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Creating Uberliving ?

longevity happiness antianxiety uber performance fatloss weight gai

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#1 mrd1

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Posted 21 September 2013 - 04:16 PM

I am looking to use intensive behavioral, environmental, cognitive, supplemental and medications to be a uberman

As for supplements, I have thus far divided them into these main categories functionally

1. Cogntive Enhancers
2. Wellbeing/ happiness increasers & antidepressant activity
3. Antianxiety
4. Longevity
5. General Health
6. Sexual performance/ health
7. Muscularity
8. Fat loss
9. skin aesthetics and health
10. mental energizers

I am looking to spend roughly $10 dollars a day on supplements and devote my entire day to empirically based living.

Opinions? Suggestions? Thoughts?

What could be unethical about this?
What makes some uneasy about the benefits I yield from "this" way?
Does this have any implications like I am minimizing the human condition?
If this could work and work better than a normal way of living would you still not do it any why?



#2 nupi

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Posted 22 September 2013 - 11:09 AM

This is going to cost a lot more then 10USD per day in supplements

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#3 JohnnyP

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 01:48 AM

The only thing I could possibly add is that all of this could potentially lead to your optimal physical and mental well being, but how certain is it that there may be any long term benefits to this investment?

#4 mrd1

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:07 PM

Hmmm, that is interesting


How much do you venture this costing per day for supplements assuming i buy in bulk?


Hmmm, that is a valid point. I really am not sure. I am using studies and I am putting my faith in those researchers. I am hopping that since I am doing so many things and am so diversified that my deviation from what the research says should happen won't be so dragged down by a few bad eggs. But, if all the studies are wrong, or I am not represented by the sample, than I will be broke and have little benefit. But, I argue that most people are broke, frustrated, and with little to show for their efforts. So, even that wouldn't be so bad! :)

#5 mmats

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 10:14 PM

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#6 JohnnyP

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 10:38 PM

I admire your optimism and desire to pursue this venture, I wish you the best of luck and hope that it works out for the best it is just something I feel isn't realistically attainable in the world we currently live in lol.

#7 lammas2

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:42 AM

The previous poster agitated me to post here by saying it isn't realistically attainable.

What exactly isn't attainable? There even isn't a definition for uberman in this topic. I tried googling, but only found something called Uberman Sleep Schedule (polyphasic sleep instead of continous 8h) and Übermensch (turns out to be Nietzsche's Superman and there is no consensus regarding the precise meaning of this term).

So mrd1, please give us your definition of uberman. Also, somekind of a check-list would be cool, if one can cross off all the things in the list → a uberman is born.

#8 mrd1

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 12:09 PM

Four times the productivity defined in output in sex health work and play.

#9 mrd1

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 12:21 PM

also I would like to add God-like which would be seven times the output in sex health work and play after the association between 7seven and greek gods. These numbers are pretty random it just allows consensus and a clear goal.

#10 JohnnyP

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 09:33 PM

The previous poster agitated me to post here by saying it isn't realistically attainable.

What exactly isn't attainable? There even isn't a definition for uberman in this topic. I tried googling, but only found something called Uberman Sleep Schedule (polyphasic sleep instead of continous 8h) and Übermensch (turns out to be Nietzsche's Superman and there is no consensus regarding the precise meaning of this term).

So mrd1, please give us your definition of uberman. Also, somekind of a check-list would be cool, if one can cross off all the things in the list → a uberman is born.

I'm guessing I'm the only one who takes into consideration social and economic factors as aspects of "living" which the original poster titled this "Uberliving". Sorry to have caused you agitation.

#11 lammas2

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:23 PM

Lol, no problem, perhaps I used a poor choice of words.

Anyway, mrd1, what do you mean by 4 times the productivity? Be able to have sex 4 times more often? 4 times more faster? 4 times more longer? 4 times better? with 4 woman?

What I'm trying to say is, while I really like this concept, you need to have CLEAR GOALS for this to work. Only then are we able to properly analyze this.

Maybe this will help you start:

An Uberman...
1. will run 10 km in 40 min
2. does 50 pullups
3. does a vertical jump to a platform with 1,5 m height
1. has excellent humor
2. has excellent presentation skills
1. always has a perfect haircut
2. muscular
3. body fat under 10%
1. can speed-read
2. has an IQ of 140+
3. has a PhD
1. will live at least 100 years old
2. is married
etc etc....

This is somewhat random, but I think you get the point. Clear goals → work out best ways to achieve those goals → hard work → success → uberman.

Edited by lammas2, 24 September 2013 - 10:27 PM.

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#12 thomas1234

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 04:46 PM

I think I understand what you want to achieve. You want a perfect base of your body/head to be able to achieve your goals in life. (Pills alone will not learn you a new language or make a succesful enterpreneur of you)
To achieve this "perfect" base, the most important things are not the pills off course (like you mention), but the behavioral things: eating healthy, sports, not doing heroin/alcohol/... , ....

Your list of categories could be made more compact

1. Cogntive Enhancers
2. Wellbeing/ happiness increasers & antidepressant activity
3. Antianxiety

10. mental energizers
This is mostly achieved with the nootropics, you could create a nootropic stack for this

4. Longevity
5. General Health

I'm not so into this catergorie, big factor is behavioral, you could watch what Kurzweil is taking, and here on this subforum

6. Sexual performance/ health
I think this will get a great boost if all the other categories are covered, you will automatically feel great, get more attention

7. Muscularity
8. Fat loss

This is off course the body and fit subject: watch a bodybuilding forum: creatine and proteins are the main supplements for muscle growth (besides the holy 3: training, rest, correct food) and for fat loss I don't know, but this is often a consequence of the muscle growth

9. skin aesthetics and health
I can not give advice for pills (only for acne for example...), nice tan: sunbath, dirty skin: shower,...

#13 thomas1234

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 05:15 PM

I would be interested in the total package: supplements and the behavioral stuff.
Sport for example has an impact on each of your categories.

A possible regimen would be:
Cardio 2 times a week
Strength 3 times a week
(Combine this in a social setting to improve wellbeing/hapiness, so find a budy or do group sports...)
Sport is the most important supplement of them all, it improves your energy, mental state, coognition, muscles, fitness, general health, sexual performance (testosteron),...

The poisons/addictives:
No drugs
No alcohol
No smoking
No caffeine
No internet for hours a day

The nootropics (basic stack):
CDP Choline

A good diet (balans of proteins, sugars, fat) (a lot more to mention for this one)
Breakfast (no bad sugars, add proteins -> to have good insulin profile the whole morning)
Drink a lot of water
Maybe complement with a multi-vit

This will already improve dramatically with the things above
Try to avoid to much (blue) light before sleep (computer screen F.lux, no smartphone in bed)
Wake up at the same time (but this is really if i focus on the other categories)

And if you are prone to SAD, take the necessary actions

The muscle supplements:

All this things are synergetic.
You will sleep better if you sport, you will be less tired, you will have more mental energy, ... and so on...

So the single most important thing is: DEDICATION to this regime
For most of this things, everybody is aware, but we are just nonchalant

Personally I try all the things above. And when I feel very great. The decline often begins with the "addictives" or with having no time to sport.
When you are feeling so great, a couple of beers or some coffees are even more great. At first not a problem for me, but then I start to fall back to my lower baseline and become to tired for sports and so on (nothing really serious, but not perfect).
And then at some moment, I remember that I know how to be really great.

So if someone has a tip or trick to stay dedicated to a regime, this would be gold.

Edited by thomas1234, 25 September 2013 - 05:19 PM.

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#14 maik2013

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Posted 19 October 2013 - 07:15 PM

Great thread. I have posted a regimen months ago and i have changed it several times already. I spend six euros per day. I am at the perfect mix for sports and work, but emotionally, socially, i'm still behind. I will post an updated plan somewhen. I'm also behind on getting a second income source next to my job. I just can't get myself to work on it, after my other job. I can do that during the summer, but not in winter. But i'm improving every day.
In general i would like to say, that OPs plan is possible. You just won't find the perfect plan right away. You need to go new ways, be willing to experiment, be creative and be very sensitive on how your body and mind react i think. The problem is, that we are all different. There might be general supplements like OPC or Resveratrol, but things like Piracetam are different from person to person. Also the bodies are different, the life and work situations and the childhoods. Then there is the philosphical question about what criteria make an ubermensch. Personally i think, number one would be, not to care what others think. That's also eliminating the need for most things mentioned in this thread. You can never be Alpha if you follow the herd in my book. This can be tough, and the question remains if this makes you happy. I think the two most underrated and under-researched areas are hormones and microdosing.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: longevity, happiness, antianxiety, uber, performance, fatloss, weight gai

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