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Powerful Nootropic Effect from Isochronic Tones (Free & Easy to Try!)

brainwave entrainment isochronic tones nootropic concentration motivation

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#1 Raza

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Posted 16 April 2013 - 06:26 PM

After reading the thread here about gamma range binaural beats I got curious about brainwave entrainment, and went looking for options.

Turns out there is a more effective alternative to binaural beats called Isochronic Tones, for which you don't even need headphones. (Mr. Pink deserves credit for pointing this out). A whole bunch can be downloaded for free at http://iso-tones.com/index.php/tones (The IQ Increase and Mental Performance 2 + 3 tracks are great nootropic choices)

The effects have been astounding for me. I've tried a lot of substance nootropics, both the kinds that give barely-noticable bonuses to memory and the kind that work more by improving your motivation or concentration, but nothing has ever helped me study (or get into any other task) quite like this.

What I do is spend 10-20 minutes listening to a track while counting my breath cycles, a concentration exercise that seems to double in helping me absorb the audio stimulus. After that, I am in a nigh-perfect state of mind for processing information and doing mental problem solving. Distracting and counterproductive thought-streams and whims of anti-motivation are reduced by something like 90%. Studying this way is actually enjoyable; I get into a flow and just keep at it.

Besides the benefits to studying, I've also found these beats effective for deepening meditation, getting to sleep and dealing with a poor night's sleep. Brilliant stuff! I've guessed for a while that synchronizing my brain to tasks would be the solution for my poor attention and difficulty switching state of mind from one category of tasks to another, but I didn't think it'd be this easy to achieve this much of it. The problems encountered by the poster of the BB gamma-entrainment thread are easily avoided by using a relaxing comedown track when the active part of your day is over.

Anyway, try it. That link contains the equivalent of a score of promising new substances to try, with instantaneous delivery of lifetime supplies at no cost.

Edited by Raza, 16 April 2013 - 06:27 PM.

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#2 renfr

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Posted 16 April 2013 - 06:32 PM

Worked for me twice last year and never worked again sadly.
But once it works isochronic tones effects are beyond what any kind of nootropic can do.
I will try again hoping it works.

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#3 Raza

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Posted 16 April 2013 - 06:39 PM

Good luck! I've found that the key is to get as close to the right state as you can by whatever other means, then pick the track carefully for the task at hand and listen to it intently (keeping it on in the background also kind of works, but you desensitize yourself quickly that way).

I've played a couple with no discernible effect, but mostly when the track didn't match the activity I used it for, or my existing state of stimulation/relaxation precluded effective activity on that frequency, or when my mind was on other things while it played.

#4 Mr. Pink

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Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:16 PM

thanks for the credit. I really like the mental performance ones for working/studying. I've had lucid dreams with the lucid one, and a really powerful headchange from the one called Magic. Just wanted to point out, although you don't need headphones, the effects are better with headphones (you need to block out outside noise). Which ones have worked well for you?

#5 Raza

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:37 AM

Thanks for alerting me to it in the first place. =)

I do use headphones, also so that I don't get lopsided hemispherical stimulation, although I'm not sure that's neurologically founded.

IQ Increase and Mental Performance 3 have worked very well for me for studying, both absorbing new material and doing test exams. Inner Awareness and Theta 432 have worked well for me in the Theta range, for substituting missed sleep, relaxing and deepening meditation. Sleep and GHsleep are effective in inducing delta wave states, but I tend to stay awake for them, which confuses my ZEO - they'd probably help if I played them during sleep, but I don't want to desensitize myself by doing that too much. Quick Energy seems to do what it's supposed to. A lot of others seem effective at inducing the general level of activation they're presented to, but I'm not yet sure about their specific designated purposes and haven't tried most often enough to identify staples.

#6 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 02:53 PM

Glad to hear others are finding isochronic/binaural working for them.

Gamma waves really are great for me, lately my ability to send the attention/focus meter up to 80-100% on my Neurosky Mindwave BCI headset has improved consistently, and I attribute that effect in a great part to using the "Intense mental workout" and "Gamma Energizer" sessions in Neuro Programmer 3, and paying close attention to how my mind responded to them.

#7 alecnevsky

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 04:58 PM

IQ Increase - This tone uses low beta frequencies that have been shown to increase IQ with regular use. 15 minutes long."

Does anyone know to what they're referring to here (i.e., shown by whom?) Also, shouldn't alpha waves be the relevant once for IQ?

#8 Mr. Pink

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 06:39 PM

IQ Increase - This tone uses low beta frequencies that have been shown to increase IQ with regular use. 15 minutes long."

Does anyone know to what they're referring to here (i.e., shown by whom?) Also, shouldn't alpha waves be the relevant once for IQ?

the site has a forum. you can ask the person who made that statement directly.

#9 Raza

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 06:24 PM

IQ Increase - This tone uses low beta frequencies that have been shown to increase IQ with regular use. 15 minutes long."

Does anyone know to what they're referring to here (i.e., shown by whom?) Also, shouldn't alpha waves be the relevant once for IQ?

There's been a couple of studies showing IQ increases from brainwave entrainment. My personal take is that this happens more from whole-brain synchronization than from the benefits of any single frequency over another - you'd probably do OK on IQ tests in alpha and beta range both, although I'd personally go for beta if I wasn't susceptible to anxiety/stress. My personal experience is that it helps tremendously to keep me performing at the top of my normal range consistently, but doesn't really put me over my previous peaks.

The findings of IQ increases were also much bigger on people with an attention disorder.

Edited by Raza, 25 April 2013 - 06:24 PM.

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#10 Nattzor

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 06:38 PM

IQ Increase - This tone uses low beta frequencies that have been shown to increase IQ with regular use. 15 minutes long."

Does anyone know to what they're referring to here (i.e., shown by whom?) Also, shouldn't alpha waves be the relevant once for IQ?

There's been a couple of studies showing IQ increases from brainwave entrainment. My personal take is that this happens more from whole-brain synchronization than from the benefits of any single frequency over another - you'd probably do OK on IQ tests in alpha and beta range both, although I'd personally go for beta if I wasn't susceptible to anxiety/stress. My personal experience is that it helps tremendously to keep me performing at the top of my normal range consistently, but doesn't really put me over my previous peaks.

The findings of IQ increases were also much bigger on people with an attention disorder.

Mind linking the actual studies rather than just claims?
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#11 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 06:46 PM

combine this with l-theanine and report back with your experiences Raza. Might work better.

#12 Arjuna

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Posted 21 April 2014 - 04:04 PM

Anyone know a program or where to download isochronic gamma tones?  I like using 40hz and want to slowly scale up in hz incrementally.  All the programs seem to be for binaural, which I may end up settling for.

#13 Arjuna

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Posted 14 May 2014 - 12:36 AM

This is a really great outline on how these beats can improve cognition, attention, memory, depression, trauma, etc:


I've given up on gamma entrainment, it never works out for me. It makes me dysfunctional.

I've had great effects with high alpha low beta around 14 hz. My social skills have gotten a tad better.

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#14 Huckfinn

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Posted 12 April 2017 - 12:49 PM

I don't seem to be able to download the tones anymore.

Does anyone have a current link pls...?


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: brainwave entrainment, isochronic tones, nootropic, concentration, motivation

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