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Racetam/Nootropic Import Restrictions and...

MadScientistX's Photo MadScientistX 16 May 2014

I thought it be best if I add this as a separate post as there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the legality/schedule of racetams in Australia.

I will try add more nootropics when I can. Feel free to add to this.


* Note: I am not a lawyer neither am providing any legal advice to anyone so please do not treat this as such. Best to do your own research or contact a lawyer/legal adviser/correct government department for information. The below sites I listed are useful resources for checking the schedules/import restrictions on nootropics however. *


As of last time I checked, my research indicated the below:

Stimulants/Wakefulness Promoter
- Modafinil (Schedule 4 - prescription required)
- Armodafinil (not scheduled - may be covered by analogue laws?)
- Adrafinil (not scheduled - may be covered by analogue laws as precursor drug). Not recommended anyway as heavy on your liver.

- Piracetam (schedule 4 - prescription required)

- Aniracetam (not scheduled)
- Noopept (not scheduled)
- Oxiracetam (not scheduled)
- Pramiracetam (not scheduled)

Best to keep an eye on or check the below lists:
http://www.health.go...p-precursor.htm (do not try to import these - prohibited) 

(This is the list of all scheduled drugs, always check against this list before ordering anything)

Also personally recommend trying to order from a vendor who supplies a Certificate of Authenticity. Ideally 3rd party certified but this can be difficult.

See the vendor section for vendor information and reviews.

Edited by MadScientistX, 16 May 2014 - 06:37 AM.

Mush Man's Photo Mush Man 18 May 2014

Thanks MadScientistX for the info mate. Not sure if you know but the TGA has asked local Vendors her in Aus to stop selling some of the racetams over the last month or so. Aniracetam and Noopept was scheduled not long ago and today I got notice from Steve at NHS that they have been asked to stop selling Oxiractem and Pramiracetam :mad:

Citing them as Analogues of Piracetam...the madness and rationale of this mob is ridiculous.



MadScientistX's Photo MadScientistX 18 May 2014

Thanks MadScientistX for the info mate. Not sure if you know but the TGA has asked local Vendors her in Aus to stop selling some of the racetams over the last month or so. Aniracetam and Noopept was scheduled not long ago and today I got notice from Steve at NHS that they have been asked to stop selling Oxiractem and Pramiracetam :mad:

Citing them as Analogues of Piracetam...the madness and rationale of this mob is ridiculous.



Interesting. I did not hear of this.

I reviewed all the poisons standards including the latest ammendments and I cannot see any mention of the other "racetams" being listed.

There is a new ammendment being released apparently Aug-Sept 2014 (day unknown?). Will need to review this when it is available


As far as I am aware (I am not a lawyer nor is this my speciality so I could be wrong) there is no analogue law for schedule 4 substances (e.g. piracetam) only controlled substances which are covered under federal law - the Criminal Code Act 1995 Division 314 (related to controlled/illegal drugs):


See schedule 1 for a list (they are all highly controlled / illegal substances. Piracetam or other racetams are not listed here)


There are also state laws such as:

DRUG MISUSE AND TRAFFICKING ACT 1985 (NSW and QLD has one similar I'm sure do the other states)


They also seem to relate to only prohibited drugs which are listed in their schedule (they are all highly controlled / illegal substances, Piracetam or other racetams are not listed here)


Does anyone have any literature on this new schedule?


I wouldn't be suprised however if the TGA has asked local vendors to stop selling racetams however.... :(


I did some searching on Google and came across a Reddit thread from about a week ago. Was this the source?

Someone should get in touch with the TGA and find out the details of the applicable law....


Mush Man's Photo Mush Man 18 May 2014

Hey mate, thanks for the info and links!!


I got it straight from Steve via email matey, so he and others will stop selling them on ebay over the next few days. The TGA has been asking Vendors to stop selling and advertising the products. He has, as have some other vendors started their own websites listing them for the moment too to not hurt their ebay stores.


I see and understand your point totally mate as I switched from smoking to e-cig's in 2011...it seems the TGA is on the hunt for anything and everything atm regardless of grey. I.E. They list Nico under the Poisions Act AND as a Therapeutic Good but won't say which it is in ragrds to how we use it(nice move to cover all bases hey?) This has caused a huge uproar within the community's no doubt. To us here and in the Vaping scene,it's Big P ultimately wanting control as apparently we are not capable of self-medicating. Big T is also backing Big P and the TGA are the Pitbully's.

Lots have contacted the TGA and various health departments over the last month or so which has ultimately seen tighter amendments,so maybe sit tight for a while rather than poke the Bear yeah?


EDIT: I might point Steve here too, as I'm sure he would be very interested and may even like to join and discuss.



Cheers mate



Edited by Mush Man, 18 May 2014 - 09:13 AM.

MadScientistX's Photo MadScientistX 18 May 2014

Hey mate, thanks for the info and links!!


I got it straight from Steve via email matey, so he and others will stop selling them on ebay over the next few days. The TGA has been asking Vendors to stop selling and advertising the products. He has, as have some other vendors started their own websites listing them for the moment too to not hurt their ebay stores.


I see and understand your point totally mate as I switched from smoking to e-cig's in 2011...it seems the TGA is on the hunt for anything and everything atm regardless of grey. I.E. They list Nico under the Poisions Act AND as a Therapeutic Good but won't say which it is in ragrds to how we use it(nice move to cover all bases hey?) This has caused a huge uproar within the community's no doubt. To us here and in the Vaping scene,it's Big P ultimately wanting control as apparently we are not capable of self-medicating. Big T is also backing Big P and the TGA are the Pitbully's.

Lots have contacted the TGA and various health departments over the last month or so which has ultimately seen tighter amendments,so maybe sit tight for a while rather than poke the Bear yeah?


EDIT: I might point Steve here too, as I'm sure he would be very interested and may even like to join and discuss.



Cheers mate




No worries

Would be interested to hear the reasons for the TGA doing this. Might be something in regards to The  Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 but that would probably be a whole different story rather than classifying "racetams" as analogues of piracetam.


Mush Man's Photo Mush Man 18 May 2014


Hey mate, thanks for the info and links!!


I got it straight from Steve via email matey, so he and others will stop selling them on ebay over the next few days. The TGA has been asking Vendors to stop selling and advertising the products. He has, as have some other vendors started their own websites listing them for the moment too to not hurt their ebay stores.


I see and understand your point totally mate as I switched from smoking to e-cig's in 2011...it seems the TGA is on the hunt for anything and everything atm regardless of grey. I.E. They list Nico under the Poisions Act AND as a Therapeutic Good but won't say which it is in ragrds to how we use it(nice move to cover all bases hey?) This has caused a huge uproar within the community's no doubt. To us here and in the Vaping scene,it's Big P ultimately wanting control as apparently we are not capable of self-medicating. Big T is also backing Big P and the TGA are the Pitbully's.

Lots have contacted the TGA and various health departments over the last month or so which has ultimately seen tighter amendments,so maybe sit tight for a while rather than poke the Bear yeah?


EDIT: I might point Steve here too, as I'm sure he would be very interested and may even like to join and discuss.



Cheers mate




No worries

Would be interested to hear the reasons for the TGA doing this. Might be something in regards to The  Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 but that would probably be a whole different story rather than classifying "racetams" as analogues of piracetam.



Yes it would be interesting indeed, though I doubt we'll get an answer that resembles any type of truth.


Mush Man's Photo Mush Man 19 May 2014

Ok it seems they have determined these fall under the same rules of a prescription medicine i.e S4. Though who is going to dispense it here?

Kinda like the Cannabis Tax Stamps I reckon :wacko:


I can't find anything on the TGA site?


One local Ebayer is still selling Noopept as well,though they are new. The others have pulled Oxi and Prama as of today.


I do feel like calling them and asking for clarification on this as I can see no reason other than the Analogue thing relating to Piracetam?


I for one found it extremely useful for taking the edge off Benzo Withdrawals and had just started trialling the racetams for this very purpose as well as to help repair damaged receptors.


Edited by Mush Man, 19 May 2014 - 05:51 AM.

MadScientistX's Photo MadScientistX 19 May 2014

Yes well I don't believe they can fall under the S4 rules if they are not:

a) a prescribed drug - who prescribes Oxiracetam in Australia

or b) it is listed on the list of S4 substances.

I don't believe it currently fits into either of those 2 categories

As I mentioned, I don't think there is an analogue law for S4. Analogue law usually applies to the higher scheduled/highly controlled substances.


Anyway I guess we would need to hear from the TGA as to their reasons.

If it is simply concern for product purity from eBay sellers then that may be a fair call.

To shut down legitimate stores from selling these supplements would be another story however.


Anyway let me know if you have any updates



Edited by MadScientistX, 19 May 2014 - 09:35 AM.

blood's Photo blood 23 May 2014

To shut down legitimate stores from selling these supplements would be another story however.

Oxiracetam, noopept, are not dietary supplements - they're "drugs".

Australian-based stores take a risk selling these products to Australians (for human consumption), because to do so involves breaking multiple laws.

Individual Australians *do* have a right to import a 3 month supply from overseas (including piracetam), & may be asked to provide a prescription by customs.
Edited by blood, 23 May 2014 - 09:50 AM.

MadScientistX's Photo MadScientistX 23 May 2014


To shut down legitimate stores from selling these supplements would be another story however.

Oxiracetam, noopept, are not dietary supplements - they're "drugs".

Australian-based stores take a risk selling these products to Australians (for human consumption), because to do so involves breaking multiple laws.

Individual Australians *do* have a right to import a 3 month supply from overseas (including piracetam), & may be asked to provide a prescription by customs.



Blood, do keep in mind that referring to "drugs" as a category is a very broad statement.

Technically what we are referring to here are various bioactive "small molecules".

How we classify these small molecules is I believe where the various opinions come from.

By simply stating they are drugs thus legitimate Australian stores or people importing for personal use are breaking the law would be tantamount to classifying your coffee shop as breaking the law for selling or producing caffeine (same goes for any numerous number of compounds found in gym/sports supplements).


The scheduling of drugs is where the government makes decisions as to what is harmful to individuals or society and should be restricted.

Simply walk into any health food store or gym store and note the huge amount of unscheduled compounds that are available for sale simply over the counter. These are not pharmacies.


These compounds and  whether they are legally able to be sold are usually covered under the Therapeutic Goods Regulations.

Now all that being said, it is also up to the TGA to ensure the safety of consumers.


If the TGA notices a compound for sale on eBay Australia or Australian online store which may be harmful to the consumer (unknown product/risk of poor quality amongst other factors) it is up to their discretion to remove the products from sale.


Now to steer this debate in the right direction:

Marking products with little to no evidence of abuse/harm as "prescription only" (piracetam) or analogues of a prescription drug and restricting imports for personal use without a prescription such as in the case of non scheduled racetams (oxiracetam, aniracetam, noopept etc...) is where this debate should lie not if stores are able to sell a product as this would probably be a moot point. Australian stores selling unscheduled substances would be taking a risk regardless of what the substance is.

If a product is not TGA approved then the end user is always assuming some risk in consuming the compound however it could be said that it should be their onus.


Edited by MadScientistX, 23 May 2014 - 12:54 PM.

RPB's Photo RPB 09 Mar 2015

I was most encouraged to see that aniracetam, oxiracatam, and pramiracetam were available again from domestic vendors, after what seemed to be a period of absence.  If any on the forum had recent experience with domestic suppliers, I would be most grateful.  I continue to hesitate, as I have not seen much by way of discussion of late regarding Australian supply, and feedback.  It does seem somewhat easier than overseas, and potentially a little more rapid.  Then again, the paucity of discussion on local availability makes it a bit difficult to tell the merits of domestic c.f. international.


Many thanks,



Heinsbeans's Photo Heinsbeans 30 Mar 2015

So should you not bother ordering Piracetam if you live in Australia? Because I'm from Australia and I want to try out Piracetam.
After looking at the reddit's reliable suppliers list, I've decided to order Piracetam and Aniracetam from Nootropics Depot.
I actually wanted to order pharmaceutical grade Piracetam and I don't know if it's true or not, but apparantly, there's minimal quality difference between pharmaceutical grade nootropics vs reddit's reliable nootropic supplier vendors.
After ordering from Nootropics Depot, I've found out that Piracetam is actually a schedule IV drug in Australia. So now, I regret ordering Piracetam with Aniracetam from Nootropics Depot. If the customs finds my Piracetam, are they going to cease my Aniracetam order as well since I bought from the same vendor?
I wanted to know the legality of Piracetam in Australia and I came across this:
Piracetam (known locally as Nootropil) is a prescription-only substance in Australia. However, you can buy it online from another country and import it into Australia for personal use. You are limited to importing a 3 month supply of the supplement.
So does this mean that it's okay to order Piracetam as long as I only order 3 months worth of supply? Or am I reading it wrong?

Edited by Heinsbeans, 30 March 2015 - 04:59 AM.

The Brain's Photo The Brain 30 Mar 2015

I may be wrong but I think it's more a case that you still need a prescription AND you can't order more than three months supply at a time.

ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 30 Mar 2015

Racetams don't work for everyone


Heinsbeans's Photo Heinsbeans 12 Apr 2015

Any ways to get russian noopept in Australia?
10 - 30mg is such a small dose so I didn’t want to buy noopept in a powder form since it’s hectic and near impossible to measure them accurately with a sub $500 scale.

I asked rupharma if they ship to Australia and they said they don’t.


We do not ship to Australia because of customs problems.
Best regards,
Aleksei Adolshin
I’ve tried to see if there are other russian noopept suppliers elsewhere like eBay, but I could not find anywhere else other than rupharma.
so I reluctantly decided to get the noopept in a powder form and I ordered liftmode's noopept and AWS gemini-20 to measure it.
For the past week, I’ve been having issues measuring noopept properly. When I measure 25mg noopept with my AWS gemini-20, it looks significantly less compared to the 20mg noopept pictures I see online. And when I take the 25mg noopept sublingually, I barely feel anything from it. Even when I take 15mg again few minutes later, I still don't feel anything.
I’m pretty sure that I’m not taking/absorbing enough noopept which is the reason why I barely feel anything from it. But I’m scared to up the dosage because I don’t want to accidentally take over the recommended dosage and get a brain fog. 
So I’m considering buying pre-capped noopept from either powder city, mind nutrition or relentless improvement which is the only supplier that seems to sell the pre-capped noopept. But considering how small 10mg is, how accurately do these suppliers measure their noopept?
Should I:
  • Buy pre-capped noopept
  • keep increasing the noopept dosage with my AWS gemini-20 until I get the desired effect 
  • or is there a better way?
P.S. Piracetam from Nootropics Depot has been working wonderfully on me and I can feel it reversing the brain damage I got from Accutane. I hope my piracetam order won't be ceased the next time I order it again.

Edited by Heinsbeans, 12 April 2015 - 06:04 AM.

jsam's Photo jsam 18 Feb 2016


I wanted to know the legality of Piracetam in Australia and I came across this:
Piracetam (known locally as Nootropil) is a prescription-only substance in Australia. However, you can buy it online from another country and import it into Australia for personal use. You are limited to importing a 3 month supply of the supplement.
So does this mean that it's okay to order Piracetam as long as I only order 3 months worth of supply? Or am I reading it wrong?



3 month supply is such a variable number, some people take 10g a day some take 1g or less...

