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Pain Problems

pain ache suggestions

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#1 AmyHazy

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Posted 22 September 2014 - 11:55 PM

One is oversleeping. If I lay on one side too long, and move then "pins and needles" arrive, along with aches. 


I can't lean on my back, arms, or wrists against a wall or any hard surface.


I can't stay in one spot without a pain shooting up whatever part of my body I did not move.


I stretch slowly every muscle to help ease the pains. There is not one day I'm not in pain. I tried pain medicine, but all it does is make it worse. Stress and oversleeping makes the pain worse that is for sure. I've been getting congestion problems for a couple months. Last month was a respiratory infection, now it's coming back, but the cold medicines don't work. I've had shoulder pain for a year now and it progressed since then. My parents and doctor will not do anything for me, because they think I'm depressed since I was diagnosed with depression since age 13. I had antibiotics for the infection last month, and it made it only made it go away then. I think it is unfair. I shouldn't be living this way during my teen years, I already have enough on my plate. I'm on 4 different medications, some not for my age, perhaps the long term effects came up to me. One is for migraines. I used to have them almost everyday, five times a week. 


Please make suggestions. I'm willing to try anything to make me feel better than I do now.

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#2 Metagene

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Posted 05 November 2014 - 08:27 PM

What condition were you diagnosis with? Can you list the names of four medications?

#3 AmyHazy

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 09:13 AM

Only psychological disorders such as bipolar and depression. My med list: Topamax, Lutera, Lamictal, and Welbutrin. I was told Welbutrin makes visual problems worse since I have some sight problems with my migraines. But the visual problems are a different story. In about more than a week, I am going to get some GI tests with my doctor. I've had some stomach issues. I've been losing weight unintentionally. I think it's because my appetite has diminished, I forget food existed. But I'm worried it's only linked to my mind and med issue. This hurts, I shouldn't have to deal with this. It reminds me I'm not healthy like the others around me. Like I can't be normal or okay.

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#4 Metagene

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 10:21 PM

AmyHazy It's very important to determine the exact cause of your vision problems. Lamictal or Topomax could with equal or greater likelihood be reasponsible for your symptoms. Side effect of Topomax also include weightloss and Paresthesia AKA "pins and needles" that you previously described.




Lutera for example:

"sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body;
sudden and severe headache, confusion, problems with vision, speech, or balance;
chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;
sudden cough, wheezing, rapid breathing, coughing up blood;
pain, swelling, warmth, or redness in one or both legs;
a change in the pattern or severity of migraine headaches;
nausea, upper stomach pain, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes);
swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet;
a breast lump; or
symptoms of depression (sleep problems, weakness, tired feeling, mood changes).
Less serious side effects may include:

mild nausea (especially when you first start taking this medicine), vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps;
breast tenderness or swelling, nipple discharge;
freckles or darkening of facial skin, increased hair growth, loss of scalp hair;
changes in weight or appetite;
problems with contact lenses;
vaginal itching or discharge; or
changes in your menstrual periods, decreased sex drive"


That's the downside of polypharmacy.

So unfortunately the only responsible suggestion I can give is to just be informed. You know how you feel better than anyone else. If you feel your needs are not being met by your current doctor, find a new doctor.

I definitely agree! You shouldn't have to suffer needlessly! Give your doctor a detailed report of what you are experiencing and work from there.

Edited by Metagene, 24 November 2014 - 10:31 PM.

#5 Metagene

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Posted 24 November 2014 - 11:13 PM

I almost forgot to mention this too.

Treatment of bipolar disorder with comorbid migraine

"Topiramate has been recommended as an adjunctive therapy for maintenance treatment in bipolar disorder, but its efficacy is not supported by controlled trials. Migraine and bipolar disorder share many characteristics, including an episodic course, vulnerability to stress, and family history of both migraine and affective disorder. Patients with both conditions use health resources extensively, and recognition and treatment of comorbid conditions improves the prognosis for patients with both disorders."


Edited by Metagene, 24 November 2014 - 11:14 PM.

#6 Multivitz

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:44 AM

I have to manage my wifes Fibromyalgia so seeing your symtoms I thought 'this is an easy one to sort out'. What you have is a fungus that has setup shop inside of you. You have 2 immune systems, your primary one consists of friendly bacteria, your secoundary one is one you make yourself consisting of t cells and the like. Antibiotic are usually based on a mycotoxin that poisons that type of organism. There goes your primary defence. Ok you knew that. Who's going to clean up the dead organisms? Enter the next in line of the food chain the fungus, but what is he (no sexism intended)doing here? Well they can physically go anywhere they're so small, they can even catch a ride on a blood cell if theres no omega 3 coating it! Your friendly bacteria usually eats there bullet proof slime leaving them exposed to the macrophages of your secondary immune system to neutralise/remove. So now any drug you take will leave a residue that the fungi will lap up. Ok so why are you in pain now? The fungi is so toxic its poisons it puts out are far more nasty than them selves, it wants to eat YOU, not just your dead cells and the odd bit of GM food. Its myco toxins will inflame your tissues acutely locally, interfer with the delicate fatty lipids, change your DNA expressions, give you brain fog slowly but surely, make you eat the foods they love, put other microbes off of eating you but allow some cheeky ones to live in harmony in its slime only to come out once a year with the same old routine! Thats only half of the problem, I've been fighting mine for a year now, but I got him sussed out. You have many options a) go back to your doctor and explain what I have said and hope he/she prescribes the right broad spectrum antifungaside, what can happen is it ruins the liver by virtue of its nature and causes an even bigger healing crisis or it works really well and you continue to eat antifungal foods whilst taking lots of the right supplements and you live happily ever after, it does happen alot. Some of these treatments are a one shot see me in two weeks affair. The problem is this, they are hybrid organisms, they are usually too small to identify under a normal microscope, there are thousands of different myco toxin markers, test can be expensive, tests are limited, some drugs are fantastic and leave no side effects (lamasil I think is one), some will cause your liver to swell and make you feel like you've been run over on top of the myco toxic effects. Or b) use a strict diet an essensial oils with some great supplement like gamma tocopherols lipoic acid, for ages. Try gamma E first while you're thinking 1200-1600iu daily maybe more maybe less with a good multivit/mineral, beware that cheap synthetic vitamins can feed mister fungus to! He loves gluten as well. I just hope I've written this all for nothing and you recovered fine.
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#7 Multivitz

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 04:42 AM

Oh I have a cure for migraines, everyone can have it. What you think I'm joking? A gram of cod liver oil with a glass of water! Ok if you aren't near your pot a teaspoon of olive oil or vegetable oil if you're desperate err. Why? Its a mild Anti infamitory that relaxs the fine blood vessels of the brain, yeah so what? It helps, but the real reason is the fatty acids disolve the calcium clump thatsblocking the vessel thats going to cause the starvation of blood in that area of the brain. You can take it quickly when you feel a migrain comming, it will divert the migrain so effectively you will feel better after as if you never were going to get one in the first place. Another action is the coating of the blood platelets making them slippery enough to slide through the narrowing blood vessels. I find taking them with a meat meal or dairy product can also jump the gun on migraine comming say 500mg. For years I tried all sorts of things, magnesium (not the oxide form its a cheap brain poison) was effective as that too has similar effects like disolving calcium, B6 ain't bad (it works with calcium). Bipolar...how many times have I heard that old chestnut! You could try niacinimide with a cheated magnesium (not citrate) but the high doses can run down the othe r B Vitamins, so I would recommend a good miltivit with minerals. You most probably have a fungus your lymphatic system is most probably congested and tired. Coupled with exhausted thyroid function and dare I say it adrenal to? I wont be here all the time but if you need further assistance
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#8 Multivitz

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Posted 26 January 2015 - 03:18 PM

I found as Dr Jennifer Daniels has that the fungus has to be driven out, you have to make your whole body as hostile for the fugus as naturally as possible. You need to check her story on utube. Everything this woman says is so, especially the bit about water. Webber Norton tells it how it is, I can still drink tap water ok, but distilled works very well. I see someone would like references to my migraine cure, well my peers are my friends and family on this matter, and as I'm the first, to my knowledge, with this cure I can't go to someone elses work! I'm sorry to disapoint, but for £1.50p you can get some at tesco and try for yourself. Here's a link I bumped into today http://drsircus.com/...ancer-a-fungus the guy who runs the site takes peer reviewed studies and makes commen sense of them. If anyone wants a good read I found this great book on Ebay called

Principles Practice of Clinical Mycology

It's yours for £435.19p, that's with UK delivery! They have loads more copies so don't worry if they might run out. I think it's the '96 Edition with some guy from the World Health Organisation init?

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#9 kurdishfella

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Posted 14 August 2020 - 12:29 AM

You are probably imagining the pain, mental-illness placebo is strong

Edited by kurdishfella, 14 August 2020 - 12:29 AM.

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#10 kurdishfella

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Posted 09 December 2022 - 08:21 AM

 lack of muscles can cause pain try BCAA

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