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Story about natural testosterone enhace and nootropics

tribulus choline bitartrate experience daa d-aspartic acid

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#1 im2noob

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Posted 21 April 2012 - 01:16 AM

Hey there guys. First of all, english is not my first language, so if you see an incoherent sentence, please understand me.
Here's my tiny history:

I'm civil engineering student, and I tend to be depressive. Last weeks, I tried to change my personality (this sounds stupid, but remember my english is quite poor), because it's too shy with women, and thought that some testosterone enhace could help me a little bit.
I started reading and gathering information and experiences, and I decided to stack this natural testosterone supplements:

Tribulus terrestris (from vitrix - nutrex) -> 500 mg morning (3 caps) + 500 mg evening (3 caps)
DAA or D - aspartic acid (d-pol from PurusLabs) -> 3 grams daily
Isa-test (isatori) -> one dosage 1 hour before sleep (4 caps)

I tried this for almost a week, and had to stop for this reasons:
I started with light headaches and some brain fog from the first dose. I thought it was going to pass but I was wrong.
The fourth day I started noting a decrease in my cognitive abilities (like concentration and generation of ideas). Then I started googling DAA, and I read some issues about neurons related to DAA: I trashed that thing, and keep dosing vitrix and isa-test.
Sadly, by the seventh day, I really needed to left this idea. I wasn't understanding anything in the classroom. I felt like a monkey: my mind was absolutely empty all the time, and I'm always thinking about something. I was very scared (and still I am).

So, I stopped with they three, and I wasn't taking anything. Five days passed, and I wasn't feeling better (in terms of cognitive abilities). Nevertheless, testosterone seems to be better, but not the way I wanted: instead of developing an outgoing personality with woman, I started to feel that every woman was quite sexy and pretty. Even some classmates that I've never thought they were pretty. But this is other story.
I didn't developed that alpha-male personality I wanted.

Here comes the nootropics parts:

I've been building a nootropic stack since some time ago, and finally piracetam & choline bitartrate arrived.
Because too many here recommend to start little by little, I started yesterday with piracetam + choline only.

My atack dose is this (I'm going to do it for five days only):
2 grams piracetam + 2 grams choline, 3 times per day (now I'm in the second day, and I'll start reducing the dose).
(please, any comment here, will be great).

So, I decided to take it.

First day symptons: I started to feel a bit more normal. I could think about things (nothing deep). Had some light headaches (but not the type of headache testosterone stack gave me. I could even say, this headache was pleasurable).
But I still felt myself mentally diminished
Second day, I felt like enjoying the simples things, and focus was quite better. I felt more quiet. Still, mental diminished

Tomorrow will be the third day. I just hope my brain/body eliminate all the tribulus/daa I consumed, and I get my normal shape. I'm quite scared to stay like this for too long, but it seems that nootropics are helping me.

All what I can say, is that DAA is dangerous for cognitive abilities. I'd think twice before using it.
Any comment/recomendation/advice, will be greatly appreciated

PD: is piracetam and choline bitartrate a mixture of bitter and sour?

#2 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 07:46 PM

If you want something that will make you more to talk with women here is a list:


Pramipexole, is a dopamine agonist which can easily change your personalty and make you more outgoing. I once took .1 mg before an interview, and I became very charming and talkative. She was so surprise that she skip the second interview and offer me the job. The downside of this med is that it's a prescript medication in some countries and can make you very sleepy if your not use to it. Pramipexole can sometimes lead to poor sleep. My advice if someone tries it first start with a small amount before bed after a week try it during the day. Also stay below .5mg because high levels have been connected compulsive behaviour: gambling addiction, bench eating, sex addiction.

Tribulus terrestris, it can help to boost your testosterone, but it also has the effect of MAO-B which can increase the dopamine level in your body.


Noopept, in my experience this racetam has made me very sociable, so it my be wrought a shot. You can start w/ 10mg 2x daily and see how it help; the problem with noopept is that it can lower your testosterone so using Tribulus terrestri may not be a bad idea.

Pramiracetam, this racetam does has a dulling effect on emotions, but it also makes you think of socializing as a waist of time. So it may not be a good choice.

Psilocybin the chem in magic mushroom have been link to personality change, making people more open and sociable.


After all the talk, the best in my opinion would be pramipexole.
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#3 nowayout

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 08:12 PM

No supplement can do what you are trying to achieve. Social skills are learned and refined through lots of practice. What you are trying is a lot like like expecting to take a magic pill to play the piano instead of learning to do so through practice.
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#4 pushpull

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 11:16 AM

No supplement can do what you are trying to achieve. Social skills are learned and refined through lots of practice. What you are trying is a lot like like expecting to take a magic pill to play the piano instead of learning to do so through practice.

I agree, you need to learn social skills. But if you suffer from i.e. social anxiety, and your brain is pumping out signals of fear in every social interaction you have, I believe certain supplements might make it easier to be able to learn in the first place. Since the topic is nootropics most people tend to go for Aniracetam on social anxiety boards.

#5 RealBillPerry

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 10:06 AM

I'm new here, so I'm not up to speed on what all the nootropics can do. But, I'm a hypnotist,and I can tell you that a good approach is to visualize different approaches you might take to talk to a woman in a given situation. Actually sit and imagine all sorts of things you could say. Imagine at least 3 good quality responses to different things a girl might say to you, and practice them mentally until they seem to flow like second nature.

Now, I'm sure there would be drugs in the nootropics families which could help this process, and as previously stated, nothing but practice will get you where you want to be.

The reason I suggested to have at least 3 responses for different things someone might say is that if you only have 1 or 2 choices in a given situation, that isn't choice. That's a dilemma...but if you have at least 3 choices for responses, that's when you can become more fluid in your interactions.

#6 nupi

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 10:15 AM

If that actually worked, I'd be dating models left and right...

#7 kobokok

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Posted 31 December 2012 - 01:05 PM

Here is exactly what you need:


Read The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss
http://www.amazon.co...me neil strauss

Also do not look at porn or masturbate.

#8 nupi

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Posted 31 December 2012 - 01:42 PM

Reading Strauss would at least indicate quite some capacity for suffering.

Read Roosh and especially Rollo Tomassi instead. Alternatively, Roissy but while I admire his writing style, he is to be taken with a whole pack of salt..
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#9 renfr

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Posted 31 December 2012 - 02:06 PM

Boron increases both free and bounded testosterone dramatically.
An Iranian study showed the following results after taking 10mg boron during 7 days :
Posted Image
We can see a rise of 28% in free testosterone.
Note also that estradiol sharply went down which is even more enhancing.
Boron is a mineral and is therefore totally natural.
Recommended dose is 3-5mg a day.
Link of the study : http://www.phypha.ir...en&sid=1&ftxt=1
I don't know if choline increases testosterone but it definetely enhances dopaminergic pathways and increases libido a lot.

Psilocybin the chem in magic mushroom have been link to personality change, making people more open and sociable.

Hum, maybe thereafter but surely NOT during the trip. It always makes me totally out of this world with a strong mystic experience about the mysteries of this world.
However after you do regain faith in humanity and you feel more happy to be alive and that may be able to help.

Edited by renfr, 31 December 2012 - 02:09 PM.

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#10 Climactic

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 11:36 AM

An Iranian study showed the following results after taking 10mg boron during 7 days :

It is questionable how much an Iranian study can be trusted. It would help to have some validation, which in turn will also allow me to have more faith in Iranian studies. In any case, boron at low doses seems nontoxic afaik, and is known to be useful against osteoporosis if nothing else.

Edited by Climactic, 12 June 2013 - 11:37 AM.

#11 xks201

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 12:53 PM

First of all you took dietary supplements, not testosterone. So unless you have before and after lab work, these effects might not be attributed to an increase in testosterone. Second, the way you get good with conquering women is by doing it, a LOT. You do not get good at it by reading a book or taking a pill. It takes quite a bit of practice and confidence. And the only way to get that confidence is to practice, or have a large bank account and big muscles or something. Lower your standards while you are learning. Everyone starts out with an ugly girlfriend for the most part.... really.

I do not mess with herbs because they cause so many reactions in the body we don't know about. Yeah I got good calming results with rhodiola but it is a DHT inhibitor (dihydrotestosterone). And most people do not know that. God knows what else it does that we don't know. So I don't mess with herbs anymore.

Edited by xks201, 12 June 2013 - 12:54 PM.

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#12 Metagene

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 01:56 PM

Xks201 you do realize that type of logic could extend to food also? Can you provide a link for Rhodiola's effects on DHT?

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#13 mbdrinker

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Posted 29 September 2022 - 09:31 AM

Just get drunk in a mixed company and if a girl likes you she will put you to bed herself. Instead of being a hideous alfamale let the girls make choice. You cant change your appearance or personality much. Better be yourself

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tribulus, choline bitartrate, experience, daa, d-aspartic acid

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