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Pramiracetam / Noopept Exam Log

pramiracetam noopept

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#31 aireavix

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 11:29 AM

Nice log. I'm on a similar stack, currently using piracetam instead of pram though...at least until I run out.

What are you studying at university?

Hey man,

I just turned 18 so i'm not in uni yet, but if all goes well & I get the grades required by my offers, then this time next year I shall be studying chemical engineering. :)

#32 aireavix

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 12:00 PM

Great log! I've been keeping one as well as I test out Aniracetam. Keep it up. Have you noticed any negative side effects from the Noopept. I know your taking higher than recommended doses even though everyone has a different limit, but just curious. Awesome log!


Hey Josh,
I've being watching your log with great anticipation. Well done! its really well kept, much more so than mine. I hope to add aniracetam to my stack soon.

In regards to the noopept, aside from light sensitivity issues in the first few days, i haven't seen or experienced any other noticeable negative side effect. other claim to have a decrease in libido, I personally have not experienced this. if anything, its had the completely opposite effect. I'm not sure if i can chalk that up to the noopept or to my raging teenage hormones or simply because I have more time on my hands but you should watch out for that.

I was under the impression that the recommend daily dosage for noopept was between 10 - 60 mg. ive only ever exceeded this once. and rarely go above 40 mg. of course there is no solid dosage guideline yet but I thought I was within a healthy range. Now its been brought to my attention that one should not exceed 30 mg a day. my regular dosage (25 mg) still confines to this, but i guess i will have to eliminate noopept from any top up doses or decrease my regular dosages.

Thanks for bring this to my attention and i wish you the best of luck with your experiments. :)
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#33 exiledone1

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Posted 03 January 2013 - 07:29 PM

Thanks Aireavix!

It's been a challenge keeping the log, but it's going well and I'm finally starting to see the effects of Ani. It can take up to three weeks for peak effects and as I get closer I'm seeing more and more benefits. Noopept seems to be interesting and will be my next experiment possibly. I was worried about the sexual effects of Noopept as well, but glad to hear your not having any. That makes me feel more comfortable in taking it at a later point. I think there was another thread on here where the guy was taking around 100 mg of Noopept and didn't experience any side effects for a few months, but I can't remember. Can't wait to read more of your logs. Great stuff!

#34 aireavix

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 01:18 PM

My apologies for not keeping up with the log and posting daily. Been busy preparing for the start of the new term + other crap. Luckily, I have been making notes on my phone so i can keep track of whats been happening.

Day 16 (3/1/13)
8:20 am – breakfast
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, noopept 25mg, choline 900mg, caffeine 150mg, taken with olive oil.

1:30 pm
Head started hurting, like a throbbing sensation, it was bearable but no idea what caused it.
Disappeared 20 mins or so later.

4:30 pm
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, choline bitartrate 900mg, taken with fish oil.
Limiting the noopept dosage to 30mg max per day so none in this top up dose

6:50 pm
Encountered an old friend by chance. Haven’t seen them in quite a while and I was surprisingly social. More so than I usual would be in a situation like that, even off the noopept. worth noting for future reference.

Edited by aireavix, 07 January 2013 - 01:52 PM.

#35 aireavix

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 01:29 PM

Day 17 (4/1/13)
Someone suggested taking lots of little doses of noopept throughout the day instead of 1 or 2 bigger doses every 6 or so hours like you can do with the ‘racetams. So ill be trying that for the next few days.

9:00 am – breakfast
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, nopept 10mg, choline bitartrate 1300mg
This was different. Felt REALLY cleared headed and relaxed after taking this dose. I've never felt this good on the stack before. I won’t go as far as to say that is my optimum dosage but it the stack seems to be working more synergistically in smaller doses. It appears you don’t get the same level of creativity as when taking larger doses but it’s does overpower the prami’s calming effects as much. it was great - didn't do too much work but that was because I was preoccupied enjoying life.

Was busy sorting crap out so didn’t get a chance to take another dose but taking into account the way things went today, i'll making it my standard dose.

Day 18 (5/1/13)

10:00 am
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, nopept 10mg, choline bitartrate 900mg, caffeine 150mg, taken with fish oil and multivitamin.
Same calm and relaxed feeling as yesterday, im really like this dosage. nothing else to note.

4:00 pm
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, nopept 10mg, choline bitartrate 900mg, caffeine 150mg, taken with fish oil and Multivitamin.
Same dosage as before, seeing if I can sustain the feeling for the second half of the day. Sadly, it Wasn’t the same, still clear headed and focussed but not calm and relaxed.

Edited by aireavix, 07 January 2013 - 01:29 PM.

#36 aireavix

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 01:43 PM

Day 19 (6/1/13)
First day of the new term. From here on out, the stack will be put through its paces. as i said earlier, this is where its going to get interesting.

6:40 am - Breakfast
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, nopept 10mg, choline bitartrate 900mg, caffeine 150mg, taken with fish oil and multivitamin.
Taken just before heading out. I did feel more focussed for the first half of the day + casual small talk about the holidays with people i would rather avoid seems easier to bear.

11:40 am
Dosage: pramiracetam 600mg, nopept 10mg, choline bitartrate 900mg, caffeine 150mg, taken with fish oil and multivitamin.
Top up dose, once again in hopes of sustaining the feeling for the second half of the day but I felt as if nothing really came from this dose.

I have a test on the 8th. this will be the first real chance to properly assess the stack effectiveness in memory recall & cognitive enhancement. I've notice general improvement in these but will it help me memorise 3 pages of notes. we will see...

Edited by aireavix, 07 January 2013 - 01:57 PM.

#37 aireavix

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 01:51 PM

Day 20 (7/1/13)
7:00 am
Dosage: pramiracetam 900mg, nopept 25mg, choline bitartrate 900mg, caffeine 150mg, taken with fish oil and multivitamin.
tried to up the noopept to just to make sure that i wasnt missing out on anything with the lower dose. Big mistake - I wasn’t seeing the same results in the hours that followed that I did yesterday and the days before. So I kinda Panicked and took a small top up dose.

10:40 am
Dosage: pramiracetam 300mg, choline bitartrate ~1350mg, taken with fish oil.
Top up dose taken in hopes of achieving the results I wasn’t seeing. kind of went over board with the choline. regardless, It worked. however, By the time I noticed the effects, I was making my way home.

4:00 pm
Dosage: pramiracetam 900mg, nopept 10mg, choline bitartrate 1350mg, caffeine 250mg, taken with fish oil + olive oil and multivitamin.
Taken before the first real study/cram session. This is where the stack’s shows its true colours. I know I went over my noopept & prami limit for the day but what the hell. I’ll post the results of the test the day after tomorrow.

Edited by aireavix, 07 January 2013 - 01:58 PM.

#38 megatron

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 02:27 PM

I think it's weird you don't get tired or dizzy from taking large doses like these. The last couple of days I've been hit by tiredness and dizziness from only taking 200-300mg pramiracetam and 10-15mg noopept.

#39 aireavix

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:15 PM

Day 21 (8/1/13)
just a little note to add to day 20's log, it the later hours around 7 - 11 pm, i really didnt feel motivated to work at all. this time is usually when im most productive. so that was a little odd, regardless i did a fair amount of cramming, less than i would have liked to but meh.

9:40 am
Dosage: prami - 300mg, noopept - 10mg, choline - 900mg, taken with fish oils.
Small dose before the test itself. usually im quite anxious or nervous before these type of events but i was quite mellow, its nice not to have to worry about these kind of things.

it went well from where i could see. Everything i focussed on during my revision was crystal clear in my head and recall was almost immediate. other stuff / methods which I only looked over briefly were easier to piece together mentally, inorder to scrap a few extra marks. ultimately it was good experience and no doubt the stack was instrumental in creating this, all i need to do is tweak it to get a stable standard working dose. i'll post the result tomorrow.

#40 aireavix

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:37 PM

Day 22 (9/1/13)
results of yesterday's test: 74%
not bad for a few hours of revisions the night before, of course for the real exams, ill put much more effort into revision. the only places i lost marks were on the topic i just did not revise and on silly mistakes made while trying to rush through the easier question to save time for the harder complex questions towards the end of the paper. as for today, i decide to go a day with the stack and see if the same negative effects are felt as last time (day 11).

9:40 am
24 hours since last dose.
Feeling fine, a little light headed but nothing i cant shrug off.

4:30 pm
31 hours since last dose.
still feeling ok, its kinda odd not being on the stack but nothing negative.

9:40 pm
36 hours since last dose, same time that the neasua and dizziness set in last time.
well this is a surprise, no withdrawal symptoms at all. so the events of day 11 must have been caused by an environmental factor since today went perfectly fine.
I did missed the sociability that goes with the stack but its not the end of the world without it. i'll be jumping back on the stack tomorrow but in smaller doses, Hopefully i can lower my tolerance to it by using small doses and occasionally taking days off the stack.

Edited by aireavix, 10 January 2013 - 07:38 PM.

#41 aireavix

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 08:32 PM

Day 23 (10/1/13)
Up until this point, i've been taking the noopept and prami in separate caps. So, after evaluating everything ive read and experienced so far, i decided to create the first single capsule stack (Prami - 300, noopept - 7), which i have elegantly dubbed 'PrN-3' (Pramiracetam, Noopept - 3rd Standard dosage) and capped in appealing red and blue capsules. the First and second standard dosages being (prami-900,noopept-25) & (prami-600,noopept-10) respectively. PrN-3 has noopept : prami ratio of 1:43, which is a nice median between the two extremes of PrN-1 (1:36) and PrN-2 (1:60). of course all measurements are in mg. side note: it was originally called PN-3 but as someone pointed out, P should rightfully denote a stack containing piracetam rather than prami, hence the Pr.

10:30 am
1 x PrN-3 (prami - 300mg, noopept - 7mg) + choline bitartrate - 750 mg, taken with fish oils.
I really wasnt expecting much from a dose this low but i was surprised. it was working much better than the higher doses had on day 20 -> 17. cognitive reasoning, recall, sociablity, it was all there and from such a small dose. this is the first time that less has resulted in more. this was also the first time that i truly felt like both of the nootropic are working hand in hand without one overshadowing or dulling the other. seems noopept-prami ratio is almost spot on. the 'rest day' yesterday must have played some role in this but i'm not sure how much. one question which i'll attempt to answer in the coming days is how often a 'rest day' is needed.

7:50 pm
1 x PrN-3 (prami - 300mg, noopept - 7mg) + choline bitartrate - 1200 mg + caffeine - 200 mg, taken with fish oils & multivitamin.
top up dose to reignite the feeling. once again to my surprise, its worked. as i write this, i'm feeling motivated and focussed. off to some late night revision before hitting the sack.

Edited by aireavix, 10 January 2013 - 08:35 PM.

#42 Daryl

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:59 AM

Great log, keep up the good work. I kept a log for Aniracetam but life got the best of me at times and I did not keep it up every day. Your log has actually reminded me of some of the effects I felt on Ani that I had not noted down, namely I was also very sensitive to light and found it much easier to get up in the mornings. The ease with which I got up in the mornings was perhaps ironic seeing as one of the other effects I noticed was that, without fail, I'd wake up at about 3am every night and take 30-60mins to get back to sleep.

#43 Ted0923

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 04:35 AM

Great log! Keep it up. I too am using Pramiracetam, although not everyday. Just kind of every now and then when I need to sit down and study for long periods of time. On the days I take it, I use Focus XT first thing in the morning (contains a blend of choline bitartrate, tyrosine, alcar, dmae, vinpocetine, huperzine A) and then breakfast and then my pramiracetam with some fish oil. I find good results with prami doing it this way.

#44 stablemind

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 09:02 PM

Did you ever notice irritability from Noopept? I'm interested in trying this combination as well as the other person had mentioned, Pramiracetam may dull the irritability that Noopept causes.

#45 stablemind

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 01:03 AM

Also I notice that Pramiracetam's effects seem to wear off very fast. Today I didn't take any and my recall and focus ability seems to be diminishing rather quickly. Let me know if this happens to you during your rest days.

#46 murphz

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 07:50 PM

Aireavix, thank you so much for keeping this log, it has been the most informational source on real world effects and dosing for noopept and pramiracetam I have found online. I hope you find time to keep it going and that you do well in your studies.

I am new to nootropics and for the last 6 days since I began I have been using the following formula, 2x per day:
  • 15mg Noopept
  • 250mg Centrophenoxine
  • 200mcg Huperzine A
  • 250mg N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • 10mg Vitamin B6
  • 500mcg Vitamin B12
I have been taking the first one at 6:00am - 6:30am before breakfast (it helps me to get out of bed!) with fish oils (mercury free) and a capsule of Acerola Cherry and then the nootropic formula again with another Cherry before my afternoon begins at 2pm. Finally, I take a third Acerola Cherry with dinner.

Acerola Cherry is a tropical antioxidant fruit which is rich in vitamin C (175mg complex), vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, and phosphorous.

I have had some quite positive effects so far. I find the formula kicks in after about 15 minutes both in the morning and in the afternoon, and the heightened "me" of everything is really pleasant without much of an amphetamine type buzz at all, with a noticeable increased ability to discuss technical topics without any effort and technical terms are always on the tip of my tongue.

I have found that I have also seen a marked increase in my logic and creative problem solving abilities as a web programmer (js, php, mysql) and my rate of work has increased along with my ability to remain focused on a problem by feeling more engaged with the code.

There is also a marked improvement in my memory - both in terms of making new memories to recall the next day and in live "working" memory, without having to try.

Just for fun, music is more enjoyable too!

Finally, the anxiolytic effect is noticeable that you have described which presents itself in two ways; 1) decreasing my stress levels at work to almost non existent when the todo list starts to stack up and 2) a marked increase in social confidence like being able to look people in the eye without being embarrassed and to deal with people I don't like as much as others much more easily.

I plan to add 500mg of Pramiracetam at both dosing intervals, partly because I rushed in and bought 200x 500mg capsules before I had tried Noopept, and now because of your positive experiences with mixing the two. It almost doesn't seem worth it given how well I am doing, but I'm going to at least try before I sell on these capsules.

Edited by murphz, 16 January 2013 - 08:18 PM.

#47 aireavix

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Posted 18 January 2013 - 09:36 PM

Hey Everyone,
Sorry I haven’t been around lately, ive been preoccupied with my exams. So far I’ve complete 3 of the 6 that I have scheduled for this month. So here’s an update on whats been happening.

What ive been using:
I’m still taking the PrN-3 (prami-300mg, noopept-7mg) twice a day, one with breakfast (around 7am) and one between 11am – 1pm. Great stack for getting through the school hours but towards the end of the day, ive found that using noopept kills my motivation to study or more accurately, makes me want to have fun rather than study. So I’ve been taking between 300 – 600mg of just the prami before study sessions. And that seems to be working well for me. The results of these exams won’t be released until march, bit of a wait but I will post them when they are out.

Regarding rest days, I’ve found that (with the prami) a rest day should be taken once every (roughly) 4200mg is ingested. So once every 7 days if you take 2 x 300mg doses per day or once every 5 days in your daily intake is 900mg and so on, in order to prevent tolerance build up and keep the dosage effective.

I doubt I’ll be posting daily updates from here on out but I will be adding to the log, answering questions and raising concern when they occur.

Did you ever notice irritability from Noopept? I'm interested in trying this combination as well as the other person had mentioned, Pramiracetam may dull the irritability that Noopept causes.

Irritability from the noopept? not really, but then again i am a very patient person. it may effect others differently though.

Edited by aireavix, 18 January 2013 - 09:34 PM.

#48 aireavix

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Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:07 PM

Aireavix, thank you so much for keeping this log, it has been the most informational source on real world effects and dosing for noopept and pramiracetam I have found online. I hope you find time to keep it going and that you do well in your studies.

I am new to nootropics and for the last 6 days since I began I have been using the following formula, 2x per day:

  • 15mg Noopept
  • 250mg Centrophenoxine
  • 200mcg Huperzine A
  • 250mg N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
  • 10mg Vitamin B6
  • 500mcg Vitamin B12
I have been taking the first one at 6:00am - 6:30am before breakfast (it helps me to get out of bed!) with fish oils (mercury free) and a capsule of Acerola Cherry and then the nootropic formula again with another Cherry before my afternoon begins at 2pm. Finally, I take a third Acerola Cherry with dinner.

Acerola Cherry is a tropical antioxidant fruit which is rich in vitamin C (175mg complex), vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, and phosphorous.

I have had some quite positive effects so far. I find the formula kicks in after about 15 minutes both in the morning and in the afternoon, and the heightened "me" of everything is really pleasant without much of an amphetamine type buzz at all, with a noticeable increased ability to discuss technical topics without any effort and technical terms are always on the tip of my tongue.

I have found that I have also seen a marked increase in my logic and creative problem solving abilities as a web programmer (js, php, mysql) and my rate of work has increased along with my ability to remain focused on a problem by feeling more engaged with the code.

There is also a marked improvement in my memory - both in terms of making new memories to recall the next day and in live "working" memory, without having to try.

Just for fun, music is more enjoyable too!

Finally, the anxiolytic effect is noticeable that you have described which presents itself in two ways; 1) decreasing my stress levels at work to almost non existent when the todo list starts to stack up and 2) a marked increase in social confidence like being able to look people in the eye without being embarrassed and to deal with people I don't like as much as others much more easily.

I plan to add 500mg of Pramiracetam at both dosing intervals, partly because I rushed in and bought 200x 500mg capsules before I had tried Noopept, and now because of your positive experiences with mixing the two. It almost doesn't seem worth it given how well I am doing, but I'm going to at least try before I sell on these capsules.

Hey man, I'm Glad i could help.
My apologies for taking so long to get back to you. its good see that things are going well for you.
I'll be interested in hearing how the pramiracetam/noopept mix works out for you but ultimately if your happy with the results your current stack is producing, then you should stick with it.
Keep me updated on how things turn out :)

#49 aireavix

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 01:03 PM

Day 41 – 28/1/13
Today I finished the last exam in this session. And that concludes this exam log.

Of the 6 exams I did, I believe that at least 3 were 90% + (if not 100%). The other 3 im not so sure about, we will have to wait to see about those.
Yesterday, I spend the whole day revising and took probably about 2.5g (2500mg) of pramiracetam and in excess of 5g (5000mg) choline bitartrate. Well over my daily dosage limits but I’ve yet to see any side effects and it seems to have paid off. Today’s exam was one of the better 3.

Regarding the stack, (PrN-3), I can honestly say that it has played an irrefutable role in all this. Nootropic effects aside, Im really happy with the anxiolytic effects it has alone. Overall, It’s a great stack for getting stuff done. In regards to how much you should take and in what ratios, I can only describe it as a cake, the prami serving as the cake itself with the noopept as the icing + cherry on top. You have to find a mixture which works well for you without being too sweet or too savoury Prami-300mg, noopept-7mg seems to work well for me but everyone is different and has different need. Experiment until you find something which works well for you.

My only worries are the long term effects of using it. So far ive seen no negative short term effects. Having said that, it should be noted that I am a fit, healthy individual who eats a well-balanced diet full of carbs, with plenty of protein and drinks lots of water throughout the day, in addition to taking a good quality multivitamin. I believe nutrition is the key to success when using nootropics and simply sort that out can eradicate some of the more common problems people face.

I plan to take a week off the stack before using it again but in much smaller doses. And as soon as I can, start a new log trailing aniracetam & oxiracetam (with Pr & N) + an upgraded choline source.

If anyone has any questions or comments, I’d be happy to answer them. J

Edited by aireavix, 28 January 2013 - 01:05 PM.

#50 Renegader

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 11:53 PM

Great log.

Have you considered trying this in conjunction with Alpha Brain and/or Focus XT? I've heard great things about combining Focus XT with other nootropics in particular.

#51 aireavix

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 01:46 AM

my 'upgraded choline' source is essentially a homemade blend of focus XT (without caffeine) + Alpha GPC. no point paying for a brand when i can mix it at home and just cap it.

#52 Nevine Pitera

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 01:03 PM

my 'upgraded choline' source is essentially a homemade blend of focus XT (without caffeine) + Alpha GPC. no point paying for a brand when i can mix it at home and just cap it.

How much of each ingredient do you use?

#53 bobz1lla

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 08:32 PM

Great log. Thanks for your diligence.

#54 stablemind

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 04:47 AM

I can't wait until I try this out with Piracetam. Piracetam by itself is a good mood/energy/focus enhancer but for memory Pramiracetam has it hands down. I think the combination will be very effective but we'll find out.

#55 Ted0923

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 05:12 AM

my 'upgraded choline' source is essentially a homemade blend of focus XT (without caffeine) + Alpha GPC. no point paying for a brand when i can mix it at home and just cap it.

Yea the focus XT is too expensive imo. I now bought bulk Alpha GPC, ALCAR, NALT, and Theanine w/ my Prami and have plenty to last me for a long time. The combo is very effective for me too

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#56 Neoony X

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Posted 02 May 2014 - 10:35 PM

Ehh..really sorry to revive, but I have to ask how did the exams ended up?

Wondering why didnt you wrote those results in here. Been reading this log very carefully and patiently expecting the ending, but its not there D:

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