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Editor is Broken in Latest Upgrade

niner's Photo niner 10 Apr 2014

Although they are rendered normally in posts, quotes appear in the editor without their enclosing box. It is very difficult to tell what is a quote and what is new text, and it is very easy to mess up attributions. I've already started seeing attribution errors on the forum.

Is this something that can be fixed easily?

rwac's Photo rwac 10 Apr 2014

can you point me at an example?

can you point me at an example?





test test test


Edited by rwac, 10 April 2014 - 09:10 PM.

APBT's Photo APBT 10 Apr 2014

I'm using IE 11.0.7 and cannot use control C/control V or cut/past when posting or replying to a post. 


And if I want to delete part of a quoted post, I have to use the backspace button - I'm unable to left-click and drag the cursor to highlight text.


Jeoshua's Photo Jeoshua 11 Apr 2014

Well there's your problem. Internet Explorer is the world's least standards compliant web browser. It's better than IE6, but not by much.

FWIW I've had no problems at all with Firefox, Chrome, or Android browsers on Linux, Android, or Windows.

At least for the copy and paste functions, and text selection. I do have issues with the quote box rendering as well, on all browsers mentioned above, but only when I turn off BBCode Mode (that's the button in the top left of the editor applet)
Edited by Jeoshua, 11 April 2014 - 01:14 AM.

niner's Photo niner 11 Apr 2014

can you point me at an example?

can you point me at an example?


test test test

This example is weirding out on me.  It rendered in the strange way for about a second, then re-rendered more or less normally, which is the first time I've seen that behavior.  However, it will not let me enter text below the attribution box, so this is probably going to come out being attributed to you.  I colored my text red.  I'm using Firefox 28.0

Well there's your problem. Internet Explorer is the world's least standards compliant web browser. It's better than IE6, but not by much.

FWIW I've had no problems at all with Firefox, Chrome, or Android browsers on Linux, Android, or Windows.

At least for the copy and paste functions, and text selection. I do have issues with the quote box rendering as well, on all browsers mentioned above, but only when I turn off BBCode Mode (that's the button in the top left of the editor applet)

As a second test, I tried this post, and everything seems fine.  It also rendered in the strange way for a fraction of a second (noticeably fast than the last post), but at least I can enter text in the right place.


Jeoshua's Photo Jeoshua 11 Apr 2014


can you point me at an example?

can you point me at an example?


test test test

This example is weirding out on me.  It rendered in the strange way for about a second, then re-rendered more or less normally, which is the first time I've seen that behavior.  However, it will not let me enter text below the attribution box, so this is probably going to come out being attributed to you.  I colored my text red.  I'm using Firefox 28.0


Well there's your problem. Internet Explorer is the world's least standards compliant web browser. It's better than IE6, but not by much.

FWIW I've had no problems at all with Firefox, Chrome, or Android browsers on Linux, Android, or Windows.

At least for the copy and paste functions, and text selection. I do have issues with the quote box rendering as well, on all browsers mentioned above, but only when I turn off BBCode Mode (that's the button in the top left of the editor applet)

As a second test, I tried this post, and everything seems fine.  It also rendered in the strange way for a fraction of a second (noticeably fast than the last post), but at least I can enter text in the right place.


Same, complete with the latency, and that first line of the reply seeming to be in the box, but then after hitting enter it posted correctly.


Luminosity's Photo Luminosity 11 Apr 2014

As I messaged to rwac, I no longer see the little box with the option to quote on the bottom of most posts.  I do see it on this thread.  I use new Apple Laptops with the latest software maintained by experts.


Are other people also having problems clicking on the "Recent Topics" icon?  It disappears before I can click on it. 


rwac's Photo rwac 11 Apr 2014

As I messaged to rwac, I no longer see the little box with the option to quote on the bottom of most posts.  I do see it on this thread.  I use new Apple Laptops with the latest software maintained by experts.


Are other people also having problems clicking on the "Recent Topics" icon?  It disappears before I can click on it. 


Have you tried typing Apple+R or Cmd+R ? or perhaps clearing the cache?


rwac's Photo rwac 11 Apr 2014

I've made the width of the button just a bit more, so clicking on the recent topics should be easier.


niner's Photo niner 11 Apr 2014

I've made the width of the button just a bit more, so clicking on the recent topics should be easier.

Thanks rwac, that's been driving me nuts.  If I didn't move the mouse *really fast*, the submenu would go away because it thought I'd left the main menu and not yet entered the submenu.   That wasn't a function of this upgrade, though-  it started doing that a few months ago.   It works great for me now. 


rwac's Photo rwac 11 Apr 2014


I've made the width of the button just a bit more, so clicking on the recent topics should be easier.

Thanks rwac, that's been driving me nuts.  If I didn't move the mouse *really fast*, the submenu would go away because it thought I'd left the main menu and not yet entered the submenu.   That wasn't a function of this upgrade, though-  it started doing that a few months ago.   It works great for me now. 



I just changed it again slightly, how does that work now?


niner's Photo niner 11 Apr 2014

I just changed it again slightly, how does that work now?

Still working good.

Luminosity's Photo Luminosity 12 Apr 2014

Thanks, Recent Topics is better, for now, until they change it again. 


APBT's Photo APBT 12 Apr 2014

The "up/down" vote feature is not working (IE, Firefox or Chrome).


Jeoshua's Photo Jeoshua 12 Apr 2014

It's working for me. Maybe you've exceeded your allotment of up/down votes for the day?

APBT's Photo APBT 12 Apr 2014

It's working for me. Maybe you've exceeded your allotment of up/down votes for the day?


It didn't work the first time I used it this morning.  I didn't know there was a daily limit on post voting - thanks.  Do you know what the limit is?


APBT's Photo APBT 12 Apr 2014

Well there's your problem. Internet Explorer is the world's least standards compliant web browser. It's better than IE6, but not by much.

FWIW I've had no problems at all with Firefox, Chrome, or Android browsers on Linux, Android, or Windows.

At least for the copy and paste functions, and text selection. I do have issues with the quote box rendering as well, on all browsers mentioned above, but only when I turn off BBCode Mode (that's the button in the top left of the editor applet)


Interesting about IE, since it's the second most popular (number of users) browser.  I had never had any major issues with IE and Longecity until the change.


Thanks for the tips on Firefox and Chrome.  I'd never used them before, but since, I've downloaded both.  They do seem more "stable" than IE, at least when posting here. 


Although in Chrome, if I want to edit out a nested quote, I can delete the message, but not the poster's name or time/date stamp.


Jeoshua's Photo Jeoshua 12 Apr 2014

The limit on votes is 8 up votes and 4 down votes, for Members, and half that for registered users. I've noticed that the daily limits seem to be based on the time that the server is set in, not on your local time. If you're in Europe, it's going to be a bit weird.

As far as Chrome goes, it's a good browser but acts a bit strangely sometimes. They're going through a change of rendering engines, right now (similar to IE10+, although more standards compliant). Firefox is extremely standards compliant and has used the same Gecko engine for years, so web developers know exactly how it will operate, always, and as such it almost always acts right on every platform (even tho it sucks on Android).

APBT's Photo APBT 12 Apr 2014

The limit on votes is 8 up votes and 4 down votes, for Members, and half that for registered users. I've noticed that the daily limits seem to be based on the time that the server is set in, not on your local time. If you're in Europe, it's going to be a bit weird.

As far as Chrome goes, it's a good browser but acts a bit strangely sometimes. They're going through a change of rendering engines, right now (similar to IE10+, although more standards compliant). Firefox is extremely standards compliant and has used the same Gecko engine for years, so web developers know exactly how it will operate, always, and as such it almost always acts right on every platform (even tho it sucks on Android).


You may be on to something with server time theory.  Voting seems to work fine now.  Thanks again for your feedback.


niner's Photo niner 13 Apr 2014

For anyone who's having trouble with the editor, you might like to know about the top secret editing mode that shows you the code in your post.  In the upper left corner of the editor, there is a cryptic icon that is supposed to represent a light switch, although I wouldn't have guessed that unless someone told me.  It toggles "BBCode Mode".  This gets rid of all the weird behavior, and also provides a fixed width font that's a little easier to edit.  In this mode, all the HTML and HTML-like code is visible.  If you copy a bunch of text that's full of unnecessary links, when you paste it in BBCode Mode, all the links and formatting are stripped out.  This is handy for posting a PubMed abstract, for example.


Luminosity's Photo Luminosity 14 Apr 2014

Every time they change the software there are lots of bugs, the same ones, like the twitchy Recent Topics button.  I guess the basic software needs a lot of custom fixes work right?  Or sometimes switches get on the wrong position when the software changes?   
