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#31 Introspecta

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 02:03 PM

Does anyone else feel cold while on noopept. As I said in another post or this one not sure i've been doing 2 days on 5 days off dosing fairly high unmeasured and i notice good benefits but I feel really cold. It must lower blood pressure or something.

#32 ScienceGuy

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 02:16 PM

Does anyone else feel cold while on noopept... i notice good benefits but I feel really cold

Are you also finding you're becoming sensitive to sunlight? Maybe it's turning you into a vampire... :laugh:

#33 manic_racetam

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 03:43 PM

Does anyone else feel cold while on noopept. As I said in another post or this one not sure i've been doing 2 days on 5 days off dosing fairly high unmeasured and i notice good benefits but I feel really cold. It must lower blood pressure or something.

I don't remember feeling cold from noopept. I remember adrafinil used to make me feel cold. But noopept didn't change my blood pressure at all. I monitored it pretty closely during the mega-dose trial. How much are you eyeballing? or are you using some kind of measuring tool?

#34 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 04:11 PM

Something dawned on me which is just a theory but I have a feeling Noopept might lower testosterone. Or mess with it somehow. I know this is graphic and my apologies but I noticed that my libido seems down and there is less volume of semen. Even after 3-4 days without going theres not as much volume. Maybe its unrelated but I find it a little peculiar. I remember there was that dog study with Nefiracetam which I didn't pay much mind too, and it turned out I didn't even like nefiracetam but I know Noopept hasn't been studied as widely as other nootropics. Maybe I will go to my doctor and get a Testosterone Test. I am 29 years old and normally a highly sexual person. I'm not too worried about this. I havn't been getting much sunlight and Vitamin D levels are down also I havn't been to the gym in a few months. All of this could play a part.

I'm going to have blood drawn on Monday, to have my free & serum/total testosterone levels checked. I should have my batch of Noopept a week later. (I have access to super cheap blood tests whenever I want) I'll administer Noopept for a week or two? (any suggestions on time frame for full saturation?) Then take another test and report back my levels.

Experienced racetam user, but never tried Noopept... the testosterone thing concerns me as I'm an avid bodbybuilder and have a compitition I'm going to start training for in the next few weeks.

Edited by jCole, 22 January 2012 - 04:23 PM.

#35 ScienceGuy

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 04:31 PM

I'm going to have blood drawn on Monday, to have my free & serum/total testosterone levels checked. I should have my batch of Noopept a week later. (I have access to super cheap blood tests whenever I want) I'll administer Noopept for a week or two? (any suggestions on time frame for full saturation?) Then take another test and report back my levels.

Experienced racetam user, but never tried Noopept... the testosterone thing concerns me as I'm an avid bodbybuilder and have a compitition I'm going to start training for in the next few weeks.

You should also have your DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE (DHT) and ESTRADIOL (E2) levels tested

Also, try to ensure that you have both BASELINE and POST-TREATMENT tests carried out at the same time of day.

I for one will be very interested to read your findings.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 22 January 2012 - 04:31 PM.

#36 manic_racetam

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 04:35 PM

Something dawned on me which is just a theory but I have a feeling Noopept might lower testosterone. Or mess with it somehow. I know this is graphic and my apologies but I noticed that my libido seems down and there is less volume of semen. Even after 3-4 days without going theres not as much volume. Maybe its unrelated but I find it a little peculiar. I remember there was that dog study with Nefiracetam which I didn't pay much mind too, and it turned out I didn't even like nefiracetam but I know Noopept hasn't been studied as widely as other nootropics. Maybe I will go to my doctor and get a Testosterone Test. I am 29 years old and normally a highly sexual person. I'm not too worried about this. I havn't been getting much sunlight and Vitamin D levels are down also I havn't been to the gym in a few months. All of this could play a part.

I'm going to have blood drawn on Monday, to have my free & serum/total testosterone levels checked. I should have my batch of Noopept a week later. (I have access to super cheap blood tests whenever I want) I'll administer Noopept for a week or two? (any suggestions on time frame for full saturation?) Then take another test and report back my levels.

Experienced racetam user, but never tried Noopept... the testosterone thing concerns me as I'm an avid bodbybuilder and have a compitition I'm going to start training for in the next few weeks.

It seems to take about 2 weeks of use before people start noticing any of the sexual side effects. It also takes about 10 days of concurrent use to reach a plateau of effects as well (aka, effects stop getting stronger every day after around day 10) so I'm guessing it should be at peak effect on the body in two weeks or so.

Sounds like you probably already know what your baseline should be and you'll have a recent measurement on monday. It would probably be good to get another reading after 2 weeks of daily dosing Noopept. That will give you some time before your training starts if it does indeed have some sort of effect on testosterone levels.

We would all really appreciate it if you are able to do this... Sounds like you're the perfect candidate since you haven't taken Noopept yet and you have easy access to blood tests.

Edited by manic_racetam, 22 January 2012 - 04:36 PM.

#37 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 04:47 PM

This is the test I will be taking...


I'm faily sensitive to noots in general. Start low at 10mg? I have a MG digital scale to meassure out accurately.

Sublingual? Oral?

Edited by jCole, 22 January 2012 - 04:50 PM.

#38 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 05:02 PM

I should also preface everything w/ the fact I don't take very many supplements at the moment that should interfere w/ test results much. Only thing I do take daily is Fishoil, B-Complex and D3. (not on any noots atm) Other then that, just clean eating and regular excerise.

#39 Introspecta

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 05:17 PM

I"m not using a scale. Just taking rather large clumps. I like the effects of the high dose once in awhile. Its borderline euphoric esp combined with phenibut which I'm very careful with and never really dose more than a gram to 1.25 for a few days. I will be throwing that out, I just got it due to anxiety caused by a prohormone which I shouldn't be taking but it really has helped me get motivated for the gym after a 4 month break from it and a period of depression. Trying to make the best of 2012. Feeling good just need to eliminate the phen which isn't too hard for me.

#40 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 05:43 PM

I"m not using a scale. Just taking rather large clumps. I like the effects of the high dose once in awhile. Its borderline euphoric esp combined with phenibut which I'm very careful with and never really dose more than a gram to 1.25 for a few days. I will be throwing that out, I just got it due to anxiety caused by a prohormone which I shouldn't be taking but it really has helped me get motivated for the gym after a 4 month break from it and a period of depression. Trying to make the best of 2012. Feeling good just need to eliminate the phen which isn't too hard for me.

Phen & prohormones? Ack... deff' get off that shit man. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you may be going through, not to mentional the number you're doing on your liver & kidneys.

Edited by jCole, 22 January 2012 - 05:43 PM.

#41 Introspecta

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:05 PM

My emotions are pretty good,Sometimes a little happier than normal. Not very irrititable... the liver repairs itself quickly. I've had tests after cycles.Not to say that its ok but I guess I don't see it as serious harm but I could be kidding myself. They are usually short ones just to get a boost. I know it isn't healthy but Usually don't suffer too bad aside from a little anxiety. Low doses of phen don't seem too toxic either. I've absused the stuff when i first found out about it and learned the hard way. Now its only low doses when i do take it but I def will be stopping soon. Who's too say phen is any worse for your kidneys than other nootropics though. Is there proof of it? Just curious

#42 ScienceGuy

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:27 PM

Sublingual? Oral?


#43 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:37 PM

My emotions are pretty good,Sometimes a little happier than normal. Not very irrititable... the liver repairs itself quickly. I've had tests after cycles.Not to say that its ok but I guess I don't see it as serious harm but I could be kidding myself. They are usually short ones just to get a boost. I know it isn't healthy but Usually don't suffer too bad aside from a little anxiety. Low doses of phen don't seem too toxic either. I've absused the stuff when i first found out about it and learned the hard way. Now its only low doses when i do take it but I def will be stopping soon. Who's too say phen is any worse for your kidneys than other nootropics though. Is there proof of it? Just curious

Well as long as you're getting tests to make sure everything in check... you're a head of most people who go through prohormone or AAS cycles.

As for Phen, I don't think it's toxic on your kidney/liver? I was merely implying its physically/psychologically addictive aspect... that shit sent me through the ringer a year or so ago when I was taking 500-1000mg a day for a month. Definitely read some horror stories in general about Phen...

#44 ScienceGuy

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:38 PM

This is the test I will be taking...


Firstly, THANK YOU for carrying out these tests! :)

Secondly, that seems like a really good test; HOWEVER, it's missing one VITAL component, namely DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

Without DHT your data will be essentially useless.

See if they can add DHT to the list of substances being tested for you ;)

#45 ScienceGuy

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:38 PM

<deleted as double post>

Edited by ScienceGuy, 22 January 2012 - 06:40 PM.

#46 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:38 PM

Sublingual? Oral?



Think I'll start w/ 10mg, first thing in the morning, under the tongue... and adjust up as necessary per day.

#47 jCole

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:40 PM

This is the test I will be taking...


Firstly, THANK YOU for carrying out these tests! :)

Secondly, that seems like a really good test; HOWEVER, it's missing one VITAL component, namely DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

Without DHT your data will be essentially useless.

See if they can add DHT to the list of substances being tested for you ;)

I can... but it's $120 bucks.

I get a steal of a deal on the normal tests through a buddy of mine who works @ a lab. (45 bucks) Asking to tack that on may be pushing the favor I'm already getting, lol... I'll see tho.

#48 Sovr'gnChancellor£

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 07:35 PM

Well, in a burst of boldness and daring, I've just ingested 100mg of Noopept powder in water alongside 350mg DMAE with two Vitamin Bs... at half 7 in the evening!

20 mins later, I don't feel much more different, but there seems to be a subtle occurrence in the frontal area of my brain.... can't be certain yet....

#49 ScienceGuy

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 08:42 PM

This is the test I will be taking...


Firstly, THANK YOU for carrying out these tests! :)

Secondly, that seems like a really good test; HOWEVER, it's missing one VITAL component, namely DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

Without DHT your data will be essentially useless.

See if they can add DHT to the list of substances being tested for you ;)

I can... but it's $120 bucks.

I get a steal of a deal on the normal tests through a buddy of mine who works @ a lab. (45 bucks) Asking to tack that on may be pushing the favor I'm already getting, lol... I'll see tho.

The problem is that without DHT you would be wasting your money on the lab testing, and might as well not bother. It really IS that important. :|o

#50 jCole

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 12:39 AM

This is the test I will be taking...


Firstly, THANK YOU for carrying out these tests! :)

Secondly, that seems like a really good test; HOWEVER, it's missing one VITAL component, namely DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

Without DHT your data will be essentially useless.

See if they can add DHT to the list of substances being tested for you ;)

I can... but it's $120 bucks.

I get a steal of a deal on the normal tests through a buddy of mine who works @ a lab. (45 bucks) Asking to tack that on may be pushing the favor I'm already getting, lol... I'll see tho.

The problem is that without DHT you would be wasting your money on the lab testing, and might as well not bother. It really IS that important. :|o

Care to give me your opinion as to why? I'm not doubting you, just want some more clarification. (all tho I suppose I could do my own homework, lol)

If it really is super important, I could always cancel the test and save some money for another day... just can't afford the extra hit at the moment.


nm... a quick browse through Wiki and some pubmed articles, I can understand how important DHT would be in relation to the effects on libido Noopept may or may not have.

Suffice to say, I may cancel my test tomorrow and take it another day... will have to talk to my buddy and see if I can get a deal.

Edited by jCole, 23 January 2012 - 12:51 AM.

#51 ScienceGuy

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 11:39 AM

Care to give me your opinion as to why? I'm not doubting you, just want some more clarification. (all tho I suppose I could do my own homework, lol)

If it really is super important, I could always cancel the test and save some money for another day... just can't afford the extra hit at the moment.


nm... a quick browse through Wiki and some pubmed articles, I can understand how important DHT would be in relation to the effects on libido Noopept may or may not have.

Suffice to say, I may cancel my test tomorrow and take it another day... will have to talk to my buddy and see if I can get a deal.

Hey jCole,

Thanks for taking the time look for the answer your own question ;)

To help clarify matters TESTOSTERONE is converted via an enzymatic reaction within the body into DHT. BOTH DHT and TESTOSTERONE bind to THE SAME receptors and BOTH are biologically active forms of Testosterone; also, the proportional distribution ratio of DHT versus TESTOSTERONE varies significantly between individuals, in that for some inidividuals DHT might be the predominent hormone, whilst for others it might be TESTOSTERONE.

Hence, testing one without the other when seeking to establish what (if any) effects NOOPEPT has on male hormones is a complete waste of time.
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#52 jCole

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 06:44 PM

Well, DHT was too expensive of a test to add on for me, so that will remain a mystery for now.

Week 1 of taking Noopept, 15mg in the morning and another 15mg at noon and I'm quite impressed thus far.

Seems to be a cumulative effect, as day 1 I didn't 'feel anything per say. But after a few days, I notice myself just taking on more tasks at the same time and actually completing them in a more efficient time frame. Sorta feel a laser like focus as well.

Libido is fine, no dip that I can tell.
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#53 tobicles

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 12:34 PM

Well, DHT was too expensive of a test to add on for me, so that will remain a mystery for now.

Week 1 of taking Noopept, 15mg in the morning and another 15mg at noon and I'm quite impressed thus far.

Seems to be a cumulative effect, as day 1 I didn't 'feel anything per say. But after a few days, I notice myself just taking on more tasks at the same time and actually completing them in a more efficient time frame. Sorta feel a laser like focus as well.

Libido is fine, no dip that I can tell.

Be sure to keep us updated, I say run those tests to see if it does lower testosterone, partial data is better than no data which is what we have now. I feel like a right idiot, I ordered some of this on a whim but now with all of this talk about sex drive reduction I'm seriously regretting my decision. I've already got sex drive reduction because of anti-psychotics so it will be interesting to see what effect it has on me. Although reading the scientific literature on it has me feeling moderately positive, it seems act as a neuroprotectant and anti-oxidant in the brain, as well as inducing higher levels of NGF and BDNF which are all massive positives when it comes to offsetting the neurotoxicity of anti-psychotics.

Edited by tobicles, 20 February 2012 - 01:13 PM.

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#54 thegron

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 04:36 AM

Sooooooo..... This thread kind of died.. What happened with the blood test? Did anyone's sexual side effects go away after cessation of noopept use?

#55 requiredinformation

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 03:00 PM

Interested to hear that as well...

#56 @now

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 05:14 PM

Yes, they seem temporarily if present at all. Once you're sensitized to it you can take it more or less on demand - especially if you stack it with ani and/or prami.

#57 victortsoi

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 10:38 PM

Please, if anyone has tried optimum cognition's brand, let me know either here or in retailer discussion. Thanks a lot.

#58 Climactic

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 06:13 AM

WARNING to the reader: Ignore everything the original poster joelski28 has said in this entire thread. He has alleged the craziest connections, with a complete absence of skepticism, and has played with wild doses and multiple substances without using so much as a scale. If it were up to me, I'd delete each of his posts in this thread, for they are almost certainly baseless and therefore scaremongering and counterproductive.

Edited by Climactic, 25 September 2012 - 06:15 AM.

#59 @now

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 04:11 PM

Fair enough, could you provide links etc. so we can verify (and on an educational note, learn to spot a pattern)?

#60 Climactic

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Posted 26 September 2012 - 05:27 AM

Fair enough, could you provide links etc. so we can verify (and on an educational note, learn to spot a pattern)?

Here is the pattern:

I think I may be dosing a little too high due to not having a scale and just finding chunks and swallowing them.
[portion removed]
also been experiencing minor headaches which some people reported.
[portion removed]
Its still early with noopept. I might even take a week break then start over with real low doses and be more patient. I'd say my doses have been typically between 30-70 mgs but the first day I think it may have been in the 100's because i was taking chunks and they weigh much more.
[portion removed]
Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a scale after I get my Bonus this year.

Anything is possible with a fairly high unmeasured dose, even death. IMO, a person who thinks random substances can be consumed in such a way needs priority admission to the asylum. Is it 30 or 70, or how many 100s? No one knows. The guy has money for the chemical but not for a scale.

I do smoke a carton of cigarettes a day

A carton of cigarettes a day is ten packs or 200 cigarettes a day, or at least half even if there was some exaggeration. Clearly significant money exists in the wallet; just not for the necessary things. All of this speaks of extensive brain as well as body damage, quite possibly over a prolonged period of time.

Maybe the headaches are actually caused by too much choline being released or used. Or.. Maybe our brains are growing in an intelligence causing it too push up against our skulls :unsure:

Headaches indicative of a growing intelligence? You've got to be kidding me.

Noopept might lower testosterone. Or mess with it somehow.
[portion removed]
there is less volume of semen. Even after 3-4 days without going theres not as much volume.
[portion removed]
I havn't been getting much sunlight and Vitamin D levels are down

Why do people have to jump to taking Noopept before properly covering even their most basic vitamins? And try "light therapy" for FSM sake. I assure you my hardons and my load is nothing short of exemplary with Noopept. I have never heard of a libido lowering connection with _safe doses_ of Noopept.

Anyone know where i can get a scale? The cheapest that measure .0001 if not that then .001 that is fairly accurate but not super expensive?

A 0.0001g scale! Living in the US and shopping online, one's got to know of Amazon and/or Ebay, etc.

I was thinking about the as needed dosage with Noopept considering I got my best results the first 1-3 days. I'm going to abstain for a week or two then possibly take a dose for a day. Then wait another week and see if I'm better off that way. The anti anxiety effect was very pronounced the first few days so it could be used for that purpose. I'm happy that it is not addictive so I can actually go about this without having to fight the urge.

Needless scaremongering. Also hints of the user having had past addictions to other things.

Does anyone else feel cold while on noopept. As I said in another post or this one not sure i've been doing 2 days on 5 days off dosing fairly high unmeasured and i notice good benefits but I feel really cold. It must lower blood pressure or something.

Note that feeling cold in the peripheries can be a sign of vasoconstriction, which is associated with hypertension, not hypotension.

I"m not using a scale. Just taking rather large clumps. I like the effects of the high dose once in awhile. Its borderline euphoric esp combined with phenibut which I'm very careful with and never really dose more than a gram to 1.25 for a few days. I will be throwing that out, I just got it due to anxiety caused by a prohormone which I shouldn't be taking but it really has helped me get motivated for the gym after a 4 month break from it and a period of depression. Trying to make the best of 2012. Feeling good just need to eliminate the phen which isn't too hard for me.

Phen & prohormones? Ack... deff' get off that shit man. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you may be going through, not to mentional the number you're doing on your liver & kidneys.

Need I say more.

My emotions are pretty good,Sometimes a little happier than normal. Not very irrititable... the liver repairs itself quickly. I've had tests after cycles.Not to say that its ok but I guess I don't see it as serious harm but I could be kidding myself. They are usually short ones just to get a boost. I know it isn't healthy but Usually don't suffer too bad aside from a little anxiety. Low doses of phen don't seem too toxic either. I've absused the stuff when i first found out about it and learned the hard way. Now its only low doses when i do take it but I def will be stopping soon. Who's too say phen is any worse for your kidneys than other nootropics though. Is there proof of it? Just curious

[portion removed]
As for Phen, I don't think it's toxic on your kidney/liver? I was merely implying its physically/psychologically addictive aspect... that shit sent me through the ringer a year or so ago when I was taking 500-1000mg a day for a month. Definitely read some horror stories in general about Phen...

Again, do you see a pattern of some borderline recklessness?

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