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Modafinil Not working? (any way to get it to work)

modafinil provigil dosent work not working sucks

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#1 Bluecheer

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 06:37 AM


My friend recently purchase some modafinil from a website, and i have received about 30 of them from my friend as he owed me like 30$. i then proceeded to take half a tablet approx 100mg the next morning on an empty stomach as soon as i woke up as i had a a lot of house work to do day, thinking of course this would give me the motivation to push through it all. Now let me just say i was not expecting to much i did think it would boost energy and motivation but i was realistic to the amounts that it would. Also i would like to point out my mate who got them took the same amount as me and said it was like an  amptheamine but with more benefits then negatives and not a bad come down. Now ive never taken an amptheamine but i have taken many drugs and i have a clear idea what it would be like.

The entire day i didn't feel the faintest amount of extra energy other than the fact i had a big meal. I also didn't feel any motivation or in all honesty anything for that matter, not even a sense of placebo from it i was very disappointed with it.

now my friend said that it could be a dopamine deficiency, now if this is true is there anything i can do to 
1. fix my dopamine deficiency
and 2. get the modafinil to work

i would like to try to find a way to make the modafinil work as i have 30 pills with nothing to do with them. if not has any one else had similar experiences with modafinil or am i the only one?

Any and all help will be much appreciated thank you.


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#2 drg

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 01:49 PM

Have the pills worked for your friend? There's no way to know if you have a dopamine deficiency and it is unlikely that you do. My only really suggestion is to try a larger dose but it is weird you did not notice anything at 100mg. Maybe the pills are not genuine. 

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#3 ModaMinds

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:51 PM

The standard dose is 200mg. 100mg is a half-dose for people who respond very well. So try the normal dose. There is also the possibility that you don't respond to modafinil, which is just an unfortunate reality for some people.

#4 noos

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:04 PM


#5 Introspecta

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:34 PM

I don't understand why didn't try taking more before coming here asking how to make it work but yeah that would be the first thing. You could try some caffiene with it which typically feels much stronger when combined with Modafinil. Sometimes the effects are subtle and you may not notice unless you do something active physically or mentally. That is how it is for me at least. There have been times when it was very pronounced and other times very subtle.

#6 normalizing

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:46 PM

i tried modafinil too and it didnt work for me at all first few times. then i thought, why not power it up with something and see how it works.

added coffee and nicotine gum. and i must say, it felt like amphetamines.

you should try this, add maybe any source of caffeine you can find and try the nicotine gums. they are non addictive and not bad for health alternative to cigs.


if you dont feel the combo effect of those, then i will pay you full refund on wasting your time with this post ;)

#7 Bluecheer

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 10:02 PM

Have the pills worked for your friend? There's no way to know if you have a dopamine deficiency and it is unlikely that you do. My only really suggestion is to try a larger dose but it is weird you did not notice anything at 100mg. Maybe the pills are not genuine. 

Yes my freind has taken it twice and felt distinct powerful effects aswell as his freind who stayed on all night before taking it and then went to work and claimed she finished in like half the time.

Yea I'll try a normal dose. But if not I guess I'll just not use them , but it worries me as I've started taking ciltep ( I had two days difference before use modafinil ) and now I'm worried that not really getting the right effect that either or worse it's giving me long term negative effects.
Also if it's of any note the reason my freind says it could be a dopamine defiency is because I've taken quite a few pills before with no effects until I had a pill with MDMA . He thinks that there's a correlation between the two .

Thanks for that article aswell although I already know every drug is different for every person , i still thought id at least experience some negative at least but there was nothing at all it was as if I hadn't taken it which I find very strange !
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#8 Bluecheer

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 10:13 PM

I don't understand why didn't try taking more before coming here asking how to make it work but yeah that would be the first thing. You could try some caffiene with it which typically feels much stronger when combined with Modafinil. Sometimes the effects are subtle and you may not notice unless you do something active physically or mentally. That is how it is for me at least. There have been times when it was very pronounced and other times very subtle.

Yeah I probably should have just gone straight to trying higher dose, I just get the idea that if it's not doing anything positive to my brain like the majority of people who take it then it must be doing something negative . Also I've heard modafinil can some what fry your brain(although maybe not as bad but at least has possible long term side effects )
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#9 Bluecheer

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Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:35 AM

I have taken a full pill normal dose at 200mg with still little effects. Although i have felt something considerably more feel-able than an original 100mg: slight euphoria, and very subtle motivation increase but nothing too noticeable (and also possible slight brain fog )

I took the 200mg this morning with my regular amino acid + creatine in the morining on the way to work and did feel slight euphoria which i enjoyed but was brief and not that powerful. I then went to work as normal did my work as normal, i felt i had a slight bit more motivation but i was not able to multi task or focus on my work nearly as much as if i was without modafinil. it has now been 6 hours sense taking it and i do not feel it has done much of anything. 

now i did feel something but it was so subtle it was almost not worth to note. This now raises me to another question, should i take more than 200mg at one go or would that be to dangerous , also is there anything i can use with modafinil to increase its effects?



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#10 Shamanist

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 10:25 AM

Since it was ordered from a website, perhaps the problem is just that it's not real Modafinil.



#11 NeuroGeneration

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 04:17 PM

Have you tried taking it sublingually?

#12 medicineman

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 04:17 PM

it has do to do with alterations in the gene coding for COMT, Val158Met polymorphism of COMT specifically. I'm not sure what the exact details are, but apparently, expression of COMT is extremely important in response to eugeroics and stimulants.

#13 Nemo888

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 04:53 PM


Since it was ordered from a website, perhaps the problem is just that it's not real Modafinil.



That is my thought as well. 1$ a tab is rather cheap for the real thing. Lowest price is Canada at 1.20$(100mg) IIRC It was like 5$ a tab in the US. If 200mg didn't keep you wired for 15 hours I would think that it is fake.

Edited by Nemo888, 17 July 2014 - 04:57 PM.

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#14 NeuroGeneration

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Posted 17 July 2014 - 05:09 PM

[PMID 19037200rs4680(G;G) carriers deprived of sleep respond quite well to 2x 100mg modafinil in terms of improved vigor and well-being, and maintained baseline performance with respect to executive functioning, whereas rs4680(A;A) individuals barely responded to the drug at all.

#15 Bluecheer

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:34 PM

sorry for late reply did not have access to internet for a bit. Um even if it is not real Modafinil I'm quite surprised two of my friends would have felt distinct effects from it and me nothing.

Anyway as a bit of an update i tried taking it a few more times with little success until the last time i took it which i did feel quite an increase in motivation, but then later that day i had a massive migraine which is very unusual for me, and it has lasted for like 2 days and i still have it. now im not sure if it actually has to do with the modafinil or other circumstances, but i will not be taking it anymore as i really don't like this pain. I think modafinil is just not for me. 



[PMID 19037200rs4680(G;G) carriers deprived of sleep respond quite well to 2x 100mg modafinil in terms of improved vigor and well-being, and maintained baseline performance with respect to executive functioning, whereas rs4680(A;A) individuals barely responded to the drug at all.

 I find this very interesting might i ask where you got this information?

#16 NeuroGeneration

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:58 AM

It's included in my posted summary – just click the PMID.


Ah, what the heck, I'll make it even easier: http://www.ncbi.nlm....0?dopt=Abstract

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#17 Bluecheer

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 05:05 AM

Sorry i didn't notice that, Thank you.

#18 stombacher

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Posted 13 June 2016 - 06:52 PM

Perhaps you have build tolerance to Modafinil, see http://modafinildosa...d-user-reviews/ People share same kind of reviews. I personally only take it like twice a week on the days I could use the extra productivity, so it won't hurt my sleep schedule and never build a tolerance, just stay hydrated and try to drink some coffee along with a pill.

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#19 NeuroNootropic

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Posted 15 June 2016 - 12:19 AM

Modafinil also doesn't work for me, but after 2 weeks of taking an MAO-B inhibitor like Selegiline or Rasagiline, modafinil is quite stimulating and somewhat motivating.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: modafinil, provigil, dosent work, not working, sucks

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