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"Death is Wrong" Fundraiser Success - Books Available for Distribution

death is wrong fundraiser childrens book gennady stolyarov wendy stolyarov distribution activism success mile children

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#1 G. Stolyarov II

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 06:13 AM

A compounded victory! We have raised enough funds through Indiegogo to provide at least 1029 free paperback copies of Death is Wrong to children throughout the world. Thank you to LongeCity - in particular, to Peter Caramico and Justin Loew - for the great support that was provided to our effort.

Please watch my video announcement of the fundraiser's success! (The number of available books has increased since I mentioned being able to provide 1024 books in the video.)
140 copies have been distributed; 159 are immediately ready to go upon request. Within 15 days, we will have the funds to distribute all of the remaining books to activists who ask for them.
Extensive thanks also go to Bill Faloon of the Life Extension Foundation and Tonya Scholz, who persuaded Mr. Faloon to provide the Life Extension Foundation's support. They have my eternal gratitude for their generous willingness to step in and get us the rest of the way to our goal. Thank you, also, to every single one of our 92 funders and hundreds of supporters throughout the world!
On April 23 I was interviewed by Tonya Scholz and Sandra Lopez on their Social Chats livestreamed radio program. We had a delightful conversation about Death is Wrong and the amazing reach it has had thus far. You can listen to the recording of the interview here.
Also, I am happy to announce that the five-day window for free downloads of the Kindle version has resulted in 318 downloads - an additional way in which the book has spread significantly!
Instructions for Longevity Activists to Request Copies of Death is Wrong
- Send an e-mail to gennadystolyarovii@gmail.com
- Provide your name, your mailing address, a statement of your support for indefinite life extension, and a brief description of your plan to spread the book to children in your local area. Remember that all copies received pursuant to this initiative would need to be offered to children free of charge (as gifts or reading opportunities) and may not be resold.
- Provide the number of copies of Death is Wrong that you are requesting.
- Preferably, provide an indication that you would be willing to send photographs of the books that have been delivered to you as well as events where you will be distributing the books.

Edited by cryonicsculture, 10 August 2014 - 12:48 AM.

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#2 onz

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Posted 26 April 2014 - 05:02 AM

This is great news. I would love to help distribute this, other than the effect it will have on children, I can see this book drawing attention to the goal of biological immortality, it just needs the right exposure.


Any ideas for ways to distribute this?


So far providing them to libraries and book shops is all that comes to mind. Approaching schools might be a bit difficult - but school libraries would be great!

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#3 G. Stolyarov II

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Posted 26 April 2014 - 06:25 AM

Greetings, onz.


Thank you very much for your interest and your good words!


Send me an e-mail to gennadystolyarovii@gmail.com and let me know how many books you would like to start out with. I support giving them away to libraries and schools, as well as handing them out directly to children one knows or children one encounters at special events (public readings, discussions, etc.). Feel free to experiment with what you would consider promising possibilities in your local area, and let me know how your attempts turned out. We would be very eager to publicize any success stories (and photographs) that highlight the distribution of the book and its effects.



Gennady Stolyarov II 

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#4 Bogomoletz II

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 12:36 AM

Mister Stolyarov, I read that you were raised in Russia. Have you considered translating the book? I expect the upcoming month, especially from its second decade, to offer me enough free time, and if you find it useful, I can work on a Russian, Hebrew and maybe French translation -- free of charge, of course.

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#5 G. Stolyarov II

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 01:05 AM

Greetings, Bogomoletz II.


I would greatly welcome Russian, Hebrew, and French translations of Death is Wrong. If you could create these translations, then Wendy and I would create paperback and e-book versions that could be offered on Amazon and other outlets. Thank you very much for your generous offer.


More generally, I am very happy to accept all translation requests. I have already been approached by people willing to do Polish and German translations, and I am eager to see how they will turn out.



Gennady Stolyarov II

#6 G. Stolyarov II

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 12:28 AM

Read my article about the triumphant completion of the provision of all 1,029 Death is Wrong books to 50 longevity activists throughout the world.


Here is the article URL:



Slate doubted that we would do it – but we did it anyway, and we exceeded our goals. Over 1,000 kids will indeed be taught that death is wrong!


Thank you to everyone who donated to the fundraiser, who accepted book shipments, and who helped to spread the word about this unprecedented campaign! The updates are not over. I will have more news, pictures, and videos to share as our most recent shipments arrive at their destinations and more kids receive their free books!



Gennady Stolyarov II


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: death is wrong, fundraiser, childrens book, gennady stolyarov, wendy stolyarov, distribution, activism, success, mile, children

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