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what are some supplements or drugs known t...

eon's Photo eon 10 Nov 2013

I have tried HGH before. My height didn't increase. My intent of using it was not for height gain but for bodybuilding reasons. I have recently come across those infomercial sounding types of products "revealing" secrets to becoming "taller". Grow taller for idiots or for dummies types of information. As anything is possible in this world, they just haven't figured it all out yet on how to grow taller. Historically, what are some drugs or supplements known to increase height? From what I understand HGH will work before the age of 18 before the joints are "locked in" meaning you can't grow any taller after that's been done as the popular belief. But then again what determines joints to become "locked in"? Age? From what I read, newborns who appear to become short later on used to be given a shot of HGH but this has created an abnormality making the person grow too tall later on in life. Not sure how it was determined if the newborn will be short later on in life since all newborns are short and tiny to begin with.

What determines height growth? If I'm not mistaken it has something to do with thyroid or pituitary gland. Not sure exactly but I'd have to look back into all of this.
Edited by eon, 10 November 2013 - 11:16 AM.

bzyb's Photo bzyb 15 Jan 2014

Don't worry too much about height man, once kids become adults it doesn't matter as much as health and cognition. Though if you were trying for sport, yes Lionel Messi did expensive growth hormone treatment as a child, or you can do a very painful surgery involved cutting of the bone.

But like I said dont think height will matter as much, but if it does a lot to you and you dont have lots of money to spend on it, stick with the tried and true: daily vitamins, minerals, good food, adequate rest...lots of milk, spinach, and squid (or octopus) I heard does help.
Edited by bzyb, 15 January 2014 - 01:47 AM.
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niner's Photo niner 15 Jan 2014

If you're adequately nourished, I think the only way a supplement will make you taller is if you stand on the bottle. There's probably a lot more chance to intervene if you're not done growing, but if you're an adult, I think you're stuck with things like the bone-stretching surgery.

eon's Photo eon 15 Jan 2014

haven't had squid and octopus in a while. Would have to look into it again. I like their taste. Didn't know it had any benefits.

coolman434's Photo coolman434 25 Jan 2014

There is a surgery that can be performed to make one grow taller. It involves the surgical cutting of the tibia in both legs and separations of them with braces that causes the bone to grow to fill the space. You can gain several inches, but I don't think it;s performed in the USA.

RichardHead's Photo RichardHead 25 Jan 2014

One way to make yourself taller is to reduce the amount of estrogen circulating, as estrogen is what fuses growth plates. So, by taking long-term safe doses of a drug like letrozole or anastrozole, you can prolong the amount of time your growth plates are open and hence potentially grow taller than you normally would have. Of course, if you're too old and they have fused already then you are out of luck.
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eon's Photo eon 26 Jan 2014

I've used anastrozole before during my steroid cycle. So what you're saying is to lessen my estrogen level. Doesn't pregnenolone do this? I wasn't too crazy for anastrozole so I am looking for better alternatives. Anastrozole functions as an aromatase inhibitor. I am familiar but never used an herb called Damiana. It is sold as teas or plain leaves. it is said to be an aromatase inhibitor as well. I'm leaning towards that path of using a natural AI. AIs block the production of estrogen.

There are "tricks" to appear taller from what I have read, such as becoming skinny and cutting hair on the sides and leave top on might "appear" to give me an inch or 2 depending how long I grow my hair. LOL. But these are just "tricks" though and still doesn't mean a person is tall, just a good effect. Or wear elevator shoes.

I've seen skinny people "appear" taller than me from far away but when close they are shorter than me. Is the reason why women are generally shorter than men is because they have more estrogen than men (men have testosterone)?
Edited by eon, 26 January 2014 - 10:00 AM.

RichardHead's Photo RichardHead 26 Jan 2014

Pregnenolone is a steroid precursor and we're primarily trying to block aromatization of androgens to estrogens as that is where most circulating estrogen is produced in males. Clinically, it is letrozole that is used: http://pediatrics.aa...15/2/e245.full. Not familiar with Damiana, but the reference (http://www.sciencedi...37887410800500X) wikipedia uses to point out it's anti-aromatase effects states: "The extract of Turnera diffusa and two isolated compounds pinocembrin and acacetin could significantly suppress aromatase activity. Moreover, apigenin 7-glucoside, Z-echinacin and pinocembrin showed estrogenic activity."

eon's Photo eon 27 Jan 2014

Ok but does use of pregnenolone induce more estrogens or it lessens it?

xks201's Photo xks201 30 Jan 2014

If you have done steroids and are over say 20 odds are 90% your growth plates are closed. Lionel Messi is 5 ft 7 so whatever he did apparently did not work that well lol.

It depends on where your body converts the pregnenolone...if you have a lot of aromatase or high dhea/testosterone from pregnenolone use then yeah its gonna turn to estrogen. ''

I can't tell you how many wankers I've seen on this forum using letrozole or aromatase inhibitors with no idea what they are doing. The brain is really sensitive to aromatase inhibitors. When I take them even in low doses (pharm grade letro at .5mg per week) I get massive cognitive decline. I don't recommend them. Aromasin is the mildest and probably the safest because it doesn't completely inhibit the enzyme it just kills it until more is made which is pretty quick. A bone scan can tell you if your growth plates are closed so you don't waste your time in alice and wonderland.

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 11 Dec 2022

Anything essential or semi essential nutrient. I woke up one day with back pain and felt different when I looked in the mirror and realized I was bigger and taller. Improved mood and speed

Edited by kurdishfella, 11 December 2022 - 09:04 AM.
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LifeGoesOn's Photo LifeGoesOn 26 Jan 2023

The primary substance that comes to mind is GH. However the heightening affects are only seen in those who are young/still developing, as far as I am aware. Otherwise, it will still "still grow things", just not necessarily anything useful or that you may want larger, such as your hands, feet, jaw, etc. Just my 2 cents.