Could you keep just the kitchen living room/ dining room of your home neat and tidy?
I could try but probably not. There shouldn't really be any kind of conditions imposed though. Otherwise it's not really my house.
Posted 22 June 2014 - 03:08 AM
Could you keep just the kitchen living room/ dining room of your home neat and tidy?
I could try but probably not. There shouldn't really be any kind of conditions imposed though. Otherwise it's not really my house.
Posted 22 June 2014 - 06:50 AM
What if you had a house with a second set of the following:
Dining Room
Living Room
Basically, there is a phenomenon that women want to make their home appear neat and tidy and will spend a few hours a day prior to having people over. So if you could keep that area perfect, you could rent an entertainment room and exceed the cost of making the mortgage payment. There is some work involved on your part, but it is otherwise possible. Of course you would volunteer for a nonprofit who would own the profits and the house (but would pay the mortgage for you) to preserve your disabled status. Either that or you'd have to leave disability... I'm not sure how that would work out. I haven't gone that deep into it.
Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:01 AM
R.I.P Simon Luxford Thursday June 26th 2014 aged 42.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 04:19 AM
Who was he?
Posted 05 July 2014 - 10:35 AM
Who was he?
Simon was a friend of mine. Known him for about 20 years but hadn't seen him for a few years found out through facebook.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 06:20 AM
Edited by leeda, 27 September 2014 - 06:40 AM.
Posted 07 February 2016 - 03:58 PM
I totally forgot about this thread. I just remembered it today. It's been a while. I been working away in the background. I got a thread on another forum with nearly 10k views about my story. A link direct to my website with my story on it is here. http://www.darcylee....abel/Terrorists
Basically no one in the entire world will believe me. There's also an interesting TED X science talk on the front page of my site that you might like about a cure for aging it is a little old though.
Check it out.
I'm still looking for a house. Haven't had much luck yet.
Is there any body out there who can help me?
Help me fight death.
Set me up for life. I'm serious.
I'm a thinking working mind who has suffered to the extreme for a long period of time.
I have insights.
War Child.
Posted 07 February 2016 - 04:04 PM
My Email.....
Posted 07 February 2016 - 06:58 PM
Is this some kind of scam or joke?
Posted 08 February 2016 - 05:51 AM
Well, there are apparently some schizophrenics that become Nobel Prize recipients for Math or something like that.
20% will mostly recover with therapy, and some will recover completely. Difficult living environments are common and risk factors such as described in the Environmental Factors section would need to be removed to ensure better outcomes. Environment is crucial (according to wiki):
Environmental factors associated with the development of schizophrenia include the living environment, drug use and prenatal stressors.[11]
It has been hypothesised that in some people, development of schizophrenia is related to intestinal tract dysfunction such as seen with non-celiac gluten sensitivity or abnormalities in the intestinal flora.[54] A subgroup of persons with schizophrenia present an immune response to gluten, different from that found in celiac patients, with elevated levels of certain serum biomarkers of gluten sensitivity such as anti-gliadin IgG or anti-gliadin IgA antibodies.[55]
Parenting style seems to have no major effect, although people with supportive parents do better than those with critical or hostile parents.[8] Childhood trauma, death of a parent, and being bullied or abused increase the risk of psychosis.[56] Living in an urban environment during childhood or as an adult has consistently been found to increase the risk of schizophrenia by a factor of two,[8][11] even after taking into account drug use, ethnic group, and size of social group.[57] Other factors that play an important role include social isolation and immigration related to social adversity, racial discrimination, family dysfunction, unemployment, and poor housing conditions.[8][58]
He doesn't like his environment, so it sounds like it's contributing to his stress and developmental factors for the disease which would prevent recovery.
IMO, he should be able to take his disability check to the Philippines where he can live like a king for a while, party, recover, and see how far he can take things. Right now he seems dependant on a donation that sounds increasingly unrealistic, but it would certainly help his outcome, and if he's got the capacity for it, he might be able to come up with some good advice as long as he never gets sucked back into WoW. I imagine Schizophrenics should steer clear of anything to do with fiction. He would be best off living in a library type environment.
John Forbes Nash Jr. won a Nobel. It appears that he came from a wealthy, and very intelligent background, and had the support of an MIT educated wife who was a mental health advocate. Given the schizophrenic's indifference to connotation in memory and higher relative persistence of negative and neutral memories, positive attitude and frequency of positive events are very important to outcome and stemming the development of the disease. While most remember mostly the good things in their lives, schizophrenics will remember everything equally, so the neutral balance of memories and pathways to those memories will keep them feeling "grey" until there are truly fewer negative and neutral things in their environment and experience, than there are negative and neutral events. Avoidance of adversity is important and Leeda's outcome is in the hands of those who can help him. The way I see it, a schizophrenic is going to live on average 75-90% of the average lifespan, so using US figures for Medicaid, lifespan, and Disability, Leeda will live to be 60-72 years of age if there is no improvement in life expectancy (there will be) and it remains at about 80, or 75-90 years assuming the average lifespan of his peers is about 102? as optimists predict. So if he was diagnosed at 20, he'd receive Medicaid ($40k/yr) and Disability ($9600/yr) for 40-52 years or 55-70 years and this would cost the system $2-2.6M or $2.7-3.5M. These figures are roughly what he would be expected to make in his lifetime and inflation will exaggerate these figures. Add to his earnings the cost of a regular health insurance policies (average policy costs an employer $18k) and his contribution to the economy based on this income, and it looks to me that it would be of greater benefit for his system to put the necessary funds and work into complete rehabilitation of schizophrenics than to support them just to the extent of persistent poverty where they are only maintaining the condition. They are both better off, though it's a higher initial expenditure for his government, they'll save money and be doing the right thing in the long run.
I know I missed explaining a pertinent detail here and can't remember what it was, it's getting late, so I'll just wait and see if I even need to or if you ask about it.
Posted 08 February 2016 - 11:31 AM
I feel sorry for the guy being ill with schizophrenia but I don't think many people will consider WOW subscription to be a deserving charity. :/
Posted 18 February 2016 - 06:45 AM
I feel sorry for the guy being ill with schizophrenia but I don't think many people will consider WOW subscription to be a deserving charity. :/
It's more than just a wow sub. I'll be working for immortality.
Somebody should roll the dice with me. I turn 38 in May 2016 I have like 20-30 years hopefully left in me. I can do lots of work in this time if conditions and burdens are right. I have an income just need suitable house to park up in and live the rest of life out in. If I owned the house costs would be cheaper and there's always the possibility of renting a room out as well for extra income.
I can profit many.
Posted 23 February 2016 - 03:07 PM
It's more than just a wow sub. I'll be working for immortality.
Somebody should roll the dice with me. I turn 38 in May 2016 I have like 20-30 years hopefully left in me. I can do lots of work in this time if conditions and burdens are right. I have an income just need suitable house to park up in and live the rest of life out in. If I owned the house costs would be cheaper and there's always the possibility of renting a room out as well for extra income.
I can profit many.
So what skills do you have that are so amazing that you think that someone should buy you a house and pay for your upkeep? Any proof of said skills? Also, we have loads of scientists etc. who contribute directly to trying to cure ageing. What makes you stand out to the point that we must fund your living expense? I mean, we would all like someone to buy us a house if we are not lucky enough to be home owners and we would also all love someone to pay our bills.
Posted 25 February 2016 - 11:59 AM
It's more than just a wow sub. I'll be working for immortality.
Somebody should roll the dice with me. I turn 38 in May 2016 I have like 20-30 years hopefully left in me. I can do lots of work in this time if conditions and burdens are right. I have an income just need suitable house to park up in and live the rest of life out in. If I owned the house costs would be cheaper and there's always the possibility of renting a room out as well for extra income.
I can profit many.
So what skills do you have that are so amazing that you think that someone should buy you a house and pay for your upkeep? Any proof of said skills? Also, we have loads of scientists etc. who contribute directly to trying to cure ageing. What makes you stand out to the point that we must fund your living expense? I mean, we would all like someone to buy us a house if we are not lucky enough to be home owners and we would also all love someone to pay our bills.
I have great experience with suffering. I hit the max pain the body can handle jammed on for 10 years straight before it went away. This experience makes me one of the great scientists in the area of pain because of actual real world experience. I have been hastened and called. I am number one in the area in terms of greatness of suffering. I wrote a better post than this but it got lost when I hit f12 by accident.
Now so great was this suffering. Unimaginable. A complete hell on earth with the full fury of the gates of hell. I'm not smart. I'm not skilled. But I have suffered. There is no one else who has suffered greater. By rights I should have a house. My experience into suffering is intrinsic. Perhaps now if you could share in the sufferings of Christ then I have achieved this. I had no place to lay my head but I had a pillow, bed and room every night. A doctor said I was making it all up in my head, the pain. I couldn't get pain killers. They couldn't find anything wrong or didn't own up to it if they did find something.
So great massive extensive suffering pain extended for a long period without rest. On the line.
This is just one of my qualifications.
Believe in the suffering.
Darcy Lee
I have truly suffered. Beyond imagination.
Posted 25 February 2016 - 12:31 PM
Suffering is awful and I'm sorry that you had to endure it. However, you should look to proper charities that deal with your condition. Many others who have experienced great suffering also do not get given things on a plate. Also, suffering alone does not make you a "great scientist," as to be a scientist you must have a thorough understanding of scientific theory and have relevant qualifications. This still doesn't entitle you to be handed a house just like that out of our funds. Are you not able to get welfare to rent a flat of your own? If you are as ill as you say then surely you can claim disability?
Posted 26 February 2016 - 02:00 PM
Suffering is awful and I'm sorry that you had to endure it. However, you should look to proper charities that deal with your condition. Many others who have experienced great suffering also do not get given things on a plate. Also, suffering alone does not make you a "great scientist," as to be a scientist you must have a thorough understanding of scientific theory and have relevant qualifications. This still doesn't entitle you to be handed a house just like that out of our funds. Are you not able to get welfare to rent a flat of your own? If you are as ill as you say then surely you can claim disability?
If i'm not a great scientist then i'm a soldier.
My suffering enabled and was the inceptifier of phone call intrinsic:
Posted 26 February 2016 - 07:45 PM
I can see that you're certainly not well Leeda and I hope that you are getting some help for your mental illness. There's no shame in having mental illness, it can affect anyone and I hope that you can manage your illness and be better soon.
Posted 28 February 2016 - 11:09 AM
I can see that you're certainly not well Leeda and I hope that you are getting some help for your mental illness. There's no shame in having mental illness, it can affect anyone and I hope that you can manage your illness and be better soon.
My post wasn't all that bad was it. It included the word inceptifier which has one result for google and the result is all individual words in a foreign language. If you spell it inceptifire there are no results in Google. From the sentence you can determine a meaning pretty easily. This is the forth time i've clocked google with a new word.
Now you claim Darcy (thou see) yet your sin still remains.
If you can't believe earthly truths how will you believe anything higher.
Posted 24 May 2016 - 03:31 PM
1 Timothy 5:18 "The worker deserves his wages."
Posted 13 November 2016 - 11:34 AM
Adventures in Seeking Immortality.
I had a post or half a post prepared but we just had an earthquake and the power cut out temporarily. Went for like a minute.
Now with a new post.
See the thing is I believe I have something to offer. Just as much as any top scientist.
I have endurance and experience.
I have perhaps 30-40 years left to live with luck. I am 38 years old at the moment.
Set Me Up.
I believe I can contribute and have something to contribute and this contribution is important.
But I need a house. I have an income for the rest of my life.
I don't know. No one believes me.
I have something to contribute to immortality.
I believe more so than the next person.
Give me my life.
Darcy Lee
Posted 17 November 2016 - 08:08 AM
Matthew 15:26
But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
Matthew 15:27
"Yes it is, Lord," she said. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."
Posted 23 November 2016 - 12:40 PM
Matthew 15:26
But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
Matthew 15:27
"Yes it is, Lord," she said. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."
I'm a preacher of immortality.
I need some thinking money.
I believe in resurrection and of the dead and immortality.
People that kill should think twice.
Lol Terrorists Lol and they kill people lol.
Something along those lines.
Hmm yes some thinking and action money.
You reap what you sew? Ever hear that.
Now what special skills do I have?
The bible talks about Paul boasting about his suffering.
I can do this. I can boast about my suffering. It was supremely great and long.
As a skill or trait I should have exceptional endurance. I mean exceptional.
I don't know what type of endurance though.
The bible is an immortality book.
The bible says to let endurance have it's full effect.
I'm a walking talking thinking ad for NIKE.
It does offer some drive my suffering.
Fight for others.
I know and understand with a greater significance on a greater level why immortality must be achieved from my experiences suffering. I have this drive.
Death is an enemy.
I see suffering as a symptom of death.
I can strengthen people. I think.
I'm in a very peaceful country.
Really the only practical thing I can say that is different from me and a rich man with all the time in the world who has died trying to fight death is my suffering.
Sure others have suffered. But no not like me. Not so great. I am in the tip top few greatest sufferers of all time. I boast of this with surety. It had to be someone.
Because you can't feel anothers suffering you probably don't believe me.
I'm not offended.
I haven't found one person who can relate.
It's passed over ever so quickly.
I've said enough. I'm going to continue to debate to earn a house over time.
Darcy Lee
Posted 23 November 2016 - 01:13 PM
Posted 23 November 2016 - 11:10 PM
Leeda. having helped many people in deep need I do not think much real help will come here. You need to be part of a community right there where you are at. As a Christian we deal with needs all the time. Let me ask you, are there any Churches close to you that you could send the addresses to us. I would be happy to contact them and see if we could get you some direct help.
Posted 02 February 2017 - 09:56 AM
See the thing is if u have read my website then you should realise that the VR matrix tech that I present and represent where the picture is in your head mind eyes, inside you, then you should realise that this tech is very important to immortality and before that long life. It's a weapon against death. Now aiding me aids getting this tech and my story out to the public.
Don't believe me? Possubly u will not make immortality.
I put this to you. Such is my story. I speak truth withouth delusion.
If you can't believe earthly things how will you ever believe heavenly things.
One of the first missions is to get general public knowledge of this VR MATRIX tech. Supporting me brings this closer.
It seems to be all about that.
I need publicity for my story.
I have this recurring problem where no one believes me so nothing gets done.
Get me tested. Ask the bands involved. Ask people like Eminem. Do this through twitter and facebook etc.
Nobody ever bothers to test me.
Testing me gets you a time and date stamp. This could possibly make you money. Perhaps make a youtube video on a partnership account. Again time and date stamp and when the truth is fully know then you will reap.
It's all about this.
Make me famous to get this tech out. I dont even need to be famous just confirm the songs then I will be believerd.
This tech must be known right now today.
Read my story at this link: http://www.darcylee....abel/Terrorists
Darcy Lee
Edited by leeda, 02 February 2017 - 10:43 AM.
Posted 02 February 2017 - 07:08 PM
Posted 02 February 2017 - 11:06 PM
Does that mean you'll do something?
Posted 02 February 2017 - 11:15 PM
Does that mean you'll do something?
I told you how I could help and want to. I have read everything.
Posted 03 February 2017 - 09:58 PM
Does that mean you'll do something?
I told you how I could help and want to. I have read everything.
Ok then. I'll help you. Make a video for Youtube about this thread and my website. it should be at least 2 minutes. Run some commentary. Also post that video to twitter and facebook and here in this thread. I'll pick it up on my website as well. This is a very light burden. Are you embarrassed of me? To much effort?
Therer is a reward.
Now also get your church involved. Again I believer this is not to much. The church will be rewarded. I bet you have trouble finding believers in church. Pun inteneted.
Again it seems to be all about the matrix VR tech.
The songs aren't that important.
Now if you could help that would be great. I understand if your to busy.
Posted 03 February 2017 - 10:11 PM
Best Wishes. If you ever want to take me up on my offer, contact me.
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