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10 Day Experiment (Noopept and Modafinil)

modafinil noopept caffiene

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#1 SoulRevolver

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Posted 09 December 2013 - 01:46 PM

This is my first time trying any Noot (I am a complete Newbie) . After much reading I decided to give Noopept and Modafinil a try. I tried my best to keep account of everyday after taking the noots and here's my experience.

Day one (Wed)
Dose 1: 10mg at 1pm
Took it with food. Half hour after the dose started to feel a little strange. Not sure if this was the pill or placebo but did definitely feel something! It was a feeling of slight light headedness and euphoria-esque feeling. Made myself a cup of tea and got stuck at work. Productive, worked for two hours without a break!

Dose 2: 10mg at 3pm
Time now 5pm and I haven’t a clue where the last two hours went. Had a client call in-between, felt really good talking to the client, she’s usually a lovely person to speak with anyway so not sure whether to put it down to Noopept.
Overall, feeling quite nice actually; sign of reduced inner monologue is quite telling. Might take another one at 7, let’s see how it goes!

Day Two (Thu)
Dose 1: 20mg at 9.30am
Took it with some fruit. My brain definitely knows I have taken something; the strange feeling of yesterday is now very subtle. It’s strange how quickly the human brain gets accustomed to things. Had a meeting at 11am, which was very productive, the usual stuff that would annoy me seem to be breezing past me, I like that.
Finished meeting and went back to work, very productive two hours. Time for lunch break.

Dose 2: 10mg at 3pm
Downed it with some tea; it looks like tea has a good effect. I feel as though my vision is a bit clearer… somewhat HD like. Also, patterns are more interesting to look at. One thing I have to say is music sounds SO GOOD!! Love it.

I usually read during the 40 minutes commute to/from work, concentrating on my reading was a lot easier. The effect is not so much increased concentration; it’s more like increased ability to avoid distraction.
Later in the evening felt quite tired. Went to bed around 11pm; this is very unlike me; I never sleep before 12 or 1. Did fall asleep by 11.30 but woke up a few times during the night, but it didn’t annoy me as much as usual. Also, dreams seemed to be a bit more structured and controlled, that was interesting!!

Day Three (Fri)
Dose 1: 20mg at 9.30am
Took it with breakfast. The effect wasn’t as telling as other days. Definitely felt my mind drifting a little. Nothing spectacular to be honest. Went for lunch at 1, went back to work and took my second dose.

Dose 2: 10mg at 2.30pm it took about an hour to kick in but the afternoon was very productive. I could almost feel my mind getting stuck on the work at hand. Managed to finish some work that usually takes about 4 hours in 2. So I am a happy boy. The effect didn’t dry off until late in the evening. Read my book on the way back home and same as before I could read without being distracted by the people on the train. I did start feeling very very tired around 10pm-ish, like proper tired! Went to bed around 11.30. Slept well enough

Day Four (Sat)
Dose 1: 20mg at 12.30pm
Took it with breakfast. I had some strange dreams last night, and they were quite pronounced. I am not good at dealing with nightmares but these dreams I wouldn’t call nightmares, rather very strong dreams that’s all. The feeling of concentration is back.

Went for a haircut and had a hearty chat with my hairdresser, I am usually not for chit chats but I actually enjoyed talking to him.

Dose 2: 10mg at 6pm
Fairly uneventful evening. Didn’t do much apart from catching up on Boardwalk Empire (love it) and reading book. Concentration still quite good. Although had a bad headache towards the end of the evening. Didn’t sleep until late.

Day Five (Sun)
Dose 1: 20mg at 12.30pm
Household chores, TV, general lazing around the house. Usually I start to feel bored quite quickly. But not today!

Dose 2: 10mg at 6pm
No change in mood, watched a whole lot of TV. Funny thing is everything on TV seemed really enjoyable; this has trouble written all over it!!!

Day Six (Mon)
Dose 1: 20mg at 9.30am
I had a day off so didn’t do much. Generally felt quite good all day. Caught up on TV and some reading. General mood seem to be quite good and also can concentrate on reading without getting too distracted.

Dose 2: 10mg at 5.00pm
Went to see my mother. Usually this is a daunting task... however it didn’t feel so daunting. Had a nice chat with my mum about a lot of things. Noticing my thought patterns and that “the right thing to say” feeling becoming very clear.

Day Seven (Tue)
Dose 1: 10mg at 9.30am with 50mg Caffeine
Back at work. Feel quite motivated to be back at work. Have loads to do today but don’t feel so stressed about it. Noopept with caffeine seems to be doing the trick, feel almost euphoric without any reason.

Dose 2: 10mg at 5.00pm with 50mg Caffeine
Went on a date (woohoo)! There was no nervousness, the evening went really well. Had loads to drink, however... not as drunk as I should be. Happy about the fact that I am not slurring or anything but slightly anxious of where all this alcohol is going and what it’s doing.

Day Eight (Wed)
Dose 1: 10mg Noopept & 120mg Omega3 and 50mg Caffeine at 9.30am
No hangover whatsoever! NONE!
I have a big day ahead of me. Have to start and finish a presentation from scratch and present in the evening. Got on with the presentation without any procrastination.

Oh, just got my Modafinil delivered!!!

Dose 2: 20mg Modafinil with 50mg caffeine at 5pm
Left the dosing till late because I wanted to boost of energy for the presentation. Got to the venue for 6, set up the presentation and delivered my 30 minutes talk in-front of 40 odd people without getting too nervous, I was quite aware of what I was saying and also Ii could almost visualise the story in my head; this was fun. Usually I would have presenter view so I know the next slide, not today... didn’t have presenter view but like I said.. It almost felt like I had a visual map of the presentation in front of me and just delivered the presentation! A job well done :)

Went home and literally CRASHED!! Caffeine and Noopept seems to give me the burst of energy but also seems to be depleting my physical energy, mood generally seems to be ok; I just want my bed.

Day Nine (Thu)
Dose 1: 100mg Modafinil at 6.30am
Took my first ever Modafinil. Half hour after dosing, I started to feel quite anxious about what’s to come. Had to keep reminding myself that this will only make is worse.

I purposefully saved taking Modafinil for today. I have a big annual client review meeting tomorrow morning and I wanted to take Modafinil with a purpose in mind.

Onset came in 45 minutes. Interesting to say the least… I now know what people mean when they say Modafinil removes the mental fog. Downside though, getting ready took a lot longer than usual purely because I kept getting fixated on whatever it was I was doing, brushing teeth for example… I had to remind myself that I need to get to work.

Fairly uneventful commute to work... read my book on the way with strange kind of concentration, I didn’t feel like taking my eyes of the book. Got to the station and habitually got my cappuccino! Mistake :) it gave me slight jitters for about two hours, nothing too bad though.

Dose 2: 10mg Noopept & 120mg Omega3 at 11.30am
Oh wow.. at this point I felt happy... just happy! Nothing else. In fact, I just wanted to sit there and enjoy the moment, but also wanted to get on with my work. So, I did, very very productive.

Came 12.30, had to go for work lunch with a few colleagues. I was worried that I won’t be able to eat but Modafinil doesn't seem to have affected my appetite. Although I wasn't feeling as hungry as I normally would I did actually want to eat.

Dose 3: 50mg Modafinil at 2.30pm
Back to my desk and realised I still have to go through a lot of work so took another 50mg (again, mistake). Did it make me productive? Oh boy did it?! I worked non-stop all the way to 11.30 until the cleaners came and kicked me out of the office.

Pretty much finished everything I needed for tomorrow’s meeting, so feeling pretty good. Went home, had my very late dinner, even did the dishes!
Got to bed thinking I need to be up at 6 in the morning. Fell asleep pretty much within 20 minutes but this is where my second dosing mistake caught up.
Woke up around 2 I think and couldn’t fall asleep again. Tossed and turned all night. Anyway, got out of bed at 6 in the morning feeling strangely awake and alert despite not sleeping well!

Day Ten (Fri)
Dose 1: 100mg Modafinil at 6am
The onset seems to have taken a tiny bit longer than usual. Got to work for 7.30am. By 7.45 I was working on my meeting notes! Delivered the presentation between 10am and 12.30pm. Couldn’t have been happier.

At this point I remembered it was our office Christmas party tonight and I need something to wear. Went for a quick shopping trip after the meeting.

Dose 2: 50mg Modafinil at 2.30pm
After getting everything I needed, I decided to take another 50mg of Modafinil to carry me throughout the night, and Modafinil did keep me up. I can’t remember how much I drank and also there was a bit of other substances (C*****e and W**d) involved... anyway... generally not felt as drunk or high. Couple of my colleagues decided to party all night, so thought why not. Stayed out until 8 in the morning. Good night all round.

Went home around 9.30ish am (Saturday), had something to eat and went to bed but couldn’t really sleep properly. Woke up feeling very light headed and groggy! Spent the day generally lazing around and watching TV. Went back to bed at 2 in the morning.

This is now Sunday, woke up around 11.30. Felt pretty good so decided to go for a walk. Caught up on Luther first season. Went to bed around 12.30am.

This is now Monday (the time of finishing my diary).
I don’t think I have felt this tired and unmotivated in past two weeks. When I woke up in the morning I wanted the world to go away so I could sleep.

So friends, this has been an interesting 10 Noot filled days, and here are my final thoughts.

It’s a great Noot! Subtle, very subtle. You won’t notice big changes straightaway but given some time you will certainly see the changes, and the ones I have seen/felt are all good.

The key takeout for me is this, Noopept makes you feel better by making you present in the moment, and it does so by almost blocking out the stupid inner monologues, and when those inner monologues disappear you notice everything else around you. I will definitely continue. Noopept combined with Caffeine is great for energy boost. On a random note, after reading Noopept is fat soluble I decided to take it with some peanut butter one day; it worked nicely for me.

Here’s my take on everything I can feel an effect on

Mood – Overall improved. I feel more content and happier.

Irritability – Only when people are being irritating will it irritate you, by this what I mean is, if you are one of those people who are good with pulling a blind eye on irritating stuff people say or do; you will see a decline in that ability. Be prepared.

Concentration: Good. But not like Modafinil!

Problem Solving: I have noticed slight change in the way I tackle things. I can almost feel my mind working with me in a way that it keeps telling that “it’s not all that bad, we can figure it out”.

I have great respect for this. Modafinil does deliver and delivers well. Only thing I would say is, if you are willing to try it then start with a moderately low dose; 100mg might just be enough. Don’t take it if you don’t need the extra pulling power.

I am not a Neurochemist but from my limited understanding of body and mind this is what I think is happening. Modafinil gives you the mental edge you need to go the extra few hundred miles, it makes the most of what your body has to offer; but your body can provide only what is available. So, if you want to make the most of this fantastic Noot, you have to do somethings for yourself… things such as drinking plenty, taking breaks, eating (even if you have to force yourself), sleep and take care of your body. Being on Modafinil is like pressing the boost button when you’re playing video games, it uses up energy you have gathered very quickly to give you the necessary boost, so if you want to stay in the game you have to replenish before you can press the boost button again. Discovering Modafinil for me has bee like earning a boost button.


Thanks for reading this far if you have, your thoughts and comments much appreciated and I guess a little apology are in order for putting up such a long post.

Edited by SoulRevolver, 09 December 2013 - 01:47 PM.

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#2 Adam Philpot

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 02:01 PM

A fascinating reveiw, rather similar to my own experience of Noopept. Although I'm yet to try Modafinil this reveiw certainly provides food for thought.


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#3 jonnyD

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 08:15 AM

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

#4 ZHMike

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Posted 20 December 2013 - 07:26 PM

where did you get your modafinil from?

#5 SoulRevolver

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Posted 21 December 2013 - 06:03 PM

where did you get your modafinil from?

I got it from Modup.net

Their brand is Modvigil. Use "limitless" promo code and they send you 10 free tablets.

#6 ZHMike

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Posted 06 January 2014 - 07:27 PM

thanks for the info.. you still on this combo? keep us updated if you can I just ordered my mod gonna try that alone for a bit.

#7 SoulRevolver

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 02:53 PM

thanks for the info.. you still on this combo? keep us updated if you can I just ordered my mod gonna try that alone for a bit.

Hey man, I took a break during Christmas, didn't want to mix it with all the drinking over the holiday season.

Also not taking anything until beginning Feb, want to clear my body before getting back on it. I'm planning on doing this stack,
Noopept + Caffiene + L-theanine + Taurine + Choline & B12 combo + Fish Oil

Just need to figure out how much of each and when I want to take them.

#8 ZHMike

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 03:04 PM

out of curiosity why are you leaving the modafanil out? So far I think that's been pretty effective for me. Personally the L theanine has not done much for me I am at 200 mg, so I might bump that up a bit.

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#9 SoulRevolver

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 04:42 PM

out of curiosity why are you leaving the modafanil out? So far I think that's been pretty effective for me. Personally the L theanine has not done much for me I am at 200 mg, so I might bump that up a bit.

I want to leave modafinil for occasional use, I tend to feel a little zombified if I use it for two three days in a row. Also, want to try the new stack for a month or so to see how it works. I can always add in the modafinil when necessary :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: modafinil, noopept, caffiene

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