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general nootropic experiences thread

piracetam sunifiram 5htp vinpocetine coluracetam aniracetam oxiracetam lions mane bacopa rhodiola

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#1 Dule

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Posted 10 October 2014 - 01:25 PM

Well hello everyone,this is my first thread and well considering how some members have contributed a lot to this forum and me by writting out their expiriences I thought I'd do so myself when I caught up some time.

Well I did so lets start.

To understand some of my reactions it is important to understand I abused marijuana and alchohol to a large extent and I also suffer from slight insomnia.



One of the most underrated nootropics in general I believe and surely one of my favourite,I bought it with no expectations and on first few tries I got nothing aswell.Took 500-1000 mgs in a glass of water(although its not watersoluble i got everything in,not an easy task).Put off this nootropic on the shelf thinking it was bullshit.Fast forward a month.Eating soup,I see the oil blobs on the surface and realize it would be perfect to consume aniracetam in such a way,so i put in 500 mgs,used the spoon to sollute the racetam into the oil(takes a minute of two beating on it;do it until there are no grains just tiny whiteish dots),mixed the whole thing and chugged it(tastes horrible).Take note the soup was a bit warm which is in my perception good and kinda important in consuming aniracetam.Anyhow i go sit at my computer and wait and see what happens,with no expectations.An hour later I completly forgot I took it because as I was totaly absorbed by what I was doing,when suddenly I started feeling reaaaaaally fuzzy and wierd.Considering ive taken it before in larger doses I thought it wasnt the racetam but just something else.Considering this feeling was new and kinda alarming I thought Id go to the balcony to chill out and get my shit together.As I get out of my room,everything looks so different and I cant pinpoint what is,it just was...I get to the balcony and ZAM the colors,the shadows,the depth,glares,it was beutiful and totally unreal,as in before I saw 2 D and now i saw 3 D,the depth of my perception was amazing.The glares on cars(reflections of streetlights)were most absoring and really fun to observe.Anyway to cut down to it on aniracetam I'm really focused,memory is mildly better and also perception(depth of field and details).

Takes about 30 mins to kick in,lasts approx 2-3 hrs.

Take note this is only when I consume it in a slightly warm fatty soup.



First racetam I tried,just when it hit the market and I didnt know very few people had tried it and I'm glad cause surely I would hesitate.

#1 racetam,memory,mood,energy,especially MOOD

First time I took it,it was just unbelieavable,had my own rave party in the car while driving to college,awesome stuff

< than 30 mins to kick in,lasts 3 hrs and another 3-4 hrs with lesser effects

Important thing to mention is the tolerance,supposedly you get only about 15-20 doses before you develop a permanent tolerance.Not true,amazingly tolerance is completly built exactly betweem 15-20 doses however complete non usage of the stuff for a few months removes it completly.

Excellent party drug,my friend who usually loses all memory after 2-3 beers partied hard with me(and suni) and retained ALL memory,which is indeed amazing(we did take more than 30 mgs in one night,probably a lot more so yeah,but absolutely no consequences of such dosing;seems pretty safe)

I use it to study,helps with memory,expands short term memory by quite abit.(for studying purposes-10 mgs)

Also used it with LSD(20 mgs),seemed to improve the whole experience and especially train of thought

In short awesome stuff all around.



One word,insanity,Tried it once(400 mgs) in combination with aniracetam(500mgs),caused pumped up megalomania,as in Ill conquer the world megalomania,not a state id like to be and it wasnt pleasent,however the though its just the drug and that itll pass comforted me(slipping this into someones food for a few days could drive a person insane for sure).

Interesting thought,I read similar expiriences AFTER my own so it is an objective exp report.



Granddady of racetams,love it,regular daily dosage of 1.6 grams,I dont take choline source cause I dont need it(I eat meat regularly and a lot,it suffices)

Causes brainfog and confusion after max dosage of about a week(1.6 g) I then reduce it to 0.4 g and give the neutransmitter reserves time to replenish(2 days max) then back to 1.6,seems pretty effective

Im not sure but I think eating glutamat rich food really helps(the natural kind,not artifitial)as its the one being depleted the most.



Aside from giving me and my friend diarrhea,puking episodes and gastrointestinal pain it had quite a special effect on me.

15 mins after i took it i started feeling weak,tired.30 minutes in breathing is really hard,i have to lay down,strong nausea,floor feels so soft,im not really moving just laying on the floor(I was skyping when i took it and couldnt mantain the conversation AT ALL,i just disconnected and basically fell to the floor out of weakness).1 hour in i feel like my breathing is shutting down,very very weak,i barely took my phone above me on my desk dialled 911 and had my finger on the call button,as a last option if i truly feel ill shut down.Luckily wasnt neccesary,got slightly better in the next 20 minutes,slept on the floor for an hour(it was soooo soft and nice like I was sleeping on a cloud)then managed to pull all my strength and get to bed which was 2 meters away.

Woke up at 7 am the same way i fell asleep,not moved one bit(the bed still felt like heaven and i didnt have the need to move).I looked at my cat and it had a giant radiant rainbow aureola around it,man that was awesome.Anyway i slept some more,and when i woke up i felt really refreshed(best sleep ive ever had)but the visual effects were gone :sad: .

Out of desperation(insomnia)I tried the same dosage in the same way,didnt give me nothing but diarrhea...



Does affect vision a lot but i cant put my finger on what it is,perhaps contrast,creates a type of hyperconcentration and probably helps memory

I use it to study(10-20 mgs)

No fun stories with colu



affects creativity and music percetion,memory slightly,I didnt have enough to actually pinpoint what it does and doesnt,will order soon.



Tried it in many ways with many combinations all it creates is a really strong brainfog,useless for me.


Herb combo-Rhodiola,Bacopa,Lions mane,Ashwagandha

These 4 champs are the most interesting,especially consdering last nights sleep

When combined with a certaint strain of weed it gave me heavy visual hallucations,not positive ones,actually,quite opposite,very negative ones,monsters,masks,shady figures,my friend turned to a monster infront of my very eyes,i had to look away to keep my shit together.For experimental purposes i smoked the same strain without the herb combo and it was just a regular high.

Since ive started taking these my cognitive performance has been improving,not drastically but consistently,ive been remembering old memories out of the blue but most importantly,I recall things that i have NEVER EVER RECALLED as in last time that synapse connection was used was to create a memory(these memories are usually more than 10 years old)my guessin is there is some serious brain repairing going on, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Now as far as last night,due to specific circumstances and me being fed up with insomnia i decided to sleep in another room which probably has a lot less EMF so i slept how a human should sleep for the first time in who knows how many years.I woke up more than 10 times during sleep tripping some serious balls(im not overestimating),3 out of those 10 times i couldnt recall where i was,what am i,what is my name etc. for a good 10 seconds.Im pretty confident its thanks to the herb stack.

daily dosages ashwagandha 1.5 g,lions mane 2 g,bacopa 800 mg,rhodiola 400-800(depending whether i work out that day or not)spread out during the day


P.S. the post is kinda messy if shown interest i might edit and add some new information if someone is interested(ive been making a lot of progress in brain repair)

also if someone could PM some well written neuropharmacological books Id be very grateful






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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: piracetam, sunifiram, 5htp, vinpocetine, coluracetam, aniracetam, oxiracetam, lions mane, bacopa, rhodiola

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