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Best first time stack for studying/athlete

phenylperacetam studying athlete modifinil new

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#1 JT94

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Posted 29 August 2013 - 11:57 AM

I am a 19 year old about to start my first year at Univeristy, studying Politics and Interntional Relations, I am also a runner who is looking to increase stamina.
My goals are:
Increased stamina
Decreased tiredness
Increased focus, sensory perception, problem solving and logical thinking
Increased motivation

I have done a little research but am unsure of what to stack to achieve my goals, I have researched and have found that Phenylperacetam seems to be my core supplement that I need.
Could somebody please advise me which supplements i should take, particularly to increase stamina and endurance fitness, e.g. Phenylperacetam, and could you build me a stack based around Phenylperacetam.
Also can I take Phenylperacetam with modifinil? What does it work with best, what doesn't it work it etc.
Much appreciated.

#2 JT94

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Posted 29 August 2013 - 12:03 PM

Sorry, thought I'd also post how I feel in case it's unclear what I experience daily:

I can't describe it but it feels like I'm in a strange dream state, like everything's out of focus and I'm never fully awake.
I sleep fine, just that I go to bed really late and wake up late in the day, so my sleeping patterns are not a problem, but I find myself getting sleepy ad lose focus during the day.

I also feel down/depressed without any reason to and no drive/motivation to do things I need to most of the time. I was on Zoloft for clinical depression for 2 months but have stopped taking them meds ad I am going to get therapy instead because I am weary of SSTD's.

I have a hard time holding conversations for a long time since it becomes an issue with me having to concentrate on trying to concentrate if that makes any sense.

I just want to feel more focused, to have more motivation and see the world better, sensory and mentally.

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