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NootropiK is in the Nootropic Business

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#1 lemon

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 01:24 AM

I no longer recommend smi2le.biz or for any supp. Visit:


Coincidence ? [wis]

#2 pinballwizard

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 02:22 AM

It is a coincidence.

I have been talking to this guy at least once a week about nootropics.

Adam is taking a breather from school. He decided to get into the business since he liked it so much and he thought he could do better.

I am not going brow-beat you with advertisements or anything.

But I will say this:

He intends to cut prices and keep quality high and safe.
I think he would like a little business in the beginning to get him started.

What comes around goes around. I will buy from him. I already got Oxiracetam from him.


#3 lynx

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 03:07 AM

I ordered and recieved with lightening speed some K-R-ALA, Ashwagandha, and Bacopa. I like the fact that he lists his suppliers and or test results and we know he is fanatical about quality, which is a bonus for us all.

#4 lepiricus

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 06:21 AM

Indeed, he posts CoA's as well up front. You know exactly what you are getting.

#5 erics99

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 08:19 AM

I plan on buying from him when it's time to restock. He can sell 200, 500MG capsules of Aniracetam for $43, which is even cheaper than Rizzer. He is quick to reply to emails as well. When I do purchase the Aniracetam I'll be sure to measure out some of the capsules to be sure they're all around 500MG, but I have no reason to doubt that they'd be off.

#6 drmz

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Posted 23 March 2005 - 09:58 PM

why is he hiding his name/adres for in the WHOIS database ?


I mailed the Anaheim lab just 2be sure...

#7 free

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 05:00 AM

why is he hiding his name/adres for in the WHOIS database ?


I mailed the Anaheim lab just 2be sure...

I don't know, but for only $7.95 extra per year, I would be sold for these benefits (as explained in their website):

A private registration will:

• Stop domain-related spam.
• Deter identity theft and fraud.
• Stop harassers, stalkers and data miners cold in their tracks!
• Protect your "moonlighting" identity.
• Maintain the privacy of you and your family.


#8 ejdavis1

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 05:32 AM

Using a proxy registration service isn't hiding. Proxy registration services will investigate complaints and release information to law enforcement if a site owner steps outside the law.

NootropiK is responsive and available via e-mail and telephone to his customers.

Edited by ejdavis1, 24 March 2005 - 08:36 AM.

#9 elevated

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 01:53 PM

Ill be ordering from him at some point, hes reputable since we know him, and hes got great quality products. Im sure hell do very well with the buisness, and get well known in the market, a good buisnessman always finds a way to make it.

#10 eternaltraveler

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 03:02 PM

Personally I would not do business with him. He did not inspire trust in me. However if many others have positive experiences to report I may be inclined to change my mind.

#11 scottl

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 04:47 PM

On the one hand given his...fixation with product quality it is likely he will do his best to sell quality products.

On the other hand he has demonstrated....extreme unconsciousness i.e. total lack of awareness and unwillingness to admit being wrong even when corrected numerous times. So buying from him one would be banking that his unconsciusness does not spill over into something related to product. At a minimum if...you have quarreled with him or you suspect he is not fond of you it would be wise not to tempt fate.

#12 cesium

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 10:47 PM

I currently get most of my stuff from BAC, but if NootropiK can provide me a better deal, I say great. I'm thinking of placing an order with him for some items he carries that BAC doesn't and see how that goes.

#13 MoodyBlue

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 08:57 PM

In case anyone thinks (or at least hopes) that Rizzer might some day recover from
the Oct. 4, 2004 raid and have his Smi2le business up and running like a well oiled
machine, it looks like this may now be the time that it is happening. If you'll just visit the smi2le.biz site you'll see a new update on there declaring that they are moving to a new site near Manhattan in Weehawken, NJ and he has hired two customer service representatives to deal with backorder issues and such. He also has investors backing his business now, so I suppose that means that in the near future he'll probably have a continuing supply of capital so he'll be able to keep everything in stock and purchase more expensive nootropics like pramiracetam.
Also, there's a "Smi2ledotbiz" Yahoo Groups nootropics discussion group you can sign up to via his site.

Yeah, I've been frustrated and disgusted with Rizzer's lack of professionalism myself, and waiting for backorders an inordinate amount of time. But ultimately, what matters most to me is having a site which has the widest possible variety of nootropics at a price I can afford. Concerning safety issues, if we were to go by Adam Kamil's posted records of purity on Rizzer's products, it seems as though Rizzer is genuinely concerned himself about purity. Also, Rizzer promises a COA for anyone who asks for one. The bottom line is that if I can save money with Adam, then I'll buy from him. If "Smi2le.biz" starts doing things in a more professional way and the prices are the same or better, then I'll buy from them.

Edited by moodyblue, 02 June 2005 - 11:30 PM.

#14 scottl

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 09:51 PM

But ultimately, what matters most to me is having a site which has the widest possible variety of nootropics at a price I can afford.

May I suggest 1fast400 and custom nutrition warehouse.

"Concerning safety issues, if we were to go by Adam Kamil's posted records...."

You mean his rants without any factual basis?

#15 enemy

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 10:01 PM

I would hope nootropi's rants and nootropi's 3rd party chemical assays would fall into two diametrically opposed categories of veracity.

#16 cesium

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 11:00 PM

. If "Smi2le.biz" starts doing things in
a more professional way and the prices are the same or better, then I'll buy from them.

After reading some of the posts on this forum from people who were essentially cheated out of their money by this Rizzer character, I could never be persuaded to by anything from him no matter how good his prices are.

#17 MoodyBlue

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 11:45 PM

. If "Smi2le.biz" starts doing things in
a more professional way and the prices are the same or better, then I'll buy from them.

After reading some of the posts on this forum from people who were essentially cheated out of their money by this Rizzer character, I could never be persuaded to by anything from him no matter how good his prices are.

I'm not denying or affirming that some of his customers didn't get what they paid for. But, if that is the case, my intuition tells me that's been a rare occurance and it was due to a mix up. I've spent over $1100 at "Smi2le" and am still owed a couple of items, but he came through with things after reminding him. Perhaps now with the two experienced customer service reps he's hired, the backorder problems and non delivery issues will be resolved with relative ease. Also, anyone reading
this who is still owed by Rizzer should take it up with the customer service.

#18 stellar

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Posted 01 April 2005 - 12:10 AM

If you can seperate his behavior (which got him banned from 2 major forums) from his business practices, more power to you. [thumb]

I would never order from this deranged lunatic, AdamP2P.

#19 scottl

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Posted 01 April 2005 - 01:33 AM

" But, if that is the case, my intuition tells me that's been a rare occurance and it was due to a mix up."

search this place and the avant forum or just type in smi2le into google...he's left a string of cheated people that is not hard to follow.

#20 Mike M

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Posted 01 April 2005 - 03:49 AM

Just an FYI, we are dropping the price on alcar, phenibut, cee and CM on sunday for a 7 day sale. :)

#21 yassiryemek

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Posted 01 April 2005 - 07:49 AM

I no longer recommend smi2le.biz or for any supp. Visit:


Coincidence ? [wis]


Hi. I'm from Spain and I think that it is not a good idea to these drugs online. I never buy generic drugs because the quality is not the same always. We have UCB here and piracetam is prescription only. Does he have prescription grades?

Why Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements Are Critical

The Importance of Purity

The Chinese have done the American vitamin consumer a tremendous favor. For decades, European and Japanese companies maintained a virtual monopoly that forced supplement users in the United States to pay inflated prices. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) even brought an antitrust case against these companies that resulted in them disgorging huge amounts of their profits.

Free markets, however, do not need a government watchdog to protect against price fixing. The outrageous profits generated by the European-Japanese monopoly motivated the Chinese to copy just about every dietary supplement and sell them at sharply reduced prices.

While the quality of these Chinese knockoffs was considered inferior, it forced the Europeans and Japanese to slash their prices in order to remain competitive. The net effect is that the inflation-adjusted prices for dietary supplements have plummeted.

By selling raw materials at sharply lower prices, the Chinese were far more effective than the FTC in reigning in the spiraling cost of dietary supplements.

The Chinese are now inundating supplement makers in the United States with very low-cost materials. The purity of these ingredients often fails to meet Life Extension's standards. For instance, Life Extension was offered a low-cost alpha-lipoic acid ingredient made in China that assayed out at 95% purity. The European pharmaceutical standard, however, is 99.99%. Since alpha-lipoic acid is a popular prescription drug in Europe, Life Extension restricts its purchases of alpha-lipoic acid to European manufacturers. Pharmaceutical-grade ingredients are more expensive, but provide more of the active ingredient and are safer for the consumer to use because they do not contain impurities.

Why the FDA Cannot Fully Protect Consumers

The FDA currently employs less than 10,000 people, yet they are charged with regulating products that account for 25% of the gross national product of the United States. It would be absurd to think that the FDA has the resources to verify that every dietary supplement sold in the United States meets label potency.

Life Extension magazine has reported on serious quality-control problems the FDA has uncovered at certain drug companies. For instance, the FDA found that pharmaceutical giant Schering-Plough was making asthma inhalers that did not have any medication inside. Acute asthma attacks suffocate 5438 Americans every year (National Vital Statistics Reports Vol. 48, No. 11). With no medication in an inhaler, any asthma attack can be lethal. The FDA repeatedly found the same problem with these asthma inhalers (no medicine inside), but it took Schering years to correct the problem. The FDA is making Schering pay a $500 million dollar fine to settle the matter (Wall Street Journal Dec. 24, 2001, A3, "Schering fines could total $500 million"). In 2001, American Home Products paid $30 million as part of a consent decree involving manufacturing defects practices, while Abbott Laboratories paid fines of $100 million in 1999 concerning manufacturing defects in scores of its products.

Since drug company quality-control deficiencies can result in death, the FDA is justifiably spending a lot of resources inspecting pharmaceutical manufacturers. After more than 12 years of neglect, the FDA is also more effectively policing the blood banking industry. The Life Extension Foundation long ago exposed the fact that blood banks were knowingly selling blood contaminated with HIV and hepatitis C, and the FDA was not taking proper enforcement actions.

The FDA's Inspection of Life Extension

In 2000, an FDA inspector showed up at the Life Extension Buyers Club and demanded samples of Life Extension's products for the FDA to assay. The FDA agent was initially extremely belligerent, perhaps expecting a legal challenge to his demand for product samples. Instead, Life Extension's quality-control supervisor provided the FDA with all requested samples but let him know that the identical lot numbers would be sent out to two independent assay laboratories to verify any findings the FDA came back with.

During this initial inspection, the FDA agent repeatedly threatened to imprison Life Extension personnel if any problems were found. Life Extension responded that the products had already been assayed and therefore had no concern about what the FDA would find.

Within 10 days, the assays from the two independent labs came back on all products. Upon showing these, along with file cabinets full of quantitative analysis results, to the FDA inspector, the FDA agent stated he was calling off the inspection because the quality-control procedures employed are analogous to those of drug companies. The FDA inspector indicated that he did not expect that a supplement maker would operate under pharmaceutical quality-control standards. When the FDA agent was asked if the samples taken 10 days earlier met the FDA's standards, he indicated that they were not yet submitted for assay and would not be because the two independent labs had already documented that they met label potency.

Assaying Other Companies' Products
Based on Life Extension's exacting quality control standards, the news media has asked The Buyers Club to assay commercial dietary supplements to verify that the products meet label potency. In April 1999, Life Extension was asked to analyze seven different brands of SAMe by a national news magazine. The results of the assays showed that two of the seven had no SAMe present whatsoever. One brand used the wrong form of SAMe, while two other brands had less than 100% potency. Only Life Extension's and Nature's Made products had 100% of the right form of SAMe. Many consumers who trusted the reputations of some very well-known companies were clearly not getting that for which they paid. (SAMe is not the only product Life Extension has assayed and found that the potency did not meet label claim).

Life Extension's Commitment

When members buy products from the Life Extension Buyers Club, they have assurance that the quality of the product is backed by the organization's commitment to achieving an indefinitely extended lifespan. Members receive large discounts that enable them to purchase premium-grade nutrient supplements at prices below those charged by commercial companies. Many commercial companies are now using lower-grade materials, but Life Extension continues to mandate pharmaceutical-quality ingredients. This enables members to obtain products they can trust and still obtain discounted prices.


This information (and any accompanying printed material) is not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other health care professional. Anyone who wishes to embark on any dietary, drug, exercise, or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should first consult with and seek clearance from a qualified health care professional.

The information published in the protocols is only as current as the day the book was sent to the printer. This protocol raises many issues that ar

#22 tron_

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Posted 07 April 2005 - 12:21 AM

is the above post considered marketing?

#23 LifeMirage

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Posted 07 April 2005 - 06:42 AM


You have posted the same article in a few different postings while I understand you are confused and have questions. Please stick to 1 posting otherwise it is considered by most it be at the very least.. annoying. I have answered your questions to what I believe is satisfactory in your other post.

I suggest unless anyone has comments regarding NootropiK do not post here.

Thank you

Edited by LifeMirage, 07 April 2005 - 08:31 AM.

#24 yassiryemek

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Posted 07 April 2005 - 07:22 AM

I see the nootropik website and think he is not interested in Piracetam. When I used google to find places talking about Piracetam I found this forum. It is friendly but I am concern the Piracetam purity and the worldwide shipment policy with Spain if I import because I am living only six month more in Spain before I go back to my country (Lebanon) and I want to bring with me Piracetam because my country I am sure will not allow shipment (our customs is very estrict and unfriendly). Do you know where I can find the prescription grades piracetam?

#25 giantscale

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Posted 11 April 2005 - 03:48 PM

I must admit that when I contacted Adam, he did sound young with little experience or none that he
would talk about.
Does his claim of contaminants in LE and nootropic products bear truth? And do any other sources sell products with third party independent lab assay like his?


#26 magr

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Posted 11 April 2005 - 06:20 PM

  Does his claim of contaminants in LE and nootropic products bear truth? And do any other sources sell products with third party independent lab assay like his?


This would be very important to know, how likely the powders are contaminated or just poorly synthesized.
But there is ofcourse no other way to know but to have a sample analyzed.

Do you who have been longer using supplements know of any past issues? (sans the L-Tryptophan case)

#27 erics99

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Posted 12 April 2005 - 02:32 AM

For what it's worth, I placed an order with Adam and got my order in about 3 days. Great communication as well. And he is able to cap some of the bulk powders for a reasonable price. I would recommend him to anybody.

#28 jeffwhitmore

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 07:39 AM

Hi, I'm an old friend of Mike "Rizzer" and he is the real deal, an orginal. He singlehandedly brought down prices for everyone in this market. He's always had killer products and killer prices. Now he has killer customer service. Anyone is free to call me or him at 201-766-1086. I basically live at the offices, my name is Jeff Whitmore. Expect good things from us. This weekend I am adding CoA images on our site. The innovations will continue. I also started a new product announcement list and an ad free discussion group at Yahoogroups. The addresses to send a blank email to join are are Smi2ledotbiz-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and Mondonootropia-subscribe@yahoogroups.com, respectively.
I won't be posting here regularly. I just want to help the revolution :-)


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Posted 23 April 2005 - 10:59 AM

Are the continuing innovations in smart-assed hangups and negligent excuse making really worth dragging alongside this new business attitude , Jeff?
Here's a joke: "How many times can a Smi2le.piz customer be told that products will be in for shipment *"in two weeks"* over two months time before they fucking lose their patience with the rude phone manner with which they are treated?"
Punch-line: I don't know, but take a survey of all the people Pizzer ripped off only because they "bothered him with too e-mails and phone calls".
You had to walk on egg shells with that guy; he has some business, or should I just say social, ineptitude when it comes time to end a call as I experienced when he hadn't the slightest tact displayed in his mocking of my speech impediment and then abruptly hanging up. That was each time I called. I'm still waiting for my refund. Hope you have enough ethical fiber to realize you should mop up after your employer's sloppy and disrespectful treatment of customers past if you want any in the future.
You have to realize I bought from Smi2le even after bad reports; he delivered some things but to this day he's either wearing some sweet ass jeans or a really cheap suit on my dime and I'm not happy about his maligned twisting of Paypal's weak buyer safety regulations by issuing one postal tracking number as evidence for shipping all of my order. I guess everyone here will say I took a risk and got what came to me; but you "Jeff Whitmore", what do you think? Read up on the associated posts on here and over at the avant labs forum to hear some of the complaints and ill-favored opinions I so foolishly ignored in hope of reaping the benefits of Smi2le's "killer prices".

#30 vortexentity

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 03:10 PM

I paid for my order of pyridoxamine DiHCL about 3 months ago and have never received it. I ordered with several other items and I did receive them. I got my RALA, and pregnenolone from smi2le.biz.

I got only a green slip of paper with pyridoxamine circled in place of my ordered item. When I called Mike and ask him he said it was in stock. They took 2 weeks to ship and only did so after I reversed the paypal on them. When the order came finally it showed that the date it was sent was the very day after I reversed the paypal charge.

This is not the way I like to do business. I spoke to Mike on a Saturday night and he said he would send the order the following Monday. It was 2 weeks to the day when he finally sent the order and it was not even complete.

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