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What are all the different things the neurons could be doing?

neurons dendrites axon consciousness synapses

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 08:31 AM

Like I'll say what I know and you's can either add on or correct me if I'm wrong about some of them.


1. Certain atoms passing through an axon. (might make the spot or whole axon chemically react/be on or off/positive charge or negative charge)


2. Certain atoms staying in a neuron cell as info/memory.


3. Certain atoms entering a neuron cell and making a chemical reaction with other certain atoms. (might make the spot or whole neuron chemically react/be on or off/positive charge or negative charge)


4. Any of that happening throughout a line or circle or network of them. (maybe having a reacting spot travelling throughout the line or circle or network...or the whole line or circle or network being reactive.....and this could maybe also be keeping memory and also making up the consciousness since might be making many reactive and all connected and not seperate and rather reactive all throughout, in certain special ways probably though like a circuit or something)


5. Is if they only travel as a spot and a reactive spot I really mean really and in this case then many of them together might make a "constant" or reactive line/bunch of neurons and maybe many of these together could make some circuit or something..... and this might be what the consciousness is too and everything else is not in such a constant thrive of moving points in certain ways and just singular moving points...we should check for this many points spot in a MRI scan?


What I want to know, well we, is if we are only looking at these five right now...then if all except the 4th and 5th are all seperate probably and may only make up the 4th and 5th - which (can) be "not" seperate and be connected with other neurons with throughout-activity...then the emerged consciousness then can only be made from the 4th and 5th right?




Also can you's answer for me some simple questions I really don't know for sure...


1. Is there any actual electricity-electrons going through any of the brain?


2. Is there any neurons with the axons going down into the body like the neck or even down to like the hips on the oncoming-spine coming down? Plus what about all our nerves connected up to hands and feet?


3. Is it possible some of the spine nerve cells coming branching down a bit are cell balls but actually still performing the same neuron tasks!?

#2 Esoparagon

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 04:52 PM

I'm pretty sure wherever you say 'atoms', you mean 'molecules'.


"Is there any actual electricity-electrons going through any of the brain?"

By this kind of question, I think you need to get a general science education as well as to delve into a textbook about the brain. You will find out a lot on your own.


Edited by Esoparagon, 08 June 2014 - 04:54 PM.

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 05:03 PM

 Well so far I have studied all I can find (ok amount) and could try again about any electrical signals but was asking what I still truuuely don't know for sure...


Oh and last moment question for above is is the memory stored as certain atoms in a neuron cell, waiting to send a certain signal?, or maybe keeping the neuron on or off in a state?  and even or maybe possibly a pulse(s) going around being the memory?

Edited by ADVANCE, 08 June 2014 - 05:14 PM.

#4 serp777

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 07:46 PM

"Is there any actual electricity-electrons going through any of the brain?"


You have quite a bit to learn about chemistry and electricity.


Electrons exist in probability dense areas called orbitals. Various orbital configurations allow for different molecules to be formed. Each time a chemical reaction occurs, electrons are re arranged, which means some current exists all throughout the brain. "Go through" is not a very scientific word either. What you mean is current, or the flow of electrons through a material. A voltage source, a potential differences in the brain, allows for small currents to travel across the ions which exist in between individual neurons, since those ions have a resistance. Neurotransmitters affect the amplitude, phase, and frequency of the current moving between the neurons, leading to different responses. Normally those conductive ions, with small resistance, are magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Electroshock therapy is based on the theory that enough current flowing through the brain will cause it to reset itself.


"memory stored as certain atoms"

No, memory cannot be stored in individual atoms unless you are using the magnetic moment of atoms  to store digital information. In the brain, memories exist as a kind of pointer system that depends on neural configurations. Links between neural configurations could be thought as memories, and are linked together in a region called the hipocampus. It's three dimensional though, and much more complex than tradition digital processing. Scientists still don't fully understand how it works.


Also no offense, but please work on your English. It's hard to go through your posts and understand what you're trying to say. Maybe that's why you're having difficulty understanding online material. Like this:


"Is if they only travel as a spot and a reactive spot I really mean really and in this case then many of them together might make a "constant" or reactive line/bunch of neurons and maybe many of these together could make some circuit or something"


What does this even mean? It's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo with horrible grammar lol. What I think you meant to say is that "Maybe neural networks can come together to form a circuit or something"


That's still very vague and pretty meaningless. The entire brain is a circuit.


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 08:00 PM

I meant a spot travelling... and infront & behind it there is no effect and so a spot-small......and all reactive is the whole axon or neuron, possible from atoms react at alot of point or sending vibes along surfaces to make a + or - charge....Um no I know alot about all that stuff like about atoms and photons ect. If I say I'm missing something...please give it to me lol...


Are you saying that memories are not at all stored as sitiing formations of different atoms waiting Or either signals going around in certain ways...And just different neurons getting connected in certain way, but that can't be, the other ways are probably correct cause how do you know? And 1 or both are needed anyhow to send many certain-organized different kinds of signals to the consciousness...


I still don't know if there is electicity that travels from one neuron to another still...


And about the 5 things neurons could be doing you have to explain why you know if one can't be happening...


And the 5th thing I meant...that a bunch of lines for ex going upwards and at in the middle here and below a bit and everywhere is a moving spot where the reactive spot is going through the axons/neurons and if these stacks that are somehow alive maybe are maybe placed in certain way then maybe this makes the consciousness. This is so that if you put the thick lines together then anywhere on them acts energetic.

Edited by ADVANCE, 08 June 2014 - 08:14 PM.

#6 serp777

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Posted 08 June 2014 - 11:14 PM

I meant a spot travelling... and infront & behind it there is no effect and so a spot-small......and all reactive is the whole axon or neuron, possible from atoms react at alot of point or sending vibes along surfaces to make a + or - charge....Um no I know alot about all that stuff like about atoms and photons ect. If I say I'm missing something...please give it to me lol...


Are you saying that memories are not at all stored as sitiing formations of different atoms waiting Or either signals going around in certain ways...And just different neurons getting connected in certain way, but that can't be, the other ways are probably correct cause how do you know? And 1 or both are needed anyhow to send many certain-organized different kinds of signals to the consciousness...


I still don't know if there is electicity that travels from one neuron to another still...


And about the 5 things neurons could be doing you have to explain why you know if one can't be happening...


And the 5th thing I meant...that a bunch of lines for ex going upwards and at in the middle here and below a bit and everywhere is a moving spot where the reactive spot is going through the axons/neurons and if these stacks that are somehow alive maybe are maybe placed in certain way then maybe this makes the consciousness. This is so that if you put the thick lines together then anywhere on them acts energetic.


"I still don't know if there is electicity that travels from one neuron to another still..."

Well I do. The brain has it's own magnetic field, which according to ampere's law, means that moving charges exist in the brain. Moving charges are also known as currents. The currents go through neurons since they are electrically conductive.


And I said they are not stored in individual atoms, not that collections of atoms can't store information in the brain.


"that a bunch of lines for ex going upwards and at in the middle here and below a bit and everywhere is a moving spot where the reactive spot"

This is way too run on. I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say.


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 12:24 AM

I listed 5 things, anymore?


Also I meant a bunch of lines going upward together like a hay stack of axons/neurons and in each line is a spot moving which is different in each one like one in the middle of the stack of them and one at every spot so anywhere on them acts energetic and put together in certain ways might make the consciousness


Also for newcomers just read my top post and answer from there, this is just dragging replies that I don't really know why he doesn't understand them easily...


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 03:48 AM

Oh um this topic is about all the things neurons are doing, but the important things to make consciousness as I said are 4th and 5th above at the top, but also wanna say that in 4 I meant a whole circuit of long lines and connections that are all connected because molecules are moving through all axons and neurons non stop like water and not a spot, if this happens anywhere that is, to make consciousness...anyone know? Or else everything is seperate from each other.....and also 5 is what I said I think ya, like spots moving but all so that there is so many of them in the axons and neurons that things become alive with energy anywhere and can make circuit things and can interact constantly with connection~ >Becasue so many of the spots...hm?

#9 serp777

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Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:46 AM

I listed 5 things, anymore?


Also I meant a bunch of lines going upward together like a hay stack of axons/neurons and in each line is a spot moving which is different in each one like one in the middle of the stack of them and one at every spot so anywhere on them acts energetic and put together in certain ways might make the consciousness


Also for newcomers just read my top post and answer from there, this is just dragging replies that I don't really know why he doesn't understand them easily...


"Also I meant a bunch of lines going upward together like a hay stack of axons/neurons and in each line is a spot moving which is different in each one "


I honestly really don't have a clue of what you're trying to say. Here is why I don't understand:


What is the purpose of a bunch of lines going upward together like a hay stack? In what way is it like a hay stack?


How do those lines contribute to consciousness? How do you know these lines exist? Do you have some scientific article or study I can read?


In what way do neurons form a line that shows a spot moving? How does that encode data or information in the brain? 


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 10:26 PM

1. So that if molecules in a axon and or neuron isn't like constant or long streams and only spots of single molecules, then many of them together which might exist somewhere in brain might act more alive like with spots at any point and energetic anywhere along the thread full of them lines of axons and neurons...


2. Many of these fully reactive energetic bundle lines in certain ways may make the consciousness which can intake signals then and be conscious to them, or maybe has base-things going in already, and then when more signals come in can be conscious of image(s) and self thinking for ex.


******Does anyone know if anywhere in axons and maybe even the neurons too if a water floe of long or constant molecules is moving through?


******Does anyone know if these bundle lines exist anywhere?


******Because in each one of my 1 2 3 4 things above in my first post, any mass of amount of things in 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 are all seperate from eachother and can't make consciousness of course then, ***update I now make 1 2 3 4 above in opening post what they are, and 5 is 5 and 6 is (1. & 2.) above in this reply writting to serp777


So in my two lines above in this reply starting with "Does" are my concerned about ways, 5 & 6 to you's if they exist, ?

Edited by ADVANCE, 18 June 2014 - 10:39 PM.

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Posted 21 June 2014 - 07:02 AM

Something like this maybe below...Any of them probably go in a certain way together "bundle" and then those around eachother... could make a consciousness possibly of magnetism, or not and just connected everywhere in the atoms being-in and as a constant flow of energy from the bundles always be energetic and always ready for outputting energy anywhere along it and could create a consciousness if many of them together in a certain way and nothing is separate and all with physics connected and having many neurons or "holes" for the thousands of signals that come in at the same time every moment.



Edited by ADVANCE, 21 June 2014 - 07:21 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: neurons, dendrites, axon, consciousness, synapses

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