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Smi2le News Please read

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Poll: Smi2le News Please read (45 member(s) have cast votes)

Smi2le News Please read

  1. Never ordered (8 votes [19.05%])

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  3. They owe me money (10 votes [23.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.81%

  4. Would never order heard too many bad things (8 votes [19.05%])

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 07:28 AM

Jeff, mind if I ask why you haven't refunded TWO people?

#32 jeffwhitmore

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Posted 12 May 2005 - 04:56 PM

I have not refunded two people due to ebbs and cash flows, for several days.

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#33 peaceofmind

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Posted 18 May 2005 - 09:43 PM

I presume I am one of the two people Jeff is referring to. I ordered almost $400 back at the end of November. It has been an absolute pain trying to get my product from them and to get my emails or phone calls answered. I will say this, the second Jeff took over I have seen much improved customer service. He returned all my calls and emails and offered the choice of refunding my money or ordering 120% in product. I chose the refund because I had wanted the product to help with grad studies only I'm out for a few months and want to reconsider the product mix. He agreed to refund the total and was extremely pleasant. That said the refund has yet to happen (it has been 2-3 weeks). He has not responded to my last couple of emails but I give him the benefit of the doubt given the MUCH improved customer service over the past couple of months but will certainly keep everyone posted.




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Posted 22 May 2005 - 11:59 AM

I would be the other then. I don't mind waiting as long as I join the ranks of the other refundees by the end of the month which seems rather fair considering that on the date of Jeff's last post I was promised to be so within a few days. Cash flow is cash flow, though. I too will keep everyone posted.

I wouldn't mind a set or two of "00" size capsules to whet my appetite...


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Posted 22 May 2005 - 12:15 PM

I just read the other thread about Jeff leaving.

i just want my munney back, f'gawshit,... [huh]

Edited by liplex, 22 May 2005 - 12:43 PM.

#36 scottl

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Posted 22 May 2005 - 12:16 PM

Call/write Jeff immediately.

#37 jeffwhitmore

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 01:54 AM

I have left the co. and see little hope for its future. We owe money to Peace, Elender, Nick, Piet, Maggid, and Elisa. I cannot pay them out of my own pocket. Rizzer is broke, controls the finances, and refuses to even incorporate to get funding. I am pretty disappointed in the whole venture, but he is mentally not well. I would feel sorry for him but for all the people he has screwed over and the parading of Timothy Leary for de facto larceny.

I will come in every so often on my own time and try to sort things out, fulfilling what I can and sending products out on my own nickel because I think it's just idiotic and sad at the same time. I've done all I can here - even brought in investors, but Rizzer scared them off. Do not send him money because you will probably get ripped off and it actually contributes to his problem. If you don't want store credit and have a very old charge (Rizzer has gone through a couple credit card processors... he went on so long because he charged people's cards and if ONE item was missing, he would just say "Back order" and forget about it. There ought to be a law against that. It's just wrong) and if you didn't buy it with paypal (he just got his account reinstated) there is nothing I can do for you. I am sorry.

If anyone wants to contact me, use jeffwhitmore@aol.com I am actually here in the office today and tomorrow to get my things and try to help anyone I can. 201 766 1086

#38 LifeMirage

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Posted 24 May 2005 - 04:30 AM

I have left the co. and see little hope for its future. We owe money to Peace, Elender, Nick, Piet, Maggid, and Elisa. I cannot pay them out of my own pocket. Rizzer is broke, controls the finances, and refuses to even incorporate to get funding. I am pretty disappointed in the whole venture, but he is mentally not well. I would feel sorry for him but for all the people he has screwed over and the parading of Timothy Leary for de facto larceny.

I will come in every so often on my own time and try to sort things out, fulfilling what I can and sending products out on my own nickel because I think it's just idiotic and sad at the same time. I've done all I can here - even brought in investors, but Rizzer scared them off. Do not send him money because you will probably get ripped off and it actually contributes to his problem. If you don't want store credit and have a very old charge (Rizzer has gone through a couple credit card processors... he went on so long because he charged people's cards and if ONE item was missing, he would just say "Back order" and forget about it. There ought to be a law against that. It's just wrong) and if you didn't buy it with paypal (he just got his account reinstated) there is nothing I can do for you. I am sorry.

If anyone wants to contact me, use jeffwhitmore@aol.com I am actually here in the office today and tomorrow to get my things and try to help anyone I can. 201 766 1086

This is a very serious matter, if what you say is true (which I believe it is based on various sources) thank you for your remarkable honestly.

#39 MoodyBlue

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Posted 27 May 2005 - 10:59 PM

Yes, Life Mirage, this is a very serious matter indeed. If you'll read the following account by Jeff Whitmore, you'll see that it appears that Rizzer has descended into the classic 'confidence artist' which people with an expensive drug habit do.

For those of you who have not visited the 'Smi2ledotbiz' site recently or never have, read the following message by Jeff to see what I'm talking about:
From: "Machinelf"
Date: Wed May 25, 2005 6:28 pm
Subject: Pray for him - but do not pay for him. ismokedmt
Send Email

This is a sordid story, but I owe you the truth. If anyone wants to
fwd this to anyone you have my permission because after all this, the
least people deserve is the truth, after all the obfuscation.

I am saying this not as a future "competitor" (impossible as he has
few products left) nor as an embittered ex-employee (he paid me well -
even though he never actually paid me himself (I had to take control
sometimes to even get paid the lesser amount he had promised me)

Rizzer had said "As long as the money comes in, they can WAIT for
their orders" one too many times. I just couldn't stand by and see
people ripped off. I realized I needed to leave when he tried to
physically prevent me from fulfilling orders and sending them out.
Now there is no one left working there except for Mike, and he hasn't
lifted a finger since I've been there.

I stayed this week on my own time to try to help as many of our
customers as possible (up to last Tuesday, when Mike took over the
paypal order form). Today as I was leaving I was trying to get Mike,
whose nose was mysteriously bleeeding, to sign over the cable
modem/phone (which was in my name) he became violent and tried to
throw me down a flight of stairs. He then grabbed my fiance and
threw her out too. We came back with the police to get the remainder
of our belongings.

Mike is not in a good space now. He deserves your prayers and
compassion, but do NOT send him money as the orders after last
Tuesday have not even been looked at - and he has spent everything on
non business related things, some of which are consuming him.
Everyone around him has done all they could, but it always ends like
this. I didn't think it could have happened to me, but he has been
acting more and more erratic as his money has dwindled. That, added
to the unsavory and unhealthy lifestyle, coupled with his refusal to
take his Lithium has made him a self-constructed hell of his own

I have removed Mike off this list. He is on a self-destructive pathy
and I want to protect people from his predations. If you want to
contact Mike, he may or may not get his phone hooked up again since
he got violent as i was trying to switch the acccount into his name,
and he hasn't even looked at his email since I started in late

He was already behind on his rent, and he spent the $800 I owed him
in 2-3 days on drugs. I really wish there was a way now to take out
his misappropriation of Dr. Timothy Leary's image and the pissing on
of smart drug newbiesbut the worst thing he has has done, after of
course ripping off many people.

Even though I was expensive to Mike I hope that my legacy will be one
of fixing as many problems he had with customers as possible. I
couldn't stand by and see people being ripped off. He tried to get
me to lie as well, to make promises we could not fulfill, but that
would been unethical and stupid. because I made claims that
everything was "OK" emboldens me now to speak the truth without fear
of seeming like someone with an axe to grind.

If Mike owes you money or products now, all I can say is Good Luck.
I stayed as long as I could to fix what I could. Everything that was
bought with the BRAINMACHINES paypal account was sent out, the last
of which was today (I had selfish reasons for that, as I want to keep
a perfect record both on Paypal and on Ebay as I believe that
honesty/credibility/reputation are paramount) I have very serious
doubts as to the future of Mike's business, as I have never seen Mike
work and he has only gotten worse. On the few times he or his hanger-
on girlfriend (who has stolen from other people as well) did answer
the phone, many times people would hang up because they did not make
any sense. I feel for his parents and I feel badly for him but he
needs professional help. His business is "upside down" in that his
libilities are ~50% greater than his assets.

The only thing that will save him temporarily is ripping as many
customers off as possible. That's where many of you came in. That's
what has carried him this far. He was charging your cards, then if
one thing was out of stock, he simply would forget about it. I have
much worse yet strangely amazing stories, but they are unfit for this
forum and I believe no one is hurt. And above all... he doesn't
CARE. He has said this repeatedly. And he has threatened me with
physical violence. We could have sent him to jail today as he has
multiple offenses and is on probation. Maybe it would have been good
for him. But I owed him that much. I want him to not be able to pin
the blame on anyone but himself.

If anyone here is still owed products, I can try to help you in any
way I can when my bulk products co. and independent buyer's club gets
up and running. After all the broken promises I gave out as Smi2le
Customer Service Manager, I am hesitant to say 2-3 weeks. But that
is where we're at. I can be reached at jeffwhitmore@...

Pray for him - but do not Pay for him.

PS If anyone finds out that Mike has actually gotten more products
(and they get them in the mail!) I will return this list to Mike.
Who knows, he may find another supplier to front him.
I just thought everyone should know. If Jeff can be trusted, (and I think he can), then it appears that Michael Donohue, a.k.a. Rizzer, cannot be. He must be addicted to a highly addictive street drug is my guess. Crystal Meth? Heroin? Who knows? [sick]

Edited by moodyblue, 01 June 2005 - 09:46 PM.

#40 ashliana

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 03:53 AM

Those who are owed, how much are you owed, and what products were you supposed to get?  I am assuming that you would much rather have your money back at this point, but if you still want the products say so.

The free advertising they get by being listed would more than make up for paying these people back.

If for any reason you feel uncomfortable disclosing this information publicly PM me.

I think smi2le needs to make amends for it's past first.  But once that it done we can move forward.

I ordered a bunch of sulbutiamine about 8 months ago. Never received it. Talked to Jeff on the phone and in email and he advised me to get a 120% store credit. So I agreed. Except suddenly the site is gone and rizzer's email bounces....

fuck. there goes $109.98 (not including the extra 20%).

#41 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 09:40 AM

ashliana sorry to hear that, but it seems smi2le is totaly gone now.


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 10:26 AM

I almost forgot a complete update on my dealings with Jeff Whitemore in the last few burning house days of Smi2le.
If you go back and read this thread (the date being the point), I got on the phone with Jeff and pounced through an agreeable set of products that were still available in stock as he no longer had access to Smi2le funds to issue a preferred refund. The value of the products sent was at least 30% more than the original value as only capped versions of the bulk powders I had chosen were available. In the next couple of days the story posted of Jeff's experience took place. By Friday of that week I received my package. Jeff paid the $10 shipping out of his own pocket. Now, there was a small snafu which was 4000 0-size caps being sent instead of 00-size. Jeff has since sent me $10 of his own funds in apology for the mix-up so that I can still make use of the sent product with the purchase of an appropriate capping tool.

I am supremely grateful.

Make what you want of all this and apply your own adjectives to describe his character, but it certainly seems as though his new project is worthy of consideration.

#43 jeromewilson

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Posted 23 June 2005 - 03:56 PM

Talking of which, are you subscribed to the Nootropica buyer's club discussion?


This just in from Jeff:

We can get Picamilon for $150 a kilo

Also of interest:

Anyone is welcome to buy a partial amount and we'll cover the rest to make the kg amounts as whole numbers.  So, if you want 50% of a kilo then simply send me 50% of the purchase amount (and don't forget to add postage, which is not divisible).  You may make this payment directly via paypal to jeffwhitmore@aol.com; if you don't have/don't use paypal then email me your credit info and you will be charged the partial amount.
Also note that you can conceivably then get 10% of every group buy at 10% of the cost.
For simplicity's sake i am not including this as an option on the order form, but we will honor this.

I hate to gush or jinx the venture, but the man is a Nootropic supply pioneer, a smart supplement saint :)


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 01:48 PM

...a cognitive chemical conquistador, a sunshine frog and rainbow bear powerwishluckydreamcloud duo in a moonbeam dirigible tossing down fluttery sparkling bundles of brainhappy to "da critters dat know" down dair down below ... :)
[listen to the keyboard interlude that they cut out of the radio version on Paul McCartney's song "With A Little Luck" for a soundtrack to that little scene ;)]

When I need...[(1000g/0.2g.day)/365]= 14 years worth of Picamilon I just might toss my change in for some. ;)

JK, I just need some cash to contribute and then I'll think about ordering fractional kilo amounts like they describe as available.

Edited by liplex, 24 June 2005 - 02:14 PM.

#45 jeromewilson

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 04:19 PM

...a cognitive chemical conquistador, a sunshine frog and rainbow bear powerwishluckydreamcloud duo in a moonbeam dirigible tossing down fluttery sparkling bundles of brainhappy to "da critters dat know" down dair down below

Oooh, you've been taking those 'special nootropics' again haven't you ;) Love it.

Hmm, good point about the quantity - it pays to buy bulk but 14 years worth is definitely a wee bit excessive.

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 09:01 PM

Gnostropics would be more accurate... [glasses]

But 'special nootropics'? Think I'm some kind of druggy ready to drop strange chemicals all a-willy-nilly into my body to get some kind of rise? [:o]


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