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How to increase my IQ by 14 points?

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#31 kurdishfella

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Posted 11 November 2023 - 12:49 AM

Drugs only increase the physical aspect of intelligence. Wisdom is as important for the mental intelligence that is thoughts. so by reading books you can create a smart person out of a dumb one. You need both sides for best IQ.

Edited by kurdishfella, 11 November 2023 - 12:49 AM.

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#32 AOIministrator

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Posted 16 January 2024 - 04:07 AM

If you want to raise IQ long after the fact of being born, there are really many more questions here. In essence what IQ tests for, is just how well your brain performs, like clock speed in a CPU. Now if you have been running your computations for 20 years, you will be far behind in what you have been able to compute so far, and this will not change even if you raise the clock speed. Also on a lower-powered machine you will not make the same choices and sacrifice quality for speed. Let's call this second component "wisdom" for a lack of better word and the first "performance". By wisdom I don't mean knowledge, which of course is also naturally lacking in someone less intelligent. And there is only one way to catch up on knowledge, which is simply putting in the effort to aquire it.


In IQ tests raw performance is important but also wisdom, and they often go hand in hand to suit each other. But what you need in a test exists only in a very very narrow scale that has no use in the real world. Someone with higher IQ will gain more "wisdom" in all aspects of thinking, even on this narrow scale that is of use to no one.


So wisdom can be gained by training. But training specifically for IQ tests is useless in the real world. I will come back to the topic of wisdom in other areas later, that are actually important to life.


If it concerns performance, cocaine works short-term for the overwhelming majority of people. Also obviously strict diets like carnivore/keto, exercise, lifestyle-changes, etc. can potentially increase your mental clarity and performance.


Now concerning wisdom it really depends on what areas you want to parallel more intelligent people than you. Now you can't do much about the fact that your mental performance will always be lower speed, so with a grinding problem you just have to put in more hours than someone smarter, and given you and them put in the same amount of hours, they will always be ahead of you pretty much. But you can do something about having a deficient world-view and limited frame of perspective. And unless you are dealing with just grinding problems that don't require an excessive amount of intelligence (like for example getting a masters degree with IQ 118), this is really important.


Less intelligent people think and understand information in a way that is inferior in many ways. To put an extreme example, someone very stupid is only able to think in absolutes. Something either is something or is not, and it totally escapes them that natural phenomena happen for example on a normal distribution and many things can be true at the same time that superficially seem totally contradictory. This is why having such an inferior world-view causes people to be entirely incapable to get an university degree for example, or do comparable work, even if they invested an near-infinite amount of hours into it. They live in a world ruled by instinct/emotions and ignorance, and experiencing cognitive dissonance is a normal part of life to them, which they constantly try to escape either by willful ignorance or by short-cutting other people's opinions in order to invalidate them. 


But there is an easy way to fix this: try to understand everything, so nothing contradicts itself. Work yourself towards a point where everything and everyone makes perfect sense, even totally insane people, even pedophiles, even wars and murderers. Be honest. Introduce extreme states of mind, mania even. Find out how everyone is wrong, then find out how everyone is right. Seek out and amplify all dissonance you experience in your mind to the extreme. Make it your life's purpose to suffer the full-blown truth. Try to become god. Then realize you are the lowest dirt on the floor. Discard your entire world view. Do everything only in extremes. One day read text at the speed of 10 words per second, then read text at speed of 3 words per minute. Make every thing in your mind relative, it could be anything and nothing. There is truth in even the most untrue things. It will make you feel insane. But actually, this is how a more capable mind works all the time, from dozens of angles at once. In someone excessively smart, everything they hear and think makes perfect sense all the time to the most minute detail and nothing and no one can tip that off balance. Each time you have a though, ask yourself "why is that" ad-infinitum all day for months, until you can't form any coherent thoughts anymore.


You can rewrite and overthrow everything you think and believe in if you are dedicated enough and have the time for it. Don't speak to people for days and weeks and only concentrate on your own inner workings. You will figure out why things exists on a basic level, what the nature of human existence is, how the brain and your body internally function and so on and so forth. It's just a matter of being dedicated to it and persistent. And this will also help IQ tests, maybe even immensely. But it is a lot of effort and suffering and it can put you into depression, etc.


Drugs that could be helpful to this end are stimulants, esp. daily baclofen/withdrawal cycle to feed calculated psychosis, and possibly psychedelics. Combine that with experimental neuroregenerative drugs like NSI-189, Semax, Dihexa, and such for faster effects.


So yeah, this only makes sense if you really need to be smarter at all cost. Since the investment is pretty high. But it is possible, it's what you asked for.

Edited by AOIministrator, 16 January 2024 - 04:20 AM.

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