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Aniracetam + Butter-Coffee, smoothest way...

machete234's Photo machete234 31 May 2013

I couldnt find an existing topic about aniractam that isnt long dead or about something else.

Because aniracetam is fat soluable the theory is that you should take it in some kind of oil or with something fatty like food.
So far I tried to put it in oil like an espresso cup full and drank it down which is bearable but makes me a bit sick.
Taking the ani without anything in caps made slightly sick too, my face is slightly pale and I thought this has to do with the fact that the aniracetam might not be so easy to digest.

So this morning I drank a coffee with molten butter in it, the coffee is inspired by the "bulletproof coffee" which contains more than butter and coffee but thats all I have right now.
And I took around 400mg of aniracetam in a cap and so far its completely smooth and it didnt make me nauseaous at all and Im totally relaxed and not even stimulated by the 2 cups of coffee right now.

alecnevsky's Photo alecnevsky 31 May 2013

Nice! I definitely need to reorder Aniracetam. Is there any research on Ani and NMDA involvement that you know of?

Also do 750mg -- the most effective dose imo.
Edited by alecnevsky, 31 May 2013 - 01:00 PM.

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helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 31 May 2013

Nice post, good to get your findings out there

Godof Smallthings's Photo Godof Smallthings 01 Jun 2013

If you want to go the Dave Asprey route, make sure the butter is grass fed (there is a lot of crap butter out there) and the coffee is free from mycotoxins.

I am experimenting with organic green tea and MCT coconut oil. Works well for me so far.

machete234's Photo machete234 01 Jun 2013

If you want to go the Dave Asprey route, make sure the butter is grass fed (there is a lot of crap butter out there) and the coffee is free from mycotoxins.

European coffee has a legal limit of mycotoxins, Asprey said that himself and I didnt check if thats true.
Maybe Ill try kerrygold butter because our local butter is not grass fed.

I dont want to go the full Dave Asprey route though but anybody who wants to try just put some butter in your coffee it gives you energy in the morning.
Later you can upgrade to better butter and oil.

helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 01 Jun 2013

Hey machete, could you explain your recipe? for one average sized cup of coffee. I am guessing you obviously don't use decaff, how much butter?

machete234's Photo machete234 01 Jun 2013

I myself use 1 part water, 1 part espresso ~10g of butter.
I put the water and the butter in a cup in the microwave for 30sec and then put an espresso from the machine on top of it.
+ optionally I put all that in stirring device like a milk foam maker

Any real coffee will do and ideally you have some mixing device to blend the whole thing. (smaller drops of butter in the coffee)

Heres the original recipe

Edited by machete234, 01 June 2013 - 12:10 PM.

helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 01 Jun 2013

Sounds good thanks bro, i have seen the bulletproof recipe before but will take a look again, just interested in other users recipes as there is usually slight variants, might have to restock on a few ingredients and whip one of these up again
Edited by helluva nootro, 01 June 2013 - 01:09 PM.

Greg Koller's Photo Greg Koller 01 Jun 2013

I use about 3-6 tablespoons of kerrygold unsalted butter with about 2 tablespoons of mct oil then I take my noopept after first my sip and this stack is a godsend. You can also add a scoop of chocolate protein if you plan on lifting heavy after your bulletproof coffee :) Add 50mg of modafanil and :-D

helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 01 Jun 2013

Nice update greg thanks, is that your recipe per 8oz cup? what coffee blend do you use?

And what protein, I have used many types but find the chocolate flavoured ones are usually a fail

Greg Koller's Photo Greg Koller 01 Jun 2013

I was using the bulletproof coffee for a while but shipping costs kinda pushed me away from it so now i'm using kickass coffee (dark) from kicking horse and I use the 3rd setting on the keurig (10ounces).

I add a scoop of on nutrition gold standard chocolate and it tastes awesome. Remember this coffee is a intermediate fast so you shouldn't get hungry till late afternoon.
Edited by Greg Koller, 01 June 2013 - 02:27 PM.

helluva nootro's Photo helluva nootro 01 Jun 2013

Brilliant, thanks bud. Yeah I might give some of that a try soon, not too bothered about the appetite suppressant effects, just looking for a boost in the morning, all the health benefits a plus. hope we haven't thrown this off topic now, ill look at the gold standard stuff, never been a fan of chocolate protein myself but could be worth a shot, cheers

lostfalco's Photo lostfalco 01 Jun 2013

I've used aniracetam + mct oil + a little bit of dextrose...i felt very focused for a few hours.

On Thursday I tried this combo...d-serine + d-aspartic acid + aniracetam + mct oil + pure dextrose. I noticed very strong focus and extremely efficient task switching ability for 2.5 hours (I timed myself). These are just subjective experience anecdotes, however. I didn't have the opportunity to test myself on cambridgebrainsciences or the like.

About the coffee...I made my own BP Coffee for months and had very good results, but they improved when I ordered the mct and coffee from dave. Here's another option for mct oil...http://www.amazon.com/MCT-Oil-Pharmaceutical-Grade-fl/dp/B00CO6XH8U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370099022&sr=8-1&keywords=friedlander+mct

requisite disclaimer: i have no affiliation with dave or bulletproof. =)

machete234's Photo machete234 01 Jun 2013

Looks like in germany mtc oil costs half the price in a real pharmacy then in supplement shops, I might try it out.

alecnevsky's Photo alecnevsky 01 Jun 2013

I use about 3-6 tablespoons of kerrygold unsalted butter with about 2 tablespoons of mct oil then I take my noopept after first my sip and this stack is a godsend. You can also add a scoop of chocolate protein if you plan on lifting heavy after your bulletproof coffee :) Add 50mg of modafanil and :-D

3-6 tablespoons is that like 1/3 of kerry gold package? Do you literally throw modafinil in there?

lostfalco's Photo lostfalco 02 Jun 2013

I use about 3-6 tablespoons of kerrygold unsalted butter with about 2 tablespoons of mct oil then I take my noopept after first my sip and this stack is a godsend. You can also add a scoop of chocolate protein if you plan on lifting heavy after your bulletproof coffee :) Add 50mg of modafanil and :-D

3-6 tablespoons is that like 1/3 of kerry gold package? Do you literally throw modafinil in there?

There are about 16 tbsp in a kerry gold stick (there are even markers on the package)...so yeah, about 1/3. Personally, I take a 200mg modafinil pill when I wake up and drink my coffee about 20 minutes or a half hour later. Dave is actually putting out a new mct oil variation in a few days that I'm really looking forward to trying (since I've had good results with his coffee recipe). It's pretty much just the C-8 medium chain triglyceride. Looks interesting. http://www.upgradeds...octane-oil.html

mkUltra999's Photo mkUltra999 03 Jun 2013

I take my Aniracetam with a tbsp of virgin coconut coil added to black coffe twice daily. If I don't get the coffee in on the second, PM, dose, I just take it with a small amount of coconut oil by itself, which is heavenly if CO is your thing. I love it and use it daily. It's a nice way to get some MCT's in addition to helping the bio-availability issue with fat-soluble compounds.

JohnnyP's Photo JohnnyP 04 Jun 2013

Has anybody who has taken it both ways (capped and uncapped) noticed a difference in its effectiveness?

chemicalambrosia's Photo chemicalambrosia 05 Jun 2013


A quote from the above thread: "Bottom line. Eating fat along with aniracetam probably wont do much at all. Excess fat in the diet might even absorb it and cause more to pass out with the feces more quickly"

I haven't fact checked the consensus that was reached in the thread above, but prior to researching nootropics I'd never heard of specifically taking a drug with a fat source. That fact tends to make me agree that the fat+aniracetam things is a myth.

machete234's Photo machete234 18 Jun 2013

Maybe it gets absorbed slower, all I know is it cause less nausea.

Ultravioletbllc's Photo Ultravioletbllc 18 Jun 2013

I get a lot out of aniracetam in fact the only racetam I can feel in and mean10-15 minute come up and the individual trattoria from in this order
1,( by far my favorite nootropic) ( I dose 100 mg with my morning nootropics including ani and piracetam)

2. Aniracetam however if I don't Saturdays off if Sunday's as well I develop a real tolerance ala noopept I take 3 grams daily.

3.YMMV but piracetam taken am and early afternoon 2x 6 grams taken with 1 drop connamyl oil. )

However I have my own system as well and it goes like this with every dose of any potent moot I take 500 mg fish oil and 1 krill oil. I also take sarcosine rosemary exx 25 mcg hup-a and with racetams 250 mg x2 daily and with pramiracetam I cap it and take it with the. End of a 00 gelcap filled w cultured butter and with my use fish oil a life long endeavor I usually take at least 5-8 grams. Daily and adding glutamic acid too my racetam stack did wonders for ani n piri!

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Sanguine_Rogue's Photo Sanguine_Rogue 20 Jun 2013

I've taken aniracetam in a few different methods, and while I haven't gotten to make a BP coffee I have made a iced milk coffee on occasions (french chicory and some sweetened condensed milk). I primarily did this with Piracetam but did try it with aniracetam, and the socially benefiting/alleviating effects of Aniracetam seemed more pronounced.

On a normal day I take capsules and follow a pretty strict regimen. But when ever I have an exam or a meeting to prepare for I'll back it up with a iced milk coffee, and have some L-theanine after lunch.