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JDtic, NSI, 7,8-DHF ....and other for severe anxiety - has anyone found them helpful ?

jdtic social anxiety ocd depression nsi-189 78-dhf research chemical

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#1 Diego55

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Posted 11 July 2014 - 11:18 PM

there are almost no reports or any personal experiences with jdtic kappa antagonist. I am considering to order it as my last hope for my lifelong suffering from severe anxiety issues (it is mainly my social anxety with some sort of perfectionism bordering with OCD). I also suffer from depression as an side effect of the long term social isolation.


Recently I found out one source from where I coud potentially order JDTic 2HCl 98%,  but I am too scared to spend around 200 bucks for it  and then I have no idea what  can I expect from the effects mostly in terms of my anxiety issues ?


Please guys, Has any of you already tried JDtic with any results (negative/positive) ?



Otherwise, Are there currently any other RC drugs which could be helpful for my above mentioned condition (like NSI-189, 7,8-DHF, coluracetam....or something else ?). I am asking on these RC drugs because all my previous regular psychiatric, medical and psychological approaches, therapies... totally failed in my case.



Guys, I would really appreciate any help or advice you could provide me.


Thank you in advance!

#2 Flex

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 02:50 PM

Coluracetam is not that great against anxiety,

At least for me, same thing for NSI (short term).

I actually wonder how this works so well to other people..


If I dont forget it I will notice You, if I learn something that could help.

Edited by Flex, 07 August 2014 - 03:43 PM.

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#3 penisbreath

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 03:36 PM

I've been in contact with one guy who's anxiety 'disappeared' on day 3 of 7,8-DHF .. mine should hopefully arrive in a couple of weeks and I'll report back. The only downside is it seems like something that deterministically needs to be cycled. 

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#4 Diego55

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 09:38 PM

thank you.  And what do you think about the Neuropeptide S for anxiety issues ? I wanted to try it and I almost placed my order for it  through tht .co, but then I came across this article which really scared me :





..there are also no human studies on this compound, form wthat I know.

#5 Flex

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 10:03 PM

Good find.

This and other things like: thrombocyte aggregation/ anticoagulant effects ( admittely this pops mosten in my mind )

and other are allways to concern about any compounds.


I have just overflown the article but found this:

The results from the cell line experiments indicate that stimulation of NPSR1 with NPS results in activation of pathways that are relevant for cancer development.


Seems really not so good..

#6 KieranA001

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 05:44 PM

I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 

#7 golden1

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 07:56 PM

I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 

tht.co has it

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#8 KieranA001

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 08:25 PM


I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 

tht.co has it



Thanks for letting me know. Appreciated. :)

#9 penisbreath

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 03:53 PM

I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 


Do you know what happened to the rest of the people who tried JDtic?

Edited by lucky.pierre, 13 August 2014 - 03:53 PM.

#10 KieranA001

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 07:56 PM


I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 


Do you know what happened to the rest of the people who tried JDtic?



Nope. As I can remember the group buy thread got closed by a moderator due to some rant about something as it kept going off topic and was stated that it was being used for human consumption. It went off topic pretty much... It pretty much got left at that. Not sure what happened to them.. Not sure if they got to try JDTic..

#11 Virtual Reality

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 10:56 PM

I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 


Good to hear that it is working for you. I couldnt post a reply in your original thread about jdtic.


Is it still working out for you?

Edited by alex921, 13 August 2014 - 11:03 PM.

#12 KieranA001

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 04:07 PM


I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 


Good to hear that it is working for you. I couldnt post a reply in your original thread about jdtic.


Is it still working out for you?





yes indeed it is actually. As every day passes by I feel an increase in the effects I get from it. It's a really good compound although not quite sure I don't get the VT anymore like I did with the 5mg JDTic I got from medchemexpress. Who knows... All I know is that it's good, and it's totally JDTic because I remember that smell any day. Effects are the same... Just no VT so it's all good.


I kinda just feel like there is more meaning to everything now. It's truly wonderful. :)

#13 penisbreath

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 03:40 PM



I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 


Do you know what happened to the rest of the people who tried JDtic?



Nope. As I can remember the group buy thread got closed by a moderator due to some rant about something as it kept going off topic and was stated that it was being used for human consumption. It went off topic pretty much... It pretty much got left at that. Not sure what happened to them.. Not sure if they got to try JDTic..



I somehow recall someone mentioning that a couple of people experienced chest pain, which scared everyone off. I don't think I'm imagining it. Maybe it was related in a PM. Anyway, I'm glad it's helping you, but it's kinda strange that yours is like the only account (positive or negative) that exists online. 

#14 KieranA001

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 05:04 PM




I brought 50mg of JDTic and am dosing at 2MG a day. This stuff is great and the VT goes away after constant dosing... I feel emotionally heightened with a sense of joy and happiness. I just feel content and that life has more meaning. I occasionally get this warm glow throughout my body. :))


Haven't tried 7,8-DHF, not quite sure where to get it from to compare with JDTic or to see how effective it is. Anyone got any ideas where I can get some from? But yeah, start low with the tic and work your way up (to avoid the VT) and eventually the VT will go away from constant dosing. 


Do you know what happened to the rest of the people who tried JDtic?



Nope. As I can remember the group buy thread got closed by a moderator due to some rant about something as it kept going off topic and was stated that it was being used for human consumption. It went off topic pretty much... It pretty much got left at that. Not sure what happened to them.. Not sure if they got to try JDTic..



I somehow recall someone mentioning that a couple of people experienced chest pain, which scared everyone off. I don't think I'm imagining it. Maybe it was related in a PM. Anyway, I'm glad it's helping you, but it's kinda strange that yours is like the only account (positive or negative) that exists online. 



Yeah the VT pretty much scared everyone away. But, with this JDTic I don't seem to get it. I have no idea why, I just get a nice mood uplift and a lightness come over my body. My vision feels lighter when I move my head, and I feel intoxicated like when on alcohol (when your vision delays). The maximum I have dosed is 2MG. It's hard to describe it, but it feels like a big event is going to happen when you get all psyched up about it. It feels like Christmas kinda, when you get all joyful and happy. (similar to when you used to be excited for Christmas the next day as a kid) feeling. 


Yeah, but it's really good. As each day goes past it's like the effects are much more prominent. The only downside is that it's very expensive to keep doing at 1MG a day. I brought 50MG at about £400 so I can write a good experience report and share it. It will hopefully be done tomorrow.  

#15 Bockemossen

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 05:16 PM

I've taken JDTic in 100-500 (mostly 100-200) mcg doses every other day and haven't felt that much. Felt pretty uncomfortable and weird when I took like 700-900 mcg for a couple of hours, but had no chest pain or heart problems. The jittery anxiety I usually get from cigarettes and coffee have pretty much gone away and I think I notice some small general anxiolytic effect.

​Could try a larger dose again but don't have much left. Only bought 10 mg because it's so expensive. I also bought it from teamtlr.

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#16 Flex

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 05:33 PM

Could anybody else report something about it ?

#17 KieranA001

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 06:03 PM

I've taken JDTic in 100-500 (mostly 100-200) mcg doses every other day and haven't felt that much. Felt pretty uncomfortable and weird when I took like 700-900 mcg for a couple of hours, but had no chest pain or heart problems. The jittery anxiety I usually get from cigarettes and coffee have pretty much gone away and I think I notice some small general anxiolytic effect.

​Could try a larger dose again but don't have much left. Only bought 10 mg because it's so expensive. I also bought it from teamtlr.


How are you taking it? They told me to put it in a nasal sprayer and to spray it up my nose. I don't have a nasal sprayer so I took a syringe (without the needle!!!) and I squirted a little bit at a time at 500mcg and the effects were so much more effective. Still no VT but it does such a better job. You have to cover up the other nostril though. 


But yeah, I have been taking it for about a week now. I have just started to feel it at 1mg per day. How much do you have left?

#18 KieranA001

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 06:21 PM

I mean to be honest. I do know the best and most enjoyable depression / anxiety treatment. BUT, it isn't recommended to use it on a daily basis. The best feeling I have ever felt from any sort of medication, better than SSRI / GABA agonists such a Phenibut all of that.


I find the best thing to take, without any sedation or any negative / addictive effects would be Sulbutiamine and Kratom combination. Wow! That's really the best feeling in this world! You have to get the right strain and know how to mix the kratom perfectly, but I have found the best combination of Kratom to achieve these amazing effects. It throws everything else out the window.


Now, this combination involves the following:



300MG of Sulbutiamine + Bumblebee & Maeng Da Kratom capsules (x 5) + Malay Kratom Capsules (x 3). Now that will yield you very very good effects, although the Sulbutiamine looses its touch if you take it more than one day. But I mean the combination of Kratom used is specific. The Sulbutiamine boosts mood, while the Malay Kratom causes slight euphoria with the effects of the other bumblebee / Maeng Da kratom which is described as:


"Bumblebee kratom capsules are a mix of Vietnamese maeng da using all 3 strains, red, green and white, offering a plethora of effects of all the senses! If you want all the motivation and energy of a white vein coupled with the relaxation of a green vein and the super pain-appeasing qualities of a red vein then look no further!"


It's a really good combination and cannot recommend it enough. I'm glad I combined them one day, because it was well worth it. Best thing I have on my shelf! I'm not sure if I can post a link to where I buy my Kratom, but it's here:




P.S. They're called Vietnam Maeng Da Kratom Capsules on the website. I brought the Malay as powder and just capped them up. This stuff really helps with my social anxiety (a lot) it seems to numb my emotions so I can just "get on with it" and I don't really care as much as to what I do around people. I don't feel like they're judging me. The Sulbutiamine is good for social situations as well, Sulbutiamine has been shown to reduce psycho-behavioural inhibition.



Edited by KieranA001, 15 August 2014 - 06:29 PM.

#19 Bockemossen

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 07:05 PM


I've taken JDTic in 100-500 (mostly 100-200) mcg doses every other day and haven't felt that much. Felt pretty uncomfortable and weird when I took like 700-900 mcg for a couple of hours, but had no chest pain or heart problems. The jittery anxiety I usually get from cigarettes and coffee have pretty much gone away and I think I notice some small general anxiolytic effect.

​Could try a larger dose again but don't have much left. Only bought 10 mg because it's so expensive. I also bought it from teamtlr.


How are you taking it? They told me to put it in a nasal sprayer and to spray it up my nose. I don't have a nasal sprayer so I took a syringe (without the needle!!!) and I squirted a little bit at a time at 500mcg and the effects were so much more effective. Still no VT but it does such a better job. You have to cover up the other nostril though. 


But yeah, I have been taking it for about a week now. I have just started to feel it at 1mg per day. How much do you have left?


First I did orally then tried sublingual as suggested in the descripting but didn't notice any difference. You're supposed to mix it in a hydroalcoholic solution if you're going sublingual but i'm not sure how you fix one.

Really? When I asked about how to take it they were avoiding giving me information regarding human use. All right, shall try it nasally tomorrow! I hope my syringe is small enough to use without the needle. Have you only taken it nasally?

I'm not sure. There's very little liquid left but it should be something like 3-4 mg left. Could be less.

#20 KieranA001

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 07:34 PM



I've taken JDTic in 100-500 (mostly 100-200) mcg doses every other day and haven't felt that much. Felt pretty uncomfortable and weird when I took like 700-900 mcg for a couple of hours, but had no chest pain or heart problems. The jittery anxiety I usually get from cigarettes and coffee have pretty much gone away and I think I notice some small general anxiolytic effect.

​Could try a larger dose again but don't have much left. Only bought 10 mg because it's so expensive. I also bought it from teamtlr.


How are you taking it? They told me to put it in a nasal sprayer and to spray it up my nose. I don't have a nasal sprayer so I took a syringe (without the needle!!!) and I squirted a little bit at a time at 500mcg and the effects were so much more effective. Still no VT but it does such a better job. You have to cover up the other nostril though. 


But yeah, I have been taking it for about a week now. I have just started to feel it at 1mg per day. How much do you have left?


First I did orally then tried sublingual as suggested in the descripting but didn't notice any difference. You're supposed to mix it in a hydroalcoholic solution if you're going sublingual but i'm not sure how you fix one.

Really? When I asked about how to take it they were avoiding giving me information regarding human use. All right, shall try it nasally tomorrow! I hope my syringe is small enough to use without the needle. Have you only taken it nasally?

I'm not sure. There's very little liquid left but it should be something like 3-4 mg left. Could be less.



I have been using it sublingual up until two days ago when they suggested going the nasal route because I didn't get much from it sublingually, or as much as I'd hoped (without a large dose). I put 0.5ml up my nose (as my solution is 1mg per 0.5ml). Don't squirt the whole 1mg up there. I recommend using 500mcg firstly. So, I don't know how much that would be in liquid form for you as I don't know your solution.


But, yeah try 500mcg to start with. Just keep snorting after every slight push of the syringe. I didn't push it up my nose! I only put it just inside so I could "sniff it in" and so it could absorb easier without salivation taking effect!   


#21 penisbreath

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 04:38 AM

Well, I feel more inclined to try it, though first would like to hear what happens once you run out. I tried a makeshift kappa-antagonist (buprenorphine + low-dose naltrexone), and if I took it for 4+ days in a row, I'd always have horrible anhedonia, depersonalization and anxiety once I stopped. Maybe JDtic's 2-week binding affinity would mean the withdrawal is more benign .. 

#22 Bockemossen

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 07:20 PM

So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.
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#23 KieranA001

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 10:54 PM

So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.


Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.


Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/

Edited by KieranA001, 16 August 2014 - 10:55 PM.

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#24 Bockemossen

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 09:01 PM

So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/

I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.

#25 KieranA001

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Posted 17 August 2014 - 09:41 PM



So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/

I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.



Yep no more JDTic for me either! I have tried ORPA-OX and have to say it isn't bad at all! If you want something good then I highly recommend NSI-189 with some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone. I have just ordered some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone from them but it isn't available yet. It looks very promising though for depression / anxiety. I have tried NSI-189 alone which yielded great results in me. Best thus far for long-term treatment.


Although I still prefer something like Kratom and Sulbutiamine for pro-social / great mood. 

I believe it's because that Sulbutiamine reduces the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine levels are reduced, the amount of dopamine receptors increases as part of a compensatory system. Dopamine receptor levels are linked with interest levels and concentration. As such, because Sulbutiamine reduces dopamine levels and increases the amount of dopamine receptors available, it makes the body more sensitive to any dopamine releases that may occur.

I think that if Kratom increases the amount of Dopamine then this explains it. But, the only downside is that Sulbutiamines' effects wear out if taken day-after-day. But, it's a great combination. It lasts all day and you still feel great the next morning. :D

Edited by KieranA001, 17 August 2014 - 09:43 PM.

#26 Virtual Reality

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Posted 18 August 2014 - 10:33 PM



So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/

I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.


It might happen with JDTic that after a few days, you do notice the benefits. please keep us updated


So far ive tried exetamine from them,, it feels like ketamine, without the psychotomimetic side effects. It seems to put me in a better mood. Ive tried it a few times. One time I dosed too high. It was quite a dysphoric experience. But a few other times, It put me in a good mood. Though I cant say if I just had a good day, Might need further testing on this compound



Let me know how the OPRA-ox goes too when you receive it

Edited by alex921, 18 August 2014 - 10:43 PM.

#27 Bockemossen

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:26 PM

So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/
I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.

Yep no more JDTic for me either! I have tried ORPA-OX and have to say it isn't bad at all! If you want something good then I highly recommend NSI-189 with some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone. I have just ordered some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone from them but it isn't available yet. It looks very promising though for depression / anxiety. I have tried NSI-189 alone which yielded great results in me. Best thus far for long-term treatment.

Although I still prefer something like Kratom and Sulbutiamine for pro-social / great mood.
I believe it's because that Sulbutiamine reduces the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine levels are reduced, the amount of dopamine receptors increases as part of a compensatory system. Dopamine receptor levels are linked with interest levels and concentration. As such, because Sulbutiamine reduces dopamine levels and increases the amount of dopamine receptors available, it makes the body more sensitive to any dopamine releases that may occur.

I think that if Kratom increases the amount of Dopamine then this explains it. But, the only downside is that Sulbutiamines' effects wear out if taken day-after-day. But, it's a great combination. It lasts all day and you still feel great the next morning. :D

Have you tried ORPA-OX some more? Effects on social anxiety?

I have some 7,8 dihydroxyflavone and when I've tried it I've felt some mood lift but could be placebo. I'm actually afraid of using it since it could might as well increase fear instead of decrease it. Maybe it should only be used with CBT knowledge.

#28 KieranA001

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 08:39 PM





So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/
I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.

Yep no more JDTic for me either! I have tried ORPA-OX and have to say it isn't bad at all! If you want something good then I highly recommend NSI-189 with some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone. I have just ordered some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone from them but it isn't available yet. It looks very promising though for depression / anxiety. I have tried NSI-189 alone which yielded great results in me. Best thus far for long-term treatment.

Although I still prefer something like Kratom and Sulbutiamine for pro-social / great mood.
I believe it's because that Sulbutiamine reduces the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine levels are reduced, the amount of dopamine receptors increases as part of a compensatory system. Dopamine receptor levels are linked with interest levels and concentration. As such, because Sulbutiamine reduces dopamine levels and increases the amount of dopamine receptors available, it makes the body more sensitive to any dopamine releases that may occur.

I think that if Kratom increases the amount of Dopamine then this explains it. But, the only downside is that Sulbutiamines' effects wear out if taken day-after-day. But, it's a great combination. It lasts all day and you still feel great the next morning. :D

Have you tried ORPA-OX some more? Effects on social anxiety?

I have some 7,8 dihydroxyflavone and when I've tried it I've felt some mood lift but could be placebo. I'm actually afraid of using it since it could might as well increase fear instead of decrease it. Maybe it should only be used with CBT knowledge.



Well I guess it makes you more chatty due to the mood uplift, it's good. It makes me able to speak up and I can have a better conversation on it. It's like things come to me a lot quicker in thought. Great stuff!


Please can I know where you got the information that 7,8 dihydroxyflavone can increase fear? :)




#29 Bockemossen

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 09:02 PM






So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/
I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.

Yep no more JDTic for me either! I have tried ORPA-OX and have to say it isn't bad at all! If you want something good then I highly recommend NSI-189 with some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone. I have just ordered some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone from them but it isn't available yet. It looks very promising though for depression / anxiety. I have tried NSI-189 alone which yielded great results in me. Best thus far for long-term treatment.

Although I still prefer something like Kratom and Sulbutiamine for pro-social / great mood.
I believe it's because that Sulbutiamine reduces the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine levels are reduced, the amount of dopamine receptors increases as part of a compensatory system. Dopamine receptor levels are linked with interest levels and concentration. As such, because Sulbutiamine reduces dopamine levels and increases the amount of dopamine receptors available, it makes the body more sensitive to any dopamine releases that may occur.

I think that if Kratom increases the amount of Dopamine then this explains it. But, the only downside is that Sulbutiamines' effects wear out if taken day-after-day. But, it's a great combination. It lasts all day and you still feel great the next morning. :D

Have you tried ORPA-OX some more? Effects on social anxiety?

I have some 7,8 dihydroxyflavone and when I've tried it I've felt some mood lift but could be placebo. I'm actually afraid of using it since it could might as well increase fear instead of decrease it. Maybe it should only be used with CBT knowledge.



Well I guess it makes you more chatty due to the mood uplift, it's good. It makes me able to speak up and I can have a better conversation on it. It's like things come to me a lot quicker in thought. Great stuff!


Please can I know where you got the information that 7,8 dihydroxyflavone can increase fear? :)





Sounds great! Have you tried any other opiates you can compare to?


Effect of 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, a small-molecule TrkB agonist, on emotional learning.

Despite increasing awareness of the many important roles played by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) activation of TrkB, a fuller understanding of this system and the use of potential TrkB-acting therapeutic agents has been limited by the lack of any identified small-molecule TrkB agonists that fully mimic the actions of BDNF at brain TrkB receptors in vivo. However, 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF) has recently been identified as a specific TrkB agonist that crosses the blood-brain barrier after oral or intraperitoneal administration. The authors combined pharmacological, biochemical, and behavioral approaches in a preclinical study examining the role of 7,8-DHF in modulating emotional memory in mice.


The authors first examined the ability of systemic 7,8-DHF to activate TrkB receptors in the amygdala. They then examined the effects of systemic 7,8-DHF on acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear, using specific and well-characterized BDNF-dependent learning paradigms in several models using naive mice and mice with prior traumatic stress exposure.


Amygdala TrkB receptors, which have previously been shown to be required for emotional learning, were activated by systemic 7,8-DHF (at 5 mg/kg i.p.). 7,8-DHF enhanced both the acquisition of fear and its extinction. It also appeared to rescue an extinction deficit in mice with a history of immobilization stress.


These data suggest that 7,8-DHF may be an excellent agent for use in understanding the effects of TrkB activation in learning and memory paradigms and may be attractive for use in reversing learning and extinction deficits associated with psychopathology.

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#30 KieranA001

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 09:18 PM







So, I "sniffed" 500 mcg today and felt it a bit more then usuall but it was a higher dose also. After a while I actually felt a bit down but I'm not sure it was the JDTic.

I only had 1 mg left haha. Didn't thought I had used that much. If I had more I would try higher dosages but I'm kind of disappointed with it overall so I won't buy more.

I used it for social anxiety and my avoidant behavior by the way so I don't know how it would work against dissociation for examlpe.

Maybe my dosages just was too low and should have used it more nasally. I will follow your progress.

Nope, I actually do believe the "feeling down" might be the JDTic... That feeling overcame me for awhile until I took it for longer and then I started to feel more of an "emotional tone". I don't believe that it is the best anti-depressant out there. I wonder what an agonst will do then, I know Salvinorin-A also had similar effects to JDTic. (as low dosages) although it doesn't give you a mood boost as such. It's more like you can judt do stuff without giving a rats ass about doing it. You end up having very very low fear. I believe fear is the only thing that Kappa really does.

Maybe, if it was somehow bined with an SSRI or some other anti-depressant then it would be of more use. I think you should defininely try my combo out though that I posted. :) you won't regret that one and it doesn't cost as much. It's the best thing I have got, and I have been through a lot of stuff! For some reason though their JDTic feels a lot weaker than the other batch I brought elsewhere... It doen't yield as good results, and it doesn't cause the VT... It has to be JDTic though, because it smells like it. (it feels like it, to an extent) just very very weak. Not sure if it's to do with their "making process" or what. :/
I took my remaining 500 mcg yesterday, so a total of 1 mg and I felt really weird and today I felt very depressed all day. But I've taken a little too much concerta this weekend so that probably weighs in.

ORPA-OX looks nice. They say it has marginal tolerance and abuse potential but it's a mu agonist so I'm not sure about that. But it's also a kappa agonist so maybe that fixes it. Kind of cheap so I think I'll try it.

CBD agonists could be good for social anxiety. I got 2g of SGAN-OX with the JDTic but can't feel it at all.

Yep no more JDTic for me either! I have tried ORPA-OX and have to say it isn't bad at all! If you want something good then I highly recommend NSI-189 with some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone. I have just ordered some 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone from them but it isn't available yet. It looks very promising though for depression / anxiety. I have tried NSI-189 alone which yielded great results in me. Best thus far for long-term treatment.

Although I still prefer something like Kratom and Sulbutiamine for pro-social / great mood.
I believe it's because that Sulbutiamine reduces the release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex. When dopamine levels are reduced, the amount of dopamine receptors increases as part of a compensatory system. Dopamine receptor levels are linked with interest levels and concentration. As such, because Sulbutiamine reduces dopamine levels and increases the amount of dopamine receptors available, it makes the body more sensitive to any dopamine releases that may occur.

I think that if Kratom increases the amount of Dopamine then this explains it. But, the only downside is that Sulbutiamines' effects wear out if taken day-after-day. But, it's a great combination. It lasts all day and you still feel great the next morning. :D

Have you tried ORPA-OX some more? Effects on social anxiety?

I have some 7,8 dihydroxyflavone and when I've tried it I've felt some mood lift but could be placebo. I'm actually afraid of using it since it could might as well increase fear instead of decrease it. Maybe it should only be used with CBT knowledge.



Well I guess it makes you more chatty due to the mood uplift, it's good. It makes me able to speak up and I can have a better conversation on it. It's like things come to me a lot quicker in thought. Great stuff!


Please can I know where you got the information that 7,8 dihydroxyflavone can increase fear? :)





Sounds great! Have you tried any other opiates you can compare to?


Effect of 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, a small-molecule TrkB agonist, on emotional learning.

Despite increasing awareness of the many important roles played by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) activation of TrkB, a fuller understanding of this system and the use of potential TrkB-acting therapeutic agents has been limited by the lack of any identified small-molecule TrkB agonists that fully mimic the actions of BDNF at brain TrkB receptors in vivo. However, 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF) has recently been identified as a specific TrkB agonist that crosses the blood-brain barrier after oral or intraperitoneal administration. The authors combined pharmacological, biochemical, and behavioral approaches in a preclinical study examining the role of 7,8-DHF in modulating emotional memory in mice.


The authors first examined the ability of systemic 7,8-DHF to activate TrkB receptors in the amygdala. They then examined the effects of systemic 7,8-DHF on acquisition and extinction of conditioned fear, using specific and well-characterized BDNF-dependent learning paradigms in several models using naive mice and mice with prior traumatic stress exposure.


Amygdala TrkB receptors, which have previously been shown to be required for emotional learning, were activated by systemic 7,8-DHF (at 5 mg/kg i.p.). 7,8-DHF enhanced both the acquisition of fear and its extinction. It also appeared to rescue an extinction deficit in mice with a history of immobilization stress.


These data suggest that 7,8-DHF may be an excellent agent for use in understanding the effects of TrkB activation in learning and memory paradigms and may be attractive for use in reversing learning and extinction deficits associated with psychopathology.



Thanks for the link,


Although, I think you'll find that what it's saying is that 7,8-DHF enhances the takeover of fear and extinguishes it!


Take a read into this:



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: jdtic, social anxiety, ocd, depression, nsi-189, 78-dhf, research chemical

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