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Need advice on a medication or medication combo. Dopamine is my problem

dopamine selegiline anhedonia memantine dextroamphetamine

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Posted 11 June 2014 - 10:42 AM

I'll keep it simple. From my reading, research, and personal experience I believe I have a dopamine deficiency and probably a deficiency in Gaba.

Here are my symptoms:
Low energy
Low motivation
Low libido
Low interest in social interaction
Poor concentration
Lack of competitiveness
Feeling burnt out or over stressed
Body Dysmorphic symptoms
Excessive guilt or pessimism
Easily attached

I have just started memantine recently as I like the idea of being able to target the DA receptors without tolerance. Plus I hear it's good for some OCD/anxiety problems which I have.

I have a prescription for dextroamphetamine which helps a lot with my motivation, pessimism, drive, and general mood. But I know these bouts if hyper mania are not sustainable.

That leads me to where I am now. I'm thinking of trying a low dose of selegiline daily combined with memantine daily. Shouldn't that combo help with a lot of my symptoms and be sustainable?

Additionally if I need a boost for study or whatever, I can take a low dose of dextroamphetamine (2.5mg - 5mg) as needed, as well as supplement in some ashwaghanda for its gaba and adaptogen qualities.


Alternative recommendations?
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#2 ed sharkly

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Posted 12 June 2014 - 12:35 AM

hey, I'm not really familiar with mematine NMDA so let me know your experience/why you chose that. Also noticed you're looking into stimulants and some GABA for relaxing I'd guess. 


If you haven't checked through selegiline (as an alt to mematine) it's a selective MAOB inhibitor and stimulant. You get some of the dopamine increase and extra energy with very few side effects (if you stay at a selective MAOB inhibitor dose - 5mg/day). The only draw back with MAOB's is watching your drug interactions and energy drink choices, since you can't take anything that's metabolized through that pathway (no monster/rockstar drinks with a huge list of boosters along with the caffeine). Coffee and taurine aren't a problem thou. 


For your end of day I'd check out phenibut or new mood (onnit) or no worries from smart nutrition. or take a walk and play some good music.


let me know what you think

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#3 lammas2

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Posted 12 June 2014 - 08:45 AM

Searching for the holy grail, eh?


I can relate myself to most of the symptoms you have written. A combination of low dose dopamine reuptake inhibitor and a GABA-B agonist cures all of my symptoms and makes me the person I want to be. However, this is not a sustainable solution as tolerance sets in rather fast and one needs to increase to dosages with diminishing returns. Memantine might somewhat prevent tolerance to dopaminegic substances, but I doubt it does anything for GABAergic drugs.


Selegiline is not very helpful, homeostasis kicks in fast.


I am currently trialling pramipexole, which is a dopamine D2/D3 receptor agonist. While this may sound like a bad idea, because of the horrifying DAWS and dopamine receptor downregulation, I really think there is something to it. The key is to use a low dose of pramipexole at night, this should theoretically agonize only presynaptic dopamine autoreceptors and therefore reduce net dopamine. Reduced dopamine levels -> dopamine receptors are upregulated. Due to the half-life of pramipexole, most of it should be gone by morning and you should feel some extra dopaminergic activity. Also, since it agonizes autoreceptors -> autoreceptors downregulate, which means dopamine release is increased. Try it at your own risk. Also, don't use pramipexole in combination with memantine -> this prevents the positive homeostatic effects from happening.


One can also achieve a similar effect by using low dose amisulpride -> antagonize dopamine autoreceptors and dopamine release is increased. This is inferior to the previous method, because after amisulpride wears off, the dopamine autoreceptors are upregulated -> dopamine release is decreased. Also, amisulpride, even at low dosages, causes massive prolactin release.


There is also a possibility of combining pramipexole and amisulpride. This is uncharted territory, but it might be a superior solution. I will definitely try it out sometime.


NSI-189, cerebrolysin, BPAP, etc... <- worth checking out, if you're into novel substances.


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Posted 16 June 2014 - 05:35 AM


Thanks for that you seem to be in a similar boat to myself.

I have tried d2/d3 agoinst like pramipexole and or principle but I tended to use them acutely for libido enhancement. What your saying is Pramipexole will desensitize Dopamine receptors through downregulating presynaptic dopamine auto receptors. I understand how this would work in theory but why are there so many complaints of people developing anhedonia, and withdrawal problems from using pramipexole?

Is pramipexole actually a plausible long term treatment? What about tolerance?

#5 Doc Psychoillogical

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 06:28 AM

I also have Medication Questions/concerns....

Combination, Augmentation, Co-Administration and Prescribed use of...



This is the new combination I have been Legally prescribed, for diagnosed ADHD with Social/General Anxiety...


I would be the most grateful, thank you smile.gif

I also have medication questions..

Combination, Augmentation, Co-Administration and Prescribed use of...



This is the new combination I have been Legally prescribed, for diagnosed ADHD with Social/General Anxiety...


I would be the most grateful, thank you smile.gif

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#6 komputerhead

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Posted 24 November 2015 - 12:45 PM

Did you know glutamine raises Gaba?
Did you know glutamine raises Gaba?

#7 Baten

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Posted 24 November 2015 - 02:57 PM

Glutamine is pretty worthless

Glutamine is pretty worthless

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#8 Doc Psychoillogical

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 02:32 AM



DL-phenylalanine (DLPA)

Phenylalanine helps create the neurotransmitters — chiefly norepinephrine, epinephrine or adrenalin, and dopamine — that produce mental arousal, alertness, and a better emotional state. It is often used by those attending raves.
Food sources: Almonds, aspartame (NutraSweet), beef, black beans, chicken, cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs, fish, lima beans, milk, nuts, peanuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds, soybeans, sunflower seeds, watercress. Plants contain mostly the "D" form, while animal products contain mostly the "L" form.
Effects: Phenylalanine may contribute to a more positive mental state, alertness, more motivation and ambition, more energy, an increase in learning ability, better memory, and an increased ability to focus and pay attention. (Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., claims on the "D" form produces these beneficial results, while Mark Mayell claims that the "L" form stimulates the nervous system and libido, enhances mood and cognition, and suppresses the appetite, whereas the "D" form elevates mood and enhances memory, and DLPA combines the effects of both.) It may help counter jet lag when taken first thing in the morning or right after a long flight, as it helps regulate the body's biological clock. It is believed that DLPA activates the morphine-like endorphins in the body, hormones which act as painkillers.
One study has shown that a significant percentage of individuals suffering from depression exhibited rapid improvements in mood when given 500 mg/day of L-phenylalanine (which was gradually increased to 3 to 4 g/day), along with 100 to 200 mg a day of vitamin B-6 to facilitate the effects of the amino acid. Another study showed significant improvements in those with depression when 250 mg of L-phenylalanine was combined with 5 to 10 mg of Eldepryl. In combination with B-6, it produces the compound phenylethyalmine (PEA), which may elevate mood based on its action as a neurotransmitter. There is some evidence that, in combination with other substances, phenylalanine can help suppress addictive behavior and cravings, but there is no evidence that is suppresses appetite or enhances libido.
A deficiency can result in mood swings, weight gain, and problems with blood circulation.
Precautions: It should not be taken by those with pigmented malignant melanoma cancer, phenylketonuria (or PKU, a genetic metabolic disorder), psychosis, or Wilson's disease (otherwise known as hepatolenticular degeneration, a rare hereditary disease chiefly characterized by a toxic buildup of copper in the organs and tissues of the body). Likewise, those taking MAO-inhibitor drugs should avoid phenylalanine, as should pregnant or lactating women. Early studies seem to indicate that phenylalanine and tyrosine encourages growth of melanomas (skin cancers — one of the most deadliest forms of cancer), and doctors usually have patients restrict their intake of these amino acids. Those with high blood pressue should only take it under the guidance of a health professional.
Some warn that the daily dosage should not exceed 2.4 grams a day. Too much phenylalanine can result in over-stimulation, nervousness, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and irritability; if taken later in the day, it may cause insomnia. Mayell says these symptoms only occur with the "L" form, and can be avoided by reducing the dosage, switching to DLPA, or taking it only in the morning. Other symptoms include headaches and nausea.
Dosage: The RDA has not been established. It is recommended that both "D" and "L" forms be used, especially in the treatment of depression or for increased energy. A dose for 1000 to 1500 mg of DLPA may be taken in the morning without food; a second dose may be taken later in the day, this time with 100 mg of B-6, 500 mg of vitamin C, and some fruit or fruit juice to help convert the amino acid to norepinephrine. Hendler, M.D., Ph.D., recommends no more than 1.5 g/day, with 20 to 30 mg/day of vitamin B-6 (not to exceed more than 50 mg/day). Mayell advocates a more modest dose of 375 to 500 mg of the "L" form or 750 to 1000 mg of DLPA, first thing in the morning at least 30 minutes before breakfast.

Chaitow, Leon, ND, DO. The Healing Power of Amino Acids. Wellingborough, England: Thorsons Publishing Group, 1989.
Mayell, Mark. Natural Energy. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998.
Hendler, Sheldon Saul, MD, PhD. The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990.

Encyclopedia of Mind Enhancing Foods, Drugs and Nutritional Substances (David W. Group, 2000), Minor edits made by me (continuity).



Depression-Free, Naturally (Joan Mathews-Larson, 1999)

The above book points out a few pages prior that symptoms indicating low norepinephrine include: lethargy, fatigue, sleeping too much, and feelings of immobility. (http://books.google....yWfIIC&pg=PA180)

Additionally, Ester C may be poor. Another form of vitamin C should be used. http://vitamincfound....org/esterc.htm


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#9 mbdrinker

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Posted 21 November 2022 - 11:29 PM

Gaba kind of counteracts selegiline's dophamin boosted mood. One is psycho stimulant and other is depressant... any of them cause change of perception as safeguarding barrier with no logic behind mixing them

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: dopamine, selegiline, anhedonia, memantine, dextroamphetamine

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