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Time travelling

time travel

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#1 Deep Thought

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Posted 23 December 2013 - 06:21 PM

It does not seem like the universe has a coordinate system - rather our position in spacetime is defined by our relation to every known adjoining object in our vicinity. But due to the expansion of the universe due to the influence of dark energy, even that is changing, albeit in a preordained and predictable manner.

Do you think an object or person time travelling automatically travels backwards in dimensional space?".
For example if person A is travelling backwards in time, but not space, will this person pop into existence right where he time travelled from in the first place though many years before that point in time? If so, and considering that the earth is moving at an average of 11.000 km/h in a direction x, the person could shift into existence in empty space or even inside a star cluster.

I think it makes more sense to think of space-time, rather than time and space being two separate entities.

Why do we always assume that we can choose the destination and connect two points in space and time allowing for direct travel from time and place A to time and place B. (Space-time).

#2 Deep Thought

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:03 PM

Going forward in time:

If this was a real life scenario, what would make this person travel forward in time while still being affected by gravity?

How can someone physically exist and be affected by the universe, while going forward in time?

If we assume Alexander Hartedegen went forward in time alone; he will pop into existence ... exactly where? The origin point of his time travels will no longer exist - and never existed as a point in the first place, only in relation to the earth, the solar system, and our position in the galaxy. There is no UPS or Universal Positioning System that I know of.

Almost the exact same thing can be applied to going backward in time.

And both forms of time travel begs the question: Are we not breaking a univeral law that states that energy cannot be added; only borrowed? Since matter = energy.

And by departing the universe through a wormhole or whatever, do we create a field of lower energy and inevitably bring about the end of the universe due to interactions with the Higgs-field?

#3 Absent

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 07:17 AM

I've often thought about this. If we assume for a moment that this is some technology that is traveling some person or object backwards in time, then this technology should reasonably have the ability to set up so that it can travel that person through space as well. I mean, an effective time traveling device should be able to act as a teleportation device as well, I would think, since the two seem to be intimately connected. Such a technology would have to reverse calculate the traveling path of the earth, its rotation, the traveling of the solar system, the galaxy, etc.

The earth revolves around the sun, which revolves around the galactic center, and the galaxy itself is traveling through space and time. All this combined with a particular unpredictable wobbling effect that accompanies most everything that is rotating and traveling through space.

Until we are able to overcome these uncertainties I'm not sure technology time travel would be possible.

Unless of course objects could be anchored some how. We really don't fully understand time yet, or we would be able to manipulate it.

Edited by Siro, 01 January 2014 - 07:17 AM.

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#4 Jeoshua

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 09:38 AM

Imagine that time travel is possible, and the secret gets out to the general public. Eventually someone is going to screw it up so badly, go back try to kill Hitler or something, and totally change the course of time. So then the timeline will be so whacked that someone will inevitably have to go back and change the past so that time travel is never invented to prevent the damage to the timeline. Boom, no time travel, again. It's a self-correcting system.

#5 Turnbuckle

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 12:05 PM

Of course time travel is possible. Particles do it all the time. They also tunnel through barriers and pop in and out of existence. But humans can't do any of that quantum stuff. We're too big. As for movement in space by particles traveling back in time, there appears to be no restriction. But if a particle suddenly began traveling back in time with no interaction, I would expect it would retrace its path in space. It couldn't do anything else and there still be conservation of momentum.

Edited by Turnbuckle, 01 January 2014 - 12:12 PM.

#6 chowdan

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 09:34 PM

Imagine that time travel is possible, and the secret gets out to the general public. Eventually someone is going to screw it up so badly, go back try to kill Hitler or something, and totally change the course of time. So then the timeline will be so whacked that someone will inevitably have to go back and change the past so that time travel is never invented to prevent the damage to the timeline. Boom, no time travel, again. It's a self-correcting system.

Why would going back in time actually affect the current time? Wouldn't going back in time just create a parallel timeline that operates side by side with our current timeline?

As such going back in time to kill hitler would create a whole new parallel timeline and from that point on would follow that history and the future time that the person traveled FROM would continue on its same projected path?

#7 DukeNukem

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 09:49 PM

I suspect time travel is not possible, otherwise we would have seen visitors from our future. In this universe, one thing has become clear: Whatever is doable, is inevitable.

It's becoming more widely accepted as a very real possibility in physics that time is not an actual physical feature of reality -- it's merely an illusion. This makes a lot of sense to me, and I think it will prove true in the end. There is no time to travel through.

#8 Jeoshua

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Posted 28 January 2014 - 03:33 AM

Why would going back in time actually affect the current time? Wouldn't going back in time just create a parallel timeline that operates side by side with our current timeline?

As such going back in time to kill hitler would create a whole new parallel timeline and from that point on would follow that history and the future time that the person traveled FROM would continue on its same projected path?

It wouldn't affect the current time line, so if one universe were to create a time machine, it could reach back in time and create different branches. Now, the time traveller would be from that other universe, and might effect the timeline they are in very strongly. Going back to the future, in that timeline, would be an entirely different timeline, and quite possibly the same events leading to you leaving that universe would not have happened the same way, quite possibly making it impossible to continue travelling. That would be an end state for that particular paradox. Go back in time and kill your grandparents before you were born and you become a man out of time, in a universe other than your own, and no way to get back.

Edited by Jeoshua, 28 January 2014 - 03:34 AM.

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