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thyoid problems

ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 26 Sep 2014

Children of Mothers who have low thyroid levels during pregnancy have recently found to be worst at Maths. I have never been able to do Maths. I wonder how much this has to do with my current unfortunate condition. My Drs are currently looking into the possibility that my thyroid is causing the dementia so they are trying to stabilize my thyroid levels which are all over the place. My great fear is that I have had low thyroid levels all my life yet never suffered anything this bad ever. I know that there is a connection between having low thyroid and having Alzheimer's and I am getting worse and worse. It feels like my personality is being wiped. I feel that research should be done on that. There could be a lack of a fixitive that keeps the human personality in place that is being wiped because I am trying all the supplements to increase neuronal growth and there is still a decline. Ok that could be caused by neuronal death admittedly but how it is experienced subjectively it's more as if my personality is being wiped from the brain. It could be nonsense but I'd like researchers to think of this as a possible cause of dementia and research it.I feel as though I need to find a fixitive for me. If I did not believe this condition is life threatening I would not be going on like this. I have a lifelong thyroid condition and now I have dementia of some sort.

ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 26 Sep 2014

I am aware that any cure will come too late for me. I am really suggesting this research is done to save others. For years researchers have been looking in the wrong place. I want to suggest this as another possible research avenue. That the brain can no longer retain the imprint of thé personality and that çauses all the problems that scientists have already observed happening in the brain. If anyone could give me any insight as to connections with the thyroid I'd be most grateful. I'd like to know what is happening to me

dankis's Photo dankis 26 Sep 2014

(This is not a medical advice)
Hello Cerdiwen!
Do you have thyroid antibodies? It would be great if you post your blood labs.
How old are you? What is your weight, height, body type? What do you eat? How is your lifestyle? Do you take thyroid meds? If yes what dosage? More details about your diagnosis etc.
We need more information ! There can be a simple solution...
Have a nice day.
Edited by dankis, 26 September 2014 - 11:23 AM.

ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 26 Sep 2014

Yes I've had thyroid antibodies since 2002 and I've been on Levothyroxine since then. The Drs are adjusting my dose. Never before have I had such an intense loss of huge chunks of memory, an inability to form short term memories, increasing cognitive problems, loss of feeling all over my body,difficulty walking. I did suffer from and poor memory always in fact I thought that was behind my Maths disability. I think that Alzheimers is more common amongst thyroid sufferers and I know someone else with a thyroid problem who is growing really vague as well. I had mild memory problems and numbness for years. This seems to be something much much worse. I'd love it to be my thyroid but I don't know. :mellow:







ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 26 Sep 2014

Genuinely worried about this.



ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 26 Sep 2014

My TSH is currently 8 and I can hardly understand how to use the forum now


ceridwen's Photo ceridwen 26 Sep 2014

There is also a link between Downs and Alzheimers and people with Downs have low thyroid


nightlight's Photo nightlight 26 Sep 2014

You may want to go over and review the timeline of your cognitive deterioration in relation to the timeline of all prescription meds you are taking.


Namely, it may be that some of the medications they got you on is the real cause of the problems (of course they'll never blame that, it will always be you that's the problem, your genes, your habits,... in their narratives; they're great talkers BTW and can dupe with their "omniscience" nearly everyone). Some people put on statins and blood pressure meds have suffered dramatic cognitive decline (which often prevents them from connecting the dots and fixing the problem at the root).


Few years ago my father in law was put on 40 mg Zocor and within couple months he lost ability to deal with his finances, then he couldn't even drive his car without smashing it or forgetting how to get to where he was going. He also developed terrible muscle pains and the quack who put him Zocor prescribed narcotics to dull the pain. That is quite a typical pattern for the ruthless sickness industry nowadays -- all the damage from one drug is covered up by the next drug in the ever growing chain (each link being another ka-ching for the pharma and their salesmen quacks). At that point, I explained to him what is being done to him and suggested he get off the statin & pain meds cold turkey. I also gave him some of my Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Co-Q10 (ubiquinol). Desperate by that point, he followed suggestion and recovered completely within weeks.

Edited by nightlight, 26 September 2014 - 01:20 PM.