How can fluoridated toothpaste be harmful if you are sure to spit it out and thuroughly rinse afterwards?
Sublingual absorbtion. The amount of fluoride in toothpaste in 1 brushing wont harm you. It's the fact that the body cannot process fluoride and that is builds up over time and has damaging effects on biological tissue.
By this line of reasoning, you can also say that all fruits, vegatibles, grains, and meat (all foods available) also have fluoride because they were likely grown in or have had the animals fed fluoridated water. The best solution then would probably be to move to a country which doesn't fluoridate water. Maybe this is the reason why we frequently see Asians as a majority of the student body in top ranked universities in the U.S.
Of course. But it is impossible to avoid fluoride completely, nobody should try to. Though one should take the steps they are able to take. Not to mention Sodium Borate(borax) can be used to neutralize fluoride in the body, it does a suprisingly good job. Bet you didn't know you can actually go get your fluoride levels tested at labs along with testing to scan how calcified your glands are, primarily your pineal gland.
If someone ever tries to tell me that a hardened layer of calcium around an organ/gland doesn't effect it's functioning in any way, then I have lost hope for the human race. There is scientific data out there showing that the more you age, the more calcified your gland becomes... and the calcification reaction cannot take place properly with fluoride. I wish I could provide the chemical reaction off the top of my head, but it's been a while since I've discussed this topic.
OpenStrife's post is extremely unsettling. But why has fluoridated water persisted in the US despite evidence of its harmfulness? If I somehow stop most of my fluoride intake now, is it possible to reverse the damage that has been done to my brain? What reliable substitute could I use for tap water? Also, do you recommend that I stop drinking tea (which inherently has fluoride), even though it has antioxidant properties proven to extend healthspan?
Sorry for the many questions, but this thread has made me very, very paranoid.
Do you really believe the government is all for the safety and healthy of it's citizens? If you've taken a college level history course before you will find that nearly every government in history has been all about control and profit off of it's population. We would be fools to think we are any different. The same political tactics are repeated all throughout history, and if you know history, it is very obvious to see. This is one of the reasons I feel history is one of the most important subjects anyone can learn, because it indirectly teaches you about the reasoning behind politics.
I drink Tea frequently - the kind you brew on your own. A little fluoride here and there isn't going to kill you, but just keep in mind the small amounts build up in your system. If you find your tap water has fluoride in it, look into some kind of filtration system. They can be anywhere from $40-$500 depending on the complexity.
About once a month I have a cup of water mixed in with about 2 TSPs of borax, to take care of any possible fluoride in my system.
There's no need to be paranoid, just take precautions. I personally drink around 3-5 cups of green tea aday.
You can't really 'reverse' brain damage, other than using supplements to help rebuild your brain, practicing mentally healthy activities, meditation, exercise, etc.
A general rule of thumb, after many history classes I decided to take the stance to take anything the government says with a grain of salt. Their reasons for going to war, their reasons for doing this, and that. Though I'm not here to talk about government corruption... i'll leave people to find their own views on the matter.
The word government litterely means:
Govern- To Control
-ment - Mind
OpenStrife's post was designed to make you paranoid. It's just an example of the anti-fluoride cult spreading fear and misinformation, not unlike the PR Newswire story that you linked in the first post. That didn't come from a journalist with standards, it was a paid placement from the "Fluoride Action Network". The abstract of the epidemiology paper that you linked was a lot more illuminating. The high fluoride group that they looked at was drinking water with fluoride levels ten times higher than what you would see in a fluoridated supply in the developed world. Even in this overdosed state, they barely saw an effect, and causality is far from proven. The bigger effects they showed were from Arsenic, not Fluoride. Epidemiology is a difficult science. It's really easy to get things wrong because you fail to control for other factors that are correlated with the factor you're trying to study.
Everything is a poison at a high enough dose, so try to ignore the paranoids when they shriek that "fluoride is a poison!". Of course it is. So are all the vitamins and other supplements we take, if we take too much.
I didn't design it to do anything. I did the topic as my 20 page research paper back when I was in university.
Fluoride IS scary stuff. Yes maybe there are cultish type people who spread fear through the internet about it, but that does not change the fact of it's harm! Just because something causes fear does not mean it is false! Fluoride is a TOXIN. It is used to kill insects, bacteria, and has been proven to cause calcification in the body. If someone dares to tell me thick layers of calcium around a gland don't effect it's functioning then all I can say is .... Especially a gland as important as the pineal gland which regulates sleep cycles and dreaming. Imbalance of Melatonin = poor sleep cycles. Imbalance of DMT from pineal gland during sleep = poor dream regulation which inturn will result in poor processing of unrelease emotions during dreaming. There is a reason why people who don't dream or can't sleep have a slew of emotional problems. Any emotion that has not been resolved during the day gets resolved when you dream... and if you can't dream properly or long enough then these intense emotions build up, causing psychological harm which eventually leads people to psychatrist to fix their problems.
The body has extreme difficulty processing fluoride therefor it can build up for YEARS at a time. I'm not trying to scare you, but the fact is you should be scared, it's not something to play around with.
You can consider it similar to when they thought Arsenic was safe...
And like you said niner, everything is toxic in the right amount. But the body can process most other things, vitamins, recreational drugs, etc.... The body cannot process fluoride! it builds up for YEARS AND YEARS! The more it builds up the more damage it does, making it more able to be classified as a toxin than any possible vitamin that the body can process.
Edited by OpenStrife, 20 June 2012 - 04:12 PM.