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Brain Parasite Influences Human Personalit...

Rational Madman's Photo Rational Madman 17 Jan 2012

Before too many go down the supplement rabbit hole, I should add that prescription antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anticonvulsants are all anti-pathogenic. This is not to say that pathogens are monocausal, which wasn't what I was trying to imply, but simply part of the disorder's sequence---which are functionally connected. But really, I think causality is illusory, and is simply used to reduce the processing burden. So for the sake of reducing the cognitive strain in this context, we can pretend that most illnesses are caused largely by pathogens, but because the sequential signaling is incomprehensibly large and circuitous, I seriously doubt this is this the case.

Maybe external stress is the primary trigger, but I don't think the internal catalyst is uniform.

CtShaman's Photo CtShaman 13 Mar 2012

  • Hey, I don't want to buzz-kill all of you, but hasn't anyone read the article in the March 2012 issue of the Atlantic magazine? Here is it's location:
  • http://www.theatlant...ou-crazy/8873/2
  • Some of the comments written by readers are informative... It's a lengthy article, and it is fairly convincing. Think of Heinlein's THE PUPPET MASTERS, but on a microscopic level.... it makes you wonder if instead of investing billions of dollars for weapons of "shock and awe", the money may be better spent giving blood tests to all these crazy irrational and suspicious cultures and nations. And then "debugging" them....
Then again, when you have some psycho American staff sergeant making headlines like this one, maybe we can't blame other nation's anti-american attitudes totally on mysterious parasites.... unless... wait a minute.... the staff sergeant was massively infested with the same parasites!

U.S. Sergeant Kills 16 Afghan Civilians, 9 of Them Children ...

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Lufega's Photo Lufega 13 Mar 2012

The approach brought to light a striking talent of the parasite: it has two genes that allow it to crank up production of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the host brain.

Acute T. Gondii infection. A new treatment modality for Parkinson's disease ? Essential tremor ? Social phobias?

MrHappy's Photo MrHappy 28 Jun 2012

The approach brought to light a striking talent of the parasite: it has two genes that allow it to crank up production of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the host brain.

Acute T. Gondii infection. A new treatment modality for Parkinson's disease ? Essential tremor ? Social phobias?

Or at the very least, an explanation of why hieroglyphs of cats are found on ancient pyramids and why youtube and reddit are full of cat images. :)

Layberinthius's Photo Layberinthius 17 Nov 2013

This is a good article on Ergo log.


This sounds like a lot of people that I know who live around me.

I think that buying a healthy amount of biohazard protective gear is in order, anyone know where I can get a bulk saving on heavy duty extra thick biohazard suits/gloves/masks?

Every day this planet gives me a new reason to give into my already-present OCD symptoms of cleanliness.

Every single time I go to the toilet I wash my hands, every single time I get up to get something to eat I wash my hands, that is healthy behaviour.

But this planet, geez, gives me more reasons to take it just one step further and freakin' bleach the entire damn house from top to bottom!
Edited by Layberinthius, 17 November 2013 - 03:35 AM.

MrKappa's Photo MrKappa 25 Jan 2014

The only thing I've found that could potentially kill this parasite is propolis. Propolis can also cross the BBBbut I imagine one would need a constant high doses to get any effect. Maybe an intranasalroute would be more effective ? Maslinic acid found in olives can also inhibit T. gondii. Olive oil doesn't contain a significant amount of this. Most of it is found in the fruit itself. No idea how much is in olive leaf. Someone even makes an olive leaf nasal spray.

Thank you, made my order just now.

Looking at that black walnut, clove, wormwood cure as well, worried the alcohol content in the tinctures is not fresh enough, although finding the source which caused me doubts seems to be elusive at the moment.

Anyways, the first wave of anti-psychotics, surprisingly were made of a derivative of pepper, which is an ancient anti-septic.

Toxoplasmosis: The Strain Explains Severity of Infection


Scientists shocked to find antibiotics alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia

Edited by MrKappa, 25 January 2014 - 11:08 AM.

dunbar's Photo dunbar 26 Jan 2014

I just came across this book here "Guess What Came to Dinner". It says parasites are a really huge issue. They seem to be all around us.
I really don't know if I should get this book. It would probably freak me out and then I'd be even more scared of things.
But on the other hand what if there are dangers everywhere and we don't know it?

Edited by dunbar, 26 January 2014 - 05:16 AM.

eon's Photo eon 07 Jan 2015

That antibiotic is minocycline, used to treat toxo and Lyme disease as well. I think the medical system is too fast paced that sometime you, the individual needs to do your own research. Doctors see their patients in a few minutes in and out. They're not there to be your friend. I'm just now taking charge of my own life. Curious if aromatherapy would work as well. I'd have to look around.


The antibiotics I've had were almost always azythromicin or amoxicillin. I guess those are oft prescribed. I've used them as prescribed usually within 7 days, it comes in those box where you take 2 pills the first dose then the rest of the pills once a day. I don't get why people use antibiotics long term like on the other thread about toxo or lyme I participated in. Seems irresponsible and experimental.


Considering my use of nootropics, I wonder what the antibiotic effect of amfonelic acid is? I've been curious about its amphetamine properties.



The only thing I've found that could potentially kill this parasite is propolis. Propolis can also cross the BBBbut I imagine one would need a constant high doses to get any effect. Maybe an intranasalroute would be more effective ? Maslinic acid found in olives can also inhibit T. gondii. Olive oil doesn't contain a significant amount of this. Most of it is found in the fruit itself. No idea how much is in olive leaf. Someone even makes an olive leaf nasal spray.

Thank you, made my order just now.

Looking at that black walnut, clove, wormwood cure as well, worried the alcohol content in the tinctures is not fresh enough, although finding the source which caused me doubts seems to be elusive at the moment.

Anyways, the first wave of anti-psychotics, surprisingly were made of a derivative of pepper, which is an ancient anti-septic.

Toxoplasmosis: The Strain Explains Severity of Infection


Scientists shocked to find antibiotics alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia




Edited by eon, 07 January 2015 - 10:07 AM.

eon's Photo eon 07 Jan 2015

Notice how big the rats are in the cities? I read they carry toxo as well. Ever notice people's attitudes in the cities? Different isn't it?


But the problem is the general population have never heard of toxoplasmosis or Lyme disease. If it's such a threat, there would have been immunozations for them. I've only heard of these diseases in 2014! Considering there's more money to be made from the results of these diseases rather than simply immunizing the population. Pharmaceutical giants make more money from mental illnesses so why cure it with a single shot immunization?
I'd have to get tested first, before I jump to find cures, whether real cures or OTC cures like what you all mentioned (propolis, olives, etc.). I've taken antibiotics before for other issues and I was hoping it had killed off such "silent diseases" along with the ailment I was using the antibiotics for. Also, I've gotten flu shots in the past, not sure what it does to Lyme or toxo. I've gotten immunized for Hep A and B, so my liver should be strong. I don't know if it killed of toxo or Lyme with such shots.
Speaking of people with HIV, I think the connection with them and cats is because there is an emotional aspect with having a cat, which in return makes an HIV patient more prone to getting toxo due to their weakened immune system. Just my assumption. And the bipolars I have dated/mated with were all cat lovers. Their house always smelled like litter! They've been bipolars all their lives not knowing it could be from the house cat!
Speaking of cysts, my old doctor mentioned I have them under under my nose. No mention of Lyme or toxo or what type of cysts they were if there are types to speak of. I was hoping there are proven natural cures for toxo or lyme so I won't have to take the antibiotic route. I prefer something that actually works rather that hearsay. I've eating black walnuts before, tried Olive leaf supplements with 12% Oleuropein from Nature's way. Not sure what dosage would work. 
I think the first time I've heard of Lyme was when I bought a lithium supplement online and this was a quote about the product:
"In addition‚ lithium may be able to help alleviate the symptoms of conditions such as Lyme disease.
Alleviate doesn't sound like a cure. I'd prefer obliterate!
I dumped the supplement after 1 dose as I did not like the side effects of it even though it only has 50 mcg of lithium!

Edited by eon, 07 January 2015 - 09:54 AM.

eon's Photo eon 07 Jan 2015

no dosage mentioned for toxo regarding propolis use, while it was said effective after a 24 hour contact with toxo, how does one even know they were infected in the first place considering I may have had it since childhood with toxo being "silent" til OCD, depression, psychosis showed up? Could proplis still kill toxo now? What dosage should I be looking into or are there different types of propolis?
I've had honey before and bee pollen, not sure if those are completely different from propolis. Is this the same propolis (the fungus)?


I'm glad you posted this today. I've been doing some research on this lately. I'm interested in how it can cause bipolar. You don't need to own a cat to get it as T. gondii can pass through the placenta.

The only thing I've found that could potentially kill this parasite is propolis. Propolis can also cross the BBB but I imagine one would need a constant high doses to get any effect. Maybe an intranasal route would be more effective ? Maslinic acid found in olives can also inhibit T. gondii. Olive oil doesn't contain a significant amount of this. Most of it is found in the fruit itself. No idea how much is in olive leaf. Someone even makes an olive leaf nasal spray.

I would focus on securing a diagnosis first, for anyone that considers this a potential problem.

Bipolar disorder seems to run in my family I'm learning. I may also have this (would explain a lot !). However, that diagnosis doesn't do me justice unless I can figure out the source of this disease. Which brings me to this little bastard. I was looking at some brain scans of people with Toxo. The ones that developed lessions were all immunocompromised (HIV, transplants). I haven't found anything to show that immunocompetent patients can develop brain lessions from toxo. I had a cerebral MRI performed and everything looked normal. I have not been tested for toxo though.


Edited by eon, 07 January 2015 - 10:55 AM.

eon's Photo eon 07 Jan 2015

Speaking of cats, Egypt, and hieroglyphs; I thought I read or heard somewhere Cleopatra may have been bipolar. Also, to some, the beliefs of Egyptians may come across as cuckoo (perhaps as cuckoo as most "beliefs"). But as also known, cuckoo and genius do go hand in hand.  :-D


Perhaps we all need each other, man and animal. Who else would teach dogs or cats do tricks? In return, they give us insanity to come up with Pyramids and math.


Then again the people that "deciphered" what the Egyptian hieroglyphs mean had to go by hunch so who's really to know what they all meant other than a guess so people and companies can sell books and a TV series on the Discovery Channel.


I grew up with cats. I have cats. Humans have kept cats as pets through the millennia. I read about this a few years ago an posted somewhere here in the forums. I am not worried.





The approach brought to light a striking talent of the parasite: it has two genes that allow it to crank up production of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the host brain.

Acute T. Gondii infection. A new treatment modality for Parkinson's disease ? Essential tremor ? Social phobias?


Or at the very least, an explanation of why hieroglyphs of cats are found on ancient pyramids and why youtube and reddit are full of cat images. :)



Edited by eon, 07 January 2015 - 12:57 PM.

eon's Photo eon 07 Jan 2015

Um actually not all doctors would actually "look for it". A lot of them are clueless. My brother had to switch several psychiatrists before he settled with one who gave him the schizo meds that actually worked.


Anyway, someone here on IM mentioned to me a western blot test. Is what you suggested similar to it? Also, if possible would 1 single test reveal if a person has the bug of Lyme and Toxo or these require 2 separate tests?


It's just an igg/igm antibody test. Your Doctor will know what to look for. Please report back any findings !



eon's Photo eon 07 Jan 2015

or maybe once the pathogens or bugs turned the "switch" on to the downward spiral, the brain switches to that gear and stays in that gear? so even when the crazy pills people take are anti pathogens, the mind already is "switched" to being "crazy" therefore once you know that feeling, it stays with you. Which is probably why a "magic pill" that erases bad memories are what some people are talking about. I've read of heroin, meth, and coke addicts, "missing" that high, in other words, they know that feeling, that good feeling, which is why addiction is a hard switch to turn off. I would think same applies to mental illness, once you know how it feels it stays with you regardless if the crazy pills you took somehow killed off the bugs with its "antipathogenic effects".
Let's look at people that went crazy in various forms; some celebrities who became rich and famous overnight perhaps lose their minds because their mind turned that switch on? Too much neurotransmitter rush? Then they end up in the tabloids, hospitals, then broke. Other examples: people that win the lottery. I've read their horror stories. What I'm getting at here is that once you "lose your mind" and know what's it like to lose it, it's hard to turn this downward spiral switch off, unless you can erase that part of you. Time heals as the saying goes, maybe also why some mental illness "fade" but not "erased" with time?
The general population do not worry about bugs to begin with...


Before too many go down the supplement rabbit hole, I should add that prescription antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anticonvulsants are all anti-pathogenic. This is not to say that pathogens are monocausal, which wasn't what I was trying to imply, but simply part of the disorder's sequence---which are functionally connected. But really, I think causality is illusory, and is simply used to reduce the processing burden. So for the sake of reducing the cognitive strain in this context, we can pretend that most illnesses are caused largely by pathogens, but because the sequential signaling is incomprehensibly large and circuitous, I seriously doubt this is this the case.

Maybe external stress is the primary trigger, but I don't think the internal catalyst is uniform.


Edited by eon, 07 January 2015 - 02:44 PM.

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Ghola's Photo Ghola 18 Apr 2024

This is an old thread but still relevant.



Black seed oil at a dose of 5ml/kg for 11 days shrunk brain cysts
