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lack of motivation, procrastination, anxiety, studying stack

anxiety procrastination motivation studying

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#1 exeolit

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Posted 01 April 2014 - 03:56 PM

Hello longecity community,
I visit this forum from time to time but i dont have that kind of knowledge you guys have, i was really surprised when i read through some articles many useful things i ve found and also many users with a lot of experience, i got really enthusiastic about brain health and nootropics since i am a student, but i am looking for your help because i have no idea what could be the best for me.

Little background when I was little everything was fine i was reading a lot computers were my passion but then in age about 12-14 i lost interest like nearly in everything my father was always working abroad i so it never was that cool relationship father-son more like i got stuff and he got his, my mum also stared working abroad since my 15 so i am living since then pretty on my own i started taking antidepresives (fluvoxamini hydrogenomaleas ) in my 17 first time because i couldnt get my mind straight and focus on school but i got like no hobbys and much free time i tried find something but nothing was astonishing for me, i went to university which i have failed i am going to second one now, i have quit taking antidepr.in my 21 but 7 months later i got to visit my psychiatrist again and i am taking escitalopram 20 mg now its for social anxiety also antidepresive

Last months i dont feel like socializing but its quite okay, my main problem is i am the worst procrastinator ( i even posponed this entry for 2-3 months)i am lazy and i feel like my thoughts(and what i do) are totally inconsistent with what i actually do now i am trying a little routine to get things done but i cant push myself to it and i decided now that i wanna focus just on studying i need to get done my exams from previous year i am little experimental so i welcome every idea i would appriciate something for cognition, it would be nice to feel like thirsty for knowledge maybe i am asking for too much what i tried today is this stack:

Escitalopram 20mg
Omega 3
Piracetam 1.6g
Rhodiola 500mg
Ashwagandha 350mg
Shilajit 250mg

Lack of motivation, dont know if low testosterone or how are my dopamine levels, maybe adhd.

Could this help me with anything? Any ideas for doses ? I am not sure about amphetamines like aderall because here in europe i cant get it so maybe some substitution ? But i am not sure if it could help or if i have adhd thank you so much for your time and help.
My problems are similar to many here i guess maybe some links from forum will be enough but its little harder for me to understand because english is my second language hope you understand and the section is right thanks !

#2 Ritchie

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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:48 AM

If you're problem is due to low dopamine levels you can supplement with tyrosine(L-Dopa precursor which is converted into Dopamine, Adrenaline and Noradrenaline) and Vitamin B6. You can also try Phenyalanine(Precursor to both Tyrosine and Phenethylamine) or Phenethylamine. Phenethylamine by itself releases tiny amounts of dopamine and noradrenaline and promote the release of acetylcholine, which can increase motivation and reduce anxiety(temporarily).
I wouldn't recommend you go on amphetamines in the long term as they are neurotoxic and bad for the cardiovascular system.
You could also try an antioxidant like L-Cysteine and see if that helps as dopamine oxidizes quickly.
One other thing could be your diet; saturated fats and refined foods inhibit the production of dopamine so cutting those types of foods out of your diet could help and will probably make you feel better in more ways than one!

I noticed you don't seem to be supplementing with Choline. As Choline deficiency could be the cause of your symptoms, try adding it to your stack and see if it helps.

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#3 GoingPrimal

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Posted 08 April 2014 - 02:35 PM

Honestly, the best thing for you is probably going to be improving your diet, lifting heavy weights and getting some vigorous cardio - I usually suggest HIIT training, alternating sprinting with rest periods, but even normal cardio would help.


Could you post about your current diet, exercise and sleeping habits?


As for your stack, keep the fish oil for sure, and make sure you're taking enough. Ashwagandha, shilajit and piracetam are excellent substances but not specifically that great for motivation, although rhodiola usually is. I see that you're looking to improve your anxiety, which ashwagandha is good for, and studying, so piracetam fits.


I agree with Ritchie, maybe some L-Tyrosine is in order? Also, is SAM-e legal where you live? If so maybe you should try that. I seem to recall it can be prescription in some places in Europe - maybe discuss it with your doc, and see if trading your escitalopram for SAM-e would be beneficial. I would feel much safer taking SAM-e than escitalopram, but thats just me, and maybe it's even fine taking both together. I'm no physician, so talk to your doctor.


Again, I think diet, working out and sleeping patterns are most important for your goals. Most people are unaware how great they can feel by exercising and improving their diet until they reach that point.

#4 world33

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 10:59 PM

Read the post from ScienceGuy "TREAT ANXIETY SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY". It may help. Rhodiola rosea (3% rosavins) is very good and, as Ritchie suggested, l-tyrosine can help. Also try low dosage of beta blocker propranolol (10mg). It may help with your anxiety.

Edited by world33, 14 April 2014 - 11:00 PM.

#5 Hip

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Posted 13 June 2014 - 12:25 AM

I managed to eliminate the very severe generalized anxiety disorder that I had using certain specific supplements. These anti-anxiety supplements are listed in my thread here:


Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!


The most potent anti-anxiety supplement I found was N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG), so you might want to try some NAG, and see if it eliminates your anxiousness. 

#6 chemicalambrosia

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Posted 13 June 2014 - 01:51 AM


I managed to eliminate the very severe generalized anxiety disorder that I had using certain specific supplements. These anti-anxiety supplements are listed in my thread here:


Completely eliminated my severe anxiety symptoms with three supplements!


The most potent anti-anxiety supplement I found was N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG), so you might want to try some NAG, and see if it eliminates your anxiousness. 



How many other people have found NAG to be effective, and how did you come about trying it in the first place?

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#7 Hip

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Posted 13 June 2014 - 02:18 AM

How many other people have found NAG to be effective, and how did you come about trying it in the first place?


From the feedback I received from various people who have tried NAG, about half of them said it was very effective for treating their anxiety symptoms; but an equal number said it had no effect on them. So NAG may or may not work for you; but when it does work, it seems to work very well.


I originally tried NAG to see if it would improve bowel health (NAG is beneficial for the intestinal lining). However, I soon found that NAG noticeably lowered my severe anxiety levels. There is no mention whatsoever in the medical literature about NAG having anti-anxiety effects, but the experiences of myself and many others who tried NAG indicate that this supplement undoubtedly has a good anxiolytic action. I hope it soon gets more widely recognized as an anti-anxiety medication.


There is a shortage of NAG at the moment, but it can be bought here (and this is a very cheap source).

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