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After 8 days on piracetam I feel like Eddie Morra lol!


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#1 mindfunk

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 12:50 PM

Ok the title of the thread is ridiculous but I feel absolutely amazing on piracetam. I have been dosing 12g per day split into 3 doses, supporting supplements include 15g of fish oil, 1000mg ginseng, 3000mg vit c, 250mg hyaluronic acid, 500mg of bacopa and 2 litres of kefir which gives me an abundant supply of calcium, magnesium, choline and other minerals ( I drink large amounts for weightlifting).

Anyway the effects were slowly building up for the past few days but since yesterday the piracetam has really hit me hard in the best way possible. Last night I had a lucid dream (I think it was lucid anyway), I was mentally typing my whole plan for the year on a computer screen and was doing my accounts like they were no effort at all. It was like my mental arithmetic skills had gone into overdrive, in fact I just ordered some books on speed maths, vedic maths and mnemonics so that I may hopefully develop these skills further. I woke up this morning and I remember by dream completely with all of the details and sums intact, never had that before. Thankfully I have not suffered any headaches but have found that I need a few more minutes to get out of bed in the morning, I had suffered some mild fogginess for the first couple of days but now that has dissipated. Colour saturation and clarity is great and is most noticeable when looking at red and orange lights, they really stand out. Reading speed has also increased dramatically, if I had to guess I would say by about 80%. Verbally I have noticed increased fluency, smoothness, eloquence and logic in the things I say, its great. Nobody knows that I am taking piracetam and a funny thing happened when I went to visit the folks this morning. My old man commented that I've "gotten the warriors eyes back" (I used to be a fighter) as the past ten years of depression/complex ptsd had taken its toll and dulled my eyes. The redness has been reduced by 80% and "that piercing sheen" has come back. I know i'm ranting a little but I just had to share this great experience with you all. I hope that these effects are sustainable as I haven't felt this clarity and focus for a long long time, to the point that I had forgotten how it felt to be normal. Happy days ahead I hope!!!
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#2 unregistered_user

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 07:35 PM

Keep us updated :)

#3 nito

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 09:13 PM

Good luck bro, and hope it's continues.

#4 mindfunk

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:31 PM

Cheers for the words of encouragement guys! I hope it continues, i'm going to make a concerted effort to reflect on my behaviour, I do not want to come down with any acute isochroma syndrome. I'll keep you all updated with what will hopefully be progress and continued good news!

#5 8bitmore

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:39 PM

Nice post mindfunk, I think your fish oil intake might be overkill though; a brief look at this quite extensive chart provides no doses going higher than 10g daily (and that is for a specific illness/condition). Also, the first few (well, 3-4) pages of the Piracetam - How to get all the benefits from it thread are seriously good reading when it comes to getting the best from Piracatam - 4.8g is thrown around quite a bit as a good/efficient dose, have you tried that before going on to the full 12g you're on now?

Anyway sounds like you're having a good time, enjoy! :)

#6 mindfunk

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 10:55 PM

Hi 8bit. I undestand your point about the fish oil, I however excercise heavily and find that dose gives me many great benefits and i've been on that dose for a few months. The joint pain relief and very deep sleep are two of the more important benefits I gain from it. I did read that post that you mentioned, that is what led me to dose at 12g per day. I take a 4g serving every 4 hours as I believe that is the average functional life of piracetam.

#7 renfr

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 11:39 PM

Cheers for the words of encouragement guys! I hope it continues, i'm going to make a concerted effort to reflect on my behaviour, I do not want to come down with any acute isochroma syndrome. I'll keep you all updated with what will hopefully be progress and continued good news!

Wow wait? Isochroma syndrome? What's that? Does it mean you see everything the same colour?

#8 mindfunk

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Posted 29 February 2012 - 11:49 PM

Cheers for the words of encouragement guys! I hope it continues, i'm going to make a concerted effort to reflect on my behaviour, I do not want to come down with any acute isochroma syndrome. I'll keep you all updated with what will hopefully be progress and continued good news!

Wow wait? Isochroma syndrome? What's that? Does it mean you see everything the same colour?

LOL, that has to be the post of the year!!! Do a quick search for isochroma and you'll quickly understand what I mean! :)

#9 renfr

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Posted 01 March 2012 - 12:08 AM

Cheers for the words of encouragement guys! I hope it continues, i'm going to make a concerted effort to reflect on my behaviour, I do not want to come down with any acute isochroma syndrome. I'll keep you all updated with what will hopefully be progress and continued good news!

Wow wait? Isochroma syndrome? What's that? Does it mean you see everything the same colour?

LOL, that has to be the post of the year!!! Do a quick search for isochroma and you'll quickly understand what I mean! :)

Oh man, piracetam really went wrong for this guy, he's totally nuts. I hope it doesn't happen to me too. :laugh:

#10 mindfunk

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Posted 01 March 2012 - 07:36 AM

Yeh it's kinda funny and tragic at the same time. Many of his posts were very informative and inspiring, but the most important lessons I think we should take away from isochroma is the importance of self reflection. I think that he got so caught up in the 'God molecule' that it warped his sense of balance and reality. The sword of unshakable self confidence that is not tempered with the waters of humility, will eventually shatter. Whatever happened to him I hope that he is doing better because it is his posts that made me go out and make my first piracetam purchase, and for that I am very thankful to him.

#11 mindfunk

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 10:13 AM

UPDATE: The results are just getting better! I had a repetitive stammer that has totally disappeared, I know speak with a smooth and even tempo with a greatly enhanced vocabulary, the words are just so fluid! To be honest I am a bit of book worm so i'm sure that this 'new' vocabulary stems from my high reading volume. My cognitive processes also seem much clearer and consistent. Previously I couldn't maintain attention on a particular idea or thought process for a beneficial amount of time, which resulted in a very unproductive and depressing lifestyle. I can now actually plan the year ahead! I actually got quite emotional this morning as through many years of depression and complex ptsd I had almost given up on trying to get better. I was one of those guys that everybody had high hopes for and now when they look at me they ask 'what happened?' I hope that with this new clarity I can finally fulfil some of that potential.
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#12 8bitmore

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 04:03 PM

UPDATE: The results are just getting better! I had a repetitive stammer that has totally disappeared, I know speak with a smooth and even tempo with a greatly enhanced vocabulary, the words are just so fluid! To be honest I am a bit of book worm so i'm sure that this 'new' vocabulary stems from my high reading volume. My cognitive processes also seem much clearer and consistent. Previously I couldn't maintain attention on a particular idea or thought process for a beneficial amount of time, which resulted in a very unproductive and depressing lifestyle. I can now actually plan the year ahead! I actually got quite emotional this morning as through many years of depression and complex ptsd I had almost given up on trying to get better. I was one of those guys that everybody had high hopes for and now when they look at me they ask 'what happened?' I hope that with this new clarity I can finally fulfil some of that potential.

Any new updates? Sounds like Piracetam is superb on your system! Be sure to not get too lost in new found planning capacity; after all reality arises now and not in the mental imagery of tomorrow.

Also thanks for reply in relation to reasoning behind Fish Oil and Piracetam dosages, got it.

#13 mindfunk

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 04:14 PM

HI 8bit! Things are great all of the effects are actually getting better! One thing that I have noticed is that I have begun to understand some of my problems much more deeply and am able to break them, like self therapy. I'm going to try some eft and see if that works, I totally agree with you about not getting lost in the 'high'. My planning is inspired by talent and dreams but executed with logic and realism.

#14 8bitmore

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 04:41 PM

HI 8bit! Things are great all of the effects are actually getting better! One thing that I have noticed is that I have begun to understand some of my problems much more deeply and am able to break them, like self therapy. I'm going to try some eft and see if that works, I totally agree with you about not getting lost in the 'high'. My planning is inspired by talent and dreams but executed with logic and realism.

Hi mindfunk; thanks for the update, is always nice to hear longer term updates on intake of semi-exotic chemicals! Good idea with therapy, I have a mate who swears by EFT as a part of therapy toolset. I personally found writings of Ken Wilber and later on Teilhard de Chardin to be great kick starters for recognizing myself as continually evolving entity instead of oscillating between wrong/right perception. Over the years the fundamental lesson of those authors have completely transformed earlier "static" view/sense I had of myself towards a much more self-empowered/trusting-change kind of view/sense.

Back on main topic: would you mind throwing a brief post in the Retailer/Product Discussion sub-forum about where you bought your Piracetam?

#15 mindfunk

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 03:34 PM

Hi 8bit! thanks for your positive words. My piracetam was ordered from cerebralhealth, judging by the effects its the real deal however I have nothing prior to compare it to. I hope that this new clarity and lucidity continues, its been like a godsend for me!

#16 renfr

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 05:58 PM

Damn dude piracetam is truly awesome, I got my powder some days ago and it made me much more talkative and much more confident, sometimes arrogant (am I gonna be like Isochroma? lol).
and also it really helps my brain retain information, that's awesome and unlike oxiracetam it makes me less manic and doesn't harass my head much with a kind of feeling on the top of my head. it seems to be even more powerful than oxiracetam at doses around 3g.
I don't even think an ACh source is longer needed for me, I'm really pleased with it, I regret buying only 100g but I wonder if it should be used in conjunction with Bacopa, I heard it raises glutamate levels (compound that accumulate when you don't sleep enough and makes you groggy) and as bacopa is known for lowering their levels I wonder if it's better to take it with it to avoid any excitotoxicity.

#17 mindfunk

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 02:32 PM

Hey renf, great to hear about your positive experience.... I hope it continues for you! I myself do not take any choline supplementation but I do ingest meat and lots of dairy on a daily basis. Give the fish oil a go, I think you'll like the synergistic effect it has with the piracetam. In regards to the issue of glutamate levels, I cannot really offer any input as I have not really researched that aspect. I do however take 500mg of bacopa before bed as a part of my nootropic/cognitive enhancement stack.

#18 Raptor87

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 04:04 PM

Wow, amazing results. I know exactly what you mean by the warriors look (even though some call me a psychopath behind my back or that Im on drugs) and I also knows how it feels when depression and anxiety evaporates in to thin air.

I don't want to alarm you, but for me, when I get off my drugs (stimulants) I tend to crash and get depressed even worse because I haven't adjusted to the feeling. First time it happened I thought that I was going crazy but then I understood what happened. I want to say some positive words also, try to do some introspection, sometimes we realise things when we are more neutral. Things that keep bothering us tend to be more approachable once we feel better.

Keep us updated!

#19 Mr. Hoffmann

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 12:38 AM

Hello Mindfunk,

I originally had two questions to ask you, but one had completely slipped out of my mind. Hopefully I'll recall what it was later (if not, perhaps it was not important).
What is it that brought you to take bacopa before bed, as opposed to during the day? What was the consideration behind it?

Thank you,


#20 mindfunk

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 01:07 PM

Hello Mindfunk,

I originally had two questions to ask you, but one had completely slipped out of my mind. Hopefully I'll recall what it was later (if not, perhaps it was not important).
What is it that brought you to take bacopa before bed, as opposed to during the day? What was the consideration behind it?

Thank you,


Hi Mr Hoffmann. Well I had read about many experiences where people were reporting drowsiness/fogginess from taking bacopa. This is what led me to taking it before bed, saying that I have taken it during the day and have not as of yet experienced any fogginess. Hope that answers your question!
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#21 Isochroma

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 01:35 AM

mindfunk: Agreed. Your dosing is good but if you want better effects then dose every 3 hours.

Piracetam effects start fading at 4h so to maintain full saturation [maximum effects] you will have to dose before that since absorption takes 40 minutes.

The saturation dose is about 3-4g.

#22 Isochroma

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 02:12 AM

Quoting you, mindfunk: "My old man commented that I've "gotten the warriors eyes back" (I used to be a fighter) as the past ten years of depression/complex ptsd had taken its toll and dulled my eyes."

"The eyes of sorcerers are brilliant. The greater the shine, the more ruthless the sorcerer is. When the assemblage point moves to the place of no pity, the eyes begin to shine. The firmer the grip of the assemblage point on its new position, the more the eyes shine."

"Ruthlessness makes sorcerers' eyes shine, and that shine beckons intent. Each spot to which their assemblage points move is indicated by a specific shine of their eyes. Since their eyes have their own memory, they can call up the recollection of any spot by calling up the specific shine associated with that spot."

"The reason sorcerers put so much emphasis on the shine of their eyes and on their gaze is because the eyes are directly connected to intent. Contradictory as it might sound, the truth is that the eyes are only superficially connected to the world of everyday life. Their deeper connection is to the abstract."

Piracetam put the shine back in my eyes too. They had become dull.

In his books Carlos Castaneda also explained that the eyes of those who are sick or dying become dull. Your father had the vision and wisdom to see the truth. I hope he is well.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 07 December 2012 - 02:36 AM.

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#23 troubleis

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 09:00 AM

Hmm.. Im on 12g PIR and FO, and other than almost going manic when drinking coffeee, i dont see much cognitive effects yet. im 6 days in at 10g+

One thing i have noticed though is my eyes. Tried googling it yesterday to see if others had the same effect.

My eyes are seriously bright, my pupils are a bit larger and dont blink as much as im used to.

I hope to soon feel as you do Topicstarter.. Sounds amazing.

#24 Major Legend

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 09:23 PM

hope piracetam doesn't poop out on you, I wonder if anyone has manage to make it work again, after it pooped out.

#25 megatron

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:27 PM

It seems so strange that people can have results like these, when I don't see any effects from megadosing any of the racetams. I also take them along with 250mg glutamate, omega-3 capsules and milk. Darn this bullshit!

#26 troubleis

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:40 PM

I hope i am one af the lucky ones.. So far it has effected several things.. But nothing cognital, as was the plan.

#27 Isochroma

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 10:48 PM

If Piracetam does not work,
If Aniracetam is a fatty jerk,
If Oxiracetam give you the runs,
If Phenylpiracetam betrays,
and Nefiracetam shrinks yer bollocks,
then worry not my friend!

There is power waiting to flower
a gem that shames Noopept with five times its power
Beyond the strength of the tams
lies the coming era of the rams
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#28 megatron

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 11:28 AM

Where did you get Sunifiram?

#29 Isochroma

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 09:52 PM

I got it in the future. Sorry, it's too early to say from who but I have five suppliers who are eagerly awaiting the infusion of cash which might trigger them to excrete by their postal glands a sample of said molecule.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 08 December 2012 - 09:56 PM.

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