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Animal study: cranberries are an anti-aging drug

anti aging longevity

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#1 JR7

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Posted 18 March 2014 - 05:29 PM


Animal study: cranberries are an anti-aging drug

Animal study: cranberries are an anti-aging drug
Biologists at Clemson University in the US have discovered that an extract of cranberry has unusually strong life-extending properties. Cranberry is capable of almost doubling the lifespan of the microscopic wormCaenorhabditis elegans.
Caenorhabditis elegans [see photo below] is a favourite subject for scientists who are looking for substances that have life-extending properties. One of the main reasons is that the tiny animal only lives for a couple of days, so experiments don't last too long.
Researchers have recently started examining the life-extending effects of natural extracts from a number of plants including blueberry,turmeric and Gingko biloba. Because cranberries also contain interesting compounds the Americans decided to exposeCaenorhabditis elegans to extracts of Vaccinium macrocarpon [the botanical name for cranberry].
Some of the worms were given cranberry extract the minute they hatched [Early Start Intervention]; others were only given cranberry extract at a later stage [Late Start Intervention].
In both groups some of the worms were given the cranberry extract for the rest of their life, others were given the extract until they reached middle age [Middle Age]. Others were only given the extract until they reached adulthood [Young Adult].
The figure below shows how the experiment was set up.
Worms given cranberry extract lived longer. The earlier supplementation started and the longer it lasted, the stronger the life-extending effect of the extract.

The worms that received life-long supplementation lived a massive 80.8 percent longer. That's an impressive result for this kind of study.

The figure on the right reveals how cranberry probably extends life expectancy in Caenorhabditis elegans. It boosts the production ofheat shock proteins. These are the molecular equivalent of styrofoam. When a cell gets into difficulties, heat shock proteins envelop the vulnerable molecular structures to prevent them from being damaged.
In another experiment the researchers exposed the worms to a bacteria that causes cholera, Vibrio cholera [see photo below]. The survival chances of the worms that had been given cranberry extracts from very early in life were several tens of percent higher.
"Considering that cranberry extract-mediated prolongevity and stress responses require evolutionarily conserved mechanisms among diverse species ranging from Caenorhabditis elegans to mammals, our findings have imperative implications for the application of cranberry extract in improving healthspan in higher order organisms, including humans", the researchers conclude. "Noticeably, however, if the similar results would occur in humans still remains unknown."

Edited by Jreinhal, 18 March 2014 - 05:30 PM.

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#2 Mind

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Posted 18 March 2014 - 05:44 PM

I won't get too excited about a worm study, but thanks for posting. It brightened my day a little because I eat a lot of cranberries.
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#3 Bogomoletz II

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:20 AM

Yeah, you keep hearing about how good cranberries are for you. I like them dried, but the grocery stores in Israel sell only sugared ones. Why do they have to sprinkle that poison on everything? Is there really no demand for unpoisoned products?
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#4 Turnbuckle

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:35 AM

I won't get too excited about a worm study...

It also works on Drosophila, increasing the life span by about 25-30%.

Lifespan extension by cranberry supplementation partially requires SOD2 and is life stage independent.

#5 Strelok

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Posted 28 March 2014 - 04:34 PM

Last a checked, cranberries are a food and not a drug. Next I suppose they'll call water and air drugs too.

#6 Mind

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 11:50 AM

Yeah, you keep hearing about how good cranberries are for you. I like them dried, but the grocery stores in Israel sell only sugared ones. Why do they have to sprinkle that poison on everything? Is there really no demand for unpoisoned products?

There is very little demand for un-sweetened dried cranberries. I am lucky to live where most of the world's cranberries are grown, so I get them in bulk and dry them myself. I talked to a farmer a couple of years ago, and he said there was a little talk about an un-sweetened product, but nothing has developed yet. If there is a small demand from this community, maybe I can convince some of the growers to test the product in the market-place.

#7 nowayout

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:51 PM

There is very little demand for un-sweetened dried cranberries. I am lucky to live where most of the world's cranberries are grown, so I get them in bulk and dry them myself. I talked to a farmer a couple of years ago, and he said there was a little talk about an un-sweetened product, but nothing has developed yet.

I don't think the ones I get from Whole Foods are sweetened.

#8 tintinet

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Posted 30 March 2014 - 11:39 PM

Rather have unsweetened, but haven't found any. Ocean Spray sells a 50% reduced sugar version, with Sucralose and a larger price tag, FWIW.

#9 Bogomoletz II

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 07:21 AM

There is very little demand for un-sweetened dried cranberries. I am lucky to live where most of the world's cranberries are grown, so I get them in bulk and dry them myself. I talked to a farmer a couple of years ago, and he said there was a little talk about an un-sweetened product, but nothing has developed yet. If there is a small demand from this community, maybe I can convince some of the growers to test the product in the market-place.

I'm just mesmerized by how inefficient all markets are -- including the buy side, but especially the sell side of commercial exchanges. They can only be efficient when people are completely rational, informed and quick-witted, which they aren't. At least there's room for arbitrage. This is the one thing that increased my acceptence of a level of government intervention beyond the one advocated by the American libertarian movement. The conflict of interests between the individual and society is not the only rationale for centralized governance. It's akin to Plato's concept of aristocracy: kids do need someone to babysit them, if kids is what they are.
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#10 Mind

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 08:48 PM

There is very little demand for un-sweetened dried cranberries. I am lucky to live where most of the world's cranberries are grown, so I get them in bulk and dry them myself. I talked to a farmer a couple of years ago, and he said there was a little talk about an un-sweetened product, but nothing has developed yet.

I don't think the ones I get from Whole Foods are sweetened.

Are they dried AND unsweetened? Like tart little raisins?

I dry the ones I get from the farm and then freeze them. They are crunchy and work good in my morning breakfast mix. I am afraid that the raisin-like ones would not preserve very well for a long period of time.

#11 APBT

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 09:22 PM

Here's a source of freeze-dried cranberries without any sweetener.

Unsweetened dried cranberries.

#12 ta5

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Posted 27 July 2015 - 03:06 AM

A new study in fruit flies:



Exp Gerontol. 2015 Jul 6;69:189-195.
Cranberry anthocyanin extract prolongs lifespan of fruit flies.

Wang L1, Li YM1, Lei L1, Liu Y1, Wang X1, Ma KY1, Chen ZY2.

Cranberry is an excellent source of dietary antioxidants. The present study investigated the effect of cranberry anthocyanin (CrA) extract on the lifespan of fruit flies with focus on its interaction with aging-related genes including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), methuselah (MTH), insulin receptor (InR), target of rapamycin (TOR), hemipterus (Hep), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). Results showed that diet containing 20mg/mL CrA could significantly prolong the mean lifespan of fruit flies by 10% compared with the control diet. This was accompanied by up-regulation of SOD1 and down-regulation of MTH, InR, TOR and PEPCK. The stress resistance test demonstrated that CrA could reduce the mortality rate induced by H2O2 but not by paraquat. It was therefore concluded that the lifespan-prolonging activity of CrA was most likely mediated by modulating the genes of SOD1, MTH, InR, TOR and PEPCK.

PMID: 26159161

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#13 mike_nyc

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Posted 27 July 2015 - 05:30 PM

I tried the unsweetened dried cranberries listed above on Amazon, and true to most of the review comments, they are almost inedible although I do eat them (joylessly).  In the past I have just gotten cranberry supplements in order to consume them without sugar.  I really like Gaia brand.  http://www.gaiaherbs...rry-Concentrate


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