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Advancing to high stakes poker

Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 18 Aug 2013

I've actually been thinking about that and there's a lot of truth to it. The anhedonic mind is not moved by mind games, or even that much by wins/losses. I've actually made more solid continous results during the time I've been anhedonic than back when I was reward-seeking etc. eventhough I haven't "felt the success" that much. The problem is indeed the lack of motivation and enjoyment, the brain "doesn't see" the reward at the end of the road and thus I tend not to strive for success. I guess the best thing I can do is to keep trying and it'll eventually pay off. I can already sort of see the mental edge you mentioned for example in social situations I'm not moved by people's bullshit and can see straight through the social mindgames, which I'm starting to recognize again after feeling very alienated from social/emotional processing.
Edited by Galaxyshock, 18 August 2013 - 05:05 PM.

LetMusicRule's Photo LetMusicRule 22 Aug 2013

Out of everything you are using, what do you think has helped you the most?

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adamswer's Photo adamswer 23 Aug 2013

Out of everything you are using, what do you think has helped you the most?

bump id like to know too

Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 25 Aug 2013

Can't say any single compound would have been all-inclusive. CDP-choline probably had the strongest effect back when starting this thread, so perhaps that. I'm probably gonna give it a new try at some point. Uridine at the moment is giving similar mental drive boost though (CDP-choline increases uridine levels too). Ginseng-Bacopa combination was very good for a while but slowly started losing its good effects. Caffeine+Theanine tends to be always a working boost.

To me a combination of general health promoting things with cognitive enhancers seems to be the way to go. Also as the brain tends to adapt and the effects start to diminish, cycling other things is needed. I try to include something like these as the basis and I find improvement in various aspects:

- CDP choline or Uridine
- Caffeine+Theanine as needed
- A racetam (or Noopept)
- A "ginseng" (Panax Ginseng, Eleuthero or Ashwagandha)
- Gotu Kola or Bacopa

Melatonin + a GABAergic if a sleep-aid is needed.
Edited by Galaxyshock, 25 August 2013 - 12:09 PM.

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Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 27 Nov 2017

Well looks like the stacks section is back on. A lot has changed since I last posted here 4 years ago. I didn't advance to high stakes poker, had few 4 figure wins but that was pretty much it. Anhedonia and other issues took over and I couldn't build the reserves for a real poker career. Instead I've been working on my degree which I should be graduating in the next spring.


I still prefer natural stuff when it comes to promoting cognition, health and biological processes. Currently I play small stakes omaha, mostly just for fun. Sometimes homegames. I would like to play live tournaments though, so I could set that as goal. How's everyone else's poker career's proceeding? The player amounts have definitely decreased and many sites have shut down, so thatwise it doesn't look good for us.
