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Is there any Nootropic that increases recall memory?

noopept memory nootropic recall racetam choline herbs study enhance experiment

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#1 MindSpark

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Posted 15 November 2012 - 09:40 PM

I was just wondering if there was any nootropic that would dramatically increase recall memory.

I have tried many nootropics some of which include:

Oxiracetam (once)
Rhodiola Rosea
Bacopa Monnieri
Fish Oil
Alpha GPC
CDP choline
Choline Citrate

The list goes on...

I have taken them all at once, which didn't turn out too well, and most of them separately too.
The problem is that after I'm done studying, with my current stack (noopept + pramiracetam + aniracetam + fish oil + cdp choline + rhodiola rosea + L-tyrosine + B complex vitamins); I can't seem to recall the detailed information.

It's like I get the concept and the main idea of what I'm reading, but, if I were asked something specific like a chemical formula, then I'd just be completely blank.
I have tried many combinations,but so far, my current stack gives me the best effects comparatively.

And for some weird reason none of the nootropics seem to actually work positively. They either show no effect or just make me really sleepy/lethargic/confused.
My current stack just gives me the slightest amount of an anxiolytic effect with a hint of a concentration boost.

I'm starting to think that nootropics just don't work in general, and even if they do, it's not worth looking like a crack addict for the tiny little enhancement.
Placebo would work just as well.

I'm sure there are people who have the same experiences as me, so it would be wonderful if people could share some information and enlighten us all.


Edited by MindSpark, 15 November 2012 - 09:43 PM.

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#2 hippocampus

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Posted 15 November 2012 - 11:29 PM

turmeric (curcumin) with black pepper (piperine) has worked for me, but it didn't last long. Also, phosphatidylcholine with vitamin E (probably it was alpha-tocopherol), but I don't take it anymore, because it makes me depressed.

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#3 MindSpark

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Posted 16 November 2012 - 05:37 PM

turmeric (curcumin) with black pepper (piperine) has worked for me, but it didn't last long. Also, phosphatidylcholine with vitamin E (probably it was alpha-tocopherol), but I don't take it anymore, because it makes me depressed.

I get my sources of curcumin and black pepper from my food everyday, it promotes vascular circulation and boosts the immune system slightly from my experience.

The reason why I chose recall memory was because it is interrelated to attention,motivation and the feeling of something being at the tip of your tongue.
Enhancing recall memory could in theory enhance attention,motivation and cure the T.O.T. feeling.

Is there any other combination that worked really well for you?

#4 mastercowboy

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 07:23 AM

And for some weird reason none of the nootropics seem to actually work positively. They either show no effect or just make me really sleepy/lethargic/confused.
My current stack just gives me the slightest amount of an anxiolytic effect with a hint of a concentration boost.

I'm starting to think that nootropics just don't work in general, and even if they do, it's not worth looking like a crack addict for the tiny little enhancement.
Placebo would work just as well.

I'm sure there are people who have the same experiences as me, so it would be wonderful if people could share some information and enlighten us all.


I have the same feeling...complete waste of money!

#5 Introspecta

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:42 AM

I think people expect too much out of them. Enhancing memory has alot more to do with taking supplements. Practicing remembering 5-6 numbers over time will enhance memory. I use nootropics for the focus factor which in turn can sometimes help to enhance memory because I'm focused on what it is in the moment. Focus and Creativity and motivation enhancement is what I seek. Some have been very useful. Mainly Piracetam, Pheylpiracetam and Coluracetam. The rest not so much. Expensive Urine.

#6 MindSpark

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 01:24 PM

I think people expect too much out of them. Enhancing memory has alot more to do with taking supplements. Practicing remembering 5-6 numbers over time will enhance memory. I use nootropics for the focus factor which in turn can sometimes help to enhance memory because I'm focused on what it is in the moment. Focus and Creativity and motivation enhancement is what I seek. Some have been very useful. Mainly Piracetam, Pheylpiracetam and Coluracetam. The rest not so much. Expensive Urine.

I use nootropics for the same reasons too, what really bugs me is that taking a nootropic is like a lottery; It works on one dose on one day but the same does won't work on another day.

Another thing which really annoys me is that if I get that enhanced focus and study,
I'll understand what I read while the nootropic lasts, but,
when I'm off it I can only remember the basic idea of what I've read while going completely blank on the details.

How is Coluracetam working for you and what are your opinions on Noopept (if you've tried it)?

#7 FDA Approved

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 02:01 PM

Increasing memory recall through nootropics really seems like a hard task. Becoming more alert, awake, energetic etc. are the most useful effects that I get from nootropcis along with some anxiolytic effects, but better recall seems to be one of those things that are harder to be achieved (at least for me) through the commercially available nootropics. The only thing beneficial for memory that I can think of off the top of my head is dual n back which increases your working memory. Other things that you can do is change your studying strategies a little, for example after you finish an article/chapter/exercise skim again through it to attempt to retain it better in memory.
Another thing that you might want to look at if you want to remember speciffic concepts for ever is a spaced repetition software like Anki or Mnemosyne.

#8 hippocampus

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Posted 17 November 2012 - 10:28 PM

turmeric (curcumin) with black pepper (piperine) has worked for me, but it didn't last long. Also, phosphatidylcholine with vitamin E (probably it was alpha-tocopherol), but I don't take it anymore, because it makes me depressed.

I get my sources of curcumin and black pepper from my food everyday, it promotes vascular circulation and boosts the immune system slightly from my experience.

The reason why I chose recall memory was because it is interrelated to attention,motivation and the feeling of something being at the tip of your tongue.
Enhancing recall memory could in theory enhance attention,motivation and cure the T.O.T. feeling.

Is there any other combination that worked really well for you?

Well, I had more periods when I had very good recall with different supplements/foods (like turmeric, cinnamon, some mixture with choline, vitamin E, EPA, DHA and beta carotene as far as I remember). However, none of this lasted very long, don't really know why. Maybe it's because brain/body loves homeostasis - if you have "too good" memory, brain usually adapts to "normal" memory. This may seem strange and really don't feel competent to talk about this, it's just my hypothesis. Anyway, I must also say, that I didn't like it when I had very good recall, it was unpleasant, I don't really know why. :\

#9 MindSpark

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 09:34 AM

Increasing memory recall through nootropics really seems like a hard task. Becoming more alert, awake, energetic etc. are the most useful effects that I get from nootropcis along with some anxiolytic effects, but better recall seems to be one of those things that are harder to be achieved (at least for me) through the commercially available nootropics. The only thing beneficial for memory that I can think of off the top of my head is dual n back which increases your working memory. Other things that you can do is change your studying strategies a little, for example after you finish an article/chapter/exercise skim again through it to attempt to retain it better in memory.
Another thing that you might want to look at if you want to remember speciffic concepts for ever is a spaced repetition software like Anki or Mnemosyne.

Thanks for the advice, I'll try to implement it during my study routine.

It just seems strange that, some nootopics are made for curing Alzheimer's Disease which majorly depend on increasing NGF, reducing free radicals,etc.
And that these should accomplish the tasks of being able to recall memory better, make more logical decisions, be emotionally stable,etc. Yet; the nootropics only accomplish a fraction of these tasks.

What nootropic substances do you like the most?

Do you think it's worth investing in nootropics?

#10 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 18 November 2012 - 12:29 PM

Consider upgrading your software instead of your hardware. Learn techniques like memory palace, read the book moon-walking with Einstein for an introduction to memory techniques used in memory championships and a review of many people blessed with exceptional memories albeit to the detriment of other abilities. I haven't stumbled upon any noot that has a significant positive effect on memory on healthy humans. There have been some on mice.....

#11 MindSpark

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Posted 19 November 2012 - 07:40 PM

Consider upgrading your software instead of your hardware. Learn techniques like memory palace, read the book moon-walking with Einstein for an introduction to memory techniques used in memory championships and a review of many people blessed with exceptional memories albeit to the detriment of other abilities. I haven't stumbled upon any noot that has a significant positive effect on memory on healthy humans. There have been some on mice.....

Thanks for the info, I bought myself moon-walking with Einstein; it's a really interesting book and quite helpful too.

I noticed something today, I took my stack with a low dose of each nootropic and I had the most fascinating experience in the world.
I previously thought that nootropics were a waste of money; however, my experience today was just phenomenal.

Here's what happened:

I took a low dose stack this morning because i was running out. After about 45 mins
I started remembering things that would be impossible to remember like my old friend's phone number (I called him and he was pretty surprised to hear from me after so many years),
later, I sat down to study, read a paragraph from where I had previously left off and suddenly remembered every single thing I had read the past couple of days.
As the day proceeded, colors started to have more depth and meaning (kind like how you feel after a nice shower). The entire thing lasted for about 10 hours before it faded away.

I will try and see if the low dose stack works tomorrow again.
Thanks for mentioning the book, I feel I can study more effectively now.

#12 kevinseven11

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Posted 20 November 2012 - 03:15 AM

cerebroskolin? phenylpiracetam? Also if your brain doesn't have good nutrients going in, nothing good will come out. Try combining cocoa powder, blueberries and lions mane with uridine (100mg TAU) and I bet you will get a good effect as I have. Also note that if your brain genetics are good then its much harder to improve.
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#13 MindSpark

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Posted 20 November 2012 - 10:37 AM

cerebroskolin? phenylpiracetam? Also if your brain doesn't have good nutrients going in, nothing good will come out. Try combining cocoa powder, blueberries and lions mane with uridine (100mg TAU) and I bet you will get a good effect as I have. Also note that if your brain genetics are good then its much harder to improve.

I do have a healthy diet; brown rice, lentils, poultry,eggs,green veggies,etc.
I 'll try out the combination you mentioned (cocoa powder + bluberries.....)

I might have good brain genetics but it certainly is not the best.

#14 kevinseven11

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Posted 20 November 2012 - 07:49 PM

Also try to learn to get interested in things you must learn or study. That will increase your dopamine while studying aswell as other chems.
Hot cocoa is in the top 3 nootropics ive used, you must use for at least a week, also it has no caffiene.

#15 MindSpark

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Posted 21 November 2012 - 11:27 AM

Also try to learn to get interested in things you must learn or study. That will increase your dopamine while studying aswell as other chems.
Hot cocoa is in the top 3 nootropics ive used, you must use for at least a week, also it has no caffiene.

I find dark chocolate to work very well (around 80% dark chocolate). It just has this certain kick from the bitterness and the flavor of the chocolate.

I tried the low dose routine again with my stack and it worked but it was much more subtle (kinda like the feeling when you receive a gift),
I have been practicing memory routines and my long term has definitely increased, still working on my working memory.

The chocolate seems to enhance everything; thanks for the amazing advice.

I am currently studying my favorite subjects so I am very interested in the topics.
Just trying to figure out how do retain all that information. It's like drinking from a fire hose.
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#16 MindSpark

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 09:38 PM

I found a pretty cool combination,

Caffeine + Noopept + pramiracetam + CDP choline + dark chocolate = Photographic Memory with God like feeling.

To be more specific, you can read anything and store that information for a couple of days in the most vivid detail you could ever imagine.

Nootropics generally don't work for me so this is an amazing first! (I think it's because I started working out)
If you guys have any suggestions/questions then please post them.
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#17 majkazuki

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Posted 02 February 2013 - 03:45 AM

I found a pretty cool combination,

Caffeine + Noopept + pramiracetam + CDP choline + dark chocolate = Photographic Memory with God like feeling.

To be more specific, you can read anything and store that information for a couple of days in the most vivid detail you could ever imagine.

Nootropics generally don't work for me so this is an amazing first! (I think it's because I started working out)
If you guys have any suggestions/questions then please post them.

I concur. Dark chocolate--anything 72% and above--gives me a pleasant stimulation that is conducive to learning and study. I'm fairly sensitive to caffeine, so the stimulation created by dark chocolate feels pleasant compared to the tweaked-out feeling caused by coffee.

#18 mastercowboy

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Posted 02 February 2013 - 10:41 AM

Also try to learn to get interested in things you must learn or study. That will increase your dopamine while studying aswell as other chems.
Hot cocoa is in the top 3 nootropics ive used, you must use for at least a week, also it has no caffiene.

Can you share more about cocoa experience?How much per day?

#19 kevinseven11

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Posted 02 February 2013 - 03:47 PM

I get baking cocoa ONLY and mix with water ONLY. I take maybe 2 spoonfuls sometimes 3. My experience is that it helps a bunch, I drank it for a year straight and it seemed to raise my serotonin.

#20 limited

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Posted 29 August 2013 - 11:46 AM

Vinpocetine, pramiracetam,alpha gpc????? wat do u think will this help with memory

#21 machete234

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 02:43 PM

Another thing which really annoys me is that if I get that enhanced focus and study,
I'll understand what I read while the nootropic lasts, but,
when I'm off it I can only remember the basic idea of what I've read while going completely blank on the details.

Does that happen when you throw the noopept out?
In my case noopept was a very double edged sword making things chrystal clear and at the same time I couldnt remember what happened 5 minutes ago.

I get baking cocoa ONLY and mix with water ONLY. I take maybe 2 spoonfuls sometimes 3. My experience is that it helps a bunch, I drank it for a year straight and it seemed to raise my serotonin.

I use the baking cocoa when my instant one is empty, it dissolves very well in a little water in the microwave and then I add milk.
I like dark chocolate a lot but I cant say that it gave me a nootropic effect either, caffeine has no effect on my, only when its boosted by other stimulants.

Edited by machete234, 30 August 2013 - 02:49 PM.

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#22 Tony V

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 03:56 PM

Spanish Sage has been studied and the results were that it helps word recall.

Which may also help overall recall memory.

All of the results in the different studies showed the same thing.

It was tested on young healthy individuals, so it helps memory recall in young people which is a good thing, as most brain supplements are supposedly for the elderly.

Edited by Tony V, 30 August 2013 - 03:57 PM.

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#23 unregistered_user

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 04:24 AM

I tried 3 tbsp of Navitas Naturals Raw Cacao Nibs combined with Rhodiola Rosea and it definitely did not give me any kind of a mood boost. 3 tbsp of raw cacao bits equaled just over 30g.

Oh and I took 10mg of Russian Noopept with it as well.

#24 acrunchyfrog

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:09 AM

I'm enjoying the thread. I, too am looking for recall.

#25 teacult

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 08:01 PM

" I found a pretty cool combination,

Caffeine + Noopept + pramiracetam + CDP choline + dark chocolate = Photographic Memory with God like feeling."

Indeed a cool combination. Piracetam - Cocoa Powder - Fish oil - Cinnamon - Asprin - Choline bitartrate gives similar memory without god like feeling, which is healthier imo.
I cant find noopept or pramirecetam around Turkey.

#26 Hip

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 06:24 AM

I find acetyl-L-carnitine 500 to 1000 mg is very good at increasing word selection and recall.

When you are writing or talking, sometimes you get these "tips of the tongue" moments, where you are trying to recall the exact word or concept you need, but your mind just does not seem to be able to pull the right word from your memory. Well, if you take some ALC before writing, you will find that all these words and concepts pop into consciousness a lot easier. ALC seems to give you a stronger connection to your own vocabulary.

Edited by Hip, 30 December 2013 - 06:26 AM.

#27 HealthyLiving

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 10:22 PM

Lemom balm is good for memory.
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#28 LongecityM20

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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:58 PM



How did the Acetyl-L-carnitine and the Spanish Sage workout for memory recall?

#29 nanook

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Posted 30 August 2017 - 06:07 AM

Two substances I have found most helpful are PRL-8-53 and IRDA-21 and they seem to work well together.

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#30 mikey

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Posted 02 September 2017 - 04:13 AM

Two substances I have found most helpful are PRL-8-53 and IRDA-21 and they seem to work well together.


There are so many that have improved my both short and long-term recall.




Various racetams --- I esp like coluracetam and nefiracetam.


I like aniracetam, because it has some analgesic effects and makes me feel good, but I think that it makes me a little bit "slower," like maybe dumber.


Numerous of the cholines.


I also found that some of the Kratoms have helped. But they are somewhat addictive.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, memory, nootropic, recall, racetam, choline, herbs, study, enhance, experiment

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