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Phenibut for situational panic attack - yes or no?

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#91 HalBz

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 05:56 PM

I've been taking noopept for a while and I just got my phenibut today, took about 500mg an hour ago and I don't feel any different as of now.
I will tell u more in a while, since from what I read it takes a bit to kick in :)

#92 Andrey_81

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Posted 08 February 2013 - 09:55 AM

Another (without) phenibut update...
You guys know that I took a lot of phenibut this week, starting from last Sunday (1000 mg before bed), Monday (1000 mg in the morning, 500 mg afternoon), Tuesday (1000 mg with coffee), Wednesday (1000 mg in the morning with red bull, 1000 mg two hours later with bromazepam, ashwagandha and propranolol....).

I stopped on Wednesday and continue with 500 mg of ashwagandha during the day...

After I stopped I was expecting some kind of phenibut withdrawal...higher anxiety, mood swings, headaches, sleeping troubles.. But hell no!
I feel completely different and I can confirm that this week, starting from Monday morning until today (Friday) I feel better than ever in my life, or at least better than in the last 10 years.

My confidence is still on extremely high level. No presence of anxiety or fear. I'm not sweating as I used to to. I speak louder, more clear, slowly and confident. My brain works really really fast. Like I'm constantly on high level of caffeine but again, completely calm. Everybody around me realized that I'm different and more positive. I had some visitors (friends) on Wednesday and I've visited my friends yesterday and guess who was the most talkative person? I was making jokes (very intelligent jokes :) all the time and my wife noticed that I changed and that I'm not that quiet and shy as before. And she can really feel this confidence while I'm talking about something. When somebody asks me a question I don't feel this panic as before. I immediately know what to say, and I can really speak a lot.

It's not a problem for me to make some hard tasks at work. I make them without any fear and well organized.

Why is this happening to me? Why do I still have this big boost of confidence? Why negative effects of phenibut withdrawal are not present? Is it possible that this 'afterglow' lasts so long???

OK, this will probably be a stupid question... but can phenibut be used as a cure? As a medicine? Can it 'fix' your brain? I'm thinking... if I take it when I'm 'down' for two days... it will give me this afterglow for the next 5 days. If I will confront some situations while on phenibut and during this 'afterglow' can this 'change' my personality after a while??? Can it help you to change your personality because you realize that you are capable to do many things without any fear.

It's not a placebo effect... I read a lot about phenibut withdrawal and I was expecting that bad things are in front of me but this how I feel is like a miracle for me. Who knows.. it could be that ashwagandha after phenibut keeps me this way..

Edited by Andrey_81, 08 February 2013 - 09:59 AM.

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#93 Galaxyshock

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Posted 09 February 2013 - 09:36 AM

It switches brain activity in different regions but it's thin line that you may cross and the extreme condifence turns to psychotic behavior or some other bizarre shit. You are already feeling like "why not?" with the use aren't you? and thinking of ways to use it "right". It's very unpredictable substance that you keep taking and taking to find the correct schedule because the effects constantly change and it ends up fucking you up. Ashwagandha works for withdrawals definitely almost abolished them for me but it's another trap I cycled them for 6 months with small breaks until ended up manic and slightly psychotic no longer able to sleep under the influence and without them of course extreme anxiety. It was 9 months ago I quit the usage I still haven't recovered fully. So do what you wish be ignorant and fuck yourself up or don't get caught on the fake supersocial euphoric hypomania and get rid of the shit until it's too late.

Edited by Galaxyshock, 09 February 2013 - 09:41 AM.

#94 machete234

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Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:23 PM

Ashwagandha works for withdrawals definitely almost abolished them for me but it's another trap I cycled them for 6 months with small breaks until ended up manic and slightly psychotic no longer able to sleep under the influence and without them of course extreme anxiety. It was 9 months ago I quit the usage I still haven't recovered fully. So do what you wish be ignorant and fuck yourself up or don't get caught on the fake supersocial euphoric hypomania and get rid of the shit until it's too late.

I dont fully understand your posting: Do you say that phenibut long time got you into that state or ashwagandha over the last 6 months?

#95 Galaxyshock

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Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:49 PM

Ashwagandha works for withdrawals definitely almost abolished them for me but it's another trap I cycled them for 6 months with small breaks until ended up manic and slightly psychotic no longer able to sleep under the influence and without them of course extreme anxiety. It was 9 months ago I quit the usage I still haven't recovered fully. So do what you wish be ignorant and fuck yourself up or don't get caught on the fake supersocial euphoric hypomania and get rid of the shit until it's too late.

I dont fully understand your posting: Do you say that phenibut long time got you into that state or ashwagandha over the last 6 months?

Yeah looks like my sentences turned into a bit of a mess, I was a bit hyped up before my workout when I wrote that. Phenibut was definitely the one that got me into trouble and Ashwagandha only masked the issues and since it also has GABA-b affinity it can keep the receptors from upregulating and may have some issues of its own. For 6 months I cycled them like 3 days on Phenibut, 4 days on Ashwagandha or some other mixes then trying to withdraw with milder GABAergics always ending up going back to them. Ashwagandha alone due to its adaptogenic nature usually don't get people into trouble when used responsibly.

Edited by Galaxyshock, 09 February 2013 - 03:52 PM.

#96 Andrey_81

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Posted 13 February 2013 - 12:53 PM

Possible phenibut withdrawal!
A less than a week everything was so incredible.. I had this feeling of unreal confidence and I was afraid that this wonderful feeling will stop in near future. And this is exactly what happened.

A week ago (last Wednesday) I was on third day on phenibut. After that I stopped and had this amazing afterglow for the next few days (then I wrote my last post). In the same time I was taking ashwagandha in dosage from 500-1000 mg per day and I felt just great. Suddenly, during the weekend all changed. First, I had few days of extremely vivid nightmares and dreams... After cca 3 days of nightmares all changed. For the past 4 nights I always wake up at 2 of 3 in the morning and I cannot sleep. I go to bed at 11 and I fall in a sleep in few minutes. But each night I wake up at 2 or 3 am. After that I'ml completely awake. I take valerian to fall asleep and it helps a little bit. I also noticed this earinging but I felt this even before I took phenibut.

I read that ear ringing and insomnia could be connected with hi production of thyroid hormones and ashwagandha is the one that will boost its production. It could be that due to the long term use of ashwagandha (11 moths), lately in higher doses (1000 mg) i f..... up my thyroid hormones. Beside all this ear ringing and insomnia, during the day I feel anxious, I sweat a lot and have this feeling like it's very hot in my head. I feel like I have a flue or something... OK, I have really bad situation at work and this week is really stressful.

Today is my first day without ashwagandha... In the morning I took some l-theanine and valerian, just to feel less stressed during the day. I will try to stay 'clean' for the next one week. I hope that this ear ringing will stop, together with this hot feeling in my head and whole body, sweating and insomnia. Today I'm not anxious at all (could be due to the l-theanine and valerian), but I feel this hot flashes and I feel like my whole body is burning. Feeling is similar to the one you have before the flu. I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

Edited by Andrey_81, 13 February 2013 - 01:02 PM.

#97 Andrey_81

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 12:23 PM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

#98 formergenius

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 01:10 PM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

Normal as in anxious? Or feeling calm like your afterglow days? Have you found optimistic/confident perspective easier to acquaint with, whilst not on phenibut, as a result of experiencing it?
Thanks for posting your experience :) I've ordered Phenibut myself, albeit planning to use it in lesser frequency. More as a weekly or fortnightly thing, while waiting for meds to kick in. Withdrawal seems like a hell, has anyone ever tried lowdose daily using? Like 200-400 mg a day? Wonder how that would work on tolerance/withdrawal.

#99 jerichodotm

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 01:44 PM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

Glad you are feeling better. Go back and read my reply a couple pages back and give Phenibut a second thought. It's been only a few weeks and you are on the edge of withdrawals. I've seen how this ends. Be careful!

#100 Andrey_81

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:42 PM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

Normal as in anxious? Or feeling calm like your afterglow days? Have you found optimistic/confident perspective easier to acquaint with, whilst not on phenibut, as a result of experiencing it?

Normal as 'before phenibut experience'. Ashwagandha is something that keeps me 'normal', anxious-free and more confident for the past 10 months. This stuff works for me like nothing I tried and what is the most important, it never stopped working. Phenibut is something that I will use again but only in extreme situations (once in a 3 months or once in a 6 months), but never again for more than 2 days in a row (a day before the event, and on the day of event).

#101 Andrey_81

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Posted 18 February 2013 - 03:59 PM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

Glad you are feeling better. Go back and read my reply a couple pages back and give Phenibut a second thought. It's been only a few weeks and you are on the edge of withdrawals. I've seen how this ends. Be careful!

You were completely right! 2 days in a row is OK, but all above this is not that good. To make this more clear... this what I call 'phenibut withdrawal' was strange feeling, especially in my head. I didn't feel so anxious, but more nervous and I felt this hot flashes through my body. It was cold outside, but I never had enough air and I was sweating a lot. Anyhow, this was nothing you cannot survive :) but it's better to stay away from phenibut, if possible, or to use it very, very rarely with max 2 days in a row. For me, this afterglow feeling last almost three days, so if you take phenibut on Monday and Tuesday, you will feel it whole week without any negative side effects.
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#102 jerichodotm

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:47 AM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

Glad you are feeling better. Go back and read my reply a couple pages back and give Phenibut a second thought. It's been only a few weeks and you are on the edge of withdrawals. I've seen how this ends. Be careful!

You were completely right! 2 days in a row is OK, but all above this is not that good. To make this more clear... this what I call 'phenibut withdrawal' was strange feeling, especially in my head. I didn't feel so anxious, but more nervous and I felt this hot flashes through my body. It was cold outside, but I never had enough air and I was sweating a lot. Anyhow, this was nothing you cannot survive :) but it's better to stay away from phenibut, if possible, or to use it very, very rarely with max 2 days in a row. For me, this afterglow feeling last almost three days, so if you take phenibut on Monday and Tuesday, you will feel it whole week without any negative side effects.

As long as you aren't having urges to take it that 3rd day or when having withdrawls then you should be OK (and have more will power than I). :)

#103 jerichodotm

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Posted 02 March 2013 - 11:19 AM

All back to normal. I'm finally able to sleep well after I stopped ashwagandha for only 3 days, and now I stick with lower doses of ashwagandha and again function normally. No more side effects. I cannot feel any phenibut withdrawal. It 12 days since my last phenibut intake.

Glad you are feeling better. Go back and read my reply a couple pages back and give Phenibut a second thought. It's been only a few weeks and you are on the edge of withdrawals. I've seen how this ends. Be careful!

You were completely right! 2 days in a row is OK, but all above this is not that good. To make this more clear... this what I call 'phenibut withdrawal' was strange feeling, especially in my head. I didn't feel so anxious, but more nervous and I felt this hot flashes through my body. It was cold outside, but I never had enough air and I was sweating a lot. Anyhow, this was nothing you cannot survive :) but it's better to stay away from phenibut, if possible, or to use it very, very rarely with max 2 days in a row. For me, this afterglow feeling last almost three days, so if you take phenibut on Monday and Tuesday, you will feel it whole week without any negative side effects.

You haven't updated this thread in a while. You still OK w/ phenibut?

#104 Andrey_81

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Posted 02 March 2013 - 11:41 AM

You haven't updated this thread in a while. You still OK w/ phenibut?

:-D Yes, I can say that all is great without phenibut. The last time I took it was almost a month ago, and I'm not planing to take it again if really not needed. I continued with ashwagandha because it just works (one in the morning, another afternoon or before bed, or before some situations, depending on the day and how I feel). I even started to drink coffee but very very rarely (twice a week). I just listen to my body reactions and take supplement when I feel that I really need it. If I'm 'normal' whole day I will stay away from everything, but why to torture if there is something that helps (I'm talking about ashwagandha)

Yesterday had one birthday party of my friend with many people. I had one strong coffee before the event (this made me talkative) but I still felt nervous and anxious and I was sweating a lot. I went to WC and open one capsule of ashwagandha and drink the content. After only 5 minutes the magic happened. Can you imagine who was the most talkative person :) My wife told me that I was great. I sad so many interesting stories, so many jokes and I felt really great and confident, so for some situation this 'mild' ashwagandha work like a miracle and there is no need for something like phenibut.

I like phenibut, and for me it's nothing 'out-of my control', and therefore I will take it again if some special situation will come that will make me very very nervous or scared. For now all is under control ;) but only because ashwagadha is circulating through my system.

Edited by Andrey_81, 02 March 2013 - 11:44 AM.

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#105 Curtis Dunn

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Posted 03 March 2013 - 06:58 AM

@Andrey_81 I am just curious if you have tried aniracetam for anti-anxiety? I hear that it has that effect and was wondering how it compares to ashwagandha.

#106 Andrey_81

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 08:20 AM

@Andrey_81 I am just curious if you have tried aniracetam for anti-anxiety? I hear that it has that effect and was wondering how it compares to ashwagandha.

Sorry for late reply... No i didn't try aniracetam but this morning I took 5 mg of noopept (arrived yesterday) with rhodiola, coffee and ashwagandha. It works really well but it's hard for me to say more because I have to try noopept alone and on higher doses. I will try tomorrow 10 mg in the morning without anything else. If something will go wrong I will try to 'normalize' myself with ashwagandha. I just know that whatever I tried it was even better after adding ashwagandha.

Rhodiola + Coffee+ Ashwagandha boosts my confidence and makes me talkative, positive and focused. The problem is that coffee losses effect after a while. For this reason I had one week break from coffee so this great feeling I'm having today could be the same even without noopept.

I will know more tomorrow. Will keep you informed.

Hmmm... phenibut + noopept + caffeine could be something special :) Anyone tried this mix?
Again, I'm talking about occasional use, max 2-3 times per month. There is no way I would use this everyday.

Edited by Andrey_81, 23 April 2013 - 08:26 AM.

#107 Andrey_81

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 08:22 AM

This morning at 6:00 I took 10 mg of noopept without ashwagandha, rhodiola and coffee. Not sure what to say. At 7:00 it was very hard for me to speak and my mind was not that clear and I felt minor anxiety. At 8:00 I was getting better, more focused and relaxed. At 9:00 felt OK but I felt that I'm little bit blocked while talking on the phone, like my mind is not that fast. At 9:45 I decided to take ashwagandha and from that time all is getting better and better. I feel calm, focused, concentrated but still talkative and confident.

Maybe is too early (my second day), or I'm taking lower doses (10 mg) but I can't say that noopept does wonders. For me it is nothing special. I have more benefits from ashwagandha. I expected more from noopept considering its strength. I'm not sure that it is for occasional use. I thought that noopept will work in similar way to caffeine and that it will speed up my brain and improve my speaking skills (again, like coffee does). It makes me more relaxed and I expected opposite reaction.

#108 Andrey_81

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 10:47 AM

I have to update my post because it seams that noopept has great potential but according to my knowledge it has to be taken few days for real benefits. Yesterday i wrote my post at 9:25 and the whole day was in front of me. As the day was going on I felt better and better. My brain worked extremely fast and ashwagandha killed anxiety which was very mild and almost not noticeable. At 5 pm I was full of positive energy and this feeling lasted until I went to bed. All this happened without coffee.

This morning I took 10 mg of noopept at 6:00. At 7 I felt positive energy and very talkative like I had strong coffee. At 7:30 had my morning coffee and this even made my feeling better. Positive, talkative, organized, fast talking, speech skills improved, confident... At 8:00 had my ashwagandha. This is just amazing mix. After lunch at 11:30 had my second 10 mg pill of noopept and now I even feel more confident and focused but in the same time calm. If the anxiety will be present I will solve this with another ashwagandha :)

I weight 75 kg so my daily dose of noopept = 20 mg (according to what I read on internet).

So thumbs up for noopept + ashwagandha! This is really great mix to consider.

If someone here tried phenibut + noopept I would like to here experience...

#109 autopilot

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 12:00 PM

Keep us updated with noopept + ashwagandha experience. Tempted to try it myself.

#110 Andrey_81

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 04:37 PM

Shit! Dont know why but my pee smells like hell!!! Is this normal with noopept??? It smells so f...... bad. I dont wont to tak this shit anymore. I read that something called Adrafinil (made in china) could be sold under noopept and your pee will start to smell. Any experience with noopept and this smell???

#111 Andrey_81

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 05:04 PM

Shit! Dont know why but my pee smells like hell!!! Is this normal with noopept??? It smells so f...... bad. I dont wont to tak this shit anymore. I read that something called Adrafinil (made in china) could be sold under noopept and your pee will start to smell. Any experience with noopept and this smell???

Hahahaha...sorry guys :) I just remembered something :) today I had a lot of asparagus for lunch (with eggs) and this phenomena is known, asparagus can in some people change the smell of urine :)

So I will continue with noopept :) sorry again for this. False alarm :)

#112 Andrey_81

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 07:47 AM

I have vacation in front of me starting from today... I will continue with noopept but probably in lower doses. 10 mg (5mg in the morning and 5 mg afternoon). I read that noopept takes a while to show the real benefit (two - three weeks). I will try this 3 weeks to one month intake and then I will stop to see if there are any withdrawals. I can confirm that after only 4 days I feel each day better and better. Of course, for me ashwagandha is a must because without it I can feel that I'm talkative but in the same time anxiety is also present. I really enjoy this 'great focus feeling'.

The next one week will be...
- schizandra before bed 5 (this is a must for amazing sleep)
- 5mg noopept in the morning + ashwagandha + rhodiola (small dose) + coffee (option)
- 5 mg noopept afternoon + ashwagandha

When I will be back to work I plan to try phenibut+noopept+aashwagandha in the morning. I expect a lot for this but this will be something for 'once in a while use'.

I have some hard projects in front of me and this period will last until end of October. This is the main reason why I decided to try this noopept, because I need this extra power of the brain to face all the problems, to stay calm, smart, organized and confident. I also plan to try panax ginseng as a good replacement for coffee and as something I can cycle with rhodiola. I have no intention to stop with ashwagandha, this is a must and it reduces my anxiety levels more than phenibut and this is really amazing.

I've been taking noopept for a while and I just got my phenibut today, took about 500mg an hour ago and I don't feel any different as of now.
I will tell u more in a while, since from what I read it takes a bit to kick in :)

500 mg is nothing. Try 1500 mg. It has to pass more than 1 hour to feel the real effect (up to 3 hours or more IMHO)

Edited by Andrey_81, 26 April 2013 - 07:50 AM.

#113 Andrey_81

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:09 PM

Another Phenibut update... I would like to know your experience and opinion.

I've been clean from phenibut for a long, long time. My last usage was 5 months ago. Since I have one another presentation next week I decided to rely again on phenibut, just in case.

In order to be sure what is the right dose I made another test this week. Last Sunday before bed I took 750 mg of phenibut (3×250 mg). I took this because I know that I will wake up 'high'. And this really kicked me. In the morning at 7:00 I took panax ginseng, rhodiola and again 1000 mg of phenibut. At 7:30 I had coffee with 250 mg of ashwagandha.

With all this I felt strange. Not so good. I feel much better when I take just coffee, rhodiola and ashwagandha. At 10:00 I took another 500 mg of phenibut so my daily dose was in total 1500 mg. According to what I read this is normal dose to treat social anxiety. At 10:30 I had another 250 mg of ashwagandha.

As the time was passing I had some strange changes in my mood. I had mood swings from being totally confident and talkative, from feeling dizzy with pressure in my head, from not hearing so good, form minor panic attacks, lack of confident... In one word I felt like shit and had some speech problems since my brain was sleepy.

At 6 o clock I felt totally tired and felt like I was drunk. I just wanted to lay in bed and sleep. Strange, but I was totally disturbed by high noise and every sound I heard was form me ×10. When I finally reach my bed I was totally exhausted and I felt like I'm flying. Nice but strange feeling. My alarm clock woke me up next morning at 6:00 (Tuesday). I woke up in the living room in front of the TV with all lights turned on. I was sleeping all night without waking up. This was the deepest sleep I ever had in my life.

On Tuesday I had totally opposite experience. I felt good as never before in my life. In the morning I took (as usual) panax ginseng, rhodiola, coffee and ashwagandha but I could still feel this 'afterglow' from phenibut. Amazing feeling with full confidence, control and focus. My speech abilities were improved and I was a real fast talker. Had some meetings and I felt great.

Same but not that strong feeling I'm experiencing today and right now. I can still feel the benefits from phenibut.

The phenibut work great but on the second day and during this afterglow.

On the day when taken it's possible to have mood swing and to feel messed up, but after one night of deep sleep the next day is a miracle. For the presentation I have on Tuesday I will do the same. 750 mg before bed, 1000 mg next morning, 500 mg during the day. Sleep. Clean from phenibut on the day of presentation but I expect amazing afterglow.

What do you think about this? Anyone had the same experience?


Edited by Andrey_81, 03 July 2013 - 05:12 PM.

#114 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:16 PM

Everyone seems to have a unique response to everything, but I personally found that nothing worked for panic attacks (the physical type) like Propranolol. Generally very well tolerated as long as you aren't using it constantly, and aren't naturally hypotensive.

#115 Andrey_81

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:50 PM

Everyone seems to have a unique response to everything, but I personally found that nothing worked for panic attacks (the physical type) like Propranolol. Generally very well tolerated as long as you aren't using it constantly, and aren't naturally hypotensive.

You are 100% right and I will also take propranolol to 'kill' the heartbeat but propranolol does exactly what you sad, it kills physical panic but if taken without something like phenibut or ashwagandha I will still feel the panic.

#116 Galaxyshock

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:53 PM

Phenibut is very nasty stuff.. You just can't make conclusions like that about it. First it's the afterglow that's amazing, then you start expecting for it and it never comes. One time it feels great straight after dosing, then the afterglow turns to nightmare. You may take breaks and expect it to work again but it may not do anything until it suddently hits you with insane tiredness or confusion. I'm telling you I used it first occasionally for several months and then somewhat continously for 6 months and never really got the dosing "optimal".

#117 machete234

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:23 PM

I can dose ridiculously low as far down as 250mg, but it's really in the background then.
With such a low dose I don't get a hangover the next day.

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#118 Andrey_81

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Posted 10 July 2013 - 03:07 PM

Again a big success!!! :-D
Yesterday I had this presentation in front of the big bosses of two companies. This was the second time I decided to go with phenibut, but to be sure that everything will be perfect I mix all other things and made one incredible mix that turned me into fearless and calm person. I had one of the best presentations in my life. Believe me, without this supplements I would die and my heart would race and I would be completely blocked. It would be hard for me to say my name (see my first post and the problems I'm facing). With all this stuff it was completely opposite.

Presentation was yesterday (Tuesday) at 12:00 so I took 750 mg of phenibut on Sunday before bed. I woke up completely 'high' and relaxed. Phenibut kicked me but not that strong as last week after my long period without phenibut. In the morning at 6:00 (Monday) I took 1000 mg of phenibut. At 6:30 I had 1000 mg of panax ginseng with 250 mg of rhodiola. At 7:30 coffee with 250 mg ashwagandha. At 11:00 I took another 500 mg of phenibut and again at 17:00 500 mg of phenibut.

I flet OK during the day (Monday). Completely calm, relaxed and confident. I was not afraid of the presentation in front of (I usually would) and I slept like a baby in a deep, deep sleep. It was very very hard to stay awake long that night because I felt like I was drunk and I went to bed at 21:30 and started to sleep in one minute.

On Tuesday morning I took ginseng, rhodiola, coffee and ashwagandha.
3 hours before presentation I took 750 mg oh phenibut together with 30 mg of noopept (this really speed up my brain and I felt more focused).

I took noopept because I was afraid that with all this phenibut I will become sleepy and that I will have some speech problems (and this is something I would like to avoid during presentations).

One hour before presentation I took 250 mg of ashwagandha, 20 mg of propranolol (this blocked my heartbeat) and 1.5 mg of bromazepam (just in case). While I was waiting for my turn I took 10 mg propranolol and again 1,5 mg of bromazepam. The miracle happened and I felt completely ready for presentation like never in my life.

I was extremely calm but focused. I didn't feel embarrassed or afraid. Had zero side effects and all turned well, like never before. No problems with heartbeat, no speech problems, and the most important - no panic attacks!

When I write this down it seems that I had a mix of all kind of stuff. Maybe all this was not needed but I didn't want to take any risks. This is a mix that i will follow but only for special situations that happen once in 3-6 months, and this should not be dangerous.

Later during the day of presentation felt great. No headaches, nothing bad. Had great day (and great sex with my wife :wub: so even though I took all this shit I was in a great mood ). This morning again zero side effects. No phenibut withdrawal. Again ashwagandha helps and I think that it keeps me from all this possible withdrawal.

Phenibut is great, but for me it has to be mixed with other stuff in order to help me with panic attacks. And I feel much better the next day and not on the fist day when taken.

Edited by Andrey_81, 10 July 2013 - 03:08 PM.

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