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What to do when the truth fails. How to get the truth out?


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#1 leeda

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:28 PM

I was wondering if Longecity could make a list on how to get the truth out. What to do. Like say you know something that's highly unbelievable but it's still the truth but because of it's nature no one believes you.

It's a fight.

Or say your fighting the government who want to cover up something. What should you do. How do you go about educating people about what the truth is and getting the truth out. Say your telling the truth without a lie. But yet no one believes you. What do you do then.

Say the government will actively oppose and hunt you and what you represent. I want people to post ideas about how to get people to believe the truth. If any are suitable I will attempt them. Suspend disbelief. The truth must be set free. (The truth will set you free). This is your mission.

Last night and the night before I tried ringing Newstalk ZB a NZ nationwide talkback show. The host off air asked me what I wanted to speak about and I said September 11th and myself. The hosts name was Bruce Russel. I read the first two sentences of the following letter I will post and he cut me off. I rang back the next night and as a joke for the host I guess I spent 45 minutes on hold only to be disconnected after being passed over many times. He had asked me off air my name again and what I wanted to speak about. I said the same thing I said the night before.... September 11th 2001 and myself.

So after being cut off for the second time I sent him this letter:

Letter begins:

The problem I have is belief. Not a soul believes me. This is the letter I was going to read out on your show last night. You obviously don’t want me on your show. You should save this letter. Many years might pass but it will be worth something as with anything I touch.

I’m a rockstar. I am huge. Not many people know it but you have probably been listening to and enjoying my songs. There was a flood of songs. From 2001 to 2009 I can name at least 15 songs by famous musicians with at least a minimum of 30% ranging to 100% of lyrics I created cameod in their songs just as I asked. Read this letter. It is 100% truth. I am not delusional. I am not lying. I am not making this up. I am a rockstar. I am bigger than any olympic athlete and any other NZer you can name past and present. I will be world famous. Some people have spent a lot of money on me. I am news. I am a celebrity. Treat me as you will.

Suspend disbelief, pretend for a second that what I have written here is the truth. When the truth comes out people will be rabid wolves to get an interview and my name will be a household fixture around the world. You have missed the opportunity of a lifetime to accept my call to your show. I must fight for the truth and make a stand. Every word I speak about being a Rockstar is the truth.

But alas you probably won’t even read this and like so many others will fail to believe. At the moment the system is failing me. No one is willing to accept the truth. Not even a lawyer will represent me. So where do I go. Again pretend that i’m telling the truth and that i’m not delusional. Again i’m telling the truth.

I’m sorry that i’m from the future and that I tell the truth without lie, falsehood or delusion. I am going to give my life for this truth. I’m sorry that you don’t believe and that you will be hurt when you learn the facts.

Here is the letter I was going to read on your show:

i wrote this about a month ago and im just going to read it out. It will take about 1min to 1 min and a half. If I could just read it out and take questions afterwards if any. (This is where i got cut off).

Hi my name is Darcy Lee. You can find me at DarcyLee.com, or just search in Google for Darcy Lee There's 8 letters in the spelling.

Over 10 years ago now, I made a phone call to Newstalk ZB. It was during Prime time talking to Kerre Woodham. As for my part of the phone conversation, some of the things I said included "they don't think" three times followed by yelling "WAR" and then commanding whoever was listening to stand up and be ready for war and fight. I laid my life on the line. I said in the phone call at the end "I lay my life on the line" for my beliefs and what I had just spoken.

2 days later planes hit the Twin Towers and Pentagon in America.

This might not seem amazing just telling you but to really understand you need to hear a copy of the original phone call I made. Copies of this phone call exist. They are secret. You need to hear.

Are you interested in hearing more. See the thing is probably not. That's been basically the reply I have gotten so far. You want proof. Proof being a copy of the phone call for people to listen to.

Here’s where it gets really amazing. I really want people to come to the truth and believe. I guess the importance of my original phone call has in someway been eclipsed.

After the planes hit the buildings I rang back Newstalk and in further phone calls I asked for a reward. The reward was this:

That famous musicians, Rockstars, make songs out of things I said over air on Newstalk ZB.

And they did. What i'm saying is that the lyrics of songs by Eminem, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Outkast, Sugababes, Greenday, and others are word for word things I said over Newstalk ZB air just as I asked. Sometimes the whole song is me speaking, every single lyric, others it's just the chorus and a couple of lines elsewhere in the song.

There are witnesses to the phone calls via the people who were listening to Newstalk when I made them. One person rang up and said "O my God what a reward". Also I am positive that every single phone call I made exists on a government hard drive somewhere. With your help we can obtain these phone calls. I'm talking Freedom of Speech.

The thing is not one person believes me. The phone calls I made are being kept from me and the secret still remains.

But like I said there were witnesses and even after 10 years they should still remember.

Now I hope this doesn’t cause any offense but I dedicated the original phone call to Ben Smart and Olivia Hope don't know why but that murder affected me.

One of either Ben Smart or Olivia Hopes father rang up. I had mentioned telepathy in my phone calls and he said that he had tried it on my advice.

I want to tell him that it's not biological, it's a machine the government possesses.

You want even more unbelief well here's goes. The government have the ability to insert and extract images, thoughts, moving video pretty much anything you can see on a screen or thats also been invented, into your mind head brain.

They can read your mind. I guess the father was looking for some closure trying telepathy on my word but with this machine he could find out if Scott Watson was actually guilty and could get images of the murder extracted from Scott Watsons head. This tech is going to change things.

This tech is also something no one believes but if I can prove the rockstar business people will then believe about this technology and I can prove this machine.

They want to keep the rockstar issue undercover because I went nuts at them saying things like America sucks and swearing at them lots when they showed me the machine and what it
can do to manipulate and control people who are totally unawares and how long I and others, had been under it's power. This tech is ancient it's not new.

The government of America and NZ keep me underfoot.

But totally that is nothing. I want people to hear my phone call. The original where i Yelled war. So they will believe. I want to post it on You Tube. ON the internet.

It deserves it's place on You Tube on the internet where it will garner many hits and people from therein will believe my tale. Not to mention freedom and also freedom of speech and what is the censorship of my phone calls.

All the pieces will fall into place one day and I shall be exalted but with the time frame that the government is working on I shall be dead.

The government torture me because of these truths.

This is the truth the whole truth and not a lie. I am not delusional.

So how do I prove all this. There is more to the story of course. But probably more than you can bare without proof.

Proof. Well copies of my phone calls exist. People who work or worked at Newstalk ZB have some knowledge of events. Leyton smith. Kerre Woodham. I talked to them both. Marcus lush. There were many people who rung up and responded to my calls. And there had to be heaps of people listening.

Ultimately what I want from all this is simply original copies of my phone calls. Mainly the original one where I yelled war to post on you tube to garner criticism and

I'm talking Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech and ultimately Freedom full stop.

People will be interested. People like proof.

I want my phone calls to put on You Tube. I predict millions of views and much controversy
and conspiracy.

My name is Darcy Lee

Letter ends.

This letter tells the truth of what i'm trying to get out.

Please view this without insult and pretend to help me by giving me suggestions. Go for it with i'm telling the truth 100% and have not lied am not delusional and i'm not pretending. Every word is truth.

What would you do? I guess I will get no answer to the question as the truth is so easily trodden on beaten and ignored and passed over as false.

I'm just a whack job.... But i'm not lying. I'm telling the truth. I'm not delusional. I'm tortured yes and captive.

But i'm standing in the truth. Will I win. I can not change my story I will be a liar. I am fighting lies. Lies that cover, warp, hide and disguise the truth. What do I get for wording the truth. Do I have the higher ground? Am I stronger than those who lie and deceive?

Can and will the truth prevail and how long will it take? How much will I suffer and be persecuted and insulted?

Does truth beat lies? Or can lies beat truth anyday?

What are your beliefs?

Let me know and I will respond

I have a post another post on this forum regarding Virtual Reality and how it will help Immortality you can check it out here

This post has been the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth without lie, deception or delusion.

Anyone here able to help me? Probably not. I just get ignored as loonie.

Anyway thanks

Darcy Lee

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