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Experimentation process

nootropics regimen experimentation

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#1 travis_w

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:06 PM

This thread is to gather together some responses about how different people go about trying new substances (nootropics), routines, habits, or whatever else (could be anything, exercise, sleep patterns, or even tdcs for example). I'll focus on and talk about substances but any response is welcome and in general I mean any of these things.

I have always wondered how people decide what does and doesn't have an effect on them, and how much effect if any. One of the iffy things about nootropics is that results are subjective, sometimes hard to discern, often environmentally affected or dependent (substanceX is better when doing a specific type of task, you didn't get enough sleep that night, you had a bad day), and can even vary wildly.

Some example questions might be:

1. Do you "purge" or abstain from other substances for a time before trying a new one as to isolate the feelings/results?

2. Do you have a general list of substances that works for you that you always take and just add one at a time?

3. Do you combine new substances if they are known to have synergy or try them separate? Or both?

4. How do you isolate "problem" substances? How do you figure out which ones are making you feel bad or sub-par? (for example you could add a new substance and it interacts badly with something else you are taking but gives great results otherwise)

5. If you do abstain from all substances to try new ones, do you add one back in at a time?

6. How do you measure results? (Sometimes your Lumosity/dnb/whatever scores might be exactly the same but you feel like crap, or the other way around.) Do you keep long term averages/records?

7. How do you determine dosage? Do you try varying doses on both sides of the norm?

8. Do you do all of these things enough times to where you can actually measure it?

In summary, how careful and precise are you when trying new things? Ideally we would be conducting blind experiments on ourselves (placebo/dosage level), abstain beforehand, add in substances (also blind) one at a time, and micromanage the hell out of it to determine what is and isn't worth it. But who does all that?

Feel free to skip the rest of this post and answer, it gets a little off topic. Below are some of my personal opinions/experiences and general answers to the above questions.

I'm sure everyone has a different story, but when I started taking nootropics I just bought a bunch of them and was too excited to wait. I spend $100-200 buying everything I wanted to try after extensive research just to see what worked and often took too many things together, then spent some more money every couple months searching for stuff that worked. Daily environmental variables ...varied. Sometimes I took them when working/studying hard, sometimes I took them and ended up going to the bar with friends. Sometimes they synergized, other times they gave me brain fog and made me tired. One day a combo would have great effects, the next it had nothing, the next it made me feel like crap. .... I could go on.

I tried keeping a log at one point when I started CILTEP, but it faded over time (with the effects of CILTEP). I've also tried "purging" and many of the other techniques above but when I think back it seems more like a jumble of "oh this works!"...(3 days later)..."I don't really notice anything." I think I got the greatest effects from CILTEP, but I don't notice anything anymore (about 2 months later) and stopped buying supplies for it.

Just to mention: I am one of those people that can drink until I throw up and still be pretty close to sober, my body rejects it and my mind stays sober. I need double doses of ibuprofen/acetaminophen/etc to have an effect. Marijuana doesn't affect me (have tried a handful of times). I need more / stronger / higher potency for most mind/body altering substances to have a normal effect.

The only things that I feel are worth it to take at this point are: Modafinil, phenylpiracetam, and noopept/sunifram have about the same effect on me (little). I wish I could pinpoint some of the more subtle positive effects from the rest of the bottles sitting on my shelves, which is one reason I made this thread. The forum also seems to be lacking this topic, people say "try it out" but don't really describe how.

I'm sure there are people on here that micromanage their regimen, others that buy in bulk and swallow in bulk, and many who do something in between. What about you? Do you have advice for me and anyone else that stumbles upon this in the future?

Edited by travis_w, 22 May 2013 - 12:09 PM.

#2 lostfalco

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 03:42 PM

Excellent topic! Very well thought out. I'm typing on my phone so I'll keep this brief. I try multiple approaches and have a few that Im still working on.

However, the best principle I've found is this: test things that are supposed to work a. instantly and b. alone. (tDCS, Modafinil, Desmopressin, Concentrated Oxygen, Megadose Piracetam, etc) This way u can try it once or twice and have a pretty good idea whether its gonna work for you. I just don't get how people can stack 14 things that are supposed to work 2.5 months from now. I'd love to hear how people manage these variables along with dietary, environmental, social, and emotional variables.

I've also been researching meal replacement dietary regimens like Alpha EMF or Peptamen...this would allow me to have the same diet every day and hold that variable fairly constant. Anybody know of better/other meal replacement diets?

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#3 lostfalco

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:19 PM

Excellent topic! Very well thought out. I'm typing on my phone so I'll keep this brief. I try multiple approaches and have a few that Im still working on.

However, the best principle I've found is this: test things that are supposed to work a. instantly and b. alone. (tDCS, Modafinil, Desmopressin, Concentrated Oxygen, Megadose Piracetam, etc) This way u can try it once or twice and have a pretty good idea whether its gonna work for you. I just don't get how people can stack 14 things that are supposed to work 2.5 months from now. I'd love to hear how people manage these variables along with dietary, environmental, social, and emotional variables.

I've also been researching meal replacement dietary regimens like Alpha EMF or Peptamen...this would allow me to have the same diet every day and hold that variable fairly constant. Anybody know of better/other meal replacement diets?

Sorry, Alpha ENF.

#4 travis_w

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:35 PM

And here I thought you were consuming electromagnetic fields. Silly me. :)
There is an edit button, too, in case you didn't know.

I agree with your "14 things" point. Sometimes when I have been taking more than 5 things daily I just have no idea what is or isn't 'working'. Also, effects of certain substances diminish or change over time because of tolerance or... whateverthehell ... and I keep taking those with my stack because I feel something, and I -think- that something is mostly positive.

I have an interesting question regarding this topic... does anyone's stack make them feel the same (positively) EVERY single day they take it? Sometimes I'm just tired and I feel like it is my stack's fault because it didn't hit until an hour or so after I took some things. Other times I take those same things and it gives me a boost of energy for the rest of the day. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.

#5 ta5

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 01:26 AM

It's difficult. One thing that I have changed recently is that I will keep things constant for about 5 weeks. Too many things have a long half life or for whatever reason take a long time to see the full effects. Testing something for a day or two doesn't work for most things.

#6 lostfalco

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 02:03 AM

And here I thought you were consuming electromagnetic fields. Silly me. :)
There is an edit button, too, in case you didn't know.

I agree with your "14 things" point. Sometimes when I have been taking more than 5 things daily I just have no idea what is or isn't 'working'. Also, effects of certain substances diminish or change over time because of tolerance or... whateverthehell ... and I keep taking those with my stack because I feel something, and I -think- that something is mostly positive.

I have an interesting question regarding this topic... does anyone's stack make them feel the same (positively) EVERY single day they take it? Sometimes I'm just tired and I feel like it is my stack's fault because it didn't hit until an hour or so after I took some things. Other times I take those same things and it gives me a boost of energy for the rest of the day. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.

Actually, I do plan on "consuming" transcranial magnetic stimulation fields. =)

#7 lostfalco

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:33 AM

It's difficult. One thing that I have changed recently is that I will keep things constant for about 5 weeks. Too many things have a long half life or for whatever reason take a long time to see the full effects. Testing something for a day or two doesn't work for most things.

You're right. A lot of things just require time. The whole health/enhancement thing is a massive juggling act.

I mentioned a few of the more fast acting noots above...vassopressin/desmopressin, oxygen, tDCS etc...I'd love to hear some other suggestions if anybody knows of any. As a rough guide, let's say that it must act within 2 hours. Any ideas?

btw travis, i have no intention to hijack your thread...if you want me to take these questions elsewhere I will do it gladly. =)

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#8 travis_w

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:45 AM

No worries on the thread thing, we can always change back.

If you have some noopept or sunifram try taking a mega-dose and see if you get pretty quick responses. The first few times I did 100-300mg noopept I got quite noticeable positive effects for a few hours, but the mega-dose effect turns into normal-dose effect after a few days, it doesn't sustain. Sunifram also.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropics, regimen, experimentation

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