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Herpes Simplex (HSV1) treatment.

bht lysine uridine

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#1 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 29 August 2012 - 03:47 PM

How do you treat HSV1 outbreaks? Saw a couple of threads and a lot of information on preventing. BHT looks like it might help... think you can combine BHT with somethng else to eradicate HSV1 if possible? Saw also uridine might prevent HSV1 replication, cool. Whats been working for you?

#2 nowayout

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Posted 29 August 2012 - 04:16 PM

Valacyclovir, taken as soon as you feel prodrome. I also take a low dose as preventative in situations where I have tended to get an outbreak in the past, such as during stressful travel or during vacations where I get sun exposure. (Don't know if it is the sun on my lips causing the outbreak there directly or if there is an indirect mechanism.)

I really prefer taking an effective targeted antiviral to messing around with supplements of dubious effectiveness. BHT has been linked to cancer, for example.

Also, I can usually keep outbreaks at bay for years by taking my multivitamin daily. When this gets interrupted, I have tended to get an outbreak.

Edited by viveutvivas, 29 August 2012 - 04:20 PM.

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#3 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 29 August 2012 - 05:13 PM

Thanks for the reply, viveutvivas. How bout reservatrol and lysine? They any good? Topically applied reservatrol has been shown to reduce herpes.

Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) is a natural component of certain foods, such as grapes, that has been shown to have anti-herpes simplex virus (HSV) activity in vitro. To determine if it is active in vivo, the abraded epidermis of SKH1 mice were infected with HSV-1 and topically treated with 12.5 or 25% resveratrol cream or cream only. Initial studies demonstrated that: (1). 25% resveratrol cream topically applied two, three, or five times a day effectively suppressed lesion development whereas 12.5% resveratrol cream effectively suppressed lesion formation when applied five times a day starting 1h after infection; (2). when treatment was begun 1, 6, or 12h after infection, both 12.5 and 25% resveratrol were effective at 1 and 6h after infection, but not if applied 12h after infection. Comparative studies between resveratrol cream, 10% docosanol cream (Abreva) and 5% acyclovir ointment (Zovirax) were also carried out. When treatment was begun 1h after infection and repeated every 3h five times a day for 5 days, 12.5 and 25% resveratrol significantly (P=0.0001) inhibited the development of HSV-1 induced skin lesions. Acyclovir was as effective (P=0.0001) as resveratrol. Animals that were topically treated with docosanol were not protected and developed lesions in a manner indistinguishable from cream only controls. These studies were repeated with an HSV-1 acyclovir-resistant virus. As before, 12.5 and 25% resveratrol cream effectively suppressed lesion formation. The skin of resveratrol-treated animals showed no apparent dermal toxicity such as erythema, scaling, crusting, lichenification, or excoriation. These studies demonstrate that topically applied resveratrol inhibits HSV lesion formation in the skin of mice.

Edited by redan, 29 August 2012 - 05:14 PM.

#4 Cycnut

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Posted 30 August 2012 - 12:54 AM

Definitately L-lysine. 1-2 grams per day in divided doses. Stay away from arginine and NO producing vasoldilators (such as arginine alpha ketoglutarte).
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#5 User

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 11:39 AM

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) and Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) orally and topically seem to work.

#6 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 12:19 AM

Just stopped by local store. They had from Quantum Health, "Super Lysine" which contains: "L-lysine, Propolis Extract, Calendula Flower Extract, Echinacea Flower Extract, Zinc Oxide, Goldenseal Extract, Vitamin A, D, E, Cajeput Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Gum Benzoin Tincture, Prepared in a Beeswax and Olive Base for maximum absorption."Wow, packs a punch. And reduced cold sore healing time by half. Seems like the big companies know better than I do what's best for what. Will also add some Liquorice and possibly reservatrol. lol

Edited by redan, 03 September 2012 - 12:21 AM.

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#7 Steve_86

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 06:48 AM

BHT has been linked to cancer

Do you link any research linking doses of 250mg-2grams daily to cancer or was it based on mega doses?
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#8 MrHappy

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 01:15 PM

I've gone the other way - promote viral replication state with various substances, including L-arginine, boost the immune system and go on a viral killing spree thats includes the usual suspects and occasionally topical sodium hypochlorite (wash off after a few minutes or else it'll burn and complicate matters - cuts healing time dramatically). I think this concept is a better longterm proposition than encouraging dormant state latency - it'll flush more viral cells.
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Posted 08 January 2020 - 03:56 PM

I know this post has been dormant forever but I have something of value to contribute. I agree with Mr. Happy’s strategy about waking the virus up and killing it to reduce the viral load. I have experimented with this approach quite a few times over the years. The problem I always ran into was not having something that was effective enough at killing the virus. This past year I finally discovered something that goes perfectly with this strategy. It is a terpene based oil with a incredibly powerful antiviral properties. I used it with this strategy only twice about a year ago and have not had an outbreak since. This is despite me continuing to do everything in my power to reactivate the herpes virus in my body continuously for the past year, limiting sleep, trigger foods, sunbathing, and taking arginine supplements. For most of my life it seemed like no matter how much effort I put into avoiding outbreaks I couldn’t stop them. Now, ever since I combined the antiviral terpenes with this strategy, no matter how hard I try to trigger an outbreak I can not. I don’t believe that I have achieved a technical “cure” but after the past year I can say I’ve achieved a “practical cure” and that’s more than good enough for me. I don’t know how many antiviral terpene products exist or which one is best. There may be a more cost effective one. I used Auntie Vira’s diffuser oil after seeing people in other forums raving about it. I never bothered looking for other similar products after the first time I used it to stop a massive imminent herpes outbreak in its tracks and completely avoid having it. Based on my observation of my own symptoms I believe that it inactivates or kills off all of the active virus in my body within an hour or two of taking it.
Here is the protocol I used:
1) Engage in activity or consume things that typically activate the virus (everyone’s are different)
2) Begin treatment immediately when prodromal symptoms become noticeable ( itching and nerve sensations, fatigue, prodromal dome forms)
3) Even though all symptoms disappear within first day, I continue treatment for 3-4 days based on the probability of the virus continuing to activate in the ganglion for several days once triggered.

Dosage with Auntie Vira’s Terpenes oil is 1ML morning , mid day, evening for 3-4 days. This seems to be the standard dose that people are using with this particular product.
Dosage likely varies between products.

I hope this information helps you guys if any of you are still around and a BIG THANK YOU to Mr Happy for proposing this strategy years ago, it has helped me reach a state where herpes virus no longer effects me or impacts my life

Edited by RAFT LIFE, 08 January 2020 - 03:59 PM.

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#10 whileitravel

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Posted 19 January 2020 - 08:24 AM

NAC - acytelcysteine is an anti viral and while not a cure, it seems to keep things at bay. Bonus is that it's cheap.


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Posted 21 January 2020 - 09:16 PM

I love NAC for some of its other benefits. I didn’t know that so I’v never intentionally put it to use in a anti-HSV protocol. I guess there’s been some times it was likely providing me with that added benefit and I didn’t even realize it:)
I am really fascinated by the antiviral activity of terpenes and wish I knew which ones were in the product I’v been using.
In all my years of combatting HSV in my body I have never experienced something that is this effective or works this fast to shut down the virus or its symptoms. I would love to hear from anyone else who has used terpenes against herpes simplex in particular or as an antiviral in general.
Thanks for responding!

#12 BasicBiO

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Posted 13 February 2020 - 07:03 PM

Red Marine Algae is supposed to help the body recognize and kill the virus.

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#13 gamesguru

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Posted 13 February 2020 - 09:04 PM

Good exercise, and diet.  A low arginine and high lysine diet.


Herpes type 1 incidence generally DECREASES with age, so that the infections become less common with age.  Even holds true somewhat into the 8th and 9th decade of life, except some weakened phenotypes it can overwhelm the brain, result in severe shingles, etc.


So all you need to do is keep your immune system in good shape and let it do its work.  Unless the virus is threatening you with encephalitis or permanent loss of vision, I would say aggressive anti-viral therapy is unwarranted.  This virus is one that has learned to silently exist among us, it is very different from Ebola, which causes obvious or immediate harm and distress to its host.

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