bradyzoite to the inactive tachyzoite (cyst form).

In other words, supplementing Lysine, lowers arginine concentration and metabolically shuts down T. gondii. With this, the brain can probably resume some of it's normal functions less disturbed. In the cyst form, it can evade immune detection but it can potentially be killed by thyme essential oil.


Toxoplasma gondii lacks the enzymes required for de novo arginine biosynthesis and arginine starvation triggers cyst formation.


Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Dartmouth Medical School, 1 Medical Centre Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756, USA.


Two separate carbamoyl phosphate synthetase activities are required for the de novo synthesis of pyrimidines and arginine in most eukaryotes.Toxoplasma gondii is novel in possessing a single carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II gene that corresponds to a glutamine-dependent form required for pyrimidine biosynthesis. We therefore examined arginine acquisition in T. gondii to determine whether the single carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II activity could provide both pyrimidine and arginine biosynthesis. We found that arginine deprivation efficiently blocks the replication of intracellular T.gondii, yet has little effect on long-term parasite viability. Addition of citrulline, but not ornithine, rescues the growth defect observed in the absence of exogenous arginine. This rescue with citrulline is ablated when parasites are cultured in a human citrullinemia fibroblast cell line that is deficient in argininosuccinate synthetase activity. These results reveal the absence of genes and activities of the arginine biosynthetic pathway and demonstrate that T. gondii is an arginine auxotroph. Arginine starvation was also found to efficiently trigger differentiation of replicative tachyzoites into bradyzoites contained within stable cyst-like structures. These same parasites expressing bradyzoite antigens can be efficiently switched back to rapidly proliferating tachyzoites several weeks after arginine starvation. We hypothesise that the absence of gene activities that are essential for the biosynthesis of arginine from carbamoyl phosphate confers a selective advantage by increasing bradyzoite switching during the host response to T.gondii infection. These findings are consistent with a model of host-parasite evolution that allowed host control of bradyzoite induction by trading off virulence for increased transmission.

PMID: 15003493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

I would also love to read this study. Pubmed only lists the title. Can anyone get access ? I would imagine that a Lysine deficient diet (which is typically most western, grain based diets) can increase the virulence of a T. gondii infection.

Trop Geogr Med.

1960 Jun;12:180-2.

The effect of a lysine-deficient diet on the course of a chronic Toxoplasma infection.

van der WAAIJ.

PMID: 13782343 [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE]

Edited by Lufega, 18 December 2011 - 06:33 AM.

medievil's Photo medievil 18 Dec 2011

That infection thing is mostly bullshit imo, there's a ton of riskgene's identified for shizophrenics.

Besides is raising NO of far more benefit then depleting it with l lysine, i first tought it was selective for iNOS but it is not.

medievil's Photo medievil 18 Dec 2011

I consider minocycline, l methylfolate and pregnenolone the most effective things for shizophrenia, consider adding those to your antipsychotic. They all work for positives too.

I found an abstract on minocycline regarding schizophrenia and I noticed that the study was specific to early-phase or prodome schizophrenia. I started showing sza symptoms about a year and a half ago, do you think the use of minocycline would still benefit me? I think it might still work, if only to prevent further deterioration by its neuroprotective effects

l methyfolate seems interesting as well. It doesn't seem like it has as much scientific support as minocycline though.

For pregnenolone insomnia might be experienced - which might hold me back from using pregnenolone since I already have trouble sleeping sometimes. Maybe using a low dose would prevent that. I also don't want acne but the low dose would apply there as well. Plus I could just use benzoyl peroxide more often.

I'll definitely try minocycline since it seems pretty safe.

Minocycline will certainly still be of benefit, combine it with l methylfolate and pregnenolone,for further improvement in negatives add in mirtazepine.


I think I will try only pregnenolone for now, I am afraid of using minocycline due to its possible side effects in the long term.

I mostly need help with cognition. Are you trying sarcosine? If so, where are you getting it from? I tried a body building supplement called Test Force 2 that contained sarcosine and d-aspartic acid but I stopped using it. I didn't experience any improvements and I was concerned about NMDA hyperactivity leading to excitotoxicity and concerned about typical steroid side effects. I think it may be better to try sarcosine in its pure form.

edit: Thanks to user Ark, who posted in another another threat a source for sarcosine: cerebralhealth dot com

Sarcosine protects against excitoxiticy, so does nac wich also potentiates NMDA, i got sarcosine and D aspartic acid from smartpowders.

If you need help with cognition you need to raise eNOS and glutamate activity, my suggestion:

2 gram sarcosine a day (or 8 gram like me)
3 gram d aspartic acid (or 12 gram like me)
2 gram resveratrol
5 gram aniracetam a day (or 10 gram like me)

The following things i consider adding in:

L alalaline (NMDA agonist)
L glutamine (nmda agonist and raises glutamate agonizing the other glutamate receptors-
L aspartae (Another NMDA agonist)

L methylfolate also raises NO alot

Focus on those pathways.

hippocampus's Photo hippocampus 18 Dec 2011

That infection thing is mostly bullshit imo, there's a ton of riskgene's identified for shizophrenics.

Besides is raising NO of far more benefit then depleting it with l lysine, i first tought it was selective for iNOS but it is not.

that doesn't mean anything. even if you have "risk genes" you may need specific interaction with environment for the disease. it's the same like with language: you may have genes for developing it but if you're isolated from other ppl you'll never learn any language.

medievil's Photo medievil 18 Dec 2011

Well progression of my mate started with mdma, and in my case with taking more amp when i couldnt move my hand and stuff anymore wich looked like a stroke, but as predromal shizophrenic i was unable to make the correct decission and seek medical attention. I gues that virus is just a simular trigger like drug abuse.

Adan's Photo Adan 18 Dec 2011

Sarcosine protects against excitoxiticy,

Evidence for this?

Adan's Photo Adan 19 Dec 2011

Oxidative stress in schizophrenia.
Bošković M, Vovk T, Kores Plesničar B, Grabnar I.

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Increasing evidence indicates that oxidative damage exists in schizophrenia. Available literature about possible mechanisms of oxidative stress induction was reviewed. Furthermore, possibilities of measuring biomarkers of schizophrenia outside the central nervous system compartment, their specificity for different types of schizophrenia and potential therapeutic strategies to prevent oxidative injuries in schizophrenia were discussed. Data were extracted from published literature found in Medline, Embase, Biosis, Cochrane and Web of Science, together with hand search of references. Search terms were: schizophrenia, oxidative stress, antipsychotics, antioxidants and fatty acids. Finding a sensitive, specific and non invasive biomarker of schizophrenia, which could be measured in peripheral tissue, still stays an important task. Antioxidant enzymes, markers of lipid peroxidation, oxidatively modified proteins and DNA are most commonly used. As it considers the supplemental therapy, according to our meta-analysis vitamin E could potentially improve tardive dyskinesia, while for the effect of therapy with polyunsaturated fatty acids there is no clear evidence. Oxidative stress is a part of the pathology in schizophrenia and appears as a promising field.


Adan's Photo Adan 20 Dec 2011

Does this mean that pregnenolone prevents NMDA induced excitotoxicity?

Pregnenolone sulfate: a positive allosteric modulator at the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor.
Wu FS, Gibbs TT, Farb DH.

Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Boston University School of Medicine, Massachusetts 02118.

The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is believed to play a major role in learning and in excitotoxic neuronal damage associated with stroke and epilepsy. Pregnenolone sulfate, a neurosteroid, specifically enhances NMDA-gated currents in spinal cord neurons, while inhibiting receptors for the inhibitory amino acids glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid, as well as non-NMDA glutamate receptors. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that neurosteroids such as pregnenolone sulfate are involved in regulating the balance between excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system.


YoungSchizo's Photo YoungSchizo 20 Dec 2011

My current (schizophrenia) stack:

  • Zyprexa - 5mg: It's an anti-psychotic, it's the only thing psychiatry offers, it has in my opinion no big improvements on my symptoms though.
  • Seresta (benzodiazapine) - 10mg (when needed): Reduces anxiety off course but it also works as an anti-psychotic, in my experience it works better than Zyprexa (my doc doesn't want to acknowledge that it works as an anti-psychotic though (weird!))
  • ZMA - 1 to 3 times daily: After waking up I had episodes where I would become very anxious, very nervous and highly tense followed by a psychotic episode that lasted 1-2 hours. ZMA actually cured this.
  • Sarcosine - 1 to 2g: Helped me quite much in all range of symptoms, improved depressive, positive, negative and cognitive symptoms. (The thing I most like about Sarcosine though is that it reduced distorted thoughts to a degree where I can trust my mind again.)
  • D-aspertic-acid - 3g: Improved cognition and my response to stress caused by relationships. (mild but sometimes just enough)
  • NAC - 1.2g (1 or 2 times daily): Sometimes it causes a warm fuzzy feeling in my brain and I notice some sort of blockade of negative thoughts. Other times it does nothing.
  • Creatine 5g: Improves concentration but I only use it in a cycle for work-out.
  • Fish-oil - 1g: Improves overall mental health (too mild though so I can do without it)
  • Ginkgo Biloba - 60 to 360mg: I already had this for some time but started today so can't tell if it's gonna do something.
I am doing quite good on this stack but it isn't enough. I have some sort of cycle (every 4 to 8 weeks) where mainly relationship stress triggers a short term psychosis of 1 week (I get stressed by relationships -> lose interest -> lose concentration -> get depressed -> get stressed and depressed more by memories = I'm back in Spirituality-Stan). After this week I have to recover another week to embrace reality and function again.
Because of the fact that I notice stress plays a big role in this, I suspect (high levels of) cortisol might be the evil-doer. What do you guys think or know about cortisol in schizophrenia? (There seem to be not much interest on many boards about this subject).

btw. I'm being tested for my cortisol levels, one test without stress and one before the short term psychosis starts. If cortisol is the cause (or one of the causes) I might get my hands on Mifepristone (Corlux/RU-486). (I also suspect cortisol and Zyprexa are the reason why do not put on a gram of muscle anymore..(?)

Things I tried:
  • Zoloft: Back in the days when depressed, SSRI suck balls.
  • Tianeptine: Also used it for depression but I noticed after using it for weeks in a row and quit my psychotic symptoms also went in a remission for quite some time.
  • Gabapentin: Tremendous increase in concentration, great improvement on anxiety but made me hallucinate on a normal dosage 150mg/p.d. and on the lowest dose possible, 25mg I didn't hallucinate but felt a bit psychotic (a dose of 5mg or so might have helped me).
  • Ritalin: Made me ADD-like and after one beer I started hallucinating.
  • Modafinil: Also made me ADD-like but without hallucinating, even after quite some drinks.
  • TMG: Made me very uncomfortable.
  • GABA supp.: Doesn't cross the BBB but at 5g it does help a little with anxiety.
  • ALCAR: Tried it once, made me drowsy but I'm gonna experiment with it for a longer period some day.
(these things all made me feel drugged and I don't like that)

Things I wanna try (besides from what you guys recommend):
Testo-gel: Hoping to interact socially again like myself.
Nefiracetam: Someone on this board saying it both stimulates and sedates (via GABA) at the same time = enough for me to give it a try.

I don't quite understand the pathology of schizophrenia so I only have just a little idea what some of you guys talk about but here is my 2 cents.

I highly recommend the addition of l methylfolate (stuff is damn potent, more like a magic bullet sort of thing me and my mate agree, no kidding, altough he has taken it longer my opinion can be influenced by placebo) and pregnenolone next, dont bother with nefi yet.

So, as you advised I am going to add B3, B12 (or is a B-complex better?), Pregnenolone and L-methylfolate (not the L-m.f. you linked me because my budget is low and they only accept credit card which I don't have) to my stack. What dosage should I start with? And more importantly, without the scientific approach, what can I expect from Preg and L-m.f.? Also, what do you experience from Nefiracetam?

btw. bump on the brain & body cortisol story.. anyone? Anyone working out but do not make progression after anti-p./schiz.?

Ark's Photo Ark 21 Dec 2011

I think it's a good read for those trying to understand how supplements can help pateints with Schizophrenia.

Every country has its share of people who suffer from schizophrenia and the numbers just keep going up. What exactly is schizophrenia? Wikipedia describes it as ‘a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality'. With so many millions afflicted all over the world, it is a condition that makes life so miserable not just for the sufferer but also for everyone around him.

Part of the problem is perception. Anything that is a deviant from manmade ‘normal' norms is viewed as abnormal and undesirable and must needs be labeled. One would have thought that with so much advancement in science and technology, there would be an opening up of minds - of more acceptance but that is not what has happened yet. While the Internet has given the loners, the depressed, the schizophrenics an escape route, the world still has a long way to go before it can totally accept what it sees as different. For that, we need open minds and a lot of respect for others - characteristics we sadly lack.

Posted Image

From a sufferer's point of view, besides having fingers pointed at him, what he goes through is unbearable. Delusions, hallucinations, voices in the head..... he wants out because he knows that it's not the norm - or rather he has been brought up to believe that it is not. When a little child prattles on about what her toys said to her or what her imaginary friend would like, we find it ‘cute' - but let the child grow up and if she or he hasn't put away what for us are ‘childish things', there's hell to pay. So from ‘Something's wrong with me' to a guilt complex is a quick step. Think of how different things could be if only we brought up our kids to think differently!

There seems to be a ray of hope however for schizophrenia. At the recent International Biological Psychiatry Convention in San Diego, there were papers presented about a micronutrient supplement diet that could just prove extremely helpful as adjunctive therapy for this condition. If these claims are true, it could prove to be a boon both psychologically - for the person and his loved ones as well and monetarily - there are so many millions being spent on drugs for schizophrenics today, a lot of it is borne by the government.

The study basically tries to see the connection between schizophrenia and the omega 3 levels in the body. DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid is an omega 3 fatty acid which plays a very important role in brain cells. In people suffering from schizophrenia, it was noticed that there were very low levels of DHA. There was also impaired NGF or Nerve Growth Factor. The interesting thing that came up was also low levels of Vitamin B 12 and folic acid and because of this, the homocysteine levels were quite high. In other studies, it was noticed that some schizophrenics also suffered from low levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin B 3 and megadoses of these seemed to make the person feel much better. In some, there seemed a need for Niacin. What is called for is an individual deficiency chart to see what exactly the person concerned needs. Too simplistic? Sometimes, those are the cures that work!

If supplements can help ease the suffering of so many, it will be a boon indeed to not just the ones with this condition but to all around them too. It isn't easy being ‘different' in this world and walking to the beat of a different drummer. However, taking tranquilizers to conform just isn't a long term answer - and 90% of the ones diagnosed with this condition are put on drugs. If micronutrient supplements could let a ray of hope into the bleak world of those who suffer and could bring them out into the sunshine of normalcy, what sunny days lie ahead for a large number of people!

Edited by Ark, 21 December 2011 - 02:16 AM.