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Horrible Noopept Experience

cobue's Photo cobue 09 Mar 2014


i took Noopept for about 1 Week, until 4 days ago.
My supplierer was: www.nootropics.co.uk

I´m having some seroius issues i´ve never had before.

I have a really strange pressure behind my right eye which continues to my Nosebones, it´s terribly annoying i just can´t think clearly anymore. It´s not usual Brainfog, this feels like my Brain is just unable to function. I´m having strong anxiety attacks, which i usually never have, i´m just constantly thinking about this problem and i can´t stop it. I also have some trouble with the sight on my right eye, but just very slightly but noticable.

What the hell is going on with me? Will this ever stop?

Thanks for helping!

unregistered_user's Photo unregistered_user 09 Mar 2014

Discontinue taking the noopept and let your system wash it out. These issues don't sound permanent. In fact, they may not even be related to Noopept but the only way to know for sure is to stop taking it.

Flex's Photo Flex 09 Mar 2014

Why dont You have gone allready to a Doctor, what are You waiting for ?

Regardless of what the cause is and what it is, I would allways go to a Doc, to prevent any Harm.

I would not throw the Noopept away. If there are inpurities which may be responsible for Your symptoms,
You could hand over the sample to the Doc.
Edited by Flex, 09 March 2014 - 11:44 PM.

Geoffrey's Photo Geoffrey 10 Mar 2014

You didn't say how much noopept you were taking. Those symptoms sound quite similar to symptoms I get from noopept if I take too much. Did you take it with a choline source? I think you are suffering from choline-depletion pain combined with pressure caused by increased blood flow to the brain. Nevertheless, you should get your eye checked out, as there are other serious issues such as glaucoma that can cause uncomfortable eye pressure.

RobertPaulson's Photo RobertPaulson 07 Nov 2015

I can confirm this 'eye pain problem'. A friend took noopept 3x over a period of month and got wired eye pain, or pressure-like feelings in her eys, every single time.


So I would say, this is a possible side effect of this -highly untested- substance. 


In addition I would say, that people generally shouldn't consider these newer nootropic-like substance as safe, at all. They might be worth taking the risk or not. Just keep that in mind. Its a different story then, say piracetam, which is tested for a long time in many countries. Just because we read everywhere that 'basically all nootropics' are safe, this might be utterly wrong. Especially if you are careless and do something stupid as "mega-dosing".

Just because Priacetam is so safe you can not extrapolate that to everything else.

Edited by RobertPaulsen, 07 November 2015 - 10:22 PM.