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Noopept effects on brain

noopept cognition nootropics sensory memory

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#1 Philosopher

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 10:31 PM

I have gone through about random 6 trials of noopept throughout the past 2 months. My doses ranged from 100mg to 500mg a day. I have not gone 2 days of taking noopept consecutively.

I have realized that the immediate effects of 100mg of noopept or higher are very noticeable. For the sake of relation, the effects are somewhat like a low dose ecstasy. Anxiety wafts away. Sensory information is much more clearer. Socializing comes easier. The world becomes a bit more beautiful. However, it doesn't have the euphoric properties of ecstasy. I find that it barely alters mood, besides making one more calmer and content.

One effect I have found intriguing was the tweaking of what they call in psychology, sensory memory. This is the split second memory your brain uses to sort out the incoming information around you in order to place it into short term memory. Sensory memory becomes greatly enhanced, as the world becomes more vivid, concentration on external stimuli becomes easier, sounds become much more crisp, and smells become easily detected. Even touch seems somewhat enhanced. Taste doesn't seem to be affected.

With the result of such an enhanced sensory memory, short term memory is somewhat weakened. I find myself forgetting things much more easier. I went downstairs to get a book. Once I had gotten down there, it seems as though my brain had already been overloaded with sensory information around me that the short term information of getting the book had been forgotten.

I'm sorry that I haven't gone into an in depth analysis of noopept effects on the brain.

This is a very interesting nootropic, and I will definitely be using it again in the future. Classical music is much more beautiful for me. When I look outside my window to see the snow covering the dusk enveloped ground, a strange feeling comes to me. A feeling of melancholic beauty.
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#2 Philosopher

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 11:36 PM

Short term memory is defected enough to significantly hinder reading. It is nearly impossible to speed read. Single words pass right by with perfect meaning, but they are soon forgotten, and the overall meaning of a story is much harder to grasp.
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#3 manic_racetam

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 03:24 AM

Totally understand. I locked my keys in my car while it was running when mega-dosing noopept. The feeling of serenity is really nice. The fact that it isn't euphoric like MDMA is what made me like it so much. It's mood enhancing properties make you feel "Ok." not "super happy" which is a nice and peaceful feeling.

I'm guessing the short term memory thing is more likely linked to the inhibitory effects noopept has on CA1 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus but I'm not pretending I understand what that means (just a guess since the hippocampus has something to do with memory encoding).

Also, 500mg?! Geeze, I'm glad you're taking nootropics and not illicit drugs because you'd have been in the hospital a long time ago with these ludicrously sized doses you take of everything. Not criticizing you, just hope you'll start being more careful.... not every substance around here is safe in such high doses.

#4 Cephalon

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Posted 22 January 2012 - 06:37 AM

Hi Manic,

Do you have any further info on Noopept´s mechanism of action? I prefer having a rough idea how a drug works I take. I guess everyone here does.
I do not understand people that are not fascinated of or interested in the pharmacology of the pharmaceutical products they use.

To start with, I must admit they I have no idea, and I did not do my homework yet :)
So if Noopept has an inhibitory effect on the CA1 pyramidal cells that could mean, that Noopept releases GABA in some parts of the hippocampus, since the CA1 cells use GABA for inhibition and Glutamate for exhibition. From my humble humble pharmacological knowledge that would explain the anxiolytic effect of Noopept.
That might also explain why your friend with the alcohol habit enjoys Noopept so much. And that I was tipsy from just one small drink yesterday :)
So there should be some caution mixing Noopept with other stuff.

Maybe this is all the magic, but I think that there should be more activity, except inhibition of CA1 pyramidal cells ...
I will see what I find. Everyone who has findings to contribute, please do so!

#5 Philosopher

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 01:14 AM

I must say, the effects of noopept are beautiful at times. Almost to the degree of a regular quality marijuana joint. The calming effects are similar, as are the changes in perception, although I think 100mg of noopept is much stronger in regards to perception. There is no euphoria with noopept however, only a mellow calmness that is associated with living life. Beauty is insurmountable.

Manic buddy, I know you're not criticizing me. I like to take really high doses of racetams because I know they are fairly non-toxic. I never use illicit drugs, besides marijuana in moderation.

#6 jillin

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 05:31 AM

Totally understand. I locked my keys in my car while it was running when mega-dosing noopept. The feeling of serenity is really nice. The fact that it isn't euphoric like MDMA is what made me like it so much. It's mood enhancing properties make you feel "Ok." not "super happy" which is a nice and peaceful feeling.

I'm guessing the short term memory thing is more likely linked to the inhibitory effects noopept has on CA1 pyramidal cells in the hippocampus but I'm not pretending I understand what that means (just a guess since the hippocampus has something to do with memory encoding).

Also, 500mg?! Geeze, I'm glad you're taking nootropics and not illicit drugs because you'd have been in the hospital a long time ago with these ludicrously sized doses you take of everything. Not criticizing you, just hope you'll start being more careful.... not every substance around here is safe in such high doses.

so i got the chance to read the entire article and it seems noopept, to some extent hinders short-term memory [stm]. i myself have taken noopept and to be honest, i didn't find it at all spectacular -- half of the time, it makes me tired [dosage @ 30-35mg per day]. with that said, i didn't have enough patience for it and stopped taking after a week so take my testimonial with a grain of salt. going back to the article and its proposed mechanism according to the article, it seems to increase average inhibitory post-synaptic current [IPSCs] frequencies upon 5 mins of NP application [application method via invitro bathing of hippocampal slices in NP solution] : "approximately two and half fold to 1.40±0.35Hz." on top of this, the researchers hypothesized that noopept was only influencing the spike dependent IPSCs [sIPSCs]-- these are the IPSCs that result in AP proliferation, and not the "background" IPSCs [mIPSCs] which does not lead to an AP. they proved this by using TTX paired with noopept application in a control, noopept, TTX+noopept experiment -- where the results showed the TTX and TTX + noopept group produced a marked decreased in only the sIPSC and not the mIPSC when compared to the control group [slices bathed in basically.. saline and basal CSF peptides]. thus from this, they proposed noopept modulates ca1 inhibitory interneurons by inhibition of membrane K+ channels [albeit they didn't specify the type of K+ channel, but i guess if you inhibit the a particular type of K+ channel, the membrane potential difference would be enough to shift the cell electrophysiologically for depolarization, rather than hyperpolarization]. now, my take on this paper is identical to the other hundreds of neuroscience papers of read to date: it only explains a finite area/property/mechanism of the brain [not to downplay ca1 hippocampal cells, they are IMO the core of neuroscience, as is for anything that deals with the hippocampus for that matter], and if i were to tie it back to how it effects short memory, the data makes sense as to why it can potentially hinder stm -- at least to me. however for the people that are "mega" dosing noopept even though there are clear indications not to and to remain with 30-40mgs per day -- hopefully from what i've summarized from this article, you guys will think otherwise and calm down with outrageous dosages. on the good side, the authors did mention that noopept did not change the amplitude or duration of LTP [produced by shaffer collaterals], so i can take this information as noopept might not be indicated in mid to long-term memory formation as these require LTP to produce cellular changes to achieve the mid to long-term memory; but also this information tells me that noopept is unlikely to enhance mid to long-term memory formation as you need an increase in either/both amplitude and/or duration of LTP.

also, i have the article saved via ghetto print screen -> copypaste ms paint -> bmp file.. i guess i can upload it but i don't know if that's allowed. personally, i think charging us to read result of scientific research paid by us via tax money is a cruel joke.

#7 jillin

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 05:32 AM

Totally understand. I locked my keys in my car while it was running when mega-dosing noopept. The feeling of serenity is really nice. The fact that it isn't euphoric like MDMA is what made me like it so much. It's mood enhancing properties make you feel "Ok." not "super happy" which is a nice and peaceful feeling.

I'm guessing the short term memory thing is more likely linked to the inhibitory effects noopept has on CA1 pyramidal cells but I'm not pretending I understand what that means (just a guess since the hippocampus has something to do with memory encoding).

Also, 500mg?! Geeze, I'm glad you're taking nootropics and not illicit drugs because you'd have been in the hospital a long time ago with these ludicrously sized doses you take of everything. Not criticizing you, just hope you'll start being more careful.... not every substance around here is safe in such high doses.

so i got the chance to read the entire article and it seems noopept, to some extent hinders short-term memory [stm]. i myself have taken noopept and to be honest, i didn't find it at all spectacular -- half of the time, it makes me tired [dosage @ 30-35mg per day]. with that said, i didn't have enough patience for it and stopped taking after a week so take my testimonial with a grain of salt. going back to the article and its proposed mechanism according to the article, it seems to increase average inhibitory post-synaptic current [IPSCs] frequencies upon 5 mins of NP application [application method via invitro bathing of hippocampal slices in NP solution] : "approximately two and half fold to 1.40±0.35Hz." on top of this, the researchers hypothesized that noopept was only influencing the spike dependent IPSCs [sIPSCs]-- these are the IPSCs that result in AP proliferation, and not the "background" IPSCs [mIPSCs] which does not lead to an AP. they proved this by using TTX paired with noopept application in a control, noopept, TTX+noopept experiment -- where the results showed the TTX and TTX + noopept group produced a marked decreased in only the sIPSC and not the mIPSC when compared to the control group [slices bathed in basically.. saline and basal CSF peptides]. thus from this, they proposed noopept modulates ca1 inhibitory interneurons by inhibition of membrane K+ channels [albeit they didn't specify the type of K+ channel, but i guess if you inhibit the a particular type of K+ channel, the membrane potential difference would be enough to shift the cell electrophysiologically for depolarization, rather than hyperpolarization]. now, my take on this paper is identical to the other hundreds of neuroscience papers of read to date: it only explains a finite area/property/mechanism of the brain [not to downplay ca1 hippocampal cells, they are IMO the core of neuroscience, as is for anything that deals with the hippocampus for that matter], and if i were to tie it back to how it effects short memory, the data makes sense as to why it can potentially hinder stm -- at least to me. however for the people that are "mega" dosing noopept even though there are clear indications not to and to remain with 30-40mgs per day -- hopefully from what i've summarized from this article, you guys will think otherwise and calm down with outrageous dosages. on the good side, the authors did mention that noopept did not change the amplitude or duration of LTP [produced by shaffer collaterals], so i can take this information as noopept might not be indicated in mid to long-term memory formation as these require LTP to produce cellular changes to achieve the mid to long-term memory; but also this information tells me that noopept is unlikely to enhance mid to long-term memory formation as you need an increase in either/both amplitude and/or duration of LTP.

also, i have the article saved via ghetto print screen -> copypaste ms paint -> bmp file.. i guess i can upload it but i don't know if that's allowed. personally, i think charging us to read result of scientific research paid by us via tax money is a cruel joke.

Edited by jillin, 23 January 2012 - 05:33 AM.

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#8 manic_racetam

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 06:18 AM

also, i have the article saved via ghetto print screen -> copypaste ms paint -> bmp file.. i guess i can upload it but i don't know if that's allowed. personally, i think charging us to read result of scientific research paid by us via tax money is a cruel joke.

Thank you so much for the informative post! Go ahead and upload it, I'm pretty sure that's fine. If it's not ok a mod can take care of it later, but it would be nice to have it.

#9 jillin

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 07:16 AM

also, i have the article saved via ghetto print screen -> copypaste ms paint -> bmp file.. i guess i can upload it but i don't know if that's allowed. personally, i think charging us to read result of scientific research paid by us via tax money is a cruel joke.

Thank you so much for the informative post! Go ahead and upload it, I'm pretty sure that's fine. If it's not ok a mod can take care of it later, but it would be nice to have it.

actually, scratch that, it seems i can't upload because 2mbs is too big.. urgh, technology, why are you so difficult?

Edited by jillin, 23 January 2012 - 07:19 AM.

#10 jillin

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Posted 25 January 2012 - 03:01 AM

here is my second attempt of trying to upload the article.. i hope the mods will be able to approve this post quickly so you guys can view it.

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#11 ripped

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Posted 23 August 2012 - 05:53 AM

Short term memory is defected enough to significantly hinder reading. It is nearly impossible to speed read. Single words pass right by with perfect meaning, but they are soon forgotten, and the overall meaning of a story is much harder to grasp.

If it's impossible to speed read while on Noopept, what nootropic would you recommend for speed reading and understanding the meaning of a story

#12 alwaysthinking

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 08:24 PM

Short term memory is defected enough to significantly hinder reading. It is nearly impossible to speed read. Single words pass right by with perfect meaning, but they are soon forgotten, and the overall meaning of a story is much harder to grasp.

If it's impossible to speed read while on Noopept, what nootropic would you recommend for speed reading and understanding the meaning of a story

I have found a similar thing with reading when i take noopept, however, i dont seem to have the problem of short term memory, its more of a linking problem. As in, i struggle to properly link things in my head, almost as if i cannot properly see the whole picture.

i experimented with a few other supplements and found that caffeine and even some Citicoline really help me stay on track when im reading in depth medicine. I know there doesnt seem to be a direct cause for the synergistic effect apart from the Acetylcholine of course. However, i think the slight psychostimulant effects seem to over run the lethargy seen with higher doses of Noopept.

I usually take 2 - 4 250mg Citicoline tablets with with anything from 30 - 100 mg of noopept. Perfectly i stumbled across nootropics.co.uk which had tablets with both citi and noopept in one! so thats pretty sweet for me. They are not the cheapest but it saves me the hassle so i dont mind, Let me know what you guys think of the Citicoline and Noopept combo.

#13 Debaser

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 08:56 PM

I also experienced short-term memory problems with noopept (as in complete absence of any memory of doing something). It made me feel like I was going mad when I go to do something and find I've already done it but don't remember doing it. This may be something that happens at higher dosages since I wasn't accurately measuring doses, I was estimating them by eye. But either way, it was enough to put me off noopept even though it's beneficial effects were very impressive.
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#14 chris106

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 08:40 AM

I experimented with a few other supplements and found that caffeine and even some Citicoline really help me stay on track when im reading in depth medicine. I know there doesnt seem to be a direct cause for the synergistic effect apart from the Acetylcholine of course. However, i think the slight psychostimulant effects seem to over run the lethargy seen with higher doses of Noopept.

That is exactly what I experienced regarding various racetams in combination with CDP-Choline (Citicoline). I was confused at first, because everyone here was talking about "headaches" from too high racetam-doses - but all I experience when overdosing racetams is massive brainfog to the point where I feel completely retarded.

CDP-Choline seems to prevent this, but it's allways a pain in the ass to find out the right doses when combining stuff...

Oddly enough the other "more potent" forms off choline (Alpha GPC, even Centrophexine) give me massive brainfog as well, even when taken without racetams.... Strange brain chemistry, I guess -_-'

By the way - adaptogens like Schisadra and Rhodiola Rosea SEEM to work in this regard for me as well, but then again when taking to many different things at once, it's allways hard to judge... Maybe they are just overwriting the effects, too - don't know if it could be real "synergy"...

Edited by chris106, 15 April 2013 - 08:42 AM.

#15 golden1

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 12:55 PM

I experimented with a few other supplements and found that caffeine and even some Citicoline really help me stay on track when im reading in depth medicine. I know there doesnt seem to be a direct cause for the synergistic effect apart from the Acetylcholine of course. However, i think the slight psychostimulant effects seem to over run the lethargy seen with higher doses of Noopept.

That is exactly what I experienced regarding various racetams in combination with CDP-Choline (Citicoline). I was confused at first, because everyone here was talking about "headaches" from too high racetam-doses - but all I experience when overdosing racetams is massive brainfog to the point where I feel completely retarded.

CDP-Choline seems to prevent this, but it's allways a pain in the ass to find out the right doses when combining stuff...

Oddly enough the other "more potent" forms off choline (Alpha GPC, even Centrophexine) give me massive brainfog as well, even when taken without racetams.... Strange brain chemistry, I guess -_-'

By the way - adaptogens like Schisadra and Rhodiola Rosea SEEM to work in this regard for me as well, but then again when taking to many different things at once, it's allways hard to judge... Maybe they are just overwriting the effects, too - don't know if it could be real "synergy"...

I have the same effect from other choline sources.
CDP-Choline = major positive effects on mood and attention
Alpha-GPC = depressing or no effect
choline bitartrate = nothing
centrophenoxine = weird giggly happy maniac type mood(not anything dangerous, but just odd.. like being in a class and constantly thinking of funny things in my head and bursting out laughing to the point my friend and the professor were all WTF MATE? and I was like lololol..) And weird depression following the day after.

I wish CDP-choline was cheaper, I know this is off topic, but if anyone knows of the cheapest reliable source I'd be interested to know.

On to noopept, that stuff I can clearly feel, it enhances my senses, but it gives me these, as best I can describe.. fleeting unknown/un-real/non-existant emotions. It really throws me for a loop when I take it since it is rather odd what it does for me, could never figure the usefulness of it out.. it just was.

#16 andrea23

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Posted 15 April 2013 - 03:27 PM

do you know how to avoid the tolerance on noopept? I had amazing results in the 5th day on concentration and mood but now nothing, only irritability... how to take it?

Edited by andrea23, 15 April 2013 - 03:39 PM.

#17 JoSho

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:11 AM

CDP 250mg and noopept 100mg and pircetam 850mg combo is what im going to try ,, I 'll post an update in a couple days.

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#18 Climactic

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:19 AM

CDP 250mg and noopept 100mg and pircetam 850mg combo is what im going to try ,, I 'll post an update in a couple days.

Noopept is not a racetam and is not dosed like a racetam. It's a neuropeptide - these work indirectly, by signaling. Rodent studies and lots of user experience has validated an approximately 10-20mg dose 1x-3x daily as being optimal. 100mg is likely to be super suboptimal, but sure, go ahead and try if you want. In contrast, you may find more CDP choline useful.

Edited by Climactic, 29 April 2013 - 06:06 AM.

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#19 JoSho

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:53 AM

Thanks Climactic , I tried noopept 100mg and pircetam 850mg combo in one capsule from a company on ebay . It was wonderful the first day , then the second day not so much (made me very tired and dull.

Then after extensive searching through forums . I think im missing CDP choline. thats seems to be the ,issing alertness i'll need to continue this combo, Actually the dosage recomends one capsule in the morning and another in the afternoon. But not sure if im gonna do that for more than a day or two with out a break ..


Edited by JoSho, 29 April 2013 - 05:55 AM.

#20 BioFreak

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:05 AM

I experimented with a few other supplements and found that caffeine and even some Citicoline really help me stay on track when im reading in depth medicine. I know there doesnt seem to be a direct cause for the synergistic effect apart from the Acetylcholine of course. However, i think the slight psychostimulant effects seem to over run the lethargy seen with higher doses of Noopept.

That is exactly what I experienced regarding various racetams in combination with CDP-Choline (Citicoline). I was confused at first, because everyone here was talking about "headaches" from too high racetam-doses - but all I experience when overdosing racetams is massive brainfog to the point where I feel completely retarded.

CDP-Choline seems to prevent this, but it's allways a pain in the ass to find out the right doses when combining stuff...

Oddly enough the other "more potent" forms off choline (Alpha GPC, even Centrophexine) give me massive brainfog as well, even when taken without racetams.... Strange brain chemistry, I guess -_-'

By the way - adaptogens like Schisadra and Rhodiola Rosea SEEM to work in this regard for me as well, but then again when taking to many different things at once, it's allways hard to judge... Maybe they are just overwriting the effects, too - don't know if it could be real "synergy"...

I have the same effect from other choline sources.
CDP-Choline = major positive effects on mood and attention
Alpha-GPC = depressing or no effect
choline bitartrate = nothing
centrophenoxine = weird giggly happy maniac type mood(not anything dangerous, but just odd.. like being in a class and constantly thinking of funny things in my head and bursting out laughing to the point my friend and the professor were all WTF MATE? and I was like lololol..) And weird depression following the day after.

I wish CDP-choline was cheaper, I know this is off topic, but if anyone knows of the cheapest reliable source I'd be interested to know.

On to noopept, that stuff I can clearly feel, it enhances my senses, but it gives me these, as best I can describe.. fleeting unknown/un-real/non-existant emotions. It really throws me for a loop when I take it since it is rather odd what it does for me, could never figure the usefulness of it out.. it just was.

Exactly how I felt on centro, not so sure about how many lol though. ;) and I had no effect whatsoever from centro as a choline source.
Same for cdp-choline, with 1g, its effects are very nice. more focus, calmer...
In the eu, the cheapest supplier I have found is nootropics.co.uk, and its already in tablet form(at 500 tablets its cheap at least). Very convenient. I've testing their cdp choline since a few days and I think its good. Check out their shipping prices. Maybe it works out for you even though you are in the states.

#21 JoSho

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Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:13 AM

I've been surfing through the forums and yes lower doses are recommended along with CDP choline. The company i bought the combo from also messaged me stating that 100mg of noopept along with 800mg of pircatam is for advanced users. (wish he put that in the description in the sales page....geesh...haha)
. Im waiting on CDP to arrive, I have phosphatidylcholine , but thats the purest source of choline. Acetyle choline seems to be the more effective.. if not ,, please tell me a purer source .??

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#22 robosapiens

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Posted 15 August 2013 - 12:26 AM

I have been taking noopept within the 20 to 40 mg range about 3 x day continually for about 5 weeks.

I have gone thru a few episodes of what seemed to be tolerance, but this effect fades and the noopept experience keeps changing or 'evolving'

I have found that I need to work with it, and learn how to use it.

What I first thought were short term memory lapses and spacing out are actually 'trances' that I have gotten used to working with, I get so powerfully fixated on a particular thought that whatever I was doing, the task at hand at the time is forgotten for a moment.

Noopept has been a real life changer for me.

#23 verticalVagabond

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 01:11 AM

what IS this stuff? I took my first dose tonight and it's like someone just turned the lights on.


I'm not a dumb guy by most metrics but I've horrible issues with depression, concentration, short term memory, executive function, and negative thinking.


With nooept my energy is up, my concentration is improved, and I can't access the negative thoughts.

The most apt explanation seems to be that the mental energy behind the depressive rumination and self-critical attitude has been redirected to the world outside me.

Couple this redirected energy with increased concentration and memory and all of a sudden the world is incredibly easy to analyze and dissect.

Maybe this is just the most effective antidepressant I've yet encountered but it's hard to believe this is all me. In my heart I feel that I'm just not that smart.

And from what I've heard the benefits are supposed to increase over time. Good god.


So I'm a little worried here. Are there horror stories? Has anyone burned out their brain on nooept? Is this level of awareness and analysis going to turn me into a sociopath? There's no way something this good comes for free.

#24 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 11:43 AM

Be a bit careful. It's always hard to tell from just one post over the Internet - maybe it is cool, but it could also be hypomania you are experiencing, which, if you feed it further, can turn into full blown mania.


Make note of your sleep pattern tonight. If the need for sleep is heavily reduced, that could point towards hypomania.


Are you taking anything else?

Edited by Godof Smallthings, 24 April 2014 - 11:43 AM.

#25 verticalVagabond

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 12:04 PM

Be a bit careful. It's always hard to tell from just one post over the Internet - maybe it is cool, but it could also be hypomania you are experiencing, which, if you feed it further, can turn into full blown mania.


Make note of your sleep pattern tonight. If the need for sleep is heavily reduced, that could point towards hypomania.


Are you taking anything else?


Sleep seems to have been improved. I usually have some degree of insomnia and wake up not feeling fully rested.


In comparison, I had no insomnia last night, and have woken up feeling more rested and motivated than usual. Much more social.


Not taking anything else.


Quick wikipedia check on hypomania reveals that the primary diagnostic criteria are disinhibition and elevated mood. Speaking as a person who is generally inhibited with a depressed mood, this doesn't sound horrible. I do understand mania is accompanied by a grandiose, impulsive, thought patterns. I am usually more impulsive than I would prefer and, so far, nooept seems to make me less impulsive by increasing my concentration and allowing me to deliberate longer.


But I will definitely keep an eye on it. Should dosing be separated by at least 24 hours?

Edited by mcoke, 24 April 2014 - 12:06 PM.

#26 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 12:54 PM

The standard medical recommendation is taking 10 or 15 mg twice daily. How much did you take this time?

#27 verticalVagabond

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 01:12 PM

The standard medical recommendation is taking 10 or 15 mg twice daily. How much did you take this time?


Single dose of maybe 12-15 mg. I don't know if I trust taking this stuff twice a day.


Maybe of note - I did have a cognitive workup done a while back due to some health issues I was having and it was found that my memory was in the "severely impaired" range. Maybe nooept has some mechanism of healing the hippocampus?


I know it stimulates NGF and BDNF in the hippocampus, but it doesn't make sense that I would be seeing massive effects only half an hour after administration does it?

Edited by verticalVagabond, 24 April 2014 - 01:17 PM.

#28 verticalVagabond

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 01:54 PM

One negative side effect - I seem to be unable to stop my brain from analyzing everything. I have things I need to get done today and instead I'm starting to teach myself chemistry.


I need to step away but I figured I'd post one last thing up here; maybe others can expound on this further.


nooept seems to increase the concentration of an endogenous nootropic in the nervous system called cyclo-l-prolyglycine. Does anyone know anything more about the synthesis of this substance and its action within the brain?

#29 Debaser

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 07:43 PM

Quick wikipedia check on hypomania reveals that the primary diagnostic criteria are disinhibition and elevated mood. Speaking as a person who is generally inhibited with a depressed mood, this doesn't sound horrible.



Personally I consider hypomania to be quite a desirable state, although I know it's controversial. But if there was a way to safely bring about a more hypomanic state that wouldn't lead to full mania or cause you to burn out and end up more depressed, then I would consider it. I'm sure many of the great things that people have done have been when they were hypomanic and really believed in themselves, with boundless energy. Certainly, the increased self-esteem and confidence, feelings of greatness, charisma and general enjoyment of life seem beneficial.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, cognition, nootropics, sensory, memory

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