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Confirmed: The TA-65 active ingredient is...

Anthony_Loera's Photo Anthony_Loera 15 May 2014

This press release will interest you:


Its about cycloastragenol


hav's Photo hav 16 May 2014

Thanks, Anthony.  The actual document they filed is here:




One curious thing I noted is that they report in their chemical analysis that TA65 is 98% cycloastragenol and 2% ash which differs slightly from the analysis you commissioned which showed a small amount of of Astragaloside IV. Perhaps they've changed their formulation since your analysis. But I also see that they've redacted references to the exact species of astragalus that they harvest... makes me wonder if the change they made might be a little covert GMO in the guise of a trade secret method of enhancing cycloastragenol crop yield.



