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Mitochondrial weight loss stack

Dan1976's Photo Dan1976 11 Sep 2013

There is a mitochondrial theory of obesity, which states that some people's mitochondria are broken and can't burn enough fat - this is why these people are hungry all the time and tend to eat lots of carbohydrates.

The goal of this stack is to decrease appetite, increase willpower, increase mitochondrial energy production and make it easy to diet by alleviating some of the unpleasant side effects of dieting.

With this stack I have lost 33 lbs (15 kg) in a few months. Please keep in mind that before using this stack I was unable to diet because of the side effects described above. With this stack, dieting is easy.

Unpleasant side effects of dieting this stack addresses:

- Huge, out of control appetite.
- Low energy
- Somnolence/drowsiness
- Lack of willpower
- Unable to do intellectual work
- Yielding to temptations
- Depression
- Headache

All of the ingredients bellow have been chosen because there are studies showing that they work for the purpose I mention bellow. Also, I have tried each ingredient separately and I can "feel" each one of them. Each one of them works for me (and if they work for me, they may as well work for you).

If you decide to take the stack, you should first experiment with each ingredient and determine the right dosage for you. The dosages bellow are the ones that I take.


PQQ - for increasing the number of mitochondria and increase energy production. Makes my body warm, makes me energetic and lowers my hunger.

Ubiquinol - for increasing cellular energy production

LEF Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ - This is a stack which increases energy production and counters glycation. It includes, among other ingredients, Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate and R-Alpha-Lipoic-Acid, which help the mitochondria.

You could take each ingredient of this separately, there is no need to purchase from LEF. I do it for the convenience.

Bupropion SR - suppresses appetite and binge eating, helps resist temptations, increases motivation, energy and willpower. Bupropion causes weight loss by itself. Bupropion works by inhibiting norepinephrine and dopamine uptake.

Bupropion should be introduced slowly - first a 150 mg dose per day for 1 month, and then go to 300 mg per day or even more.

Modafinil - counters the somnolence/drowsiness or lack of energy which happens while dieting, suppresses appetite. Makes one able to focus even when in a bad physical state.

The dosage of Modafinil shown in studies to strongly inhibit appetite is 400 mg per day. However, I'm not willing to take that much because I'm afraid I will not be able to sleep at night, and also because of the price. So I just use it for feeling alert, focused and in control while dieting.

5-HTP - suppresses appetite and improves the mood by producing serotonin (while dieting, serotonin production plummets and I get depressed). I prefer time-released 5-HTP from Natrol.

The 5-HTP should be taken with Carbidopa or another decarboxylase inhibitor (a mild one is EGCG). However, Carbidopa is not included in my stack because I can't get it.

The 5-HTP dose which causes strong appetite inhibition and weight loss is > 1 g / day, spread around the day. However, I'm not willing to do this because I can't find Carbidopa to go with it, and it could be dangerous to take a lot of 5-HTP without Carbidopa.

Pramiracetam - helps the brain work well even with low blood glucose levels which happen while dieting. It is also an excellent nootropic.

Citicoline - choline source needed by Pramiracetam. Citicoline also increases the number of dopamine receptors in the brain which makes Bupropion work better.

There is also a study which shows that, after taking 2 g of Citicoline for 1 month, it is a lot easier for dieters to resist temptations such as sweets.


Morning (1 hour before awakening my alarm rings and I take these - to let the Modafinil kick in):

- Modafinil - 200 mg

- PQQ - 20 mg
- Ubiquinol - 100 mg
- LEF Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ - 2 caps

- Pramiracetam - 300 mg
- Citicoline - 500 mg
- 5-HTP (time released) - 200 mg

At noon:

- Bupropion SR - 300 mg

- PQQ - 20 mg
- Ubiquinol - 100 mg
- LEF Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ - 2 caps

- Pramiracetam - 300 mg
- Citicoline - 500 mg
- 5-HTP (time released) - 200 mg

Additional info:

When having a headache, I use 500 mg of Aspirin. If I have a multi-day headache (which happens while dieting, especially on low carbs) I include Aspirin in my stack for a week or so.

I know that multivitamins and fish oil are recommended while dieting and for general health, but I prefer not to take them while dieting, or to take very low doses. They increase appetite, decrease gastric emptying time, etc. There are studies which show this.

You could also take some anti-oxidants such as Resveratrol, EGCG, Curcumin, etc. A favorite of mine is Grape Seed Extract which I take at night - it also lowers blood pressure a bit and makes me feel calm and ready to sleep.

For treating high blood pressure, I recommend switching to Telmisartan (Micardis). It acts on some pathways which help you lose weight and prevent weight gain. Many other blood pressure drugs, such as Metoprolol or Clonidine can increase weight.

If diabetic, taking Metformin is very healthy and can help you lose weight. It suppresses appetite by inhibiting ghrelin and delays carbohydrate absorption. However, if you have normal blood glucose levels, diet and while dieting you take Metformin, your blood sugar levels will drop too much and you may feel dizzy or light-headed.

A good addition to this stack would be to take Topiramate at night. It inhibits appetite a lot. For me it didn't work, I used to take 50 mg and it makes me drowsy all day long. The combination Bupropion + Topiramate works by itself for weight loss, there are studies on this.

If you can't sleep at night because of the Modafinil taken in the morning (which can happen during the first few days), take something at night, such as: Melatonin time-released, GABA, Tryptophan, 5-HTP, Phosphatidyl-serine, Theanine, Magnesium, Phenibut, etc. They all work well, you just have to test to see which one works for you.

I recommend not taking Zolpidem or other benzodiazepines because they are linked to slightly increased cancer risk.

I also had success using Glycemic Foundation from Ortho-Molecular Products. It is a slow-release carbs powder with a lot of fiber, which inhibits appetite a lot. I tested it and it helps me. An alternative (which I didn't test yet) is SuperStarch from Generation UCAN. SuperStarch is a very-slow-absorption carbohydrate.

Regarding nutrition - if the low-carb diets don't work for you, drop them, use a low-fat diet. When I switched from low-carb diets (which kept failing) to a well conceived low-fat diet by success skyrocketed.

Lufega's Photo Lufega 20 Sep 2013

I was surprised not to see carnitine or taurine on this list. Great job nonetheless.

theconomist's Photo theconomist 24 Sep 2013

Could you be more precise with the results you have achieved;
In how many months did you lose the weight?
What kind of calorie deficit did you create?
Could you elaborate on your exercise routine?

mitomutant's Photo mitomutant 13 Jan 2014

There is a mitochondrial theory of obesity, which states that some people's mitochondria are broken and can't burn enough fat - this is why these people are hungry all the time and tend to eat lots of carbohydrates.

Any refs for this theory ? I have a primary mitochondrialdysfunction, but never have had problems burning fat. In fact, a higher-fat diet works much better for me than that standard higher-carb diet.