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CureCoin - cryptocurrency with F@H mining

curecoin crypto

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#1 formergenius

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Posted 06 March 2014 - 08:03 PM

I just saw this sub-forum for the first time.. I do some cryptocurrency trading myself, and read about CureCoin briefly, though I don't have much of my own thoughts to add about it; just some links.


In short, as I understand it, it works on the same principle of crypto mining, except that the GPU/CPU power is used to fold proteins, instead of solving blocks, yet with rewards nonetheless.
In this way, miners do not simply "waste" their computing power/electricity/hardware solely for profit, but they benefit research instead. A win-win situation.

Thoughts? I'd like to see this implemented in every future cryptocurrency. Currently there are hundreds of cryptocurrencies being mined, sometimes with entire "mining farms" dedicated to them. Imagine if these hundreds of currencies mined with (I'm not sure how many people mine them, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's close to a million people, some owning multiple rigs), would now run this same concept.

I'll leave you all to discuss this; I hope to have brought a new concept to the enthusiasts here. Not that active with these type of things myself.
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  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 06 March 2014 - 09:17 PM

This isn't a bad idea. I read it briefly. Basically the strength of the currency is in the value of it's contribution to curing cancer if I understand it right. I like the idea, and since we're already running a folding@home team, I don't see why we wouldn't want to move in on something like this. We don't raise money for LC when we are folding currently, but if we're folding for cryptocurrency that might be worth something, that's another story.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: curecoin, crypto

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